31 July 2018

High Country hits the half-century

(L-r) Jim Mintun, Butch Waller, Larry Cohea, Bob Waller,
Glenn Dauphin, Tom Bekeny

John Lawless announces on Bluegrass Today that in the coming month the supreme hard-core California band High Country, led by mandolinist Butch Waller, will notch up fifty years of music since the band was founded. Bluegrass fans in this island will want to raise an appropriate glass: High Country took part in the early years of the Athy festival (1991, 1993), and last played at Athy in 2008. Time for another visit?

A writer in Bluegrass Unlimited magazine is quoted: '...One of the lonesomest, hard-drivingest traditional bluegrass bands alive... High Country manages to be fresh and exciting without even the merest nod to modern music.' No exaggeration. 'Montana cowboy' has been one of the BIB editor's favourites since High Country sang it at Athy in 1991, when Sunset on the prairie was their latest album. Their more recent recordings can be seen and ordered here.

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30 July 2018

Bluegrass in the Park: Phantompickers at Marlay Park, 4 Aug. 2018

The Phantompickers at Marlay Park, 2017: (l-r) T.J. Screene, Grainne
Quinlan, Conor Daly, Léo Guillot (F), Patrick Simpson, Aran Sheehan

Thanks to Patrick Simpson for this news from the Dublin bluegrass community:

There will be 'Bluegrass in the Park' this Saturday (4 Aug. 2018) in Marlay Park, Rathfarnham, Dublin, with our band the Phantompickers. We are performing as part of the CoCo Markets 'Summer of Music' from 2.00 to 3.30 p.m. The event has been posted on the DLR events website with a band description, and more information can be found on the Bluestack Mountain Boys page on FaceBook. We're hoping that the rain will hold off to give us a chance to play our material, as it is a beautiful location and we are looking forward to picking a few classics and beyond. Hope y'all can make it.

For more information or bookings, contact Patrick Simpson: tel. (+353 87 6622362) or e-mail.

The photo above shows the band and its audience in the refreshments area of the market in 2017. The lineup for 2018 is the same, except for Léo Guillot (from France) and Conor Daly; so the Phantompickers this year will be a five-piece with Stephen Wright on banjo.

And this recent photo shows T.J., Aran, Patrick, and Conor with Greg Blake and Jeff Scroggins after the successful tour in July by Jeff Scroggins & Colorado (USA).

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Historic mandolin for sale

This Bluegrass Today feature by John Lawless on Banjo Ben's General Store in Washburn, Missouri, shows how the store offers instruments, accessories, and instruction. Ben Clark, Robbie Boone, and Jake Stogdill emphasise (in the accompanying video) that they don't sell anything they would not want to own themselves.

While one of the store's main aims is to help people who are new to playing, the present stock includes the custom F-style 'Gibson' mandolin (see photo) made for Dean Webb of the Dillards, who died exactly a month ago today (see the BIB for 5 July). This historic instrument is offered for $4,995 with hard shell case.

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Two Time Polka: gigs in August

Ray Barron of Two Time Polka announces:

Here are our gigs for the next few weeks.

Spraoi Festival, Waterford city
Sat. 4th: Bailey's, New St. Open air. Start 4.30-6.00 p.m. Adm. free.
Sat. 4th: Tully's Bar, O'Connell St. Start 11.30 p.m. Adm. free. Tel. 051 301639
Sun. 5th: The Three Shippes, William St, Start 10.30 p.m. Adm. free. Tel. 051 843178

Clonmel Busking Festival, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary
Fri. 10th: Mitchell St. Open air. Start 2.00-2.45 p.m. Adm. free.
Fri. 10th: Moran's Bar, Parnell St. Start 10.00 p.m. Adm. free. Tel. 052 6122294

7 Hills Blues Festival, Armagh city
Sat. 11th: Charlemont Arms Hotel, Upper English St. Start 10.00 p.m. Adm. free. Tel. 0044 283752 2028
Sun. 12th: Armagh City Hotel, Friary St. Start 9.00 p.m. Adm. free. Tel. 0044 283751 8888

Sun. 26th: The Haven Hotel, Dock Rd., Dunmore East, Co. Waterford. Start 6.00 p.m. Adm. free. Tel. 051 383150

The next mail will include our September gigs at the Omagh Bluegrass Festival, Co. Tyrone, Dunfanaghy Blues & Jazz Festival, Co. Donegal, and Che Do Bheatha Festival, Kilkee, Co. Clare. We will also be sharing the bill with De Danann at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Little Island, Cork. This is a fundraiser in aid of the IMNDA.

