Give me the banjo: update

Check your PBS station for exact time, but in most markets it will be 9.00 p.m. (or 8.00 p.m. Central). This is the program that your support helped to make possible. Kickstarter backers are acknowledged in the underwriting credits before and after the program. Look for additional content coming soon - including segments on the 4-string banjo and Ralph Stanley - online at PBS Arts.
A brief 'taster' of the film can be seen here on Vimeo, consisting of a compilation of some of the participants and musical performances in 'Give me the banjo', with the tune 'Sally Ann' played by Stevie Barr (banjo) and Wayne Henderson (guitar) as background music, and narration by Steve Martin.
Update 28 Oct.: US photographer Darwin K. Davidson, who specialises in photos of bluegrass musicians, has produced a 2012 calendar entitled Women of banjo - full details are here.
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