30 November 2017

Orrin Star and Thornton Spencer

The BIB learns with regret of the deaths of two noted American musicians, Orrin Star (62) and Thornton Lee Spencer (82). Orrin Star, from New Jersey, was a multi-instrumentalist who won the 1976 National Flatpicking Championship at Winfield, KS, and was also a talented music teacher and entertainer. BIB readers with long memories may recall his touring Ireland over ten years ago.

Thornton Spencer, from Grayson County, Virginia, was best known as an old-time fiddler, mentored by the celebrated fiddler and fiddle-maker Albert Hash, founder of the Whitetop Mountain Band, which Thornton and his wife Emily kept going after Albert Hash died in 1983. Among other tours abroad, the Whitetop Mountain Band toured Ireland in the autumn of 2014; though Thornton did not come over on that occasion, their shows were great fun and highly memorable. More details and performance videos are on Bluegrass Today, in John Lawless's feature on Orrin Star, and Richard Thompson's on Thornton Spencer.

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29 November 2017

The Greg Blake Band in Ireland, 20 Jan.-4 Feb. 2018

Two days ago the Shannonside Winter Music Festival announced that its lineup for 18-22 Jan. 2018 would include 'the return of Greg Blake who has formed a special band from an elite collection of top-notch American bluegrass artistes'.

And that was, if anything, an understatement. Thanks to the inexhaustible John Nyhan for the news that Greg Blake is coming to Ireland on his 'Songs of heart & home' tour, named after the title of his solo album. Greg himself is already known here from previous tours as the powerful lead singer and guitarist of the dynamic band Jeff Scroggins & Colorado.

Of the five musicians coming with him this time, those who played on Songs of heart & home are John Reischman (mandolin), Mark Schatz (bass), Blaine Sprouse (fiddle), and Sally Van Meter (dobro). All of them are among the most admired, respected, and experienced performing and recording artists in bluegrass today, and much in demand both on their own account and as guest musicians on other artists' recordings.

Keith Reed (banjo) - from the traditional Colorado band Open Road, and the only player coming who was not on the album - has been added both for his great Scruggs-style playing and for his excellent singing. John sums up:

What can be said about that lineup? Probably the best (or certainly equal to the best) bluegrass musicians that ever toured Ireland. What a treat for us all to have such a band coming. Of course, Greg Blake is one of the finest singers I have ever heard in any genre.

John will be sending a full schedule for the Greg Blake Bluegrass Band tour in a few days. It will begin on 20 January 2018 at the Shannonside Winter Music Festival and continue to Sunday 4 February. No one should miss any opportunity of seeing and hearing the band during that time.

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The Cabin Session, Dundrum, 30 Nov. 2017

Gerry Fitzpatrick, organiser of the Cabin Sessions series, 'Acoustic Music at its Finest', announces the Session for this month:

Hey Y'all,

We're back tomorrow night with special guests Ciaran Moran, Just Dandy, and the fabulous Remedy Club whose new album has been getting rave reviews on national radio!

The Sessions are held on the last Thursday of every month at Uncle Tom's Cabin in Dundrum, south Dublin (not far from Dundrum Luas station, in the city direction). Shows run from 9.30 to 11.30 p.m. and admission is FREE. If you or someone you know would like to perform at the Cabin Sessions, let Gerry know by e-mail. The Sessions are particularly interested in featuring local musicians and singers.

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28 November 2017

'Roots Freeway' back on the air from Sat. 2 Dec.

The RTÉ Guide for the week 2-8 December 2018 announces that a new series of Niall Toner's 'Roots Freeway' show will begin on RTÉ Radio 1 this coming Saturday, 2 December, taking over the 11.00-12.00 p.m. slot from Sandy Harsch's 'Country Time'.


27 November 2017

19th Shannonside Winter Music Festival, 18-22 Jan. 2018

Congratulations to Brendan Walsh and his team for once again presenting their triumphant mix of many musical genres in the 19th Shannonside Winter Music Festival, as shown in their press release:

Sure as broken resolutions, the Shannonside Winter Music Festival is back this January in Sixmilebridge and Bunratty, Co. Clare. From 18th to 22nd, a hectic schedule of eighty events across fifteen locations brings an eclectic mix of music styles to brighten the gloomiest winter.