Ray & TTP

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28 July 2018

California Feetwarmers - catch them while you can

The BIB has already recommended the California Feetwarmers (USA) - their sound, though strictly jazz, should appeal to many BIB readers. Since 8 July the Feetwarmers have played eleven dates here in eleven days, then five dates in Britain, including the Edinburgh Jazz Festival, and returned to Ireland this week. Most of their dates over here are part of the north-west's Earagail Arts Festival. Alec Somerville, who saw them in Ballybofey, writes:

Pauline and I just got home from a concert by them - two and a half hours of solid New Orleans and Chicago Jazz. They were short of their clarinet player for some reason, but still did 'High society' and the cornet player did the Alphonse Picou clarinet solo (obligato) on his cornet - which was startling, but very good. The rhythm section of sousaphone, drums, guitar, and (plectrum) banjo was just a solid platform for the interwoven melodies and harmonies of cornet and trombone. They know their stuff, from Jelly Roll Morton to Kid Ory to Louis Armstrong, and 'strutted it'. The audience, at Balleybofey's Balor Theatre, was 'sold out', and no wonder...

Their remaining dates here, both in Donegal, are:

Sat. 28th (tonight): Teach Hiudai Beag, Gaoth Dobhair (Gweedore, Co. Donegal), 11.00 p.m., €10
Sun. 29th: The Mountain Stage, Arranmore Island, 10.00 p.m. (part of Swell Festival)

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This Is How We Fly at Dun Laoghaire, 15 Nov. 2018

Nic Gareiss

The Pavilion Theatre, Dun Laoghaire (which has previously presented the Special Consensus and Chris Jones & the Night Drivers) announces that on Thursday 15 Nov. 2018 it will present a 75-minute show by This Is How We Fly (IRL/USA/SE). The group consists of Caoimhín Ó Raghallaigh (fiddle, hardanger d’amour), Seán Mac Erlaine (clarinets, live electronics), Nic Gareiss (percussive dance), and Petter Berndalen (percussion).

Nic Gareiss is a superlative dancer in Appalachian and other traditions - see his duet with Bruce Molsky on the tune 'Jeff Sturgeon'. The music of This Is How We Fly puts his dancing in a very different context. See the Pavilion's website for more details, a performance video, and online booking.

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27 July 2018

Wookalily to tour Britain, 28 July-5 Aug.. 2018

Wookalily announce their eight-day tour in Britain, beginning tomorrow (28 July) and ranging from north Yorkshire to south London and from Soho to south Wales. Full details are on their website, and you can also follow the tour on social media (#wookasontour2018).

Wookalily will be playing some of their classics from their folk/ bluegrass-inspired debut album, All the waiting while, and also promoting their soon-to-be-released somewhat darker second album, Everything is normal… Except the little things inside my head.

'The all-female band, four Irish and one Welsh, make a glorious noise guaranteed to put a smile on your face and a skip in your step.' (Midge Ure)

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MerleFest assessed

On 18 Apr. 2017 the BIB drew its readers' attention to the online magazine The Bitter Southerner, which is dedicated to combatting both the negative preconceptions outside the South and the negative realities within it - and making a lot of good things known at the same time.

One of the latest articles to appear on it is 'The real reason MerleFest matters', by Lee Zimmerman, a frequent contributor to Bluegrass Today. In fact, it covers a wide range of reasons why the festival matters; read more and find out.

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26 July 2018

Pete Goble, R.I.P.; Europe recognised in IBMA award

Thanks to Richard Thompson for drawing attention to two news items on Bluegrass Today, beginning with the sad news of the death of Pete Goble yesterday at the age of 86. John Lawless writes: 'Excluding Bill Monroe, Carter Stanley, and Flatt & Scruggs, it is unlikely that anyone has contributed as many songs to the bluegrass canon as Pete.' At the age of 80, by his own account, he had written over 700 songs, and was writing more (and better) than ever before. Listen to his 'When I'm knee deep in bluegrass', an indirect tribute to Bill Monroe - and keep listening when the music stops.

