Uri Kohen and Westport festival featured on Bluegrass Situation
With the Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival now only a week away, the Bluegrass Situation (the US-based 'hub for all things roots') published two days ago a major feature and interview by Emma John - 'Uri Kohen unites a world of music at Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival in Ireland' as part of a summer campaign of
celebrating the festival makers – the men and women who put their time, their finances, and their sanity on the line to bring us the music we love.
It's an excellent interview for information about Uri himself, his musical background, what brought him to Westport; the genesis, growth, and character of the Festival; and the accessibility (and stamina) of bluegrass and old-time artists. Several fine photos from Westport's ample collection are included, plus a video (also on YouTube) from the launch party on 11 May. And there are some memorable quotes. Pay special attention to the very last paragraph.
Update 6 June: The BIB apologises to all for putting 'Bluegrass Standard' in the title when this post first appeared, instead of 'Bluegrass Situation'.
Labels: Festivals, Interviews, Media, People, Roots, Visiting bands