30 November 2019

Philip Donnelly, Sandy Harsch, Steve Martin - and the return of 'Roots Freeway'

Thanks to Niall Toner (left) for this news:

I was visiting Philip Donnelly on Monday last in Waterford General, and I had the pleasure of reading a couple of chapters of Johnny Cash's biography to him. He appeared a little tired, but I was not expecting to hear of his untimely passing yesterday [28 Nov.]. RIP. Another guitarist in the Angel Band.

[BIB editor's note: Obituaries of Philip Donnelly, the Clontarf Cowboy, are appearing in the media and on the internet. An outline biography is on the Musiclee.com website.]

On the good news front, I have been asked by RTÉ Radio 1 to record a 'Roots Freeway' Christmas Special, in honour of the late Sandy Harsch [right], which will be broadcast on or around Christmas Eve 2019. The running order for this show includes a Steve Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers (SCR) track, and a mention for their gig at the 3 Arena [11 Mar. 2020], along with ticket details, etc.

Also on the good news front, 'Roots Freeway' returns to its regular 11.00 p.m. slot on Saturday 4 January 2020, and runs for at least two months, with ample opportunity for more SCR and Steve Martin airplay and plugs. I am, of course, hoping that Steve Martin will, in turn, offer me an equal amount of publicity and airplay during my performances in his country in 2020...

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29 November 2019

Smithsonian Folkways Black Friday offer

Smithsonian Folkways Recordings announce their Black Friday offer: 35% off all CDs, LPs, and box sets made between 2010 and 2019. This comprises close to a hundred individual albums, including commemorative anthologies of Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, and Lead Belly as well as new issues of modern artists. A sampler can be heard on Spotify.

Albums specially likely to interest BIB readers include those by Ola Belle Reed and the Seldom Scene, 'Classic banjo', 'Epilogue: a tribute to John Duffey', Mike Seeger's 'Just around the bend' documentary, and two albums by Stephen Wade: 'Across the Amerikee' and 'Banjo diary'. The offer is open till the end of Sunday 1 December.

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Instrument stands

The BIB editor writes:

An elegant, efficient, and compact instrument stand of mine went missing a year ago. Fortunately I found a substitute in a local branch of Lidl, which was selling guitar stands as accessories to the guitars they had on offer for Christmas. I ended up buying two.

These stands are now back on sale, and should be available in Lidl branches at least till Christmas. Made of square-section alloy tubing with neoprene pads to protect the instrument finish, they're compact when folded, very light, and adjustable to suit the dimensions of a guitar, resonator banjo, open-back banjo, or even a mandolin. Not as neat as the old stand, but even more functional and half the price - they were €10.99 last year.


28 November 2019

PA system for sale

Thanks to Tony O'Brien for the following news from Helen Barry, widow of Gerry Barry. Gerry was for many years a dedicated player, student, and supporter of bluegrass, and had a PA system which Helen is now offering for sale.

The system comprises one Carlsbro PA amplifier, four speakers, and two Shure microphones with stands, plus all relevant leads. The guide price is €500. Phone Helen Barry, Baltinglass, Co. Wicklow, 085 761 2378.

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'Black Friday' offer: 30% discount on spring 2020 Dublin concerts

The BIB reported in June and August this year that Music Network's 2019/20 touring programme will include 10 String Symphony (Christian Sedelmyer and Rachel Baiman), who took part in the recording of 'Squirrel Hunters' on the last Special Consensus album, the track that won the IBMA's 2018 Instrumental Recorded Performance award.

Music Network now announce, as a 'Black Friday' offer, a 30% discount on all their spring 2020 Dublin city centre concerts. This will include the 10 String Symphony concert at the Sugar Club on Leeson St., Dublin 2, on Wednesday 6 May; it does not apply to the other ten shows in 10 String Symphony's tour. Their full tour schedule for May 2020, with links for online booking, is now on the Music Network website, and the dates are on the BIB calendar.

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27 November 2019

More than music - and other news from the Mother Country

The International Bluegrass Music Association (IBMA) announces:

Bluegrass is more than music, it is emergency assistance, music education, and career development. It is real impact for real people made possible by your support. Please donate now to the combined giving campaign of the IBMA, IBMA Trust Fund, and IBMA Foundation.

In addition to your donation, we want to know what bluegrass is to you. Share your own story by posting a video, picture, or statement on social media using #morethanmusic.