[Update 28 July: see also this feature by David Morris, including funeral arrangements.]

In the second item John Lawless reports the nominees for this year's IBMA awards, inductees into the Bluegrass Hall of Fame, and recipients of Distinguished Achievement Awards (Pete Goble received one in 2002). Among the latter it's a pleasure to see the name of a leading figure on the European bluegrass scene: Christopher Howard-Williams, co-founder and organiser of the outstanding La Roche Bluegrass Festival, held since 2006 at La Roche-sur-Foron, on the edge of the French Alps.

The photo below, taken by Carol Hawkins, shows a historic event in 2009 on the La Roche main stage: the public reconciliation of the two main European bluegrass organisations. (L-r) the mayor of La Roche, M. Thabuis (in Western outfit to present awards); Christopher Howard-Williams, in cap; Dennis Schut of the European World of Bluegrass Association (EWOBA); and Angelika Torrie, treasurer of the European Bluegrass Music Association (EBMA).

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Kentucky and Ohio come to Dublin, 29 July 2018

The Price Sisters, Lauren and Leanna (see the BIB for two days ago), are keeping busy while in Ireland. Yesterday their free matinee concert in the Braid Arts Centre in Ballymena with Raymond McLain and Kentucky Center for Traditional Music (KCTM) students was followed by a session in the Adair Arms Hotel at 8.30 p.m.; today the ensemble are giving a free evening concert at the Braid.

And thanks to Ronnie Norton for the news that the ensemble - Raymond McLain, the Price Sisters, and the Woodsheep, four KCTM students - will be giving the Summer Choral Concert of the Pearse Lyons Whiskey Distillery, 121-2 James St., Dublin, at 5.30 p.m. on Sunday 29 July. As in Ballymena, the performance will be free but ticketed; tickets can be booked here. There will be a raffle in aid of St Vincent de Paul, The Liberties, Dublin; and the Distillery's 'Summer cocktail' will be available at the bar. Full details of the artists and the event are on the Distillery's website.

PS: After the Highlight review for the Price Sisters' album in the latest issue of Bluegrass Unlimited, mandolin maestro Mike Compton has commented 'Very nice review in BU, ladies. Well deserved' on their Facebook.

NB: Thanks to Eilis Boland for pointing out that our careless 'Adare House Hotel' was not the correct name.

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25 July 2018

The Cabin Session, Dundrum, 26 July 2018

Gerry Fitzpatrick, organiser of the Cabin Sessions series, 'Acoustic Music at its Finest', announces for the seventh Session this year:

A few last-minute changes to guests. In addition to Aine Holland we look forward to welcoming Finbar O'Brien and Terrie Grey.
The Sessions are held on the last Thursday of every month at Uncle Tom's Cabin in Dundrum, south Dublin (not far from Dundrum Luas station, in the city direction). Shows run from 9.30 to 11.30 p.m. and admission is FREE. If you or someone you know would like to perform at the Cabin Sessions, let Gerry know by e-mail. The Sessions are particularly interested in featuring local musicians and singers.

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A new old-time band: Dublin's Atlantic Stringband

The Atlantic Stringband at the Grand Social: (l-r) T.J., 
Conor, Patrick, Cáolan, Ryan

Thanks to T.J. Screene, co-organiser of Bluegrass Camp Ireland, for the exciting news that five young Dublin pickers (including T.J.) have just formed a traditional old-time string band - the Atlantic Stringband, with its own Facebook page.

They played their first gig together at McNeill's of Capel St. (a video of them playing 'Greasy coat' is on McNeill's Facebook), followed that with others including the Dublin Goes Country event ten days ago, and are already receiving inquiries for gigs and festivals. The Grand Social's live video of the Atlantic Stringband performing during 'Dublin Goes Country' can also be seen on the band's Facebook.

For bookings and more information, contact the band by mobile (087 2477487) or e-mail.

