29 November 2011

Bluegrass for Pudsey - the triumphant total

As reported on the BIB, bluegrass sessions were held in aid of Children in Need on the first three weekends in November at Ellie May's (left) in Dunadry, Co. Antrim. Tony Curran reports the outcome:

I know everyone will be delighted to learn that we managed to raise a total of £517.83 (and an American quarter dollar that someone thought was a 10p!) for the appeal. This magnificent sum was in no small measure due to the support we had from all the bluegrass community, including an unexpected visit to the 'Black North' by Sean McManus and PJ, who stayed over in his camper at Ellie May's on the evening of the 19th!!

MANY, MANY, MANY THANKS! to all who helped! I hope to be able to present Ray (the manager/tenant) of Ellie May's with a certificate of our donation - with suitable media coverage (of course!) - as soon as I receive it from Pudsey headquarters!

What a good result! Thanks again to all who contributed with time, money, playing skills, and friendship!

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Americana concert at Roscrea, 10 Dec.: update

Following the BIB post of 26 November on the coming concert of Americana in Roscrea, Co. Tipperary, on 10 December, the concert organiser, Tom Stapleton, writes:

We have decided to offer the Bluegrass Ireland Blog viewers the same deal as our mailing list: i.e. €10 admission to any Bluegrass Ireland Blog viewers who text 087-2238040 to reserve.

The BIB thanks Tom for this generous offer.

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27 November 2011

Academy of Bluegrass Xmas gift certificates

The ArtistWorks Academy of Bluegrass, with its overpowering roster of maestros teaching through interactive video lessons, is offering gift certificates this Christmas for hundreds of online banjo, guitar, fiddle, mandolin, and bass lessons at all levels from beginner to advanced (not to mention lessons ArtistWorks offer in other instruments in other genres). Read the full details here.

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26 November 2011

Sacred Harp in Cork!

For years your editor has muttered about how good Sacred Harp singing is - both in itself, and as a vital soil for the growth of bluegrass harmony - and about how scarce it is in Ireland. Now we learn that there's a lively Sacred Harp community in Cork, centred on UCC music department. Vicky Langan writes:

Hey there, just stumbled across an old blog post of yours on the last English convention. A pity you missed out on Ireland's first ever Sacred Harp singing convention last March! We had visitors from the US and Europe, teachers from Alabama and Georgia, and a whole lotta craic was had over the course of three days.

Don't miss this year's convention!
[3-4 March 2012] PS: We've been singing in Cork for three years now. Come and join us any Thursday evening.

The Thursday evening sessions are at the Camden Palace, Camden Quay, Cork city, from 7.00 to 9.00 p.m. For more details, see the 'Regular singings' page of the Cork Shape Note website. We'd be glad also to hear from anyone who took part in the Belfast Sacred Harp workshop six weeks ago.

Update: We now learn that the Cork shape-note community took a large part in the Belfast event, and that Vicky recently organised a workshop at Campbell's Tavern, Headford, Co. Galway, as part of the Americana Month there (see the BIB of 9 November). Also, get a feel of the sound and atmosphere from the Cork Sacred Harp YouTube channel, where five of the seven videos are from the March 2011 convention.

Further update: See this item on the European Bluegrass Blog.

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Night of Americana in Roscrea, 10 Dec. 2011

Thanks to Tom Stapleton, doyen of Americana promoters in Ireland, for news of a special night of Americana music and song, to be held at the Damer Court Hotel, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary, on Saturday 10 December 2011. And there's a discount on the price of admission for anyone who is on Tom's mailing list.

The show features Americana music and song from Bill Monroe to Gillian Welch, including favourites from the film O brother where art thou?, and the lineup includes Ireland's senior old-time and bluegrass group, the Lee Valley String Band (see the lads on YouTube), who offer 'an understanding and delivery of traditional American music that is not time-dependent', according to Folk Roots magazine.

Also appearing is New Yorker Ari Hest (see him on YouTube, too). Doors open at the Damer Court at 8.30 p.m. and tickets are €15 at the door or €10 for mailing list subscribers. Call 087-2238040.

Update 29 Nov.: Tom has just generously extended the same discount to BIB readers, who should call the same number.

Tom Stapleton
Roscrea, Co. Tipperary
Mobile +353 (0)87 2238040; land line +353 (0)505 21647
Skype: tomstapleton

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25 November 2011

Prison Love Sunday Session at Sin É, Dublin: 27 Nov. 2011

Mark 'Marko' O'Mahony of Prison Love reports:

The second of our free Sunday Sessions is happening this Sunday (27th Nov.) at Sin É, Ormond Quay, Dublin 7. Really enjoyed the session there a few weeks back – good sound and great atmosphere.

We have an earlier kickoff time of 8.30 p.m. and will be finishing up at about 10.30. The bar will be serving delicious tapas from 6.00 p.m. if you want to get in there early. Admission FREE.

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7th Temple Bar Trad Fest, 25-29 Jan. 2012

Bluegrass and old-time musicians who also play Irish music and are in, or within reach of, the Dublin area should note that the 7th Temple Bar Trad Fest will be on in that part of the city centre from 25 to 29 January 2012. No programme details are on the website at present, but we're informed that a buskers' stage will be open on 28 and 29 January for talent not on the main schedule.

As a reassurance that 'trad' is not interpreted exclusively - on the IMRO showcase page of the festival website, the musicians shown in the video include Lena Ullman with 5-string banjo. Thanks to Temple Bar Traders for the news.


Classic albums recognised

Good news on the Bluegrass Today website for all who want their knowledge of classic bluegrass albums to be either confirmed or extended. First, Richard F Thompson reports that Foggy Mountain jamboree, the 1957 Columbia album by Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs, will be inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame®. Richard's report includes a description of the album's contents, a link to where you can sample it on iTunes, and - for an extra treat - a video from one of the band's TV appearances (with Hylo Brown playing bass).

