Instruction and more from across the Water

*Please note that the time for the 9 Jan. class was originally given in Pacific Time instead of Eastern Time; this has now been corrected.
Labels: Banjo, Greetings, Guitar, Instruction
THE source for news of bluegrass and old-time music events in Ireland - and more
Labels: Banjo, Greetings, Guitar, Instruction
The BIB editor reports:
Labels: Diaspora, Festivals, Greetings, Museum, Venues, Video
Thanks to Dave Byrne jr of for this verdict on the year, combined with a fitting tribute to the bluegrass and country music artists who have died during it:
Labels: Agencies, Commemoration, Greetings, Video
Following on from the BIB post of 15 December, thanks to the EBMA Facebook for the news that our friends in Italy's premier bluegrass band Red Wine have now put their 'XII Red Wine Bluegrass Party' online in a 32-minute video on YouTube. The Party consists of live numbers by the band, interspersed with Stefano Goldberg's outstanding photos from previous Bluegrass Parties. It ends with a moving musical tribute to Stefano - the Hazel Dickens song 'Won't you come and sing for me'.
Labels: Celebrations, concerts, Video, Visiting bands
Thanks to Tim Rogers of Westport for sending the sad news of the death on Christmas day of David Anthony 'Tony' Rice. His music dominates modern bluegrass guitar, with an influence felt throughout acoustic string playing.
Bluegrass Today added several posts yesterday of Christmassy contributions by various artists, and at the time of writing the leading post on Bluegrass Today is John Lawless's Holly Jolly Christmas from Cup O’ Joe. This features a socially distanced video from Co. Armagh and South Carolina, with all the members of Cup O' Joe - including member-by-marriage David Benedict - suitably rigged out in seasonal jumpers to play and sing the 1962 pop song in string-swing mode. The video can also be watched on Facebook, where there are more seasonal songs from the Cup O' Joe circle.
Labels: Bands, Greetings, Recordings, Video
The Bluegrass Ireland Blog sends best wishes for a joyful, peaceful, and healthy Christmas and a happy, safe, and prosperous New Year to all its readers, to all lovers of bluegrass and kindred musics, and to all people of goodwill everywhere.
Labels: Greetings
Special thanks to Mules & Men for this Christmas greeting:
Labels: Bands, Greetings, Recordings
JigJam, with an important guest (see photo), send their good wishes for a wonderful and safe Christmas, and a reminder of their online concert on Sunday 27 December - see the BIB for last Monday. Some tickets are still available as a gift to someone, or indeed to yourself.
Labels: Awards, CDs, Europe, Reviews, Visiting bands
Thanks to Dale Farmer, head of the organising team of The mountain minor, the film drama centred on old-time music, for his Christmas blog. It's well worth reading, especially for those who share Dale's hankering for the roads leading back to 'the old place', wherever that may be.
The FOAOTMAD news blog, organ of the UK's national association for American old-time music and dance, reports that the Reel Space Folk Music School in Valencia, Spain, has launched the Reel Ear Web App to help musicians to learn more efficiently to play music by ear. 'The music is the same, your ears are the same, but we just reinvented how to connect them together!' There's a one-minute promo video, which is also on YouTube, and an offer of a fifteen-day free trial. Read more on the FOAOTMAD blog.
Labels: Instruction, National Associations, Old-time
Eli Gilbert from Maine, whose banjo, hands, and T-shirt are seen above, gives banjo instruction on line, and over the last four years has put literally dozens of videos of tunes and lessons on his YouTube channel. (One of the tunes is entitled 'Knotty Pine', in case anyone is reading this up in Omagh.) Tablatures and other help are available for those who support Eli on Patreon; and he also runs a vlog on steel guitar playing.
Labels: Banjo, Instruction, Media
Deering Banjos will be closed for business from Wed. 23 Dec. 2020 to Mon. 4 Jan. 2021, so they extend this invitation to join the creators of the company:
Belfast's Wookalily report in their latest e-newsletter:
Labels: Bands, Crisis, Fundraising, Greetings, On the edge, Record companies, Video
Tullamore's JigJam, originators of 'I-Grass', announce:
Continuing his series of instructional videos for Deering Banjos, Hank Smith of Hank, Pattie, & the Current gives a seven-minute tutorial on the seasonal tune 'Carol of the bells' (based on a Ukrainian folk song), which can be watched on the Deering website or on YouTube.
Labels: Banjo, Instruction
The editors of Oldtime Central (OTC) send their latest e-newsletter with an overview of what OTC accomplished during the pandemic:
Labels: Fundraising, Media, Old-time
The latest issue (no. 92, winter 2020) of British Bluegrass News (BBN), journal of the British Bluegrass Music Asociation, maintains its usual high standard of presentation and solid content. In length and depth the artist interviews are as good as anything in an American source, and better illustrated than most.
Labels: Banjo, Britain, Interviews, Media, National Associations
Deering Banjos announce (links added by the BIB):
Labels: Banjo, Instruction, Interviews
The Gold Tone Music Group have issued their 2020 holiday gift guide, conveniently arranged in groups of items under $25, $50, $100, $200, and $500. Banjoists should note the new Gold Tone curly maple armrests (right), which are claimed to fit banjos with 11" or 12" rim and 16, 18, or 24 brackets. At $39.99 they are (as far as we know) the lowest-priced wood armrests on the market. However, Gold Tone are selling direct during the pandemic, so ordering direct from the US will add the cost of postage.