Greg Blake
The 2018 trad. highlight is the Saturday concert with fiddle legend Frankie Gavin and concertina master Noel Hill, joined by pianist Brian McGrath, while bluegrass fans look forward to the return of Greg Blake* who has formed a special band from an elite collection of top-notch American bluegrass artistes.

Jimmy Bozeman & the Lazy Pigs bring honky-tonk / country-bluegrass sounds from the Czech Republic, and from France Sarah Savoy is back playing wild Cajun tunes.

On the home front, Luka Bloom makes his first festival appearance. From Mayo, Flat Out bring trad and original folk while Coda bring sweet mellow harmonies. The Polyphonics Barbershop Chorus join in from Cork, and DD and the Delta Blues band will rock down from Donegal. The Banner is represented by the swingin jazzy ska sound of Skazz. Cork poetry group O’Bheal, headed by Paul Casey, will give you a break from all the music on Saturday at 5.00 p.m. Swiss country band Maple Tree Circus are back, as are the Athenry Youth Orchestra who partner with an exciting young band from Dublin, ReGroovanation. Classic bluegrass will be provided by the group Woodbine, while festival favourites the Fake McCoys will entertain us with ragtime country blues.

A full day of concerts at Bunratty Folk Park gives the day tripper a chance to experience a variety of songs and tunes. Singers sessions featuring Brian O’Rourke and Grainne Hunt, along with representatives from many of the other bands, will fill the pubs with atmosphere. As always, the set dancing featuring Johnny Reidy in Bunratty Castle Hotel is always well supported, and sessions throughout both villages will feature the best of local and visiting talent. Ruaile Buaile will close the festival on Sunday at one of the great new stages available to the festival this year.

Check out the Facebook page or wmw.ie.

*Greg Blake's powerful lead singing and guitar work are known here from his appearances as a member of Jeff Scroggins & Colorado. More details on the lineup, with photos of all artists, are on the Festival website. The full programme is expected to be published by 1 December. Book your accommodation now to avoid disappointment; the website gives contact data for seven hotels in the area and an inquiry number for B&B information.

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Woody Pines (USA) back in Ireland, 15-19 May 2018

The trio of Woody Blues (USA), specialising in 'down home swing', old-time country blues, hillbilly, and jugband music, will be back in Ireland next May as part of a tour in these islands that begins on 26 Apr. and ends on 29 May. Their Irish schedule, as shown on the Brookfield Knights agency's website, is:

Tues. 15th: The Red Room, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone
Wed. 16th: Crusoe’s, Castlerock, Co. Londonderry
Thurs. 17th: Raheen House Hotel, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary (Clonmel World Music)
Fri. 18th: Courthouse Arts Centre, Tinahely, Co. Wicklow
Sat. 19th: Seamus Ennis Arts Centre, Naul, Co. Dublin

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25 November 2017

Hot Rock Pilgrims on video

'The young bluegrass scene in England and Ireland has been rightly praised of late, with strong new acts emerging monthly it seems.'

That's the first sentence of John Lawless's feature yesterday on Bluegrass Today about the Hot Rock Pilgrims, with Hubert Murray of Galway on guitar and lead vocals. The feature includes the Pilgrims' video of their version of the old-time tune 'Garfield's Blackberry Blossom'. The other tunes on their latest album, Squirrel hunting, can be heard on Bluegrass Today and heard (and bought) on Bandcamp.

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24 November 2017

BBN, autumn 2017

The BIB editor reports:

The autumn 2017 issue of British Bluegrass News, the magazine of the British Bluegrass Music Association (BBMA), is out and (as always) it's pretty impressive. The cover feature is on Peter Rowan; other contents include a busy calendar of bluegrass events in Britain during 2018; a report on the autumn 2017 Sore Fingers, in which Paddy Kiernan was one of the tutors; CD and festival reviews; instalment 7 of a comprehensive history of bluegrass, by Jack Baker (mandolinist of the Vanguards, who played at this year's Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival); a memoir of the late Tom Paley, by Paul Brewer; attractive ads by luthiers and instrument suppliers; and the first instalment of a journal of a trip to the USA.