Secondly, bluegrass DJ and record retailer Daniel Mullins begins a new weekly series to let newcomers to bluegrass know of the great milestone albums of the past that are still accessible. The series begins with Tony Rice's 1983 solo album on Sugar Hill, Church Street blues. Read Daniel's reasons for beginning with this album here. We look forward to the rest of this series.

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24 November 2011

NTB in Islandbridge, Dublin, 26 Nov. 2011

A show by the Niall Toner Band is at the top of the present gig listing from Musiclee.ie. The band will be playing at the Commercial Rowing Club, Long Meadows, Islandbridge, Dublin 8, on this coming Saturday, 26 November, at 8.30 p.m. Tickets €10 (€8 if booked in advance), which for a band of this distinction seems a real bargain.

The Commercial Rowing Club is one of a series of rowing clubs on the Liffey side of the Chapelizod Road (R109), which runs alongside the wall of the Phoenix Park. A month ago I Draw Slow played there at the opening show of the Island Bridge Roots and Trad Club; the NTB show will also be an IBR&TC affair.

For further info call 086-2249262. Other Musiclee shows in the coming month can be seen on the same page.

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Rural Rhythm news

Thanks to Roger Ryan of the Country Music Association of Ireland for drawing attention to the release by Rural Rhythm Records of Bill Monroe 100th Year Celebration: Live at Bean Blossom. The title may raise false hopes: it wasn't possible to return the Father of Bluegrass to this life for the occasion, but a whole pile of top-line people in today's bluegrass world were on the album, and many of them were also at yesterday's release party.

Full details of the event are on the Rural Rhythm news page, together with links to details of the album and other good things on the RR website - if you have five minutes to spare, we recommend viewing the Graves Mountain All Star Jam promo video, which is also on YouTube.

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23 November 2011

Crosspicking: taught by Kathy Barwick

Thanks to Cathal Cusack for this link to an instructional feature in the online version of the current issue of Acoustic Guitar magazine.

In the feature Kathy Barwick (interviewed by Scott Nygaard) goes through some of the material she covered at her Dublin workshop in June this year (see the 7 September post on the BIB). Ten exercises in crosspicking are shown in tab and standard notation, and in the online version Kathy also demonstrates them, together with a 'lick of the month', on video.

Cathal comments: 'Probably of interest to guitar players in the bluegrass area' - quite rightly, as coincidentally (?) this year George Shuffler, whose work with the Stanley Brothers made crosspicking a vital part of bluegrass guitar playing, was inducted into the International Bluegrass Music Hall of Fame.

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End of an era in Westport

Uri Kohen of Electric Cave Production reports from Co. Mayo:

During last week we learned of the closure of Geraghty's pub in Westport, one of the oldest in the town. Since its reopening around seven years ago, the pub set itself to become the leading music venue in the town.

Around four years ago the Electric Cave Production and John (the pub owner) had a clear vision to turn the pub into one of the main music venues in the country. More than 100 gigs, featuring artists from all over the world, were performed there. Some of the best folk and bluegrass acts from Ireland and beyond left their mark on the west's music scene. David Hope was the artist who opened the 'Unfinished Music' series, and together we raised the standards of all music shows in the town.

The pub was also the official home of Westport Folk & Bluegrass Festival in recent years. John and his team - Gemma, Louis, and Brendan - looked after all the artists as family, and they all told us about their great experiences in the pub. The B&B over the pub provided a warm bed to all the artists that came through the pub's doors.

The closure of the pub will mark a change in the music scene in Westport, and will leave a big hole in the country music venues landscape. The Electric Cave Production are now in the process of finalising the lineup for the 2012 Westport Folk & Bluegrass Festival, but are also looking for a new home.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank John and his team for all the years and the great memories they left us. May the future be bright to us all.

For all of you music lovers - see you in Westport.

The photo shows Jeff & Vida (USA) in Geraghty's a year ago, when they had driven through extreme weather conditions to be there.

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22 November 2011

Bluegrass Slow Jam at Walton's - off to a good start

Paddy Kiernan (left), whose 'Introduction to 5-string banjo' course' is doing well at Walton's New School of Music in central Dublin, reports:

Last Friday saw the first ever Bluegrass Slow Jam held at Walton's School of Music. It was very well received, and so we've decided to hold another one on Friday 2 December. All the information can be found on the School of Music website, which also includes information on Cathy McEvoy's forthcoming Bluegrass Fiddle Workshop. Anyone with any questions about the class, or about banjo lessons, can contact me by e-mail.

Update 23 Nov.: Paddy hopes to be able to send photos from the next jam session for the blog, as well as details of another beginners' banjo class in the new year.

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Belfast Bluegrass is one year old!

Richard Leeman, of Belfast Bluegrass (and the Down and Out Bluegrass Band), reports:

The next Belfast Bluegrass session takes place on Tuesday 6 December upstairs in the Errigle Inn, Ormeau Road, Belfast, starting at around 8.30 p.m. As well as being our last one before Christmas, this session is particularly notable as it is one year since the session started, in December 2010. We have had some great evenings over the last year, as well as a memorable afternoon at the Open House Festival in June, but the most pleasing aspect of the sessions has been the new friendships that have been formed between bluegrass musicians from Belfast and beyond.

The session only exists because of the enthusiastic participation of local musicians, many of whom have been at almost every one over the last year. To all our 'regulars' (they know who they are) I would like to say a very big thank you, and I hope they have enjoyed our monthly get-togethers as much as I have. I also want to say thanks to our hosts, the Errigle Inn, and to everyone who has helped spread the word or promote the session. With your support, I hope that the session can continue for many years to come.

