29 February 2020

Farewell to Jeff Scroggins & Colorado

Jeff Scroggins & Colorado (photo: Frank Baker)

Many bluegrass fans in Ireland will be sorry to hear that Jeff Scroggins & Colorado have decided to call it a day. The band first came to Ireland in 2015 and returned annually in tours organised by John Nyhan in 2016, 2017, and 2018. Meanwhile the regard in which they were held on the US scene was rapidly and deservedly rising. The factors in the band's decision are set out by Jeff in an interview with Dave Berry on Bluegrass Today.

The band's members have recently been branching out in other directions. Last year Jeff and his new project, the Scroggdogs, came to Ireland twice; Greg Blake, Colorado's lead singer and guitarist, made an extensive solo spring tour here; and Jeff's son Tristan came over in the autumn as stand-in mandolinist with Chris Jones & the Night Drivers.
PS: Chris Jones & the Night Drivers (in their present regular configuration, with Mark Stoffel on mandolin, Marshall Wilborn on bass, and Grace van 't Hof on banjo and baritone ukulele) released yesterday their new single 'We needed this ride'. An audio link to the whole song is in John Lawless's feature on Bluegrass Today.

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28 February 2020

Kaufman Kamp news (UPDATE)

This is not the ideal time for planning trips abroad, but we know that at least one member of the bluegrass community in Ireland means to attend one of Steve Kaufman's Acoustic Kamps in the USA this year, and applications should be made now.

The first (Old Time and Traditional Week) begins on 14 June 2020, and Bluegrass Week on 21 June. Full colour brochures and application forms can be downloaded from the Kamp website. Printed brochures are also available; scholarships to attend a Kamp may be granted; and there's a prize for the best T-shirt design.

Steve (also on Facebook) will be conducting his fifth Photo Safari in South Africa in mid November 2020: details are here.

Update 6 Apr.: In view of the COVID-19 crisis, the Kamps have been postponed for a year: the Old Time and Traditional Week to 13-19 June 2021, and the Bluegrass Week to 20-27 June 2021. Prepaid registrations for 2020 can be held over for next year, or payments refunded less an administration charge. Steve adds:

I don't think anything will change for us all in the next month or two, but if a miracle occurs, we will be right back in touch.

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26 February 2020

News from We Banjo 3

In their latest e-newsletter, Galway's We Banjo 3 report on the first leg of their 'Rise and shine' tour, and how they've been relaxing since the tour ended. Banjo nerds will be interested to hear that Enda Scahill now has a ToneDexter pedal, David Howley has been playing a lot of clawhammer banjo, and there's a mouth-watering photo taken in the American Banjo Museum. And there's much more, including a list of shows coming in the next month.

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25 February 2020

Aran Sheehan and Aline Hervey

With very great regret the BIB learns of the deaths of Aran Sheehan and his partner Aline Hervey on 19 February in the course of a visit to the USA.

Aran's spirit, his energy, his dedication to the music, and his fiery, inspired mandolin playing have been essential features of the bluegrass scene in Dublin for many years. Thanks to Tony O'Brien for the very evocative picture above, giving a strong hint of Aran's vitality and humour. Photos of Aran and Aline have been posted on Facebook by Aran's daughter Lily, and the number of messages of sympathy sent in response to her post show the strength of the regard in which they were held.

Lily's own stature as a musician is part of Aran's achievement. Our deepest condolences go to her and those close to her.

Note: We understand that Aran's achievements will be further preserved by the continuation of the weekly Dublin bluegrass jam session every Tuesday including tonight (25 February) into the future.


24 February 2020

The EBMA takes a further step forward

Thanks to Eugene O'Brien, chairman of the European Bluegrass Music Association (EBMA), for a copy of the following message which has been sent to selected EBMA members throughout Europe:

Dear Bluegrass Friends,

As its main priority, EBMA is focused on sustaining and growing European bluegrass by actively promoting European bands, festivals, commercial activities, concerts workshops/camps and any other bluegrass-orientated events or activities.

Having been quiet for some time we now have a new dynamic website, with a musicians network and individual pages for Member Bands and Partners. We have negotiated discounts for Paige capos, Banjo Newsletter, and the Station Inn TV, with hopefully more to come. We continue with Youth Scholarships and are partnering the La Roche Festival with prize money in the European Band Competition.

We are creating a network of national/regional representatives who will be a full part of the EBMA structure; to be the EBMA link at local level for members, festivals and events, as well as being an 'advisory group' for the EBMA Board, and with the power to post directly on the EBMA Facebook pages. Each will have a listing on the website as the National/ Regional Representative.

Some specifics:
  • Identify anything within their country or region that needs to be publicised.
  • Offer feedback and ideas to the EBMA Board.
  • Help with recruiting new members and distributing flyers at festivals and concerts etc.
  • Contribute to the newsletter.
  • Post directly on the EBMA Facebook pages.
  • Identify potential scholarship students.
You have already been approached, or have volunteered, or have even been electronically kidnapped to become an EBMA National/Regional Representative. This is not to be an isolated task but in full coordination with the EBMA Board and the plans for the future.