Travel to the USA is also covered in a report on visa entry problems for musicians; and the BBMA chairman's report, later in the issue, recommends flying via Dublin, where the screening system facilitates entry at the US end. Eugene O'Brien's 'European report' (Eugene is the current EBMA chairman) mentions that Brexit is likely to make things less easy for bands travelling to and from Europe. This is aggravated by the fact that the EU does not have a universal permit system, so each state has a different set of requirements.

However, the real bonus for reading this issue of BBN is 'Heaven in Headfort!', William Duddy's joyful report on this year's Bluegrass Camp Ireland (photo above). William concludes with a strong recommendation to BBN readers to come to Bluegrass Camp Ireland, having already shown in his substantial piece the many good reasons for doing so.

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22 November 2017

Berklee's broad branches

The guitarist in an old-time trio is not usually expected to base solos on the twelve-tone theory of music, but Stash Wyslouch, who will be playing three dates here very soon as a member of Molsky's Mountain Drifters, learned twelve-tone theory at Boston's Berklee College of Music. See him apply it to 'Turkey in the straw' in a video on Bluegrass Today.
More Berklee College alumni: Mile Twelve - who have become a five-piece band since they were last over here, and may be back in 2018 - can be seen on video playing the Allman Brothers song 'Ramblin' man', also on Bluegrass Today.

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21 November 2017

Beer & Bluegrass visitors to Dublin this weekend

The BIB editor writes:

Thanks to Martin Hickman of the annual International Beer & Bluegrass Festival at Poole in Dorset, England, for the news that he will be in Dublin this coming weekend and will be glad to catch any local bluegrass or folk events.

There will of course be the weekly old-time session hosted by Bill Whelan, Ben Keogh, and friends at the Cobblestone in Smithfield from 4.30 to 7.00 p.m. on Saturday, as it has been for many years now; and Rhiannon Giddens (USA) will be performing in concert at Vicar Street, 59 Thomas St., later that evening.

Carol, Tim, and I will be down the country to catch the show by Molsky's Mountain Drifters (USA) at Leap Castle, the first in their tour. So if any bluegrass (or folk) session in Dublin during the weekend would welcome visitors, please contact Martin by e-mail.

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I Draw Slow: concerts between now and Christmas

Dublin's I Draw Slow announce two forthcoming gigs on their Facebook: on Thursday 30 November they play the Cinema on Main St., Naas, Co. Kildare - a charity show in aid of the Naas food bank. Tickets are available from Downda Road Productions.

The band will also be playing their Christmas gig in the Grand Social, Dublin 1, on Sunday 17 Dec.: doors open at 8.00 p.m. and the show starts at 8.30. Tickets (€15.00 incl. booking fee) can be booked here.

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New music coming from the NTB (update)

Niall Toner sends this welcome news:

I am currently working on a new batch of songs and tunes for the next NTB album. 'Last wolf on the mountain' is about the last wolf in Ireland that was hunted down on the Blackstairs, near where we live. 'Myles Walter Keogh' is a song about a man from Leighlinbridge, Co. Carlow, who fought in the American civil war, then joined General Custer's 7th Cavalry, and died at the battle of the Little Big Horn. 'Blues for Larry' is an instrumental dedicated to the late Larry Roddy who was a wonderful small-time promoter, and a great acoustic blues fan. So this next project will have a very local theme throughout.

Friends and fans will learn with great regret that Niall's wife Moira has been in hospital for the past two weeks, in intensive care after a major operation. Her condition is showing signs of improvement, but full recovery may be a long process. Niall himself was in hospital recently, but as he says, 'my issues were small, my time was short, and my recovery was rapid.' The BIB sends both of them every good wish for future health.

Larry Roddy's legacy is now continued by Ballymore Acoustic Gigs (BAG) at Ballymore Eustace, Co. Kildare, with a regular programme of artists.

Update 23 Nov.: The BAG's 7th annual 'Vibe for Larry' will be held on Friday 8 Dec. from 8.00 p.m.

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19 November 2017

The Flying Column - in the round

L-r: Gerry Madden, Niall Toner, Johnny Gleeson, Dick Gladney

Thanks to Niall Toner for this ‘fisheye’ shot (by photographer Karl Hughes) of the Niall Toner Band (NTB) performing at this August's Doolin Craft Beer and Roots Festival at Doolin, Co. Clare. Niall points out that this is a 'Flying Column' configuration of the NTB (see the BIB for 25 July), 'with Gerry Madden deputising for Richie Foley, and doing a great job!'