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21 November 2011

Dangem Bluegrass Get-Together, 26 Nov. 2011

Dangem Quality Instruments of Craigavon, Co. Armagh, report that the next in their monthly schedule of Saturday morning jam-and-teaching sessions - the Dangem Bluegrass Get-Togethers - will be on Saturday 26 November, with the familiar venue, times, and programme:

9.30/10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon at the Lagan Valley Island, Island Civic Centre, Lisburn BT27 4RL, Co. Antrim; tel. 028 9250 9292

9.30-10.00: Warm up
10.00-11.00: Split up for banjo beginners class
11.00-12.00: All join in the sing-along and jam session

Dangem's full e-mail bulletin can be read here.

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Bending the Strings play Mullingar Park Hotel next Sat night., 26 Nov. 2011

Thanks to BTS for this news:

Martin Cooney, Moyra Fraser, Gerry Madden, and Vinny Baker, collectively known as Bending the Strings, play Mullingar's Park Hotel, next Saturday night (26 November). Kickoff is at 10.00 p.m.

The band are currently working on their second album, the follow-up to their very successful All keyed up album. The new album will be the band's first recordings with the addition of Gerry Madden on mandolin; is in the mixing stage at guitarist Vinny Baker's Veebee Recording Studio outside Mullingar; and was recorded mostly live in the studio with a minimum of overdubs - and indeed, the live feel comes across on the album. There will be a mix of classic bluegrass songs, trad fiddle tunes, original compositions, and the trademark trad/modern bluegrass sound of Bending the Strings band.

A title for the album has not yet been decided on, but watch the blog for further news. We hope to see all our friends in the Mullingar Park Hotel next Saturday night, 26 November.

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20 November 2011

A night to remember

Uri Kohen reports from Westport, Co. Mayo:

The first event of the first Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival was a tribute event for this fine music. I (with my very small knowledge of the genre) played some fine tune, and friends came and helped us to bring it home - Hubie and Sarah MacEvilly finished the evening by singing 'Red clay halo' by Gillian Welch. I fell in love with the song.

Two years later, as part of the third festival, an RTÉ film crew joined us to tell the story of an Israeli who produces a bluegrass festival in Ireland. I said then that as long as the public will support me, I will bring Gillian to Westport one day. Last year I saw her in concert for the first time, and last Friday I went to Belfast to see her once again.

My wife and myself got a great seat beside Tim Rogers and got to meet a lot of good bluegrass people like Sharon and Arnie. The concert was a dream come true for any Gillian Welch fan; the hits were coming one by one in superb performance, the unique guitar playing of David Rawlings sounded fantastic, and Gillian's voice was perfect.

By then it was a night to remember, but there was more to come: during a late drink in the hotel, Tim pointed out David, who was himself sampling some fine brew. On my way to bed, I took the opportunity to shake Dave's hand and to tell him that the west of Ireland will always give him a warm welcome. I know they won't make it to the 2012 festival - but the sky's the limit. Thanks, Gillian and Dave, for a great show.

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A treat for traditionalists

The BIB editor reports:

Memories of last weekend at the welcoming Pikers Lodge Hotel in Lough Gowna, Co. Cavan, include agreeing with Mr Sean McManus on how hard it's getting to find bluegrass that sounds like it used to. Well, here for Sean and others with similar taste is a song by Junior Sisk & Ramblers Choice, from their latest CD The heart of a song, which not only states the problem but provides a cure. The title is 'A far cry from Lester and Earl'.

You can see the band doing it on stage during the Uncle Pen Days at Bean Blossom on YouTube, with a fervent reaction from the audience; better for hearing the words is another YouTube video, which combines the audio track from the album with a series of evocative photos from the past.

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18 November 2011

'From Rathgar to Rosine': on air 29 Dec. 2011

'From Rathgar to Rosine: a pilgrimage to find Bill Monroe'

A one-hour radio documentary presented by Niall Toner, and produced by Aidan Butler, which tells about a journey from Rathgar in Dublin to Rosine in Kentucky to try and unlock some of the mystery behind the enigma and the genius that was Bill Monroe, the Father of Bluegrass Music. Monroe was born in 1911 and died in 1996; and now in 2011, fans and admirers are celebrating his career in his centenary year.

Niall Toner was first introduced to the music of Bill Monroe by a neighbour's son in Rathgar in Dublin in the late 1950s. Niall was smitten, and since that time has been a Monroe fanatic, studying and performing bluegrass music, and writing songs and composing tunes in the bluegrass music genre.

Niall first met Monroe in 1975 before a concert in Belfast [photo above]; later on at a Blue Grass Boys gig in Cork city at the Carling Country Music Festival in 1984; and for a third, and last, time in the USA at a bluegrass festival in Bean Blossom, Indiana, in 1990.

In September 2011, Niall and RTÉ Radio 1 producer Aidan Butler travelled to the 10th Annual Bill Monroe Bluegrass Festival at Jerusalem Ridge in Kentucky, near the Monroe homeplace in Rosine, and spoke with as many of Monroe's friends, relatives, neighbours, admirers, and band members as they could locate.

This documentary follows Niall on his very personal journey to discover the Man behind the music. 'From Rathgar to Rosine: a pilgrimage to find Bill Monroe' will be broadcast on RTÉ Radio 1 on Thursday 29 December 2011, at 2.00 p.m.


17 November 2011

Grand finale of 'Bluegrass for Pudsey' at Ellie May's, 19 Nov. 2011

A reminder from Tony Curran (left) that this coming Saturday (19 Nov. 2011) will mark the grand finale of the series of three bluegrass sessions at Ellie May's in Dunadry, Co. Antrim, in aid of Children in Need. The two previous sessions were held on 5 and 12 November (see the BIB posts for 7 and 13 Nov.).

