15 December 2020

Red Wine Bluegrass Party 2020 - coming shortly to your screen (update)

Red Wine: (l-r) Silvio Ferretti, Martino Coppo,
Lucas Bellotti, Marco Ferretti

After news of the Special Consensus (USA), another bunch of friends from abroad come to mind, who have also been away from Ireland far too long - Italy's premier bluegrass band Red Wine from Genoa (or Genova, as they insist on calling it).

By this time of year, the band would normally have held their annual Bluegrass Party concert in the magnificent Teatro della Tosse in their home city. But on 28 October mandolinist/ lead singer Martino Coppo announced with regret on Facebook that COVID restrictions had made it necessary to postpone the 12th Red Wine Bluegrass Party. Nevertheless, the band did not want to skip the 2020 edition without proposing an alternative - especially after the death in January 2020 of Stefano Goldberg, their great friend and official photographer, who was also a prime mover in putting on the Bluegrass Party, and would not have chosen to leave its place empty.

Red Wine are therefore preparing a Virtual Bluegrass Party to be shown online, and to be announced as soon as possible. Meanwhile they have posted on Martino's YouTube channel a slideshow of Stefano Goldberg's outstanding photos from the first eleven Parties, and a three-minute promo video for the Virtual Party.

Update 28 Dec. 2020: The 'XII Red Wine Bluegrass Party' can now be seen in a 32-minute video on YouTube which includes an affectionate tribute to Ireland and the good times the band have had here.

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