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17 November 2017

'Grassicana' - a useful new word (update)

Bluegrass Today, leading online bluegrass news medium, has formed an alliance with AirPlay Direct, the leading online radio distribution service for labels and independent artists. Details are on the websites of both Bluegrass Today and Airplay Direct. One fruit of their cooperation is a new chart for recordings of 'Grassicana', defined by them as follows:

... music that lies between the progressive sounds of bluegrass and the vast genre of Americana. While possessing a connection with bluegrass, it is defined as the 'branches', as opposed to the 'roots' of bluegrass. Typically played with acoustic instruments traditional to bluegrass, it may also include drums and other instrumentation not always associated with bluegrass. More than instrumentation however, it is the style in which the music is played that ultimately defines the new genre of Grassicana.

This unique new chart has been set up in response to requests from radio programmers, artists, and labels alike, so it clearly fills a long-felt want. It would, for instance, fit groups such as Avenhart, mentioned on the BIB on 22 Sept.

PS (18 Nov.): See Denis McCarthy's comment, below.

Update 18 June 2020: See David's further comment, received today.

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16 November 2017

IBMA news - and changes

The International Bluegrass Music Association (IBMA) website is offline for a few days, undergoing maintenance. The IBMA Facebook is unaffected. If you need to join or renew membership, contact Amy Beth Hale at the IBMA office by 'phone (001-615-256-3222l toll-free 888-438-4262) or e-mail.

The December 2017 issue will be the last of the IBMA's monthly online newsletter International Bluegrass, due to changing patterns of reader use. From 1 Jan. 2018 IBMA will be sharing news exclusively through e-blasts (e-mails sent out to all members), social media channels, and the website. The IBMA says:

This new approach means we can get you the news while it’s timely, and still provide all the content our membership relies on. We know some of you will miss the newsletter in its current form. We ask you to bear with us, and see if you don’t experience some of the benefits this new approach will bring.

The Bluegrass Trust Fund, 'a safety net for bluegrass pros when emergencies strike', is one of the IBMA's fundamental projects. 28 November will be Giving Tuesday, a worldwide fundraising event to start the end-of-year giving season, and the Trust Fund can be helped not only by donations but by the publicity given by a 'Facebook frame'. Details are here.

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First aid wanted at old-time festival in England

If you're an old-time music enthusiast and also a first-aider trained to St John Ambulance standards, there could be a free place for you at FOAOTMAD's old-time music festival at Gainsborough in England early next year (8-11 Feb.). The FOAOTMAD news blog reports that in return for working at the festival there will be some remuneration plus free tickets for the weekend.

Details of the Gainsborough festival are here. Tickets went on sale to FOAOTMAD members from 1 Oct., and will be open to non-members from 1 Jan. 2018.

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15 November 2017

Bluegrass Jamboree 2017 ready to go

Rainer Zellner and his Music Contact agency in Germany send the news that the 'Banjo Bus' is all ready for this year's 9th Bluegrass Jamboree! 'touring bluegrass festival' package, which will play twenty-four venues in twenty-five days, ranging all over Germany and with one show in Austria, and beginning next week (21 Nov.-16 Dec.)

Full details of the schedule are on the Music Contact website. This year's powerful lineup comprises the Lonely Heartstring Band (USA), Lula Wiles (USA), and the Lonesome Ace Stringband (CAN). A seven-minute video preview is here.

The BIB announced last week that Rainer is putting together a tour in Germany for Midnight Skyracer (UK; Tabitha Agnew of Co. Armagh on banjo). Since then the schedule has grown...

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14 November 2017

Molsky's Mountain Drifters tour, 25-7 Nov. 2017: an extra show announced

Following on the BIB post of 24 Oct., thanks to Audrey Molsky for this poster image for the coming tour by Molsky's Mountain Drifters (Bruce Molsky, fiddle, banjo, guitar; Allison de Groot, banjo; Stash Wyslouch, guitar), who represent the pinnacle of old-time ensemble playing today. Highly recommended. All too brief though the tour is, it's longer than at first announced, with a total now of three scheduled dates:

Sat. 25th Nov.: Leap Castle, Co. Offaly (near Roscrea, Co. Tipperary), 9.00 p.m.
Sun. 26th: Coughlan's Live, 7 Douglas St., Cork city, 9.00 p.m.
Mon. 27th: St John's Theatre, Listowel, Co. Kerry, 8.00 p.m.