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'Mean Mary' (USA) in Ireland, mid Aug. 2018

A reminder from Geraint and Deb Jones of GPromo PR that multi-instrumentalist, singer, songwriter, and author 'Mean Mary' James (left) from Alabama, who toured in Ulster in April 2016, will be back in Ireland in less than three weeks with her new album Blazing, released in Europe on 6 July. Videos can be seen on YouTube of the title track, 'Harlequin', and 'I face somewhere', among more of her music. A full bio is here.

The dates in Ireland are the first in a tour of these islands and continental Europe lasting till early October and including eighteen shows in Britain, four in the Netherlands, four in Denmark, three in Germany, three in the Czech Republic, and two in France. Her full schedule in Ireland is:

Sat. 11th Aug.: Limavady, Co. Londonderry (part of Stendhal Festival)
Wed. 15th: Bridge St., Castlebar, Co. Mayo
Thurs. 16th: The Cobblestone, Smithfield, Dublin
Fri. 17th: Crusoe's Coffee Shop, Castlerock, Co. Londonderry
Sat. 18th: Market Place Theatre, Armagh city
Sun. 19th: Crescent Arts Centre, Belfast

For further information, interview, session or guest list requests, please contact Geraint or Deb Jones at GPromo PR by phone (01584 873211), mobile (07855 724798), or e-mail.

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24 July 2018

Bluegrass fiddle and mandolin workshops in Co. Antrim, 30 July-3 Aug. 2018

Thanks to Stan Hair for this news and the flyer image (left):

My wife, Heidi Carson-Hair, is holding Bluegrass Fiddle and Mandolin Workshops in the North Coast at White Park Bay Bothy, Co. Antrim, next week.

Heidi completed a course with Mark O'Connor and will be sharing the O'Connor Method during these sessions. She is one of only four O’Connor Method approved teachers on the island of Ireland.

As shown on the flyer image, workshops are held from 4.00 to 5.30 p.m. each day from Mon. 30 July to Fri. 3 Aug., at £60 for the week or £15 per session. Registration forms must be filled out beforehand and can be picked up from the Bothy. Phone Heidi Carson-Hair at 07739026811 for further details.

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Ardara: a great weekend

Thanks once again to Des Butler for this report and photos on the 11th Ardara Bluegrass Festival, held in Ardara, Co. Donegal, last weekend (20-22 July):

I've just had my first experience of the Ardara Bluegrass Festival and I realise what I've been missing for the last ten years by way of some great bluegrass music.The Friday night concert opened with Janet, Colin, and James Henry [below] delivering some of their own material as Janet was launching her new album at the festival - and what sweet sounds they were making! The emotional resonance of these songs lingers.

They were followed by the McLain Family who delivered what I would describe as pure unadulterated bluegrass mountain music, straight out of the Appalachians. I could listen to this band all night. These performances took place in Pat McGill's upstairs lounge in the Beehive.

The Saturday afternoon jam in the Beehive [above] was a sight and sound to behold. I counted fourteen musicians at one stage all playing in harmony tirelessly for the entire afternoon with all the old bluegrass classics getting an airing. This was augmented from time to time by one local guy who had one of the best country 'cheatin' song' voices to be heard, and sang to his own guitar accompaniment.

The Saturday night concert in the Nesbitt Arms Hotel opened to the gentle sounds of a couple from the Czech Republic [Pe & Pe, above]. This was followed by the band Mules & Men [below], the genre of whose music I find hard to define; it sounded to me a cross between bluegrass and Americana, but it must be said it was most interesting and enjoyable with some fine musicianship being displayed.

There followed a further helping from the McLain Family. This band just blew me away, as did the next one on stage i.e. Jeff Scroggins & Colorado [both below].

Listening to both of these bands in succession I felt that it doesn't get much better than this. The Saturday night audience were treated to four solid hours of some fantastic music followed by another jam session in the hotel which I left at 3.10 in the morning and it was still going strong.

Sunday saw another jam [above] starting at 12.00 noon and continuing for the entire afternoon. The Sunday concert was hosted by Tony O'Brien of Woodbine and Athy Festival fame in the Beehive lounge, who with Liam Wright invited a host of musicians on stage to give a great performance [below]. The formalities continued with a one-hour performance by Jeff Scroggins & Colorado to close the official festival. But this wasn't the real closure, as the ubiquitous jamming session took place downstairs afterwards in the bar and went on into the early hours.