Please let me know if you are still interested and we can get things going.

Very Best Regards

EBMA Chairman

BIB editor's note: Anyone in Ireland who is an existing or prospective member of the EBMA and wishes to take up Eugene's offer will have the BIB's blessing and support in doing so.

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Sacred Harp Dublin (and elsewhere) in Florence

Thanks to the Sacred Harp Singers of Dublin for this news, which appears on their website under the title 'Firenze Fasola Frenzy!':

On Saturday 15 February 2020, 41 attendees from six countries gathered to sing at St James Church, Florence, Italy.

We sang 100 songs, somehow had enough loaners, ate ALL THE PIZZA, found pond snails, mourned long-dead dogs of dubious nomenclature, and generally had a lovely time.

We can’t wait until our next adventure singing!

BIB editor's note: A ten-strong Sacred Harp ensemble made a powerful and much appreciated contribution to the Saturday night concert at last weekend's Irish Old Time Appalachian Music Gathering in Lisdoonvarna, Co. Clare.

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News from Wintergrass (UPDATES)

The BIB mentioned on 12 Feb. that both I Draw Slow and We Banjo 3 would be playing at the USA's prestigious Wintergrass festival, which was held over the past weekend with a star-studded lineup that included visitors to Ireland such as Bela Fleck & Abigail Washburn, the Special Consensus, Red Wine (I), and the Lonesome Ace Stringband (CAN).

Dave Berry has posted on Bluegrass Today a report on the first day of the festival, with splendid photos by Mary Ann Goldstein that include a particularly nice one of Greg Cahill of Special Consensus with his Deering Julia Belle banjo. Other photos are of Red Wine members: Silvio Ferretti, his son Marco, and Martino Coppo. Silvio and Marco are both interviewed in the text.

The theme of this year's festival is 'Bluegrass without borders', so a mention of the two Irish groups may be in a further report [see below].

Update 26 Feb.: A second instalment of photos by Mary Ann Goldstein on Bluegrass Today includes several nice photos of We Banjo 3 (in what may be the tightest trousers we've seen on a string band) and Red Wine.

Update 27 Feb,: The final instalment of photos from Wintergrass includes two of I Draw Slow.

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23 February 2020

Lovesick Duo (I) for BAND Festival 2020

The organising team of the BAND (Bluegrass And Nashville Dunfanaghy) Festival are delighted to announce the return of the Lovesick Duo (Paolo Roberto Pianezza and Francesca Alinovi, from Bologna) for this year's event (4-8 June 2020):

We were lucky enough to stumble upon the Lovesick Duo entertaining a crowd in the lovely Italian town of Siena in May of 2017. We told Paolo and Francesca about a great little festival happening just 2,536 km up the road in the beautiful village of Dunfanaghy, Co. Donegal! The Duo's arrival to play at BAND 2018 is testament to their dedication and love for music and everything they do! They are both incredibly talented and vibrantly entertaining!

As always they have new songs and surprises up their sleeves! Touring throughout Europe and the US playing everything from bluegrass, country, and rock ’n’ roll, the Duo will be returning to Donegal in June 2020. If you haven't caught them yet - don't miss them this year!

The Lovesick Duo are also on Facebook.

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21 February 2020

Celebrate 75 years of bluegrass in 2020

In its latest e-newsletter, the International Bluegrass Music Association (IBMA) announces:

What began as a high lonesome sound from a farmer with a mandolin and a high tenor voice has grown into a genre of music that spreads across the globe and connects people from all walks of life. This community of preservers, innovators, and enthusiasts has given us over seven decades of powerful music, honest lyrics, and a place to belong - in addition to a few iconic stories. 

Throughout 2020, we hope you will join us in celebrating the past, present, and future of this wonderful music we love so much. We encourage you to use this logo along with #BG75 to share your favorite bluegrass music and memories.

The newsletter includes a well known photo of the 'classic' bluegrass band, Bill Monroe and his Blue Grass Boys as they were in 1945-8, with Chubby Wise (fiddle), Howard 'Cedric Rainwater' Watts (bass), Lester Flatt (guitar), and Earl Scruggs (banjo).

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20 February 2020

Deering's online help centre - and more

Deering Banjos announce the recent launch of their online help centre, 'designed to offer quick answers to some of your most burning banjo how-to questions'. The FAQs currently displayed relate to banjo buying, playing, and maintenance; accessories such as straps, arm rests, and cases; and general questions. Deering want to make this service as helpful as possible; so you can take a survey to let the company know your priorities.
Six weeks ago the Deering blog published 'Longneck banjo tales', an article by folksinger Tom Chapin describing Pete Seeger's development of the long-necked banjo. The comments on this article include many accounts of readers' experiences with long-necks and other instruments. See also this article in the Fretboard Journal.
Just over three weeks ago the Deering blog carried an article by Jamie Deering on the 13th Annual Banjo Event, dur to take place at the Eagle Music Shop in northern England on Saturday 7 March. Links for booking tickets and to artists' websites are included, together with a nice photo of Pat Kelleher of Dripsey, Co. Cork.