The tour has its own Facebook page. Plenty of the Drifters' music is on YouTube: here is a two-minute sampler from a concert.

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MerleFest 2018: dates and lineup announced

Thanks to Maria Ivey for the news that the thirty-first MerleFest will be held at Wilkesboro, NC, from Thursday 26 April to Monday 30 April 2018. The lineup comprises over 75 artists, including five who have played at every MerleFest since the beginning: Sam Bush, Jerry Douglas, Peter Rowan, Joe Smothers, and Jack Lawrence. Among those familiar to Irish audiences are Cardboard Fox (UK), who played at this year's Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival in Co. Mayo, and Rob Ickes & Trey Hensley (USA), headliners at last year's Guinness International Bluegrass Festival at Dunmore East, Co. Waterford.

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13 November 2017

Past visitors from the Mother Country

Early in October 2015, bluegrass singer/ songwriter Milan Miller (left) was in Ireland, playing informally in the Cork area with Kay & Patrick Crouch (below) of Strictly Clean and Decent from Lenoir, NC. His album Poison Cove (2013) is now being followed by an EP, Timepiece, due for release in January 2018. The title track, co-written with Beth Husband and played by top-class pickers, tells the true story of a 1922 gang of bank robbers who made a bad career decision. A snippet can be heard on Bluegrass Today.
Dobroist 'Uncle' Phil Leadbetter (right) was here in 1999 with J.D. Crowe & the New South. Since then he has had a protracted battle with cancer; undaunted by that, he initiated the formation of Flashback, a reincarnation of J.D.'s band that had made the 1994 album of that name.

On Bluegrass Today he announces that he will be retiring from Flashback but will continue to perform (including a show in Knoxville, TN, this coming Friday), as well as working at his part-time career in real estate.


10 November 2017

Short scale banjos - what's new?

Thanks to Alec Somerville in Co. Donegal for these reflections, born of a lifetime's experience with banjos:

I have been reading lately about a 'revolution' in the five-string banjo industry, attributed to various well known performers, players, and makers... the bent seems to be (a) banjos in which the 'skin' sits directly on the wood rim instead of the usual metal tone-ring (however made or contrived) and (b) banjos which can be tuned DOWN into 'E' or even 'D' using the age-old tuning for open 'G'. They are described as 'traditional', 'low banjos', etc., etc...

Well, I have news for the uninitiated... in a room of my home there are several banjos which fit these parameters; they are are stacked up there... Some of them you play right on the wood, usually maple. Others have a spun overcladding on the wood rim which makes a 'tone ring'. The cladding is either nickel-plated brass or 'German silver', a type of nickel compound much used for watch cases, jewellery, etc. at the turn of the century. The scale is usually around 25 inches, and marked at 3, 5, 7, 9, and 12. The pegs will be either ivory; celluloid, known as 'ivoroid'; or original Champion pegs with either amber, black, or white buttons, and which may have patent dates stamped on the metal parts ('1883' etc.).

These banjos were made to be used with gut strings. Some of them have bone or ivory tailpieces which will not stand the pull of steel strings. They are best strung with medium to light nylon strings. If the head is split, then Fiberskyn or similar are good - or go ahead and wrap a goat/ calf/ whatever skin on the existing flesh-hoop - an adventure, to be sure. I can do it, but I had to learn...

One of mine has an original Rogers signed 5 Star, the others were either damaged or lost and have had to be replaced. These banjos tune in G, if that's what you want. But do try open D, f# D F# A D, and in a 'Mountain C' tuning, capo 2 for D.

Good Luck and lotsa oldtime pickin'!

BIB editor's note: Alec's comments on modern banjos apply particularly to Deering's new Julia Belle model and White Oak range. Plenty of photos of older generations of banjos can be seen at the Vintage Banjo Makers website, and especially glorious photos are in Bob Carlin's recent book Banjo: an illustrated history.