All kudos and thanks for this great weekend of bluegrass goes to Pat McGill of the Beehive Bar for organising the festival and to John Nyhan for organising and supplying some of the best bluegrass bands ever to grace this country.

On a personal note I want to give John Nyhan a big 'thank you' as I would have missed the festival only for him. When he heard I would not be attending the festival as I could not secure accommodation, due to my own tardiness in not seeking same in good time, John came back to me within an hour with a room secured for me, which turned out to be very comfortable indeed. Many thanks, John; I owe you one.

BIB editor's note: As the McLains announced during the Saturday concert, John Nyhan's actions on their behalf went far beyond what would be expected from the average tour promoter. The scene here in Ireland owes a great deal to John and his boundless energy and resourcefulness.

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The Price Sisters in Ireland (update)

The Price Sisters (right of centre) with the Mayor of Mid and East
Antrim, Councillor Lindsay Millar (centre, seated)

The BIB reported two days ago on the two free concerts that will be given at The Braid Arts Centre, Ballymena, Co. Antrim, tomorrow and Thursday, by Raymond McLain with students of his from the Kentucky Center for Traditional Music in Morehead, KY, and the Price Sisters - whose motto on their website is 'Traditional Bluegrass music inspired by Bill Monroe'.

The Price Sisters, unfortunately, don't seem to be scheduled for any other formal dates in Ireland, but as their Facebook reveals, they haven't been idle since flying into Dublin. The photo below shows them at the Crosskeys Inn (est. 1654) in Co. Antrim.

A video shows them playing 'Road to Columbus' with Brendan Hendry and Jonathan Toman, among others; and the latest post (at the time of this writing) on their Facebook speaks of a master class at the Braid tonight.

Update 25 July: In the August edition of Bluegrass Unlimited magazine, the Price Sisters' album A heart never knows receives a Highlight Review from David J. McCarty. The review is not yet on BU's website, but look out for it.

Further update: The review can now be read online here.

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23 July 2018

'Sugarloaf Mountain' and other highlights at the NCH in August

The National Concert Hall in Dublin announces the highlights of its programme in August 2018. The concert most likely to interest BIB readers is 'Sugarloaf Mountain: an Appalachian gathering', which will be performed on the main stage by the Apollo's Fire baroque orchestra from Cleveland, OH, on Tuesday 14 Aug. at 8.00 p.m. The blurb states:

Sugarloaf Mountain traces the journey of Irish immigrants in the early 19th century across the Atlantic to America, through music, song and dance, and celebrates the connection between Celtic music forms and their Appalachian descendants.

- which should please Irish audiences. The ensemble includes Jeannette Sorrell (director, harpsichord, arrangements), Amanda Powell & Madeline Healey (soprano vocals), Ross Hauck (tenor vocals), Susanna Perry Gilmore (fiddle), Kathie Stewart (wooden flutes),Tina Bergmann (hammered dulcimer, vocals), Brian Kay (lute, banjo, long-neck dulcimer, vocals), and René Schiffer (cello). A brief preview video can be seen on YouTube and also on the NCH event page. Ticket prices are €30, €25, and €20.

A concert at the NCH by John Prine on 13 Aug. is already sold out, but tickets are still available for a concert by the Richard Thompson Electric Trio on 16 Aug.

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Tim Carter

The Carter Brothers (USA) - Tim Carter (left) and his elder brother Danny - became regular favourites with audiences at the Johnny Keenan Banjo Festivals at Longford in past years. Since illness forced Danny to retire from music, Tim has been forging his own career as performing and recording artist, bandleader, and recording studio operator.

He was interviewed at length by Tom Adams for the Dec. 2009 issue of Banjo News Letter. Lee Zimmerman has now brought the story further up to date with a feature on Bluegrass Today, which includes two videos. Other Bluegrass Today features on Tim can be found here.

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22 July 2018

Raymond McLain and Kentucky musicians at Ballymena, 25-6 July 2018

This morning four-fifths of the McLain Family Band (above) flew out of Dublin on their way back to Kentucky, after a very successful tour culminating in two warmly acclaimed performances at the 11th Ardara Bluegrass Festival. Special credit is due to John Nyhan for organising the tour, which included a whole extra week of dates that John was able to arrange at short notice, in addition to the week originally planned.