A leading example of 'real impact for real people' is the IBMA Trust Fund's assistance to master dobroist 'Uncle' Phil Leadbetter (who played in Ireland twenty years ago with J.D. Crowe & the New South when John Nyhan brought them to Kilworth, Co. Cork). Phil, who has had successive bouts of cancer, says 'I just don't know what we would have done without the help of the IBMA.' More information, and links for online donation, are here.
The Fretboard Journal, an ideal magazine for instrument enthusiasts, announces:

As a reader-supported magazine with barely any advertising, we can't offer too many Fretboard Journal discounts. But here goes our biggest for 2019...

Between now and 5 December, use the discount code FJ19 when you check out at fretboardjournal.com and save an additional 15% off your order. Use it for back issues, gift subscriptions, FJ merch or digital downloads. Or whatever you like. All new subscriptions will start with our latest, 45th issue, which is about to begin mailing to everyone.

Those of us who were lucky enough to see Daniel and Carolyn Routh when they toured here in October with a trio configuration of their band Nu-Blu may not have known that they host the syndicated Bluegrass Ridge TV programme and the corresponding weekly radio show. The Bluegrass Standard online magazine announces that it is now in partnership with Bluegrass Ridge: the TV show can be seen on mobile devices, and the radio show accessed through the Bluegrass Standard website. More details are on the BS e-newsletter.

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26 November 2019

Craig & Willoughby for 4th BAND Festival, 4-8 June 2020

Following the news in the BIB post of 9 Nov., the organising team of the BAND (Bluegrass And Nashville Dunfanaghy) Festival in Dunfanaghy, Co. Donegal, announce:

The BAND Festival has been fortunate enough to have been graced with the wonderful music of Cathryn Craig and Brian Willoughby since it launched in 2017. Since then, they have returned to Dunfanaghy every year and we are delighted that BAND 2020 will see them back again!

Brian and Cathryn will be sharing music from their brand new album The Cooley & Mourne which is receiving outstanding reviews since its launch this month. It has been described as 'an album that makes for absolutely delightful listening' and 'their best album yet'.

A link to a review on the Folking.com website is here.

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Deering banjos: 10% off till 2 Dec. 2019, and 'showroom' sale

Deering Banjos announce that from tomorrow (Wed. 27 Nov.) till midnight on Mon. 2 Dec. 2019, reductions of 10% will be available on their instruments from the following dealers, using the checkout code DEERINGTHANKS2019:
Update 27 Nov.: Deering are also presenting their Holiday Season Sale over the same period, offering up to 25% reductions on select items; and a separate sale of banjos that have done time in dealers' showrooms, with substantial price reductions.

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25 November 2019

Two Time Polka: gigs till the end of 2019

Ray Barron of Two Time Polka announces:

Just to let you all know that our residency in the Poor Relation bar [see the BIB for 2 Oct.] here in Cork city is coming to an end for now to make way for the Christmas party season. We will keep you posted as to when we’ll be back playing in the city. Here are our next few gigs:

Thurs. Nov. 28th: The Poor Relation, Parnell Place, Cork city. Start 9.30 p.m. Adm. free. Tel. 021 4949049

Sat. Dec. 28th: The Blue Haven, Pearse St., Kinsale, Co. Cork. Start 10.00 p.m. Adm. free. Tel. 021 4772209

Regards & thanks,
Ray & TTP

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24 November 2019

Michael J. Miles (USA): 'Old Town Road' and 'I'm an old cowhand'

In his latest e-newsletter, Michael J. Miles - the man who showed that Bach could be beautifully played on the clawhammer banjo - announces that he will be playing a double concert with fingerstyle guitarist Adam Rafferty on 22 Dec. in Evanston, IL, and in Jan. 2020 he will give a performance of his 'Senegal to Seeger' one-man show in aid of the late Pete Seeger's Clearwater Fund. More collaborations, plus links to free banjo and guitar tablatures, are detailed here.

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22 November 2019

Alison Krauss receives National Medal for the Arts

Yesterday Alison Krauss was among those receiving the National Medal for the Arts (left), the US government's supreme award for outstanding achievements in the arts fields. The medals were presented by President Donald Trump at the White House. More details are in John Lawless's feature on Bluegrass Today, together with a twenty-six-minute video of the presentations which can also be seen on YouTube. Alison's award comes at about ten minutes in.