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09 November 2017

The Roots Revival

The BIB editor writes:

Thank heaven we have Bluegrass Today for information of exciting new developments on the scene in Ireland. The Roots Revival, formed this summer, consists of the three original members of Cup O' Joe, plus fiddler Niall Murphy (making up the four-piece configuration of COJ at this year's IBMA World of Bluegrass) and Eamonn Rooney on bodhran.

More details and two videos can be seen on Bluegrass Today. By the time you read this, the members of COJ will probably have formed at least two further bands...

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08 November 2017

Midnight Skyracer - gaining altitude fast

Eight months ago the BIB carried the news that the members of Cup O' Joe (Co. Armagh) were also playing in two new UK bands: Reuben and Benjamin Agnew in the Propane Brothers (who recently featured in the 2017 Bunratty Bluegrass Festival), and Tabitha Agnew in Midnight Skyracer (left). The other members of Midnight Skyracer include the Carrivick Sisters, who played at this year's Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival.

Now Bluegrass Today has a feature on Midnight Skyracer, outlining the lively demand which the band is generating and mentioning the Kickstarter campaign for their debut album Fire, support for which has already hit its target well before the deadline. The band prepared a video for the campaign, which can be seen on Bluegrass Today and also on YouTube.

The BIB mentioned in September that Rainer Zellner's Music Contact agency is booking a tour in Germany for Midnight Skyracer for next May. Three dates are already on the Music Contact website, which (following the band's own Facebook) lists them as 'Girl power bluegrass'. From what we've heard, the operative word there is 'power'. This is a hard-driving, multi-talented, and entertaining band.

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06 November 2017

For dobroists

Radio presenter Katy Daley has another of her major interviews on Bluegrass Today. This time it's with Paul Beard of Beard Guitars, and it's essential reading for anyone interested in how Beard's career evolved in bluegrass and luthiery, the immense influence that the late Mike Auldridge had on him, the characteristics of the different models of resonator guitar he has developed, his Legend Cone, and more. Read it here, where you can also see a video of Mike Auldridge testing a batch of new instruments.

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03 November 2017

Chris Jones & the Night Drivers (USA) for Ireland, 28 Feb.-10 Mar. 2018

The BIB editor writes:

The BIB's THINKING OF TOURING IN IRELAND? page remarks of Chris Jones that 'Chris has toured a lot in Europe (though not yet, unfortunately, in Ireland).' That hole is about to be filled. Thanks to Nigel Martyn and his Old Flattop agency for the news that Chris Jones & the Night Drivers will tour Ireland from 28 February till 10 March 2018.

The band is Chris Jones (guitar, lead vocals) with Mark Stoffel (mandolin), Gina Clowes (banjo), and the legendary Jon Weisberger (bass). Their command of traditional and contemporary bluegrass is underlined by the reputation they've earned for very strong original material.

Nigel has arranged an eleven-day tour with the band playing every night - in Cookstown, Westport, Armagh, Naul, Banteer, Kilworth, Sixmilebridge, Belfast, Dun Laoghaire, Carrig-on-Bannow, and Roscrea. Full details will be announced in due course.

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02 November 2017

Michael Miles (USA) in Clarinbridge, 4 Nov. 2017

As the BIB reported on 19 Oct., the great clawhammer banjo maestro Michael J. Miles of Chicago (left) will be performing in concert at Paddy Burke’s in Clarinbridge, Co. Galway, on this coming Saturday (4 Nov.), having received a standing ovation there in spring 2013.

Tom Cussen of Clareen Banjos in Clarinbridge, who is sponsoring the concert in association with the Clarinbridge Arts Group, sends the news that doors will open at 8.15 p.m. The show will start about 8.45 with an introductory set of 15-20 minutes by tenor-banjo player Brian McGrath. Michael Miles's set will begin at about 9.10 / 9.15 p.m.

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New tab book from Jim Pankey

Many will remember Jim Pankey's appearances in Ireland, most recently last year as a member of the Hamilton County Ramblers (USA) at the Woodbine Bluegrass Jamboree and elsewhere, and as an instructor at the first Bluegrass Camp Ireland. As well as his performance and instructional videos on YouTube, he also produces tablatures for sale, both for bluegrass and for clawhammer banjo.

Thanks to Bluegrass Today for the news that Jim now has a new tab book, 32 arrangements and ideas for bluegrass banjo. The list of tunes and other details are on Bluegrass Today; the book can be bought online here.

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