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19 February 2020

Old Time Gathering workshop and dance schedule announced

Thanks to Andrew Lambert for a copy of the schedule that has been sent to all persons who are already registered for this coming weekend's 3rd Annual Irish Old Time Appalachian Music Gathering in Lisdoonvarna, Co. Clare. The workshop schedule will be flexed where possible to fit participants’ needs.

On Saturday morning Clay Buckner will be tutoring in fiddle technique at all levels, and in the afternoon mandolin accompaniment and tunes, all in the upper room of the Roadside Tavern. He will be available to teach old-time fiddle style there on Sunday morning if there is a demand.

Bob Denton will be tutoring technique on 5-string banjo at all levels on Saturday morning, and in the afternoon guitar accompaniment - all in the Burren Smokehouse.

Jeremy Child will give two introductory workshops in contra dance on Saturday afternoon in the Burren Storehouse.

The shape-note singing workshop, to be given by Ross Harbison on Saturday afternoon in the Burren Smokehouse) is free. Admission to each of the other workshops is €10 per person. Admission to the concert and barn-dance on Saturday night in the Storehouse is free to all those who have registered and paid to attend the Gathering, and is €10 for anyone else.

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Mike Lilly and Mac Benford

The BIB notes with deep regret that in the last week two outstanding banjo-players have died who both made their mark in the 1970s - Mike Lilly in bluegrass, Mac Benford in old-time music - and remained active as long as health allowed. Details of their careers are given, illustrated with videos from past performances, in features by John Lawless on Bluegrass Today:

Mike Lilly (died Wed. 12 Feb., aged 70)
Mac Benford (died Sat. 15 Feb., aged 79)

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18 February 2020

The EBMA needs you!

The European Bluegrass Music Association (EBMA) announces:

We are looking for enthusiastic, talented and energetic people to join the EBMA Board in growing European bluegrass. The EBMA Board operates as a team, but the small team that we have right now cannot do everything. We need YOUR help!

Specifically, the EBMA is keen to take on a newsletter editor (or preferably two), a membership manager, a partners manager, and a bands manager. The Board emphasises:

Nobody on the Board works in isolation; we all contribute to the overall aims and decision, and a helping hand from each other will always be there. For more information and to have a chat, mail us at info@ebma.org.

Application forms can be filled in and sent from here.

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Rotterdam Bluegrass Festival 2020

The organising team of the 10th Rotterdam Bluegrass Festival in the Netherlands announce that the first two USA headline acts for this year's event (26-28 June 2020) will be Rob Ickes and Trey Hensley and Whiskey Shivers, a 'punk bluegrass' band whose sound the Washington Post called 'apocalyptic Americana'.

The Whiskey Shivers will headline the Friday 16th programme. Rob Ickes and Trey Hensley will headline the Saturday 27th programme, and will also give a dobro and guitar workshop the following day. This will be the only show they play in the Netherlands on this trip.

The Rotterdam Bluegrass Festival (also on Facebook) is a free three-day international music festival held at the historic Pijnackerplein in the ‘Het Oude Noorden’ neighbourhood of Rotterdam. Last year it drew 16,000 visitors. The official press release can be read here.

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The latest on Oldtime Central

In their latest e-newsletter the editors of Oldtime Central (OTC) send a reminder that the website is 100% community-supported. Donations or regular payments to OTC can be made through this link.

New items published on OTC in the last two weeks are:

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17 February 2020

IBMA official showcase applications: deadline 29 Feb. 2020

On 20 Jan. the BIB carried an announcement from the IBMA that bands wishing to reform in the offical showcase schedule at this year's World of Bluegrass (29 Sept.-3 Oct.) could send in applications from 3 February. The band illustrated on that announcement was Boston's Mile Twelve, which has more than one connection with Ireland.

The IBMA now sends a reminder that the deadline for receiving applications is 29 February - and as shown above, the band illustrated this time has had links to Ireland for even longer. It's the Special Consensus (Greg Cahill's jacket and Rick Faris's hat are clearly recognisable). The Special C. will celebrate forty-five years since the band's foundation with a reunion concert in Chicago on 24 October this year. In the last twenty-five years Greg (who was inducted into the SPBGMA Preservation Hall of Greats this year) has brought the band to Ireland many times.

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Eric Brace & Thomm Jutz (USA) in Ireland, 6-14 Mar. 2020 (UPDATE)

Thanks to Brendan O'Regan in Arklow, Co. Wicklow, for news of the next event in his Arklow Roots Music concert series, featuring the Nashville-based duo of Eric Brace and Thomm Jutz (above). Brendan writes:

Brace has opened for Willie Nelson and Dolly Parton, Jutz has played in Nanci Griffith's band and toured with Maura O'Connell. They will be in the Upper Room at John Joe's, 6 Upper Main St., Arklow, on Friday 6 March at 8.00 p.m. It will be an acoustic and intimate 'Living Room' style gig, so places are very limited. Tickets for sale at venue from Mon. 17 Feb.; contact details for booking: 087-6404067.