Twenty-five years ago Alison Krauss & Union Station first played in Dublin, packing nearly all the bluegrass fans in this island into a function room in Barry's Hotel. Everyone who was present would probably agree that the medal was pretty well deserved there and then.

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21 November 2019

Shannonside Winter Music Festival: more news

A month ago the Sixmilebridge Folk Club in Co. Clare put on Virginia's Level Best as part of the launch for the Shannonside Winter Music Festival 2020, to be held in Sixmilebridge and Bunratty from Thursday 16 Jan. to Monday 20 Jan.

At that time no details of the festival programme were available, but the Club has now put the above poster image on line. It reveals two powerful ingredients of the bluegrass component of the festival:
The lineup is not yet complete, but these two bands alone make it worthwhile for bluegrass fans to be there. The BIB will publish any tour details for either of them as soon as information becomes available.

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Robert Mabe releases 'Irish medley #2' video

For a long time now, US maestros such as Tom Hanway and Béla Fleck* have been adapting 5-string banjo technique to the playing of Irish music - a path that has also been followed here, notably by Jonathan Toman and Paddy Kiernan.

Robert Mabe of North Carolina (also on Facebook) has now released a new single, 'Irish medley #2'; the official video can be seen in John Lawless's news item on Bluegrass Today and on YouTube. The medley comprises 'Morrison's jig', 'Banish misfortune', and an unnamed reel, which perhaps a BIB reader can identify.

Robert Mabe's first 'Irish medley', performed live at IBMA's World of Bluegrass, is also on YouTube, with Patrick McAvinue on fiddle. BIB readers may recall Patrick in Ireland earlier this century as fiddler with Tom Mindte's Patuxent Partners.

*Not to forget Allen Feldman, who was successfully using clawhammer banjo technique to play Irish tunes forty-odd years ago.

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20 November 2019

NTB: news for 2020

Thanks to Niall Toner for the news of two major commitments for the Niall Toner Band (NTB) in the coming year.

The NTB will be in Nashville, TN, showcasing and pitching songs at the 46th Annual Bluegrass Music Awards and 37th National Convention and Band Championship of the Society for the Preservation of Bluegrass Music of America (SPBGMA), to be held at the Sheraton Music City Hotel from Thursday 30 Jan. to Sunday 2 Feb. 2020.

Later, in the spring, the NTB will be performing in the 29th Annual Bluegrass Festival in the Ulster American Folk Park, Omagh, Co. Tyrone, to be held from Friday 22 May to Sunday 24 May 2020. We await an official confirmation of the dates.

And thanks also to Niall for the image above - the cover of his recently released single 'Last wolf on the mountain' (see the BIB for 25 Sept. 2019).

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Riley at the Red Room, 15 Nov. 2019

Thanks to William Duddy for these photos of Riley Baugus in the Red Room, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, last Friday (15 Nov.) during the last show in his brief tour of Ireland. William adds:

I was at Riley's banjo workshop when he was here in Belfast back in 2005 - around seven of us in a room above the much missed Marcus Music shop in Royal Avenue. If I were asked to name my three principal 'mentors' they would be Riley, Michael Miles (during a seminal weekend at the last Johnny Keenan Banjo Festival in Tullamore), and our own Alec Somerville.

And thanks to Arnie and Sharon Loughrin for presenting this rewarding show and for creating the Red Room. The quilts shown on the walls are made by Sharon; the walls are by Arnie.

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Greenshine gigs, Nov.-Dec. 2019

L-r: Noel Shine, Ellie Shine, Mary Greene

In addition to the news on the BIB a week ago that they will be playing the Christmas gig at Leap Castle, Co. Offaly (between Birr and Roscrea, Co. Tipperary) on Sunday 29 December, Greenshine have a number of other gigs posted between now and then, beginning tomorrow:

Thurs. 21st Nov.: With The Diviners, Kenny's Bar, Lahinch, Co. Clare, 8.00 p.m., €15

Fri. 22nd: Moynihan's Bar, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, 9.00 p.m. (part of Suirfest)

Fri. 29th: With Vickers Vimy, Coughlan's Live, Cork city, 9.00 p.m., €18

Fri. 27th Dec.: DC Music Club, 20 Camden Row, Dublin 2, adm. TBC

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19 November 2019

A new angle on guitar tops

Guitars that have an arm-rest (or in higher-priced models a bevelled edge) on the lower bout have become familiar. Wood Song Guitars, part of the Gold Tone Music Group, now announce that their Advanced Acoustic and Advanced Acoustic-Electric guitars incorporate the Ergo-Glide top (see photo), in which the guitar soundboard slopes to ease pressure on the arm, as well as Gold Tone's well established Zero Glide replacement nut. The Wood Song range includes dreadnought, Jumbo, OM, cutaway, and 12-string models.

