31 October 2015

Playing guitar for old-time music

Many flat-picking guitarists with old-time fiddle tunes in their repertoire tend to use bluegrass methods for backing up on such tunes, and this usually works well. However, to offset the modern tendency towards homogenising old-time music, the conscientious guitarist should consider what's best in a specific old-time context. Thanks to Cathal Cusack, then, for drawing our attention to these two publications.

The flatpicker's guide to old-time music by Tim May and Dan Miller is a 160-page book with two audio CDs, published by Flatpicking Guitar Magazine. Strong emphasis is laid on selection of appropriate notes, runs, and rhythm (this would be good for playing other kinds of music as well), and settings are given for eleven old-time tunes in different keys and tempos.

Old-time backup guitar: learn from the masters by John Schwab is more closely focused on the techniques used in the 1920s and '30s by the best backup players recorded in that period. In 102 pages (plus an accompanying CD with over 120 mp3 files) it deals with time, dynamics, tone, chords to use and to avoid, the views of respected modern players, and much more.

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29 October 2015

Bluegrass at the Errigle, 3 Nov. 2015

Richard Leeman, organiser of the monthly Belfast Bluegrass sessions (and also guitar player and lead singer of the Down and Out Bluegrass Band), announces that the next session will be on this coming Tuesday, 3 November 2015.

The Belfast Bluegrass session is held on the first Tuesday of each month, upstairs at the Errigle Inn, 312-320 Ormeau Rd, Belfast, starting about 9.00 p.m. All are welcome.

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27 October 2015

News for Bluegrass Europe

Angelika Torrie (right), managing editor of the quarterly EBMA magazine Bluegrass Europe, writes:

Dear friends,

This is a last-minute call for short news from around Europe to print in EBMA's printed magazine. If you know of something you want to report in a few lines and send a photo along, or something to happen soon or next year, please let me know as soon as possible. Write a few lines and send a photo, that's all. It's all about Bluegrass News from Europe - a great tool to let others know what happens in YOUR country or region!

Thanks so much for your contribution!

Angelika can be contacted by e-mail or 'phone (+41 61 423 96 91 / +41 79 520 56 27).

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A new edition of Special Consensus

As noted in the BIB on 30 September, there was a special concert last Saturday (24 October) to celebrate forty years of the Special Consensus as a full-time touring band. The concert was a great success, and the Special C. has now announced the new format for the band when guitarist Dustin Benson leaves after two shows the weekend after next.*

Rick Faris will take over the guitar role; Rick, an award-winning guitarist and a highly regarded luthier, will be playing a guitar of his own making. Coming in on the mandolin will be Nick Dumas, a young multi-instrumentalist from Seattle, Washington. A photo of him heads this feature on Bluegrass Today. More details are given on the Special C. news page.

As a reminder of the band configuration that toured Ireland early this year - and as an example of a superb band working round a single mike - enjoy this YouTube video of the Special C. playing their Bill Monroe tribute song, 'Monroe's doctrine'.

*A coincidence (or perhaps it's just a Special Consensus) - the band played the Down Home in Johnson City, TN, on Fri. 6 Mar. 2015 and the Station Inn, Nashville, TN, on Sat. 7 Mar. The final shows with Dustin will be at the Down Home on Fri. 6 Nov. and the Station Inn on Sat. 7 Nov.


26 October 2015

Next year's Dunmore East - 25-8 Aug. 2016

Thanks to Mick Daly for the news that next year's Guinness International Bluegrass Festival at Dunmore East, Co. Waterford, will be held on the four days 25-8 August 2016 - thus making it the first of next summer's bluegrass festivals in Ireland to make the dates public.

The dates are now on the BIB calendar. Further details will be announced in due course.


More tributes to Bill Keith

Bluegrass in Belgium announces the following special arrangements for this month's jam session at Mazy, about 15 km north-west of Namur. The photo shows Bill Keith in the 1970s.

In memory of banjo genius Bill Keith, who died last Friday, a Bill Keith special is organised this Friday (30 October) at Mazy. Bill will be honoured and remembered with stories by his long-time personal friends Steve [Louvat] and Thierry [Schoysman]. But also with your stories if you have some. There will be a screen to show pictures and videos. There will be demonstration of his banjo style, some of his tunes, and the duets that Bill loved to play.