Thanks to Sharon Loughrin for the news that Raymond McLain is remaining in Ireland till the end of this week. Raymond is now in Ballymena, Co. Antrim, where he will join the Price Sisters and other students of his from the Kentucky Center for Traditional Music in Morehead, KY. They will take part in a town-twinning event, giving two free concerts in The Braid Arts Centre, Ballymena - a matinee performance at 2.00 p.m. on Wed. 25 July, and an evening concert on Thurs. 26th at 7.30 p.m. Though both shows are free, entrance is strictly through booking in advance. These will be the ensemble's only dates in Northern Ireland.

The Braid advertises these performances as to be given by 'the McLain Family Band and musicians from Morehead'. From what we've seen of Raymond McLain's talents, a show by himself, his students, and the Price Sisters should disappoint nobody.

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Dublin Blues, Roots, & Brass Festival, 17-19 Aug. 2018

Thanks to Whelan's of Wexford St., Dublin 2, for the news that their Dublin Blues, Roots & Brass Festival (also on Facebook) will be held this year on 17-19 August, with over thirty bands playing in three venues over the weekend from 7.00 p.m. till the small hours each night.

Bluegrass will be represented by the progressive, individual, and vital music of Mules & Men, who received a standing ovation from the concert audience at the present weekend's Ardara Bluegrass Festival.

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NTB at St Enda's, 22 July 2018 - and more

The BIB editor writes:

Even leaving the enormously enjoyable and successful 11th Ardara Bluegrass Festival before its end, I didn't get home till 6.00 p.m. today; so apologies to the Niall Toner Band (NTB) for not announcing in time that they would be playing from 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. this afternoon in the walled garden at St Enda’s, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16, beside the Pearse Museum.

The NTB on this occasion comprised Gerry Madden (mandolin), Johnny Gleeson (dobro), Richard Gladney (upright bass), and Niall (guitar, mandolin, vocals). Niall wrote:

No cover charge, suitable for music lovers of all vintages and persuasions... Possibly even a guest or two...

Thanks to Niall for the recent photo (above), showing his brand new 'Hollywood legends' T-shirt and new Jimmie Rodgers hat, made from Portuguese cork. Click on the image to enlarge it.

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19 July 2018

Mules & Men back to Dunmore East Bluegrass Festival

Mules & Men: (rear, l-r): Mark Corry, John Denby, Luke Coffey
(front) Lily Sheehan

Thanks to Karen Cheevers for this press release:

The Dunmore East International Bluegrass Festival has an exciting range of international and home-grown acts lined up for the free four-day festival in the Co. Waterford village from 23 August to 26 August.

Fans of bluegrass, honky-tonk, blues, country, Americana, and rhythm ‘n’ roots are in for a real musical treat as the picturesque village’s International Bluegrass Festival will feature 14 artists playing almost 40 free gigs throughout the village.

Mules & Men is a four-piece Irish band comprised of Lily Sheehan, Luke Coffey, John Denby, and Mark Corry. Bound together by a shared love of folk and bluegrass, Mules & Men have been reinterpreting these classic sounds into a unique and contemporary style of their own, drawing on influences that are wide-ranging. With three-part harmonies, blazing string playing, and inspired original material, this band has been bringing audiences to a standstill all over the country.

No strangers to the Dunmore East Bluegrass Festival, Mules & Men performed at the festival in 2016 and are excited to be back again this year.

Luke Coffey of Mules & Men said the experience was memorable and one they are looking forward to repeating. 'We were in the fledgling stage of our career when we performed in Dunmore East two years ago and the reaction by the audiences to our music gave us a massive confidence boost. Our style could be described as Acid Celtgrass, which is lively, energetic, and doesn’t take itself too seriously.'

'We’re really looking forward to coming back to Co. Waterford later in the summer. The Dunmore East Bluegrass festival has always been a great supporter of new Irish bands and it’s a wonderful opportunity for young bands to share the stages with the greats such as the Honeycutters and Whiskey Deaf.'

Mules & Men have had a busy few months with the release of their first single, 'Procrastination Blues' last month and the release of their debut album Thinking sideways scheduled for September. They’ll also appear at Electric Picnic and KnockanStockan, capping an eventful year.