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18 November 2019

Ken Burns's 'Country music' begins on BBC Four, 22 Nov. 2019 (update)

Thanks to RTE Guide for the news that Ken Burns's documentary TV series 'Country music' begins on BBC Four at 9.30 p.m. this coming Friday (22 Nov.). The fifty-three minute first instalment is entitled 'The rub (beginnings-1933)'; the BBC blurb describes it as showing

How what was first called hillbilly music reached new audiences through phonographs and radio, and launched the careers of country music's first big stars - the Carter Family and Jimmie Rodgers.

This will be followed directly at 10.20 by episode 2, 'Hard times (1933-1945)'. Episodes 3 and 4, 'The hillbilly Shakespeare (1945-1953)' and 'I can't stop loving you (1953-1963)', will be shown a week later (29 Nov.). Bill Monroe is shown at the Grand Ole Opry mike in the illustration (below) for episode 4 on the BBC Four website. All episodes will be available on BBC iPlayer shortly after broadcast.

Update 20 Nov.: Thanks to Roger Ryan for pointing out that episode 2 on the 22nd will be followed by the Country Music Association Awards from 11.00 p.m. to 12.10 a.m.

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Bridie Wright, R.I.P.

Tony O'Brien of Woodbine sends the sad news that Bridie Wright, mother of his wife Joan and of Liam Weight, passed away this morning. She was in her 98th year. Tony writes:

She had a great love of music and was at all the Athy Bluegrass Festivals until illness took hold. She has lived with Alzheimer's for a number of years.

The funeral mass will be held in Stradbally, Co. Laois, at 11.00 a.m. on Wednesday 20 November, followed by burial in Churchtown cemetery, Athy, Co. Kildare. Our condolences go out to Joan, Liam, Tony, and all Bridie's family.


Front Country end BCMM 2019 concert series

Front Country (above), leaders in 'string band pop', played at this year's Omagh festival, and will be at the Birthplace of Country Music Museum in Bristol, VA, this coming Saturday (23 Nov. 2019) to play this year's final concert of the 1927 Society Concert Series.

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17 November 2019

Film news: You gave me a song and The mountain minor

The organising team of You gave me a song, the documentary film on the life and achievements of Alice Gerrard, has received at the IndieMemphis Film Festival the Soul of Southern Film Award, together with the Audience Award in the 'Sounds' category. It has also been screened at five other festivals, and this present weekend (16-17 Nov.) is being screened at three more.

A 2020 schedule is being arranged, which is intended to include a special screening as part of 'She changed the world: NC women breaking barriers', a programme set up by the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (NCDNCR) to commemorate the centenary of female suffrage in the USA. Meanwhile, donations are still needed to cover costs before a DVD of You gave me a song can be issued.
The film drama of Appalachian migration The mountain minor has also been winning awards with showings round the festivals. A DVD or Blu-Ray can be ordered as from 1 Dec. 2019, and a sound-track CD is being planned. More details are in the organising team's e-newsletter.

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16 November 2019

Old Time Central: mid-November update and end-of-year survey

The mid-November update on Old Time Central (OTC) includes the following new items:

The OTC editors also ask for feedback on their first year of operation. You can respond to a survey via this link.

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A win-win for the IBMA and its partners

The International Bluegrass Music Association (IBMA) announce that this year's World of Bluegrass (24-28 Sept.) in Raleigh, NC, was attended by over 218,000 people and generated $18.65 million for the local economy in tourism impact alone. World of Bluegrass will be held in Raleigh for at least two more years; the next event is on 29 Sept.-3 Oct. 2020. More details are in this IBMA press release. The photos show audiences at the Red Hat Amphitheater in Raleigh.

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15 November 2019

Rick Faris releases Breaking in lonesome (update)

in the spring and summer of this year, Rick Faris, guitarist for Chicago's Special Consensus (who made their nth tour here in January), released singles from his coming album Breaking in lonesome. The album has now come, as reported by David Morris on Bluegrass Today, where you can hear clips of all the tracks. Morris judges the album 'a gem that should find a home in many collections'. Congratulations, Rick!

