'Early' video by the Special C. on YouTube (updates)

As announced on the BIB on 15 Mar., Rivers and roads, the latest album by the Special Consensus, has been released today by Compass Records. To mark the release, Compass have issued a YouTube video of the band singing the fourth track on the album: the Greg Brown song 'Early'. The video gives the complete lyrics, against a background of evocative photos sent in by friends and fans of the Special C.
I first heard this song about twenty years ago and it became at once a favourite with me, though my home town doesn't obviously resemble the one in the song. John Brophy, who served through the first world war as a British infantryman, would understand: he wrote that to the troops (who might have very little idea where Texas or Tennessee were but liked songs about them) 'any name sung with feeling was synonymous with home'. This song has a great deal of feeling in it, and the Special C. do it justice.
Update 3 Apr.: The Special Consensus are not letting themselves coast after the album: they're among the guest pickers on Raising the bar, the new CD by dobroist Chad Darou, along with Valerie Smith, Donna Schacher, Alecia Nugent, Ryan Paisley, Dave Adkins, Jim VanCleve, Merl Johnson, Cia Cherryholmes, and others. The CD can be bought from Chad Darou's website.
They'll also be playing on Fri. 20 Apr. at Randy Wood's Pickin' Parlor in Bloomingdale, GA, run by world-class luthier Randy Wood; details are here.
Labels: History, Record companies, Video, Visiting bands