And of course, we will jam.

Zy’coop place, 9a rue de l’usine, 5032 Mazy. 30/10/2015 at 20:00

See also Kevin Lynch's post on the European Bluegrass Blog, and additions to Bluegrass Today including this video of Bill's induction into the IBMA Hall of Fame.

Update 27 Oct.: Bill Evans's tribute to Bill Keith can be read here.

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DanGem Bluegrass Get-Together, 31 Oct. 2015

Thanks to DanGem Bluegrass in Craigavon, Co. Armagh, for a reminder that their next monthly Bluegrass Get-Together, incorporating jam session and instruction, will be held on this coming Saturday, 31 Oct., at the usual place and time (the Lagan Valley Island Civic Centre, Lisburn, Co. Antrim BT27 4RL, from 9.30/10.00 a.m. to noon) and with the usual schedule:

10.00-10.30 Warm-up
10.30-11.00(ish) Break out time for beginners; rest of players, jam time
11.00(ish) to 12.00(ish) All back together

Dangem announce that Howard Walker of the Down and Out Bluegrass Band will not be available to give banjo lessons, as he will be away in England; but 'any beginners are still welcome to join us and we will do our best to help you.'

The DanGem Get-Together combines a jam session for those who are already active pickers, with the opportunity to learn for those who are beginners or just want to listen. DanGem add: 'Bring along your banjos, guitars, mandolins, fiddles, dobros, and bass, or just come along and enjoy. Look forward to seeing as many of you who can attend.'

DanGem's e-newsletter includes a reminder that they have the largest range of banjos for sale in this island.

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25 October 2015

Bill Keith, 1939-2015

Thanks to Richard Thompson for sending the sad news that William Bradford 'Bill' Keith, econd only to Earl Scruggs as most influential 5-string banjo player of the late twentieth century, died early on Friday morning (23 Oct.). John Lawless has posted an assessment on Bluegrass Today.

Bill Keith was the first Northern-born, college-educated musician from the folk revival to have a major impact on bluegrass music, at several levels. While still at college he had closely studied the playing of Scruggs, Don Reno, and other bluegrass banjo players through recordings, radio broadcasts, and (in the case of Don Stover, in Boston with the Lilly Brothers) live performances. As a result of playing with a fiddling neighbour, he devised a means of playing fiddle tunes and other melodic lines note-for-note, with consecutive notes played on different strings.

Keith's playing in this style with Jim Rooney opened the eyes and ears of banjo-players throughout the folk scene. This led to his spending some nine months (1963) as a Blue Grass Boy, playing banjo with Bill Monroe - an association that was important for both men, established the new playing style in the bluegrass world, brought other young city musicians into mainstream professional bluegrass, and incidentally launched the career of Del McCoury as a guitar player.

As well as his own innovations, Keith meticulously analysed and transcribed into tablature the playing of Earl Scruggs, laying the foundation for the book Earl Scruggs and the 5-string banjo and enabling many thousands to learn straight Scruggs style. He also devised banjo tuning pegs, engineered to a very high standard - first (1964) as an improvement on the 'Scruggs pegs' devised by Earl for key changes and string-bending, and later as regular pegs of the highest quality. These are marketed by his Beacon Banjo Company, which will be continued by his son Martin. Butch Robins (see the BIB for 14 Feb. 2015) has said that the two musical geniuses he has met in bluegrass were Bill Monroe and Bill Keith.

Bill played in Ireland numerous times, including the early Athy festivals from 1991 and the Johnny Keenan Banjo Festivals from 2002, where he gave workshops as well as performing. He was also a constant attender at the European World of Bluegrass Festival in the Netherlands. His ill health had been apparent for some time, and at the 'Banjo Summit' in his honour three months ago he was too weak to play; but there, as at his induction into the International Bluegrass Music Hall of Fame a few weeks ago, he was in good heart and - as always - modest and unassuming. His good friend Martin Cooney, founder of the Flint Hill Boys and organiser of the first seven Athy festivals, writes:

He was a great man in all respects. We will meet him again.