The final session comes just a day after the televised event. Tony writes:

We will charge a few pounds from each punter to play their 'TUNE/SONG OF CHOICE' and, hopefully, will be able to submit a substantial cheque at the end of the day to this worthy cause.

I am hoping that I may also be able to promote this occasion on several local radio stations. Any bluegrass promotional opportunities available should be exploited to their fullest extent! ~ Anybody out there that can help should get in touch!

For more info about the final session, and/or any future bluegrass events in the area, contact Tony by e-mail.

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16 November 2011

Banjo news

Michael J. Miles, the supreme clawhammer banjo virtuoso who visited Ireland all too briefly earlier this year, sends word that he not only has a completely refurbished website - he's offering his CDs at $10.00 each, up to and including 15 December 2011. These include some of the finest achievements of banjo music, so we recommend investigating. Read Michael's latest e-newsletter.


Secondly - if you've missed a chance so far this year of winning a Deering banjo, you have another chance: go to the Facebook page of Dana and Lauren (aka the Shankman Twins, Malibu Storm) and LIKE them - which shouldn't be hard, especially if you remember their appearances at the Dunmore East Festival some years ago.


The appearance of this item means that on the BIB there are now 2,400 posts. As the BIB began operating almost exactly six years ago, the statistics show that on average more than one post appears on it every day. Keep watching this space...

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AKUS reviewed in DT (UK)

Although it has carried decent obituaries of such figures as Red Allen, John Hartford, Bill Monroe, and Wade Mainer, the many virtues of the Daily Telegraph (UK) don't usually include familiarity with or approval of any form of country music; so it's noteworthy that yesterday's issue carried a very favourable review by Martin Chilton, the paper's digital culture editor, of a recent concert by Alison Krauss & Union Station at the Royal Festival Hall in London. Read it here.

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More memories of Bill Monroe

Thanks to Niall Toner for the two photos above (click on either for a larger image), taken in Kentucky during his US tour in September and October this year. On the left: Niall (with sweatshirt supporting a Dublin musician) in part of the Bill Monroe Centennial Exhibit at the International Bluegrass Music Museum at Owensboro, KY, about thirty miles from Monroe's birthplace. The framed mandolin headstock veneer, with a 'curl' missing and the name 'Gibson' deleted by Bill himself, was on his Lloyd Loar Gibson mandolin for many years. Niall sends these further comments:

The mandolin in the display case in the Museum is one of Monroe's. To the best of my recollection it is an Ibanez, and it was one of the mandolins that caused a bit of a 'stir', as it was presented to Monroe while he was on tour in Japan, and photos taken at the time were subsequently used in magazine ads which led to legal action by Gibson, who were, of course, Monroe's official sponsor.

The woman holding a copy of my Monroe tribute CD by the side of Bill's gravestone is his daughter, Carolina Rose. She is one of the subjects of our interviews at Rosine
[to be broadcast in the one-hour RTE special at Christmas 2011]. She performs with an all-woman band, and also with AL Jones (Monroe's son), he of AL Jones and Frank Necessary fame. Necessary is currently seriously ill in hospital.

AL Jones, Frank Necessary, & the Spruce Mountain Boys, and their recordings on Rounder, Old Homestead, etc., have exemplified hardcore bluegrass for many years. The life story of Carolina Rose and her brother AL Jones has been published as The road from Gloria Jean to Carolina Rose.

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15 November 2011

At Rosine cemetery, 1 October 2011

Last week the BIB published the cutting below from the Times-News for Hartford and Beaver Dam, KY, showing Niall Toner playing at the cemetery of Rosine, KY, during a memorial service for Bill Monroe on 1 Oct. this year.

We've now given the occasion its own post, as Enda Donnelly of Fair City Grass has written to say that he is

delighted to observe my spouse [Geraldine] on the extreme left, just above Niall's shoulder, draped in a shawl, given to her by a kind vendor as it was a chilly frosty morning. Needless to say I am obscured by Niall's head and shoulder!

At the far right-hand corner is 'Doc' Campbell Mercer on mandolin, and the small very elderly lady (who was dressed in red), in the centre beside the banjo player, is a close relative of Bill Monroe and she gave a short talk about Bill and family. Most of us there took part vocally in the chorus of all the gospel songs. Glad we were part of that memorable occasion.

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Slim Pickins Irish tour, Nov.-Dec. 2011

Thanks to Anthony Mannion of Slim Pickins (above), who reports:

Since I was last in contact, Slim Pickins have been playing away, getting together some more tunes for our first record. We have been on RTE Radio 1 on the Arena Show and John Creedon, and also on Country Wide, so all is going good for us...

and forwards this release on their current tour in Ireland:

Slim Pickins are a Dublin/Galway based band who play buck leppin’ traditional and original old-timey country & bluegrass.

Tour dates:
Fri. Nov. 18th: McCarthy's, Dingle, 9.00 p.m. €8
Sat. Nov. 19th: Roisin Dubh (upstairs), Galway, 9.00 p.m., €8
Mon. Nov. 21st: Crane Lane, Cork, 11.30 p.m., FREE
Fri. Nov. 25th: The Cobblestone, Dublin, 8.30 p.m., €10
Sat. Dec. 3rd: McGarrigles, Sligo, 8.30 p.m., €10

Firmly rooted in old-time sounds, Slim Pickins have absorbed musical influences from a broad-reaching transection of American music. Merging the contemporary influence of Old Crow Medicine Show and Dave Rawlings, and the traditional sounds of the Stanley Brothers, Doc Watson, and Bill Monroe with their own unique tones, they embody the old-time tradition whilst also managing to reveal their own voice.