Update: More detail is on this press release from the Dark Shadow Recording label.

As reported on the BIB earlier this week, Nick Dumas, mandolin player for the Special C., will be playing his last show with the band next month, and Nate Burie of Wisconsin will be taking over as from the beginning of 2020.

Update 18 Nov.: Rick's official video of the title song 'Breaking in lonesome' can be seen in John Lawless's feature on Bluegrass Today, and on YouTube.

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14 November 2019


Unknown has just left this comment on the BIB calendar:

The Horsenecks touring Dec 6-15th nad @ Cobblestone on the 12th are from Portland Oregon and play Old Time Stringband music on 5 Str, Fiddle & G - TMI?

No, not too much information, but unfortunately in the wrong place and not really necessary. The post that appeared on the BIB on 26 October announced that the Horsenecks play, as their website states, 'hard-hitting and heartfelt old-time and classic bluegrass music', and will on this tour be a four-piece comprising Gabrielle Macrae (fiddle), Barry Southern (banjo), Alan Wright (guitar), and Vera van Heeringen on bass, who will also be opening some of the shows with a set of her own material.

Do please notice what it says at the head of the BIB, and send news or queries by e-mail to the editor instead of as a comment on a post.

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For guitarists - and luthiers

The latest instalment of Dave Berry's 'California report' series on Bluegrass Today is a major interview with Richard Hoover, founder of the Santa Cruz Guitar Company, which has now been going for over forty years. It's a thought-provoking account not only of how to make outstanding guitars, but of how to run a guitar-making enterprise - and one that never requires a live tree to be cut down. Hoover's core principles have been open-source lutherie (sharing knowledge freely among instrument makers) and sustainability: Santa Cruz uses reclaimed wood throughout (some of it thousands of years old), which is an essential ingredient of a superior sound.

The videos accompanying the interview include a twelve-minute talk by Hoover about his use of wood and the resulting instruments; an eleven-minute tribute and 'happy birthday' from many of Hoover's friends, associates, and customers; some astounding picking from Scott Law; and three-plus minutes of Santa Cruz's most celebrated customer, Tony Rice, talking about his Santa Cruz guitar.

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13 November 2019

Greenshine for Christmas gig at Leap Castle, 29 Dec. 2019

L-r: Noel Shine, Ellie Shine, Mary Greene

Thanks to Tom Stapleton, veteran promoter of acoustic music, for the news that the Christmas gig at Leap Castle, Co. Offaly (between Birr and Roscrea, Co. Tipperary) on Sunday 29 December will feature Greenshine. Tickets can be reserved by 'phone (087 2238040).

Tom and friends made the long trip from Roscrea to this year's Omagh festival, and the experience inspired him to poetry, culminating in a tribute to Brian O'Nolan ('Myles na gCopaleen'). Here's an extract:

... Enjoy the music while we share
A perfect pint, a cause for wonder
And let a burger slake the hunger.

Sun on wet leaves starts to flicker
Bow on strings and banjo picker
Put sweet music in our souls...

So here’s to Danny and to Sean
and the friendship that has grown
With their humour and good grace
That took us to a different place

Home by streets of sweet Strabane
Where the Mourne meets the Finn
Where the sculpture of the writer,
He who makes our journeys lighter,

Reminded of his wiles, we smile,
At what we owe to Myles.

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JigJam prepare to Hiberniate (stet)

Jigjam (Jamie McKeogh, Cathal Guinan, Daithi Melia, and
Gavin Strappe) with Charlie McGettigan (centre)

JigJam, who ended a very full year of touring with their four dates in Ireland last week, announce in their latest e-newsletter:

When we began planning our world tour almost eighteen months ago the one absolute certain was that we wanted to finish our touring year performing at home. Every Irish group has the same feeling. We tour all over the world and rarely get to perform in our local areas so, for us, to finish our tour with an Irish tour was really special. But we could have never realised the response we would have gotten from the audience and media in Ireland.

Sold-out shows ranging from amazing sit-down theatres in Cashel and Mullingar, an intimate gig in wonderful Dundalk, and an absolute RAVE in Dublin city! We want to thank everyone for their support and all the radio stations, newspapers, and local people that made our tour something we won't forget. Thank you everyone!