23 October 2015

Get your event on the EBMA and BBMA website calendars

Thanks to Sharon Loughrin, area rep for Northern Ireland in the British Bluegrass Music Association (BBMA), for this news:

BBMA member Stu Vincent is compiling a list of 2016 bluegrass festival dates in UK / Ireland for the European Bluegrass Music Association website. Any organisers who would like to be included can e-mail me or contact Stu through Facebook.

This also prompts me to ask anyone who would like a bluegrass event or a regular picking session added to the calendar on the BBMA website - send the details to me and I'll forward it. Also worth checking out is Stu Vincent's online 'Bluegrass From Yonder' show on www.bluegrassmix.com every Wednesday night 7.00-10.00. Stu plays a really interesting mix of old and new, traditional and contemporary bluegrass music, well worth checking out.

Update 27 Oct.: See Stu's comment on this post, below.

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Old-time events in early 2016

The news blog of FOAOTMAD announces that the lineup for next year's FOAOTMAD old-time music festival at Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England (12-14 Feb. 2016) will include:

From the USA
Evie Ladin & Keith Terry, the Sunny Mountain Serenaders, Adam Hurt & Beth Williams Hartness, and the Horsenecks

From the UK
The Old Roustabouts, Roger Jackson, Cath & Phil Tyler, and Paul & Clare Sheridan

Further details as soon as we hear of them.
The FOAOTMAD blog also announces a return of the Locust Honey String Band (USA) to these islands for over a month (Feb.-Mar. 2016). So far the only date shown for Ireland is in Sixmilebridge, Co. Clare, on Tuesday 29 March. Again, more details as soon as we hear of them.

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A banjo treat and a history lesson (together)

The region around Galax, in south-western Virginia, has been one of the richest in musical traditions and one of the most influential on developments in old-time and bluegrass music; so thanks to Bluegrass Today for this feature about a seminar on 5-string banjo styles, held in Chestnut Creek School of the Arts at Galax earlier this year.

The BIB strongly recommends an hour-long video of the seminar, which can be watched on Bluegrass Today or on YouTube. Musicians taking part are Ivy Sheppard, Kirk Sutphin, Bobby Lundy, Stevie Barr, and the moderator Jeremy Stephens (who plays, among other things, a hair-raising version of 'Yes, sir, that's my baby' in the style of Don Reno).

Nearly all the video is music, but what's not is highly informative. Brief individual interviews with the pickers illustrate their relationship with the music and the influences on their playing, with examples of the styles of older players such as Fred Cockerham, Bill Birchfield, Frank Jenkins, and Wade Ward. Among the important points made: contrary to the modern over-simplification 'old-time=clawhammer', many old-time musicians played clawhammer and two- or three-finger picking, and some two-finger playing was closer to bluegrass than some of what was done with three.

Jeremy Stephens also points out that his love for the work of the first generation of bluegrass players naturally led him to listen to the kinds of music that had influenced them - a similar journey to the road taken by Mike Compton as a devotee of the music of Bill Monroe.

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20 October 2015

Wernick Method Bluegrass Jam Camp in Co. Cork, 6-8 Nov. 2015

Two-and-a-half weeks to go - a final reminder of the Wernick Method Bluegrass Jam Camp to be held at the Celtic Ross Hotel, Rosscarbery, Co. Cork, on the weekend 6-8 November 2015. Above is the Camp flyer, giving all the essential information - thanks to Larry Kernagis, the qualified and thoroughly experienced Wernick Method teacher who will be leading the Camp. The flyer can be seen full-size here, as a downloadable pdf document.

Jamming is one of the most effective and transformative ways of learning how to play bluegrass, and a really good jam is one of the best experiences one can have in playing it. The Wernick Method is the gold standard in bluegrass instruction (plenty more about it is on the Dr Banjo website), and the BIB strongly recommends this opportunity, which seems a good way of going into winter...

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Tickets on sale for Celtic Connections 2016

Thanks to the organising team of the Celtic Connections festival in Glasgow, Scotland, for their latest e-newsletter, announcing the full lineup for next year's event (14-31 Jan. 2016), for which tickets are now on sale. Online bookings can be made through the website and the e-newsletter.