Resonating from an unoccupied niche in the resurgence of today’s acoustic string bands, they've opened up for Irish folk legends Tir na Nog, Simone Felice's 'The Duke and the King', and shared the stage with Lisa Hannigan and Gavin Glass. Their own eclectic upbringings and an infatuation with western swing and early bluegrass sees them mixing original music with traditional arrangements of songs passed down through the years, as they deliver three-part vocal harmonies in time to buck leppin' banjos, dobros and guitars. Their high energy shows are good old-time fun, creating a sound that is as refreshing as it is downright addictive!

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New acoustic roots band and session in central Dubln

Thanks to Mark Flynn, who writes:

We're called the Mountaineers (we're a spinoff from the Blood Red Mountain Band) and we play every week, on Tuesdays from 9.30 p.m., in the International Bar [right] on Wicklow Street, Dublin 2. Mostly play country, roots, and rock-and-roll-type songs and instrumentals; we'd be heavily influenced by the Band, the Flying Burrito Brothers, and the Waterboys. Lineup is fiddle, guitar, uke, and bass; always acoustic and always free in.

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Vincent Cross gives a timely reminder

Thanks to Vincent Cross in New York, who recently read in the New York Times a review by Seth Schiesel, the NYT music critic, of Biophilia, the latest CD by Björk. The review stresses how innovative the album is, because with an app from iPad one can interact with the music, in

a sort of audiovisual game... ambitious artists and executives in the struggling music industry will recognise Biophilia as a vital step forward in rethinking how their work can be conceived, packaged, delivered, and made relevant to the public.

Vincent, in his reply printed in the NYT, points out how musicians have for decades been interacting with recordings (and expanding their own consciousness and abilities in the process), by listening to them over and over again and playing along with them. I'm sure he has bluegrass musicians in mind...

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13 November 2011

Bluegrass raises more for Pudsey

Following the BIB post of 7 November on the series of sessions in Ellie May's at Dunadry, Co. Antrim, Tony Curran sends a quick update:

Thanks to the usual suspects (last week's regulars), aided and abetted by Jimmy Quinn and Noel Campbell, we managed to raise a further £135.08 yesterday at Ellie May's for Children In Need! - bringing our total thus far to - a magnificent £240.08!!

I am hoping that we might be able to improve this total next Saturday (which will be our last collection day), so please let everyone who may be able to play/contribute/be there to turn up and help!!

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11 November 2011

High Plains Tradition - a tour in autumn 2012?

HPT on stage at Athy 2010: (l-r) Doug Elrick, Mark Leslie, Steve Gilmore, Bobbie Vickery, Kenny Pabst

High Plains Tradition, the fine band from Denver, CO, who made such an impact during their summer tour last year, send bluegrass fans in Ireland their good wishes and some good news: they're working on making a return trip. Guitarist Steve Gilmore writes:

Don't know how much excitement it will generate, but I know it is generating some excitement with us. We had such a great time in 2010.

At present, October 2012 is in view. Event organisers who'd be interested in presenting this very satisfying band should contact HPT via their website. Plenty of their work can be seen on YouTube - try this for a starter.

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IBMA survey to help find a new executive director

Following the announcement on 4 Nov. 2011 that Dan Hays (left) will resign after 21 years' service as executive director of the International Bluegrass Music Association, the IBMA has prepared a survey to enable anyone with a concern for the future of bluegrass to assist in the process of recruiting a new executive director.

The survey has been issued initially to IBMA members, but it can be answered by people who have let their membership lapse, or who have never been IBMA members. It can be accessed through this link. Answers should be completed by 16 November 2011. Read the full IBMA release here.


Woodbine at Lough Gowna; NTB at Ballymore Eustace

Woodbine will be playing tomorrow night (Saturday 12 November) in Pikers Lodge Hotel, Lough Gowna, Co. Cavan (about 25 km south-west of Cavan town). For this show, the band will be a five-piece - augmented by Clem O'Brien, shown left on bass, when he was deputising for his sister Nicola earlier this year.


Thanks also to Roy Thompson of Ballymore Acoustic Gigs (BAG) for the news that on Monday (14 November) BAG welcomes the Niall Toner Band to Mick Murphy's, Ballymore Eustace, Co. Kildare. Doors open at 8.00 p.m., and the show starts at 9.00 p.m. sharp. Roy adds: '€12 on the door, but come early as I'm expecting a good crowd!'

Roy Thompson
Ballymore Acoustic Gigs
Tel. +353 86 3270780

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10 November 2011

Front Page Bluegrass News comes to Ireland

Thanks to Front Page Bluegrass News (USA) for the news that RTE Radio 1 will begin airing the news to bluegrass fans on Niall Toner's Roots Freeway radio show, beginning on 3 December 2011. Listeners will be able to hear the news between 11.00 p.m. and 12.00 midnight every Saturday to keep up-to-date on all that's newsworthy in bluegrass.

Front Page Bluegrass News, syndicated from America, was founded in January 2011 by long-time broadcaster Brian McNeal. It is the radio extension of McNeal's popular Prescription Bluegrass Blog attached to his own bluegrass music programme, and is the only syndicated radio news programme of its kind for bluegrass. Front Page Bluegrass News is delivered free to radio affiliates two times a week, and in addition to US radio stations it is already heard on four stations in Canada and two more in the Netherlands.

Read the full Front Page Bluegrass News press release here.

Above: Brian McNeal and Niall Toner.


Give me the banjo can be seen on video!

Thanks to Louis O'Dwyer of Tullamore, Co. Offaly, for the news that the documentary film Give me the banjo can be viewed on the PBS website.

The film was last mentioned on the BIB on 28 October; a fuller description has now been given by Kevin Lynch on the European Bluegrass Blog. As Kevin says, we don't at present know how long it may be accessible on the PBS website, so take an early opportunity of watching it.