In good company, Mules & Men will perform in the village with Amanda Anne Platt and the Honeycutters, Whiskey Deaf, Demolition String Band, Woodbine, Mons Wheeler Band, the Backyard Band, Brother’s Parker, Pilgrim St, Kiss My Grass, Bert and Henry, Charlie Reader, Vickers Vimy, and Whistle.

The 24th Dunmore East Bluegrass Festival, Co. Waterford, kicks off on Thursday evening, 23 August, at the Spinnaker Bar and Restaurant, and heralds the start of fourteen bands, playing almost forty free gigs throughout the village.

For more information visit www.discoverdunmore.com or keep up to date on the Discover Dunmore East Facebook page.

Mick Daly is available for interview on 051 878 832 / 087 256 2899 or e-mail.

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18 July 2018

NTB at IBMA WOB - and a new album on the stocks

Niall Toner (left) sends this welcome news:

I am delighted to announce that the Niall Toner Band (NTB), with a full original set list, will be

* performing showcase gigs at IBMA's World of Bluegrass in Raleigh, NC, in September 2018. Flying the flag for original Irish bluegrass music!

* and in early October recording the new album, featuring new songs - 'Last wolf on the mountain', 'Myles Walter Keogh', 'The hands of Arthel Watson', 'Gibson L-3', 'Shotgun Betty' - and 'The eighth of April', an instrumental composed by Niall in Moira's memory (8 April would have been her birthday).

BIB editor's note: New photos are expected to follow.

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Midnight Run (USA) in Ireland - UPDATE

Three months ago, on 8 April, the BIB reported that Midnight Run (also on Facebook) from east Tennessee would be headliners for this year's 10th Moniaive Michaelmas Bluegrass Festival in Scotland (28-30 Sept. 2018), and that they were looking for a few support dates, spending the week before Moniaive touring in Ireland, if possible.

Update 18 July: Thanks to Richard Thompson for drawing our attention to dates that appear on Midnight Run's online tour schedule for shows in Ireland. However, the tour organiser has informed us that no details should appear on the BIB without his approval. The dates shown earlier have accordingly been deleted.

Midnight Run have much in common with the Po' Ramblin' Boys, also from east Tennessee (strongly recommended by Jan Michielsen of 4 Wheel Drive, who is hard to please), whom we hope to see in Ireland next year. Their press kit says:

Midnight Run is a high-energy, high-lonesome, Tennessee-based bluegrass band, set out to keep tradition alive by creating a band that’s steeped in the rich roots of bluegrass music, all while including influences from outside the genre. Originating in the Gateway of the Great Smoky Mountains, Midnight Run began its journey in February of 2015, as a house band for Ole Smoky Moonshine Distillery in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Now, with over 200 shows a year, they find themselves playing to audiences from all over the world.

Two videos from Midnight Run's live performances at the Distillery are on their press kit web page, and more are on YouTube. For more information, contact Midnight Run through their website.

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Full details online for Omagh festival (31 Aug.-2 Sept. 2018)

Full details are available online for this year's Bluegrass Music Festival (31 Aug.-2 Sept.) at the Ulster American Folk Park, Omagh, Co. Tyrone. The website includes booking facilities and day-by-day programme details for a full weekend pass, or passes for Friday (adult £15 / child £6), Saturday (12.30-23.30) (£20 /£6), Saturday evening (18.00-23.30) (£15 /£6), Sunday (12.30-18.30) (£20 /£6), and the Sunday evening Spirit of Bluegrass gospel concert (18.30-20.00).

The impressive lineup for the weekend includes Darin & Brooke Aldridge (USA), Mike Compton & Joe Newberry (USA), the Demolition String Band (USA), Whiskey Deaf (USA), Fellow Pynins (USA), the Allen Family Reunion (CAN), Old Salt Collective (BE), Midnight Skyracer (UK), Old Baby Mackerel (UK), Geordie McAdam, the Henrys (Colin, Janet, and James), Two Time Polka, Broken String Band, Northern Exposure, and the Bluegrass Festival Choir from Fermanagh and Omagh.