Since moving to the USA, Thomm Jutz (originally from Bühl, south-west Germany) has earned high regard as a songwriter and record producer. Eric Brace is also the founder of Red Beet Records. Brendan's Arklow event is the start of the duo's second tour in Ireland (they were here in 2017), and on the Red Beet website you can see full details of the schedule, together with their approving comments on the venues. Each show will consist of two sets, beginning at the times shown. The outline schedule is:
  • Fri. 6th: Upstairs at John Joe's Pub, 6 Upper Main St., Arklow, Co. Wicklow, 8.00 p.m. (Arklow Roots Music series)
  • Sat. 7th: The White Horse, West Village, Ballincollig, Co. Cork P31 YA40, from 8.00 p.m.
  • Sun. 8th-Mon. 9th: House concerts, Rosscarbery, Co. Cork; 6.00 p.m. both nights; for info e-mail Bert
  • Tues. 10th: The Red Room, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, 8.30 p.m.; book by e-mail or 'phone +44 7979 742843
  • Wed. 11th: Groucho's, 1 The Square, Richhill, Co. Armagh BT61 9PP, 8.00 p.m.
  • Thurs. 12th: The Moorings Restaurant, 154 Derrylin Rd, Bellanaleck, Co. Fermanagh BT92 2BA, 7.30 p.m.
  • Fri. 13th: The Beehive Bar, Main St., Ardara, Co. Donegal
  • Sat. 14th: The Coach House, The Courtyard, The Workhouse, Union Rd, Kilmacthomas, Co. Waterford X42 VY33, 8.00 p.m.

Update 1 Mar.: Thanks to Roger Ryan of the Country Music Association of Ireland for new information, which has been shown above in red.

Update 9 Mar.: Thanks again to Roger for the news that the complete tour has been cancelled.

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15 February 2020

'Bringing old-time music back to Clare' on X-PO Folk Radio (update)

Thanks to Andrew Lambert (right), co-organiser of Irish Old Time and the annual Irish Appalachian Old Time Music Gathering, for sending this link to 'Bringing old-time music back to Clare', a broadcast on X-PO Folk Radio in Kilnaboy, north Co. Clare, last Sunday (9 Feb.), available as a free download podcast from Mixcloud. To download the podcast, google Mixcloud Downloader and paste in this url.

In an eighty-minute interview with Tom Flanagan, Andrew traces the development of old-time music in the USA, its connections with Irish traditional music, and its distinctness from bluegrass, with an outline of the old-time scene in Ireland, and how he and Bob Denton, after visiting the Clifftop string band festival in West Virginia, were inspired to set up the Gathering as a meeting place for the many scattered enthusiasts over here.

More than a dozen recordings are played to illustrate the sounds of old-time music from Charlie Poole, the New Lost City Ramblers, Dan Levenson, Bruce Molsky, Erynn Marshall & Carl Jones, the Red Clay Ramblers, the Transatlantic Sessions, and members of the old-time scene in Ireland, including of course participants in the Gathering. Andrew gives full details of this year's Irish Appalachian Old Time Music Gathering at Lidoonvarna, which will be in full swing a week from now. This year's programme includes an introduction to Sacred Harp singing (there are two examples on the broadcast of Sacred Harp ensembles in full voice, one of which is from a Cork convention - see the BIB for 13 Feb.).

Andrew adds about the X-PO Folk Radio presenter, Tom Flanagan:

He was the man who heroically has done most things to make the station happen. It’s a time-limited project, and a team of locals will now assess it and see how and what can be done to join the small roster of local radio stations round Ireland. The podcasts will stay up there meantime. Deirdre O’Mahony is also a driving force re content, and founded the X-PO in the first place.

BIB editor's note (16 Feb.): Corrections have been made to this post since it was first published.

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Deering's President's Day sales

Deering Banjos announce their President's Day sale this weekend, with reductions of 25% on banjo accessories including strings, straps, gig bags, T-shirts, and much more. The company also offers considerable reductions on showroom banjos that have spent time on display and being tried out in stores - instruments at all levels from a Goodtime tenor to an Ivanhoe 5-string.

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13 February 2020

Cork Sacred Harp celebrates a decade with 10th Annual Convention, 29 Feb.-1 Mar. 2020

Thanks to Laurie Skelton of Cork Sacred Harp for this logo and press release (a fine introduction to Sacred Harp singing for those who are new to it):

Cork Sacred Harp will host the tenth annual Ireland Sacred Harp Singing Convention on 29 February through 1 March 2020 at St Maries of the Isle on Bishop St. in Cork city.

The Sacred Harp Singers of Cork have been meeting every week to sing melodies from the Sacred Harp for over a decade. Drop by the Unitarian Church on Princes Street any Thursday at 7.00 p.m. and, as you walk through the front door, you’ll be met with a booming chorus of voices singing a cappella 'shape-note' harmonies. Once inside, however, you may be surprised to find the number of people singing rarely matches the impressive sound heard from the street. In the centre of the room, somewhere between seven and fifteen people are seated in a small cluster of chairs arranged in a square formation. Here, the community is small and the voices are big.