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09 November 2011

Molly Hicks in Americana month at Campbell's, Co. Galway, 12 Nov. 2011

Thanks to Ruth Dillon (on left in the photo), who writes:

The gingham curtains have been hung and the cowboy boots and hats have been dusted down this November for a month of Americana-themed events (such as line dancing, country/bluegrass gigs, quilt making, steak eating!) at the very cool Campbell's Tavern, Cloghanover, Headford, Co. Galway.

Fans of the Molly Hicks are in for a treat this Saturday (12 Nov.) as they grace the Campbell's stage with their six-piece lineup for what is promised to be another exciting show from the band, who combine the sweetest harmonies with dynamic instrumental tunes and driving rhythms.

Ruth Dillon (vocals/guitar) and Bernie O'Mahony (vocals/banjolele) will be joined by Peter Akerstrom (vocals/flatpicking guitar), Paul O'Driscoll (double bass), Juliana Erkonen (fiddle) and Geoff Ward (mandolin). Fresh from their success at many of the major festivals during the summer, including the recent Balla Bluegrass Festival, the band continues to perfect their unique sound, adding original songs, penned by Ruth, as well as traditional bluegrass songs and fiddle tunes. You're going to find yourself singing and dancing, and will go home with an elated spirit!

Don't miss this chance to catch them, in such an atmospheric gem of a venue as Campbell's Tavern. Admission: €10.

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Well Enough Alone - coming to Bray, 11 Nov. 2011

Thanks to Hugh Taggart, lead singer, guitarist, and songwriter for Dublin band Well Enough Alone, who reports:

Just thought I'd let you know that Well Enough Alone had a successful trip to Dingle, west Kerry, and the McCarthy's gig on Friday was great. On Saturday we did a Podcast performance in Mazz O'Flaherty's music shop that can be heard online and we hosted a great session in O'Flaherty's pub that night. We managed to do some sight-seeing of this breathtaking part of the world as well.

I've included a photo [above] of the band from our last gig in the Cobblestone. We're playing this Friday, 11 Nov., in the Harbour Bar in Bray, Co. Wicklow. Show starts at 9.00 p.m. with support from the Cujo Family. No cc.

I'd also like to say that Well Enough Alone are available for more bookings all over Dublin and the entire country. And yours truly is now offering guitar lessons in and around Dublin. I specialise in bluegrass flatpicking, Celtic flatpicking, and folk fingerpicking. If anyone is interested in booking Well Enough Alone, or in guitar lessons, call Hugh at 0871717850.

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Brooks Williams at Arklow, 24 Nov. 2011

Thanks to Brendan O'Regan in Arklow, Co. Wicklow, who reports:

My venue for roots gigs shut down last summer, but I'm starting up in a new venue, 'The Fifty Six', Main St., Arklow, on Thursday 24 November, with Brooks Williams, a US-born, Cambridge-based singer-songwriter-guitarist specialising in bottleneck and resonator guitars. He sings in blues/roots/Americana vein and has nineteen albums to his credit. Support will be by locals Christine McElheron and Fran Harper. Admission is €10 and starting time 9.30 sharp. Contact 087-6404067.

Brooks Williams is scheduled to play other dates in Ireland before and after Brendan's show: the following, together with links to venues and location maps, are on his website (click on 'Live'):

Fri. 18th: Theatre Concert, Ballymena, Co. Antrim

Sat. 19th: The Bronte Music Club, Rathfriland, Co. Down; 9.00 p.m.

Wed. 23rd: Mick Murphy’s Bar, Ballymore Eustace, Co. Kildare; +353 (0)86 3270780/ +353 (0)45 864161; 8.30 p.m.

Thurs. 24th: 'The Fifty Six' Bar, Main St., Arklow, Co. Wicklow; 087-6404067; 9.30 p.m.

Fri. 25th: No Alibis, Belfast; 028 9031 9607
Sat. 26th: No Alibis, Belfast; 028 9031 9607

Sun. 27th: Enler Delta Blues Club, Comber, Newtownards, Co. Down; 07866 687177

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08 November 2011

Chris Stuart on Herschel Sizemore's 'Rebecca'

Herschel Sizemore in the lobby of the Renaissance Hotel, Nashville, during IBMA's World of Bluegrass 2006 (photo: Carol Hawkins)

Besides such things as leading his band Backcountry and teaching at Sore Fingers Week, Chris Stuart (USA) is an outstanding, award-winning writer, best known for songs and bluegrass journalism. His 'Blue Yodel' column appears frequently on Bluegrass Today, with tons of good sense on the subject of songwriting (among many other things). So why is the subject of his latest 'Blue Yodel' an instrumental?

Well, it's Herschel Sizemore's mandolin classic, 'Rebecca'; and Chris's article is about the processes that lead to the emergence of such masterpieces. It's also about much more. Read the whole piece here.

Dobro giant in Ireland

Thanks to Colin Henry in Belfast for this

... Photo of myself and Jerry Douglas tonight [Mon. 7 Nov.] after the Alison Krauss concert at the Waterfront Hall. Janet and I were invited backstage after the show and we spent some time with Jerry. A really nice guy and very easy to talk to. A pretty good dobro player as well!

Jerry Douglas can be heard tonight [Tues. 8 Nov.] in Dublin as a member of Alison Krauss & Union Station - almost exactly seventeen years after the band's first Dublin appearance.

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07 November 2011

In the Knocklyon's den

The BIB editor reports:

I dropped in last Thursday night on the regular 'Bluegrass and Beyond' session run by the Tin Box Company (above photo) every week in Delany's Knocklyon Inn, a pleasant pub in south-west Dublin (see the BIB report of 25 October). The experience can be thoroughly recommended.