The lunchtime spot (13.00-14.00) in the library of the Mellon Centre for Migration Studies will be filled this year by the 'McConversation' (a continuing tribute to the late Tony McAuley and Rodney McElrea), in which festival MC Frank Galligan will interview Mike Compton and Joe Newberry.

As a bonus, photos on the Festival website reveal that Omagh's iconic banjo-picker (shown above) can play right-handed as well as left-handed.

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17 July 2018

Bluegrass Camp Ireland back in 2019

Apologies to Simon Humphries and T.J. Screene, organisers of Bluegrass Camp Ireland, for not publishing on the BIB before now the news that they posted on the Bluegrass Camp Ireland Facebook five weeks ago (12 June): that the Camp will not be held in 2018, but they will be back next year.

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Grassicana alive and well in Colorado

On 17 Nov. 2017 the BIB noted that Bluegrass Today and AirPlay Direct were setting up a chart for 'Grassicana', denoting a growing genre of music - a hybrid of progressive bluegrass and Americana. A few weeks later the trademark Grassicana™ was announced when Bluegrass Today launched its new chart.

The word and the concept had already appeared in print: four years earlier, on 23 Oct. 2013, photographer Dave Brainard of North Carolina launched his Grassicana as 'Raleigh's premier bluegrass / Americana photoblog'. It continued to April 2015 and included older bluegrass and country music as well as what is now covered by Grassicana™.

Last year the BIB also mentioned a bluegrass-cum-Americana/ indie-folk band from Colorado, Avenhart (above), who come well within the Grassicana™ tent. Thanks to 'Avenhart superfan' Armando Pares for the news that the band recently won a 2018 Westword Music Award in the bluegrass category. Armando explains: 'The Westword is a weekly newspaper in Denver, Colorado, that covers the local music scene and sponsors one of the bigger local music festivals.' On 23 June Avenhart played a showcase in the Golden Triangle district of Denver; an interview with them appeared on Westword on 16 June.

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16 July 2018

Looking back on the 3rd Woodbine Bluegrass Jamboree

Woodbine: (l-r) Nicola Kennedy, Liam Wright, 
Tony O'Brien, Martin Cooney

Thanks again to Des Butler for this report and all the photos:

Well, the 3rd Woodbine Bluegrass Jamboree took place last weekend and was a tremendous success, with full houses on both Friday and Saturday nights at the concerts, and two jamming sessions following one another in quick succession on Saturday afternoon.

Friday night concert was opened by Evan Lyons and Taylor Bailey, followed by the Prairie Jaywalkers [above], and then Woodbine themselves closing the official proceedings. All in all, the audience was treated to some old-time favourites and some modern bluegrass with excellent musicianship displayed by all. A jamming session took place after the event and continued well into the early hours.

Saturday afternoon saw the first jamming session take place in Pat Dunne's Lounge [above] with Tony O'Brien, Kevin and Geraldine Gill, and Richard Hawkins leading the fray with some fine musicians taking part, notably Freda & Jerry [below] from Dundalk who entertained with some lively melodies and songs.

This session had just come to a close when some 'fresh blood' arrived in the shape of Pat Kelleher, Joe Zajac, Liam Wright, and Colin & James Henry who took up the mantle, ably assisted by Richard Hawkins on banjo who played straight through both jamming sessions.

The Saturday night concert was opened by the fine playing and harmonies of Pat Kelleher and Joe Zajac [above]. This multi-talented duo were a treat to listen to.

Their performance was followed by the dulcet tones and original songs of Gary Ferguson accompanied by the excellent musicianship of Colin & James Henry [above].

The final performance of the evening was provided by the Clem O'Brien Unit [above], comprising Clem, Tony O'Brien, and Dick Gladney on bass, with Clem giving a very strong, excellent performance on vocals and guitar.

An added and welcome surprise was a guest appearance by Niall Toner who, backed by Clem, Tony, Dick, and Colin, delivered a powerful and moving set of original songs, some dedicated - as one of Clem's songs had been - to Niall's late wife Moira.

All thanks to Tony O'Brien and family for providing us all with another great bluegrass weekend in Athy. Keep up the good work, Tony - long may it last.

BIB editor's note: Niall's own account of the evening can be read in full on the Niall Toner Band Facebook.

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