Sacred Harp music isn’t your typical choral music and Sacred Harp singers aren’t your typical choral singers. The music itself uses a system of 'shape notes' — comprised of squares, triangles, circles, and diamonds—as an extra visual aid for reading music. When singing a song from the book, singers first 'sing the shapes' on the page as syllables before singing the song with the words. Singers are typically — though not required to be —untrained, and sing in their full voice. Some come to singing through generations of family tradition, while others simply fall into it.

Over the past ten years, the group gathering to sing every week in Cork has fluctuated, occasionally growing and occasionally shrinking. Sometimes twenty people show up. Sometimes four. But the spirit has never wavered and the singing has never stopped. And, no matter how small the group becomes, their numbers swell exponentially each year in March as hundreds of singers from all over the world show up to Cork for the annual Ireland Sacred Harp Convention — come rain or sleet or snow.

The Ireland Sacred Harp Convention is one of the largest in Europe and draws quite the crowd of shape-note singers from all across Europe and North America. The sound is impressive and the atmosphere is both warm and welcoming. Singing along is highly encouraged. To get a sense of what the music sounds like, you can find recordings from Cork Sacred Harp on YouTube and Bandcamp. For those interested in participating, all voices are welcome and no experience is necessary. More details are available on Facebook, on Meetup, and at corksacredharp.com.

Thurs. 27 Feb. 2020: 19.00–21.00, weekly singing in the Unitarian, Princes St., Cork
Fri. 28 Feb. 2020: 19.00–21.00, Singing School with Sadhbh O'Flynn in St Maries of the Isle, Bishop St., Cork
Sat. 29 Feb.-Sun. 1 Mar. 2020: 10.30–16.00, Tenth Ireland Convention in St Maries of the Isle, Bishop St., Cork (09.30-10.00; registration on both days)

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12 February 2020

Tullamore session well under way

The BIB is happy to report that the new bluegrass session hosted by Dave and Hubert in Eugene Kelly's Lounge (photo), Convent Road, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, had a successful inaugural meeting on Sunday 26 January.

The session will continue to be held on the last Sunday of each month, from 4.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m.; so the next sessions will be on:
  • Feb. 23rd
  • Mar. 29th
  • Apr. 26th
  • May 31st
... and so on until further notice. All pickers are welcome.

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I Draw Slow in the USA

Thanks to blue for pointing out (in a comment on yesterday's post about We Banjo 3) that I Draw Slow (left) will also be playing at the Wintergrass festival in Washington State on Sat. 22 Feb.

The Dublin band will be touring in the USA again in April and in September, when they will be playing at the Bristol Rhythm and Roots Reunion.

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Red Allen

Harley 'Red' Allen was born ninety years ago today (12 Feb. 1930) in eastern Kentucky, and in his twenties and thirties established an enduring reputation as (in the words of Jon Hartley Fox) '... one of the most intense, hard-edged, and soulful lead singers in the annals of bluegrass'. He and the Osborne Brothers together developed the high-lead trio style that became their trademark and widely influential. He was modest about his guitar playing: nearing fifty, he recalled:

I guess I was eight or nine when I learned G and C and D, and that's about all I know now. That and a few runs and a good right arm.

Nevertheless, everything he played was exactly where and when it needed to be played. County Sales, highly respected for judgments on recorded bluegrass and old-time music, had this to say of two CDs of his reissued classics:

There's no doubt that Red Allen was among the very best bluegrass vocalists ever. Sadly, he was in his prime at a time when the music was at its lowest ebb. [...] This is tough, magnificent traditional bluegrass, with our highest recommendation!

Red Allen died in 1993, and was inducted into the SPBGMA Preservation Hall of Greats in 1995 and the Bluegrass Music Hall of Fame in 2005. There is a substantial bio article on Wikipedia. A biography by Dennis Satterlee, Teardrops in my eyes: the music of Harley 'Red' Allen (2007), appears regrettably to be out of print.


11 February 2020

Second Red Hat meeting of 2020, 14 Feb.

Thanks to Paul and Anne McEvoy, organisers of the Red Hat Acoustic Music Club, for the news that the Club's second meeting of 2020 will be held this coming Friday (14 February). Paul and Anne look forward to seeing everyone on Friday.

The Red Hat meets on the second Friday of every month at the Harbour Hotel, Naas, Co. Kildare. Music starts around 8.30 p.m.; a donation of €3.00 covers coffee/ tea and sandwiches at the interval.

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We Banjo 3 on US festivals

We Banjo 3, founders of Celtgrass, will be playing at the prestigious Wintergrass festival at the Hyatt Regency, Bellevue, Washington State, USA, on Friday 21 and Saturday 22 February, along with a star-studded lineup that includes visitors to Ireland such as Bela Fleck & Abigail Washburn, the Special Consensus, Red Wine (I), and the Lonesome Ace Stringband (CAN).