The session is basically an informal show by the band - sitting down in the bar, but with miked vocals and pickups on all instruments. Visiting pickers were welcomed to sit in, but be warned: keeping up with a band that drives as hard as the TBC in their present lineup is a serious workout. Their imaginative repertoire includes a medley of Irish reels (with key changes) that goes like the clappers.

This group has a strong, individual ensemble sound together with a good personal 'buzz', and it would be nice to see them getting around to events on the festival circuit. Inquiries can be made to Martin Kavanagh (mandolin) on 087 2504505. For more photos and video footage, see the TBC's Facebook page.

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Bluegrass and Pudsey!

Thanks to Tony Curran, who reports from the North:

Colin Henry (dobro), Gabriel Irisarri (mandolin), Colin Allen (banjo), Brian Crawford (guitar), and I (banjo) played on Saturday past at Ellie May's in Dunadry, Co. Antrim (see above photo).

We managed to wheedle a total of £105 from the punters to donate to 'Children in need' - which goes out live on BBC1 on 18 Nov. We intend to add to this amount by playing again for the next two Saturdays (12 and 19 Nov.) from 15:30 onward, and welcome other bluegrass musicians to come along and give us: a) a helping hand; b) a donation for this worthy cause. Please spread the word!

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Spectrum Centre night on Dangem YouTube channel

Thanks to Dangem Quality Instruments of Craigavon, Co. Armagh, for the news that video footage from last week's Bluegrass and Roots Music Night at the Spectrum Centre, Belfast, can be found on the Dangem YouTube channel. Four videos, including numbers by the Broken Strings and Down & Out Bluegrass Band, have been posted there in the last two days (and perhaps more will follow?). Dangem adds:

If you are going to treat yourself or someone to a new banjo this Christmas, don't leave it too late to order. Last year, while Santa managed to deliver all orders, the snow fall nearly beat him and the postman! We do not want any unhappy banjo players this Christmas.

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06 November 2011

The Toy Hearts in central Dublin TODAY

A reminder that the final show in the current tour in Ireland by the Toy Hearts (GB) will take place today (Sunday 6 November) in central Dublin, when the band will be playing in the Mercantile, 28 Dame St., Dublin 2. Thanks to Mick Dunne of Drogheda for bringing them over and setting up the whole tour.

Paul Lee of the Musiclee.ie agency, who arranged the Dublin appearance for the Toy Hearts, draws attention to the early start of the show: 5.00 p.m.. Admission is €15 (€13 if reserved in advance online).

The Toy Hearts have racked up an impressive record of achievement for a band from outside the US, including appearances at major festivals in Ireland, the Continent, and America. For more details on the band, see the BIB post of 11 September. The photo on the right shows Hannah Johnson (lead vocals, mandolin) and Sophia Johnson (vocals, lead guitar) of the Toy Hearts with Doyle Lawson in Bühl, Germany, May 2011 (photo: Jörg Neuner). Performance videos of them can be seen on YouTube (example: here), and a video of their single 'The captain' can be seen on their website.

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04 November 2011

THE bluegrass guitar - in Dublin 2

Thanks to Patrick Simpson for this photo and this news:

One of the joys of walking around the streets of Dublin is you'll never know who you will meet or what you will find. So I thought I would let your readers know about a brand new, straight-from-the-factory Martin D-18V that is for sale in Dublin at the Perfect Pitch music shop, 35 Exchequer St., D2.

As you may know, a Martin D-18 is 'the Bluegrass Guitar' and a must-have for a serious flatpicker. The 'V' is for 'Vintage', and it seems C.F. Martin are now remembering how to make replicas of their best guitars. It is a rarity to find one in such good condition in Ireland, and this guitar has a great neck and finish and overall tone with a warm, full, Martin acoustic sound.

So if there are any new bluegrass guitar players who wish to start out on a really nice guitar, or if you are looking for an upgrade, or if you just wish to add to your collection, you should clear out your bank accounts for this amazing guitar and contact Gerry Crowe at 01 6771553 or visit the shop's website. The Perfect Pitch is an authorized C.F. Martin dealer, and I believe the D18V is retailing at around €2,500 - which I imagine includes a Martin case. Thanks for listening, and happy pickin'!

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Niall as MC at the Historic Jonesborough Bluegrass Series, Jonesborough, TN (photo: Mark Gines).

Niall Toner found many ideas for new songs coming up during his recent tour in the US, through travelling around the Southern mountains, seeing places whose names were familiar from many bluegrass, old-time, and country songs over the years. As a result Niall's own notebooks are full, and some new songs have already been written in collaboration with other songwriters with whom he has previously worked. Other fruitful outcomes to the trip are still ripening.

Niall's forthcoming Bill Monroe Special radio documentary makes use of many interviews with friends and relatives of the Father of Bluegrass and with former Blue Grass Boys. He and producer Aidan Butler have some seven hours of recordings to edit down for a one-hour broadcast scheduled for the Christmas period on RTE Radio 1, and also on many radio stations throughout Europe and the US. Details will follow as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, here's a photo of Niall in downtown Nashville with bluegrass singer/songwriter Donna Ulisse and members of the band Tiller's Folly. More details are on Donna's latest e-newsletter.

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03 November 2011

Prison Love Sunday Sessions at Sin É, Dublin: starting 6 Nov. 2011

Mark 'Marko' O'Mahony of Prison Love announces:

Howdy Friends,

Come and join your favourite old-timers for the first, of what could be many, Prison Love Sunday Sessions at Sin É. We'll be serving up barbecued bluegrass, chargrilled cajun, and oven-baked old-time (?) by the plateful.

Whether you're on a Sunday roll-over or just fancy 'the one or two' to polish off the weekend, you'll be welcomed with open arms on the Sunday Session dance floor. New setting, new vibe, same good ole time.