The lineup includes Rayna Gellert, appearing as part of a multi-artist concert (16 Jan.); the Jenny Ritter Band (22 Jan. - mentioned in our Sunday post about the tours schedule of the Brookfield Knights agency); Abigail Washburn & Béla Fleck (24 Jan.); and Rhiannon Giddens of the Carolina Chocolate Drops (27 Jan.).

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19 October 2015

Balla goes bluegrass, 23-6 Oct. 2015

Thanks to Uri Kohen for this link to 'Balla goes bluegrass', Ciara Moynihan's article of 8 October for the Mayo News on this coming weekend's Balla Bluegrass Festival (23-6 Oct.) at Balla, Co. Mayo. It's a fine write-up, which should draw Mayonians and those from further afield to Mannion's and the Olde Woods to hear the six bands on the four-day schedule. A gallery of excellent photos from previous Balla festivals is here.

Uri is best known as leader of the organising team of the very successful Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival.

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Identity parade

The Grove Band at Bunratty Bluegrass Festival (photo: Des Butler)

Thanks to Paul McEvoy of the Red Hat Acoustic Music Club for more information on the members of the Grove Band (UK), in the configuration that played at the first Bunratty Bluegrass Festival just over a week ago; see Des Butler's report of 15 October.

The photo above shows (l-r) Bill Forster (banjo), Evan Davies (mandolin; member of the Kentucky Cow Tippers, standing in for the Grove Band's absent mandolinist), Peter Earle (bass), Kevin Garrat (guitar, dobro, lead vocals), and Neil Garrat (guitar).

Paul adds that Gab, fiddler with the New Breadwinners, is one of the best young fiddlers he has ever seen. We're glad to hear also that the latest meeting of the Red Hat Acoustic Music Club was a great night, with over thirty people taking part, including Tony O'Brien of Woodbine.

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18 October 2015

Woodbine at Balla (25 Oct.) and Durrow (1 Nov. 2015)

Tony O'Brien reports that in addition to their show a week today (Sun. 25 Oct.) as part of the 7th Balla Bluegrass Festival in Co. Mayo, Woodbine (above) will be playing a fortnight today (Sun. 1 Nov.) at Bob's Bar, Durrow, Co. Laois, from 7.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m.

Bob's Bar, beside the River Erkina at the north end of Durrow, has long been one of Woodbine's favourite places to play; it is also the HQ for the 'High Nelly' gatherings of cyclists riding traditional upright bikes, and local historians as well as cycling buffs should make a point of visiting the unique museum.

Woodbine's show at Mannion's in Balla is scheduled to begin at 9.00 p.m. This year's Balla Festival is produced by the organising team of the Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival.

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Brookfield Knights artists touring in the next twelve months

To event organisers: the UK agency Brookfield Knights (also on Facebook) has organised many tours in these islands for transatlantic acts. Their website lists many that are due to tour between now and November 2016. Below (in chronological order) are the names of those acts that are offered for dates in Ireland and may be of interest to BIB readers. The net we've cast is pretty wide and loose; but it is still possible that among those we haven't shown are some that might suit your event or venue, so look at the full list on the BK website.

Jenny Ritter (with band); dates available: 20 Jan.-14 Feb. 2016

Lindsay Lou & the Flatbellys; dates available: 3-13 Feb. 2016

Woody Pines; dates available: 2-27 Mar. 2016

Laura Cortese & the Dance Cards; dates available: 15 Apr.- 11 May 2016

Russell deCarle, Steve Briggs & Denis Keldie; dates available: 21 Apr.-15 May 2016

Hillfolk Noir; dates available: 8-31 July 2016

10 String Symphony; dates available: 15-31 July 2016

The Hot Seats; dates available: 11-29 Aug. 2016

Furnace Mountain; dates available: 18 Oct.-1 Nov. 2016

The Crooked Brothers; dates available: 3-13 Nov. 2016

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17 October 2015

Bluegrass from the Eternal City

Danilo Cartia
Thanks to our good friend Danilo Cartia, the moving spirit of bluegrass music in Rome and neighbouring regions of Italy, for two YouTube video links.