A link is also included to Charlie McGettigan's Eurovision-winning composition 'Rock 'n' roll kids' (which can be imagined being played by the Seldom Scene, let alone New Grass Revival). In January the band will play an eleven-show tour in Germany; details are on their website and Facebook. Soon after, they will be official showcase artists at the annual Folk Alliance International Conference in New Orleans (22-26 Jan.).

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11 November 2019

Gainsborough - and Lisdoonvarna

Thanks to the FOAOTMAD news blog for the announcement that tickets for the 26th Gainsborough Festival, 'Europe’s biggest and best American old-time music festival', are now on sale. The festival will be held at the Queen Elizabeth's High School, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire. DN21 2ST, England, from 14 to 17 February 2020.

The lineup has an impressive contingent of US visitors - and BIB readers will note that Ireland's Grits & Gravy Stringband are pictured on the top line of the poster between Emily Schaad and Travis Stuart. Bands from Norway, France, and of course Britain are also featured. Full details, including YouTube links, are on the Festival website.

As well as being the biggest old-time event in Europe, the Gainsborough festival is also one of the earliest on the calendar. However, the Third Annual Irish Old Time Appalachian Music Gathering will be held just a week later (21-23 Feb.) in Lisdoonvarna, Co. Clare, with Clay Buckner of North Carolina's historic Red Clay Ramblers as the leading US visitor. For details and registration, see the Gathering's website and Facebook.

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10 November 2019

Yet more news of recent (well...) visitors

L-r: Leroy Troy, Gina Furtado, Bill Evans

This is the fourth day of the 8th Annual California Banjo Extravaganza Mini-Camp, featuring this year three outstanding banjoists, all of whom have played in Ireland - two of them pretty recently.

The Extravaganza is conceived and organised by Bill Evans, who toured here more than once a few years back. With him are Leroy Troy, who (thanks to the mygrassisblue.com team) was touring here with his Hillbilly Trio two months ago, and Gina Furtado, who at about the same time was touring with Chris Jones & the Night Drivers. Bill has them all backed by some of the leading West Coast bluegrass musicians. More details are on Bluegrass Today.

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09 November 2019

New video from Cup O' Joe

Co. Armagh's Cup O' Joe released yesterday a video of 'Run run', the second single from their new album In the parting, which is due for release this coming January. The video can be seen on YouTube, and is also featured on Bluegrass Today by John Lawless, who says:

We’ve watched these artists grow and mature from teens into young adults, matching the rich musical traditions of their homeland with bluegrass sounds from the US, into a hybrid that is distinctive as its own thing. In particular, we’ve seen Tabitha Agnew develop into an engaging and empathetic vocalist – and a fine banjo player to boot. Accompanied by brothers Reuben on guitar, and Benjamin on bass, the Agnews make compelling music that is hard to peg, but very easy to listen to.

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4th BAND Festival, 4-8 June 2020

Thanks to the organising team of the BAND (Bluegrass And Nashville Dunfanaghy) Festival in Dunfanaghy, Co. Donegal, for this news:

We’re very happy to announce that the BAND Festival is returning next year on the earlier dates of Thursday 4th-Monday 8th of June! The BAND 2020 lineup is well under way, and updates will be coming soon! Keep an eye on our website and Facebook for details!

Thanks for being a part of the BAND Festival! If you would like to get in touch with us regarding music, sponsorship, or anything BAND-related, you can contact us at info@thebandfestival.com.

A brief promo video to accompany this announcement is on the BAND Facebook, and a two-minute video made at the 2018 BAND Festival is here.

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08 November 2019

'Stronger than turpentine': Jeff Scroggins & the Scroggdogs (USA) tour begins THIS SUNDAY

L-r: Scott Gates, Yoseff Tucker, Jeff Scroggins,
Jan Purat, Zach Sharpe

Thanks to the indefatigable John Nyhan for a reminder that on this coming Sunday (10 Nov.) Jeff Scroggins & the Scroggdogs (above) will begin their second 2019 tour of Ireland. They will be playing at Tuohy's Bar, Rathdowney, Co. Laois, at 9.00 p.m. Jeff has announced on Facebook that this tour will be

eight straight nights of West Coast bluegrass in the tradition of Vern and Ray, Rose Maddox, the Louvin Brothers, etc. OK Ireland, this is going to be stronger than turpentine, so come out and check out the most HARD CORE, in-your-face bluegrass band I've ever assembled and brought to Europe, or anywhere!!