Labels: concerts, Video, Visiting bands
If the good old days of 'normal circumstances' were still here, we would by now be looking forward to the next visit by the Special Consensus - and we are, of course; it's just that we can't count on it being early in the new year. The band's schedule shows Greg, Dan, and Rick booked for Bluegrass Camp Germany in mid May, but - at present - nowhere else outside North America during 2021.
Labels: History, Instruction, Visiting bands
The organising team of You gave me a song, the documentary film about the life and music of Alice Gerrard, announce with pride that the You gave me a song box set is now available:
Labels: Appalachia, CDs, Film, Pioneers, Recordings
Des Butler sends further sad news:
The December 2020 issue of Bluegrass Unlimited (BU) is out, and the cover story is a major article by editor Dan Miller on the first seventy-five years of bluegrass music, reckoning from the first Grand Ole Opry performance of Earl Scruggs as a member of Bill Monroe's Blue Grass Boys (see the BIB for 4 Dec.). The complete article can be read here.
Good news - after a period of quiescence the Old Time Herald (OTH), queen among old-time music magazines, has refurbished its website, and the first issue of a new volume was published in October 2020 (see cover image, right).
Deering Banjos announce that Chris Coole (left: photo Rodney Wilson), one of the most respected, active, and inspired old-time clawhammer banjo players, will be appearing this evening (Thursday 10 December) on Deering Live at 3.00 p.m. PT, 6.00 p.m. ET, and 11.00 p.m. for viewers in Ireland. The interview should subsequently be appearing on Deering's YouTube channel.
Labels: Banjo, Interviews, Old-time, Visiting players
Galway's We Banjo 3, the originators of 'Celtgrass', send a reminder of their forthcoming online all-star concert, the one-night-only festive holiday livestream 'A Winter Wonderful', on Friday 18 December at 8.00 p.m. EST (see the BIB for 19 Nov.). Tickets are available.
Labels: Banjo, Business, Celtgrass, concerts, Folk, Goodies, Irish music
Thanks to the EBMA Facebook for making us aware that the Sore Fingers Summer Schools (Europe's premier bluegrass and old-time music instruction institution, from which many pickers from Ireland have benefited) have presented since the first of this month the Sore Fingers Advent Calendar. On every day, a new video is contributed by musicians who have taught at Sore Fingers Week, presented with comments by co-chief organiser John Wirtz.
Labels: Calendar, Instruction, Media, Video, Visiting players
The ROMP (River Of Music Party) festival is held in June, under the auspices of the Bluegrass Music Hall of Fame & Museum, in Owensboro, KY, by the banks of the Ohio. Between now and St Patrick's day 2021, ROMP will be running a Virtual Band Contest in which the winners will perform on the festival's main stage at next year's ROMP, 23-26 June 2021.
The prestigious Oberlin College & Conservatory of Music announces that this coming Thursday (10 Dec. 2020) its Stage Left facility will present an online concert by Rhiannon Giddens & Francesco Turrisi at 7.30 p.m., which translates to 12.30 a.m. on Friday for Ireland.
Labels: concerts, Visiting players
In his latest e-newsletter, Michael J. Miles (USA) offers a Blue Light Special sale rate for his CDs: $10 each. The newsletter also links to YouTube for two pieces on acoustic guitar, 'Christmas time is here' and 'Don't you worry 'bout a thing'. The BIB has been referring to Michael for a long time as 'the man who showed that Bach could be beautifully played on the clawhammer banjo', and he proves it with the 'Gavotte en rondeau'.
Labels: concerts, Instruction, Sales, Video, Visiting players, Workshops
The Bitter Southerner online magazine has just published its list of the thirty best Southern albums of 2020, which stops just short of confirming the BIB's impression that bluegrass music (however good from a bluegrass follower's viewpoint) doesn't really belong in the BS list.
Labels: Recordings
The organising team of the BAND Gestival (Bluegrass And Nashville Dunfanaghy) in Dunfanaghy, Co. Donegal ('Where the music beckons, and the mountains echo the call'), announce:
The logo on the right has been carried on the BIB throughout 2020, and today the IBMA sends this reminder to tune in this Saturday (5 December) at 8.00 p.m. ET / 7.00 p.m. CT for a special Grand Ole Opry show featuring the Del McCoury Band, the Travelin' McCourys, Darin & Brooke Aldridge, and Sister Sadie to celebrate the 75th anniversary of bluegrass music.
Labels: Commemoration, concerts, History, Visiting bands
Thanks again to Uri Kohen for more good news:
Labels: concerts, Media, Venues, Western Swing
Labels: Bands, Media, Recordings
The organisers of the Celtic Connections music festival in Glasgow, Scotland, announce:
Labels: Festivals, Visiting players
The assertion has been made that some tunes in old-time music should be 'cancelled' because of the words that have been set to them in the past, or other historical associations (see the BIB for 1 Oct.). The recent appearance of Hanging tree guitars, published by The Bitter Southerner online magazine in association with Music Maker Relief Foundation, seems relevant to this issue.
Labels: Black music, Books, Guitar, Luthiers
John Lawless posts on Bluegrass Today the sad news of the death of Bruce Johnson, well known fiddler on the Californian bluegrass scene, at the age of 67, just four days after testing positive for COVID-19. Details of his career are on Bluegrass Today, together with a video showing parts of a concert played by Sawmill Road in Basel, Switzerland; Angelika Torrie of the Swiss Bluegrass Music Association is seen introducing the band. Bruce Johnson is of course on fiddle; playing bass is Steve Spurgin, who had toured Ireland with California and consequently wrote the song 'A walk in the Irish rain' - which Sawmill Road sing with gusto on this video (also on YouTube).
Labels: History, People, Recordings, Songwriting, Visiting bands