Their dates later in 2020 include the Bluegrass Music Hall of Fame and Museum's ROMP festival in Owensboro, KY (26 June), and the 48th Annual Rockygrass Festival in Lyons, CO (24 July). More dates are TBA on We Banjo 3's tour schedule.

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10 February 2020

Background to a new release

The BIB editor writes:

The Bonfire Music Group announce the release of the new five-track EP Rise and fly by The Barefoot Movement (also on Facebook). The Nashville-based Americana band, made up of Noah Wall (vocals, fiddle), Tommy Norris (mandolin), Alex Conerly (guitar, vocals), and Katie Blomarz (bass, vocals), were 'Band of the Year' in the IBMA Momentum awards of 2014.

'Early in the morning', the lead single of the EP, was released on 22 November, and the EP title Rise and fly comes from words in that song. You can see and hear the Barefoot Movement's video of the single on YouTube.

Announced as 'a remake of a traditional recording', it adapts a work song sung in 1947 at the Mississippi State Penitentiary by four inmates - '22', Little Red, Tangle Eye, and Hard Hair - and recorded by Alan Lomax. In work songs the rhythm, the drive, the energy, and the length of the song arise directly from the work being done, and on top of this '22' and his fellows delivered 'Early in the morning' in an intense, complex polyphonic style.

The Barefoot Movement adopt a similar complex vocal arrangement, but add instruments and drop three of the five original verses. If you hear their version, I suggest you listen to the Lomax recording as well. I first heard it on the Pye-Nixa album Murderers' home (cover image above right), all the tracks of which can be heard here. The members of Prison Love will know what I'm talking about.

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09 February 2020

Releases by past and coming US visitors

Appalachian Roadshow (above), who will be headlining Bluegrass Omagh 2020, were formed in 2018 by Barry Abernathy (banjo) and Jim VanCleve (fiddle) - who will be remembered by those who saw Mountain Heart at Longford years ago as the only members of that band that were still identifiably bluegrass. Appalachian Roadshow (also on Facebook) were a sensation from the outset and have since gone from strength to strength. Their second album, Tribulation, is scheduled for release on 27 March, and a single - 'Goin' to bring her back', a hard-driving VanCleve original - was released on Thursday (6 Feb.). It can be heard on John Lawless's feature on Bluegrass Today.
Fast Track (see the BIB for 1 Dec. 2019) released their debut single 'Blue and lonesome again' - a Ron Spears original - in mid January. A 45-second clip can be heard on Bluegrass Today, and more details are there, as well as on press releases from the Engelhardt Music Group and the Wilson Pickins Agency.
Sideline, whose first tour of Ireland last July was organised by mygrassisblue.com, released on 10 Jan. their fifth album, Breaks to the edge. The twelve tracks include the evocative tribute to the late Melvin Goins, 'Return to Windy Mountain'. More details are on this release from the Mountain Home Music Company.
'Your remarkable return', recorded by Chris Jones & the Night Drivers, who toured here last autumn, went to #1 on the Bluegrass Today weekly charts last month. This makes it the fourth track from their album The choosing road to reach the #1 position. More details are on this release from (again) the Mountain Home Music Company.
And finally - the Steep Canyon Rangers from Asheville, NC, who will be playing in Dublin and Belfast a month from now as part of 'The Funniest Show In Town At The Moment', the comedy show of Steve Martin and Martin Short, are releasing on 6 Mar. their eleven-track album Be still Moses, featuring orchestral arrangemens (with the Asheville Symphony) of some of their most successful songs, and a collaboration with Philadelphia soul group Boyz II Men. More details are here.

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The Dead South (CAN) in Ireland, 18-19 Feb. 2020

The Dead South, an acoustic Americana band based in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, will be playing two dates in Ireland later this month as the start of their 'Served Cold' tour:

Tues. 18th Feb.: Vicar Street, Dublin [SOLD OUT]
Wed. 19th: Ulster Hall, Belfast, £25

They will then play in Britain till 29 Feb., and from March on will be touring extensively on the Continent, where a fair number of their shows are already sold out. The Dead South (also on Facebook) are Nate Hilts (guitar, vocals), Scott Pringle (mandolin, guitar, vocals), Danny Kenyon (cello), and Colton Crawford (banjo). They describe themselves:

You could say we are a mix of Nu-folk with a few different styles mixed in between. We tend to add elements of classical, punk, rock, alternative, bluegrass, folk and everything in between.

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08 February 2020

Hayseed Dixie (USA) in Ireland, 5-7 Mar. 2020

Before Celtgrass and I-Grass there was Rockgrass, and its prime proponents are Hayseed Dixie from Deer Lick Holler, east Tennessee. Their creation myth, and a good deal more, can be seen on the Hype section of their website; a slightly different myth is on the 'About' section of their Facebook.