Sunday 6 Nov.
Ormond Quay, Dublin 7
Doors 8.00 p.m.
Admission FREE

Spread the word,

Prison Love
facebook: PrisonLove

BIB editor's recommendation: Make this a double-header by going first to the Toy Hearts show in the Mercantile Hotel, not far from Sin É, at 5.00 p.m. - it's the grand finale of their current tour of Ireland. See the current Musiclee.ie concert listing.

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Meanwhile, in east Ulster...

Bluegrass fans in Ulster tonight have the Bluegrass and Roots Music Night at the Spectrum Centre, Belfast, to enjoy. Thanks to Dangem for a final reminder of the latter, with full details in their latest e-newsletter.

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Southern Tenant Folk Union at the Island Centre, Lisburn, 9 Nov. 2011

Southern Tenant Folk Union (GB) are touring for eight days in this island, starting tomorrow night at the Playhouse in Derry city. All dates in the tour are already on the BIB calendar. Thanks to Una at the Island Arts Centre, Lisburn, Co. Antrim, for the following release on their show at the Centre next week:

Formed by Belfast-born five-string banjo player Pat McGarvey in 2006, Edinburgh-based folk/bluegrass band Southern Tenant Folk Union play Island Arts Centre Wed. 9 Nov., 8.00 p.m.

A captivating live act who’ll perk up your midweek, Southern Tenant Folk Union are a highly acclaimed seven-piece all-acoustic band playing a fusion of Celtic, British, and American roots music interwoven with mandolins and fiddles, driven by guitar rhythms and their trademark bluegrass banjo.

The group have just released their fourth album, Pencaitland, and with airplay from the likes of Bob Harris and Steve Lamacq on BBC Radio 2, and praise in the Sunday Times, Mojo and Independent, they are making waves on the music scene. The Guardian commented ‘The band knock up a fierce, raw and earthy music that is the stuff of Mumford & Sons’ dreams…’

Taking their name from the groundbreaking multi-racial union of sharecroppers and non-landowning tenant farmers founded in Arkansas in the 1930s, Southern Tenant Folk Union perform with 'soul & beauty' on their murder ballads & laments and tear it up with their 'Hootenanny sawdust-kickers' and high energy sound: all that plus heartfelt storytelling and their special brand of honest intelligent music. You are in for a fantastic night of entertainment.

Tickets for the concert are £12/£10 concession and are available online, by telephoning 028 92 509254, or in person from the ISLAND Arts Centre, The ISLAND, lisburn.gov.uk.

Una also sends details of a show at the Centre on Saturday 12 Nov., featuring singer/songwriter and guitarist Maurice Dickson, uilleann pipe and whistle player Catherine Ashcroft, and banjo/fiddle/guitar/harmonica player and flatfoot dancer Stompin’ Dave. Tickets for this show can also be booked online.

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An acceptable banjo joke?

Thanks to Enda Donnelly of Fair City Grass, Dublin's senior bluegrass band, for drawing our attention to a banjo joke - not usually the BIB editor's favourite form of humour.

However, this is a special case. It's in the form of a cartoon (which you can see here) from the current issue of the New Yorker magazine. The artist, Matthew Diffee, also created the cover art for the latest CD by the award-winning banjoist Noam Pikelny - who appears, unidentified but recognisable, in the cartoon. And it's an accurate picture of a 5-string. Read more here.

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02 November 2011

Two Time Polka in Cork and Meath, Nov. 2011

Ray Barron of Two Time Polka gives the band's schedule for the early part of this month:

A few gigs over the next few weekends as follows: -

Sat. 5th: Henchy's Bar, St Luke's, Cork. Kickoff 10.00 p.m. Adm. free. Tel. 021 4507833.

Fri. 11th: McKenna's Bar, Kilmainhamwood, Kells, Co. Meath. Kickoff 10.30 p.m. Adm. free. Tel. 046 9052154.

Sat. 12th: Boyle's Bar, Main St., Slane, Co. Meath. Kickoff 10.30 p.m. Adm. free. Tel. 041 9884747.

Looking forward to meeting all our Leinster friends as it has been a while since we played in the area.

Regards and thanks,
Ray & TTP

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Bluegrass in Balla 2011 - and again in 2012

Woodbine at Balla 2010, with Gerry Madden on mandolin

The BIB editor reports:

Woodbine have always had a great time and a very warm reception at successive Balla Bluegrass Festivals. As a member I can fully confirm that this year was no exception, and from all we heard the rest of the weekend went just as well. The stage area now has a new backdrop and lighting system, and Chris Mannion has installed a large screen in the front bar so that audience members don't have to crowd forward to see and hear performers.

Jams before and after our show, together with guest appearances during it, revealed again the great wealth of local talent. We supported another new feature of this year's festival - the raffle of a fiddle - by backing up fine performances of 'Faded love' and 'Seneca square dance' played on the instrument itself. As a bonus: it can be announced that the 4th Balla Bluegrass Festival will take place next year over the October bank holiday weekend - 26-9 October 2012.

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Songwriter concert at Newtownards, 4 Nov. 2011

Thanks to Colin Henry for the news that he and Janet Holmes will be appearing on Friday 4 November at the Web Theatre, Newtownards, Co. Down, together with two eminent songwriters and performers - Charlie McGettigan, a Eurovision winner, and Ben Sands of the Sands Family, who are celebrating their fortieth anniversary in concert at Newry the night before. The show starts at 8.00 p.m.; details are on the poster image. Colin adds:

The Web Theatre is a relatively new music venue and they hope to expand their concert programme. This should be a good night.

East Ulster is inundated with good music this week. Below: a recent photo of Janet and Colin.

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