This powerful and dynamic band guarantee a great show to all who come out to support any of the eight dates on this tour. Bluegrass fans in Ireland are fortunate to have musicians of this calibre playing over here, but we can hardly expect this to continue if they are playing to half-empty theatres. John adds:

I would especially like to thank the audience who have supported live bluegrass music over the years. Their support is very much appreciated.

The band's complete schedule is:
  • Sun. 10th Nov.: Tuohy's Bar, Pound St., Rathdowney, Co. Laois, 9.00 p.m.; 087 967 5752
  • Mon. 11th: Village Arts Centre, Kilworth, Co. Cork, 8.00 p.m.; 087 792 1771
  • Tues. 12th: Finn's Ale House, Borrisoleigh, Co. Tipperary, 8.30 p.m.; 087 977 8347
  • Wed. 13th: Dorney Bridge, Ballinamallard, Co. Fermanagh, 8.15 p.m.; 0044 (0) 7716 / 267 625
  • Thurs. 14th: Beehive Bar, Adara, Co. Donegal, 8.00 p.m.; 087 690 0714
  • Fri. 15th: Mannion's Bar, Balla, Co. Mayo, 9.00 p.m.; 087 229 6018
  • Sat. 16th: Ballinvreena Community Hall, Kilfinane, Co. Limerick, 8.30 p.m.; 087 792 / 1771
  • Sun. 17th: Levis's Bar, Ballydehob, Co. Cork, 7.00 p.m.; 028 37118, 086 837 0518
For further details on any of the above, tel. 087 792 1771 or e-mail.

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Nick Dumas to leave the Special Consensus (update)

The Special C.: (l-r) Nick Dumas, Dan Eubanks, Rick Faris, Greg Cahill

Nick Dumas, mandolin player for the Special Consensus (USA) for the past four years (during which the band has toured twice in Ireland), announced yesterday on Facebook that he will be playing his last show with the Special C. on 6 December in Chicago. Nick writes:

I want to thank Greg Cahill, Rick Faris, & Dan Eubanks for giving me the once in a lifetime opportunity to play with them. No doubt some of the best music I have ever played and I am going to truly miss it. Never thought in my wildest dreams that I would receive three IBMA awards and a Grammy nomination with this band!

Nick will be spending more time at home with his wife Hana, and with a range of musical activity still very much at the centre of his life. Read more in his message on Facebook.

Update 12 Nov.: The new mandolin player for the Special C. will be Nate Burie of Wisconsin, as from the beginning of 2020. More detail is on Bluegrass Today. By the way, if you haven't visited the Special C. website recently, pay a call; it's been completely reworked and looks gorgeous.

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07 November 2019

Seven years of the Red Hat Acoustic Music Club

Thanks to Paul and Anne McEvoy, organisers of the Red Hat Acoustic Music Club, for a reminder that the Club's eleventh meeting of 2019 will be held tomorrow night (Friday 8 November), and that this will mark the Club's seventh birthday, which should certainly be celebrated.

The Red Hat meets on the second Friday of every month at the Harbour Hotel, Naas, Co. Kildare. Music starts around 8.30 p.m.; a donation of €3.00 covers coffee/ tea and sandwiches at the interval.

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Kristy Cox (AUS) back in Europe for May 2020 tour

Thanks to the mygrassisblue.com/ team for this announcement:

After a busy inaugural 2019, 2020 will see us concentrate on developing an offering in the UK and mainland Europe, and we’re delighted to have our very first touring artist of 2019, Kristy Cox, on board with us for this overseas foray. The tour will kick off on 7 May at the Crossover Bluegrass, Old-Time & Americana Music Festival in Shropshire, England, before embarking on a run through select venues in mainland Europe. Kristy will return to Ireland for a few gigs before featuring on the roster of the 29th Annual Bluegrass Festival in Co. Tyrone’s Ulster American Folk Park from 22 to 24 May, where the tour will end. We’re busy piecing the tour together and hope to have it confirmed by early 2020.

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06 November 2019

More news of past visitors

Following Monday's BIB news of the award-winning duo Darin & Brooke Aldridge, Bluegrass Today carries news of two other award-winning US acts who have both played at past Omagh festivals: Danny Paisley & the Southern Grass (headliners at Omagh in 2008) and Chris Jones & the Night Drivers, whose Omagh performances this year were followed by a tour.