Their newest album, Blast from the grassed, is due for release on 14 Feb. 2020, so it should be available on their forthcoming tour of these islands, beginning in Ireland early next month. Thanks to Whelan's of Wexford St., Dublin 2, for the news that the band will be playing in the main venue there on Thursday 5 March. Tickets are €21. They play two further dates in Ireland before going on to Britain for twenty-three further shows, returning to Europe in May for dates in Belgium, the Netherlands, and Denmark. Their complete Ireland schedule is:

Thurs. 5th Mar.: Whelan’s, Wexford St., Dublin 2, €21
Fri. 6th: Empire Music Hall, 42 Botanic Ave., Belfast, 8.30 p.m., £19.50
Sat. 7th: Roisin Dubh, Galway city, doors 8.00 p.m., €22.50

Tickets can be booked online here.

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Sacred Harp Singers of Dublin news

Sacred Harp Singers of Dublin have just added the following new post, '2020 Vision', to their website. Links have been added by the BIB. For further details, see the Dublin Sacred Harp Facebook.

Hello singing friends!

We have some exciting plans for this year, beginning with an adventure singing trip to Florence on 15 February.

We have just updated our All-Day tab to include information for our full day singing event on Saturday 4 July 2020. We are fortunate to be singing in the National Museum of Ireland at Collins Barracks this year and we’re really looking forward to it.

Many of us will be making singing trips to other singing locations throughout the year – some of these include the Ireland Convention in Cork [27 Feb.-2 Mar.] and the Paris All-Day.

We will also be participating in Culture Night in September.

We sing every Friday, 19.00–21.00. All voices welcome, especially newcomers and beginners.

Hope to sing with you soon!

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07 February 2020

Pete Stanley, 1937-2020

The BIB has just learned with regret of the death of Pete Stanley (left), devotee of the 5-string banjo and British (and European) bluegrass pioneer, at the beginning of this year. His funeral was held in Exeter, Devon, on Wednesday 22 January. His daughter Saro has announced on the Mudcat online forum that

there is also a memorial concert/ tribute planned later at Cecil Sharp House London for 16 May 2020. Details to follow. We also are planning to show a collection of photos and memorabilia throughout Pete's long career from the late 50s onwards to view at the concert venue.

In 2013 Pete Stanley was one of the first to receive a European Bluegrass Pioneer Award from the European Bluegrass Music Association - thanks largely to information supplied by Rick Townend, who himself recently received the Jan Jerrold Award from the British Bluegrass Music Association. A biographical article on Pete Stanley by Richard Thompson is in preparation, with which the BIB will not attempt to compete.

Longtime attenders at festivals in Athy, Co. Kildare, will recall Pete playing there around the turn of this century with Brian Golbey, one of his longtime musical partners. Niall Toner also sends the memory that when he and his late wife Moira were living in London in the early 1960s, he learned from Pete how to play banjo in old-time two-finger style, 'which', Niall writes, 'I still play today, in the privacy of my mountain home'.

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06 February 2020

A unique Deering banjo up for auction

Jamie Deering, the new CEO of Deering Banjos, announces on the Deering blog a unique new custom banjo, which is up for auction in aid of the Rory Hensman Conservation and Research Unit (RHCRU) in South Africa.

The African Elephant Goodtime Charity Banjo is essentially a one-off Goodtime Artisan with a special elephant-head peghead inlay and elephant-grey wood finish. The image on the head was painted by Chishuru, a bull elephant at the RHCRU. (Another elephant, Nuanedi, was intrigued by getting a sound out of Jamie Deering's personal travel banjo.)

Bids for this unique instrument can be put in till 6.00 p.m. on 15 February. Read more here.

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05 February 2020

Crossover Festival in England, 7-10 May 2020

Thanks to T.J. Screene of the Dublin Bluegrass Collective and Bluegrass Camp Ireland for making us aware of the Crossover Festival of bluegrass, old-time, and Americana music, which will be held this year on 7-10 May at Chetwynd Deer Park near Newport, Shropshire, England.

The powerful lineup includes Appalachian Roadshow (USA) and Kristy Cox (AUS), who will both be playing also at Bluegrass Omagh 2020. Buying a ticket before 14 Feb. gives you a chance of winning one of twenty prizes - all detailed in Crossover's latest e-newsletter.

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New Nechville Hybrid tone ring

Nechville Musical Products announce their new Hybrid tone ring (above), consisting of a soft metal hoop permanently mounted in a Nechville Timber-Tronic ring. 'The added mass adds depth and the material adds the familiar metallic chime.' The result is still only a quarter of the weight of a bronze tone ring. Comparative data, with videos for tone comparisons, are on the new Nechville tone ring page. Prices are shown on a link from the accessories page.

For Irish readers, the nearest Nechville dealer is the Eagle Music Shop in northern England, which will hold its annual one-day Banjo Event on Saturday 7 March, featuring the Deering family and the Kruger Brothers. As usual, Bill Forster and Pat Kelleher will be travelling from Ireland to take part.

PS: See this feature by John Lawless on Bluegrass Today: Tom Nechville is moving to Portland, OR, for a West Coast presence, while the Nechville headquarters and shop remain in Bloomington, MN.

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04 February 2020

Venue suggestions invited for launch of You gave me a song

The UK's old-time organisation FOAOTMAD is inviting suggestions from its members for a suitable venue for the launch in Britain of You gave me a song, the documentary film on the life and achievements of Alice Gerrard.