Danny Paisley has signed up with Pinecastle Records. A performance video (also on YouTube) is on the BT post. Chris and the Night Drivers have released a fifth single, 'Your remarkable return', from their latest album The choosing road. An audio clip can be heard on BT. Several photos from the tour in Ireland can be seen on the band's Facebook. The photo below shows them in their new regular (post-tour) lineup.

L-r: Marshall Wilborn, Mark Stoffel, Chris Jones, Grace van 't Hof

PS: Added to which, David Benedict of Mile Twelve has called his latest tune 'Bish bash bosh', a phrase he learned from his Co. Armagh wife Tabitha of Cup O' Joe. You can hear the tune on Bluegrass Today.

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05 November 2019

Jeff Burke and Bluegrass Chicago

Jeff Burke, well known in Ireland from his many tours as half of Jeff & Vida as well as being an instructor at Bluegrass Camp Ireland, moved three years ago from Nashville to Chicago and found that plenty of people there were interested or active in bluegrass - fans, pickers, bands, institutions, and organisations - but lacked a unifying hub or an established network of communication.

Jeff and friends have accordingly set up the Bluegrass Chicago website to serve the bluegrass and old-time community for the Chicago metropolitan area (with a population about twice that of Ireland). More details are given by John Lawless in a feature on Bluegrass Today.

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JigJam begin Irish tour tomorrow

As announced on the BIB on 26 Oct., Tullamore's JigJam will be winding up their Phoenix World Tour with four shows in Ireland, beginning tomorrow (6 Oct.). The dates are shown below and on the BIB calendar; the links give online booking facilities.

Wed. 6th Nov.: Whelan's main venue, Wexford St., Dublin 2
Thurs. 7th: Spirit Store, Dundalk, Co. Louth
Fri. 8th: Brú Ború Cultural Centre, Cashel, Co. Tipperary
Sat. 9th: Mullingar Arts Centre, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath

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04 November 2019

Record chart debut for Darin & Brooke Aldridge

Dave Morris posts the news on Bluegrass Today that Darin and Brooke Aldridge (USA), who were headliners at last year's 27th Annual Bluegrass Festival in the Ulster American Folk Park near Omagh, Co. Tyrone, released their new Rounder album Inner journey on 18 October. It went to #2 on Billboard’s bluegrass album chart, which is the highest chart debut of their career so far. This year, additionally, Brooke won the IBMA's Female Vocalist award for the third time in a row. More details are on the Morris Public Relations e-newsletter.

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02 November 2019

Old Time Central: first year complete

There was no mid-October update on Old Time Central (OTC), so there's a bumper stock of new items in the editors' latest e-newsletter:

The editors thank readers for making it possible for OTC to complete its first year. OTC is completely community-supported, and links are provided in the newsletter for making one-off or monthly donations.

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01 November 2019

Open monthly session in Rathdangan, Co. Wicklow, TONIGHT

Byrne's, Rathdangan

Thanks to Paul Browne for the news that:

... there is now a regular bluegrass / Americana open session on the first Friday each month in 'Juniors' (Byrne's), Rathdangan, in Co. Wicklow, near Baltinglass. The session is quite well attended by musicians and listeners. It's hosted by banjo player Dermot Gillespie and guitarist Blanch Cummins.

Paul himself plays mandolin and guitar. As today is Friday 1 November, the session is on, beginning about 9.30 p.m.

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In the Nov. 2019 BU

The November 2019 issue of Bluegrass Unlimited magazine includes a major obituary of John Cohen by Gary Reid; a Highlight review by Chris Stuart of Cohen's most recent published collection of photographs, Speed bumps on a dirt road; and a favourable review by Bob Allen of Thomas Goldsmith's Earl Scruggs and Foggy Mountain Breakdown. 'a fairly short but rather remarkable book' (see the BIB for 28 Sept.). Chris Stuart also gives a Highlight review to Lew Stern's Tommy Thompson: new-timey string band musician (see the BIB for 6 June).

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Transatlantic Hillbilly Band at Dungannon, 30 Nov. 2019

Thanks to Sharon Loughrin for the news that on Saturday 30 November Willie Drennan and his Ulster-Scots Band (aka the Transatlantic Hillbilly Band) will present a performance of "traditional grassroots Ulster-Scots songs and tunes, laced with Appalachian Fusion and some rare new creations thrown in for good measure. High energy entertainment embellished with fiddles, bagpipes, and Lambeg drum". The concert will be held in Ranfurly House Arts & Visitor Centre in Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, at 8.00 p.m. Tickets (£12) can be booked online.

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