As announced on the BIB on 16 January, You gave me a song has been winning awards at film festivals, and the makers would love to have it shown in Ireland. Bluegrass festivals and other events and organisations that would be interested in hosting a special screening in Ireland in 2020 should contact the film's organising team through its website.

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JigJam - new awards, new US tour

Tullamore's JigJam (left) thank all the voters in the recent American Listener Supported Radio Celtic Music Awards whose votes gained them no less than three awards - Crossover Album of the Year, Album Cover of the Year, and Composers of the Year (Jamie McKeogh and Daithi Melia) - all in respect of their album Phoenix. The full list of winners also shows the awards gained by We Banjo 3.

Like We Banjo 3 (see the BIB for 1 Feb.), JigJam will be starting a new tour of the USA on 21 February. Theirs will continue into April: one show has already sold out, and ticket alerts are being issued for others.

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03 February 2020

Kristy Cox (AUS) back in Ireland, 21-28 May 2020

Thanks to Dave Byrne jr and the team of mygrassisblue.com for this poster image and information on May 2020's European tour by Kristy Cox, who recently won another Golden Guitar award in Australia (see the BIB for 27 Jan.). The mygrassisblue.com tour page gives full details, including Kristy's biography, discography, career highlights, reviews, and videos; it begins:

Golden girl Kristy Cox, no stranger to a European stage and following on from an inaugural tour of Ireland in May of 2019, is excited to be returning to Europe in May 2020. Proudly presented by mygrassisblue.com, the extensive three-week-plus, 21-date, multi-country tour kicks off on 7 May and runs until 31 May.

The tour will take in England, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, France, and the Czech Republic, together with six engagements in Ireland, as follows:

Thurs. 21st: St John’s Theatre, Listowel, Co. Kerry
Fri. 22nd-Sun. 24th: Bluegrass Omagh 2020, Ulster American Folk Park, Castletown, Omagh, Co. Tyrone
Mon. 25th: Balor Arts Centre, Ballybofey, Co. Donegal
Tues. 26th: St James’ Church, Dingle, Co. Kerry
Wed. 27th: Clonmel Folk Club/The Coachman, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary
Thurs. 28th: Nun’s Cross Church, Ashford, Co. Wicklow

Dave adds:

This is a new and exciting adventure for us as we look to extend an offering to visiting artists that goes beyond Ireland. [...] Kristy was always going to come back to Ireland, and was always going to come back to Kerry – two of the five shows on the island of Ireland, either side of a weekend commitment at the Bluegrass Omagh 2020, will be in the Kingdom with the show on 26 May in St James’ Church, Dingle, being run in conjunction with the ‘Friends of St James, Dingle’ organisation in a bid to raise some much-needed funds for the church restoration fund.

Watch out for more news (especially once the tour starts) on the mygrassisblue.com Facebook.

Update 21 Mar.: In view of the current health crisis the tour is postponed to 2021.

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The latest from Oldtime Central

The editors of Oldtime Central (OTC) announce in their latest e-newsletter:

We're currently in the final stages of completely overhauling our festival guide for 2020. We're improving a lot about it, including making it easier to browse and adding an interactive map, and we can't wait for you to see it! It's not quite ready yet, but keep watching your inbox for the launch announcement!

New items published on OTC since the last newsletter are:

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02 February 2020

Stillhouse Junkies (USA) in Ireland, 7-12 Apr. 2020

Stillhouse Junkies: (l-r) Alissa Wolf, Fred Kosak (seated), Cody Tinnin

Thanks to Uri Kohen for this news:

Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival, in association with the Electric Cave Production, are delighted to announce the first ever Irish tour of Colorado trio The Stillhouse Junkies.

Born in a distillery in Durango, CO, Stillhouse Junkies play a delirious, head-spinning mixture of original roots, blues, funk, swing, and bluegrass music. With all three band members sharing lead vocal and songwriting duties, the Junkies conjure a wide range of tonal landscapes that pay tribute to the iconic sounds of Gillian Welch, the Allman Brothers, Tim O'Brien, the Wood Brothers, John Hiatt, and countless others while breaking new musical ground with their genre-bending original material. Stillhouse Junkies are proud to be two-time Telluride Band Contest finalists.

The tour dates are:

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01 February 2020

We Banjo 3 back in Ireland for shows on 25-6 Apr. 2020

We Banjo 3's 'Rise & Shine' next tour in the USA will last from 21 February till 21 March; they will then return to Ireland for two consecutive shows, on Saturday 25 April in the Town Hall Theatre, Westport, Co. Mayo, and on Sunday 26 April in Whelan's of Wexford St., Dublin 2.

The band have been selling out shows, in generally merciful weather by US winter standards - even in more testing conditions in Columbus, Ohio, '1400 brave souls came out in the freezing cold to an historic venue (previously played by U2, the Beatles, Frank Zappa, AC/DC)'.

We Banjo 3 invite fans to suggest cover songs for them to play. NB: as the image above indicates, they're quite positive about not being bluegrass.

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