For three years now, Danilo has organised the Italian Bluegrass Meeting as part of the annual Acoustic Guitar Meeting in Sarzana. The first video is about this year's Italian Bluegrass Meeting, held in May. The second shows one of Danilo's compositions, 'Ridge', being played on the main stage at the Acoustic Guitar Meeting 2015 by Danilo with three master musicians from America — Emory Lester, Mark Johnson, and Russ Barenberg.

Danilo also organises the monthly Rome Bluegrass Jam. He and his partner in music and life, Letizia Sampaolo (guitar, autoharp, vocals), attended this year's Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival, where they had a long Saturday-evening jam in McGing's with Galway's Old Town Rounders. A photo from the jam can be seen on the BIB for 21 July.

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More comment on Omagh 2015

As the question of conditions at one of our major festivals (and Omagh is, we believe, the largest paying-in bluegrass festival in Europe) is an important one, the BIB is giving more prominence to comments arising out of Des Butler's report on this autumn's Omagh and Bunratty festivals. Yesterday Colin Henry wrote:

I had the great fortune to play in two different bands at Omagh this year, and I have been attending Omagh since 1992. I know that funding constraints were an issue this time, but I have to say that I thought the whole festival was as good as it always is. Yes, there were changes, but not such that were a detriment to the weekend. I do agree that as regards the concert marquee things might have been difficult if the weather had been bad. Some extra thought may need to be given to that.

This morning (Sat.) Des replied:

I have no doubt that all the musicians enjoyed themselves, as we enjoyed most of the music. My problem is that as patrons of the Folk Park we paid £70 stg between us (£130 stg last year), as any other patron did who bought weekend passes, and there wasn't enough seating to sit and enjoy the music or indeed a coffee or a bun bar; you brought your own seat, and at times one would be hard pressed to find a space for it at the concerts. Neither was there adequate protection from the elements even at the main concerts. I think that the entrance fee should entitle one to at least a modicum of comfort. I don't expect the Albert Hall, just basic stuff.


Sara Grey, Kieron Means, & Ben Paley in Ireland: updated schedule 23-8 Oct. 2015

Following the BIB post of 26 Sept., here is an updated schedule for the imminent tour in Ireland by the celebrated old-time trio of Sara Grey (banjo), Kieron Means (guitar), and Ben Paley (fiddle) :

Fri. 23rd Oct.: The Front Bar, McGrory's, Culdaff, Co. Donegal, 9.30 p.m.; tel. Rory, 0044 7926971125

Sat. 24th-Sun. 25th: South Roscommon Singers Festival, Knockcrogherty, Co. Roscommon; tel. Declan Coyne, 087 966 7029; e-mail

Mon. 26th: Roadside Tavern, Kincora Road, Lisdoonvarna, Co. Clare, 9.00 p.m.; tel. Peter Curtin, 087 830 0069

Tues. 27th: The Hall, Mercy Day Centre, Buttevant, Co. Cork; tel. John Nyhan, 087 792 1771

Wed. 28th: Tigh an Cheoil pub, Ring, Co. Waterford; tel. John Nyhan, 087 792 1771

The latest record release by the trio is Down in old Dolores, Fellside FECD259 (2013), while Ben's latest release is Paley & Son, Hornbeam HBR0004 (2015), which he shares with his father, the legendary Tom Paley - one of the original New Lost City Ramblers, the band most responsible for the old-time music revival since 1958.

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15 October 2015

Des Butler reports on Omagh and Bunratty

Pat and Ricky Kelleher with John Nyhan at Bunratty

Thanks to Des Butler and his wife Pat, who attend many bluegrass events all round Ireland each year, for this report on our newest bluegrass festival, at Bunratty, Co. Clare (9-11 Oct.) and our second oldest bluegrass festival, at Omagh, Co. Tyrone (4-6 Sept.). Veterans of the earliest Omagh festivals will remember the big space heaters that tried to warm concert audiences in the main marquee. Des reports the trying conditions at Omagh this year, where

... not alone do you have to watch and listen to artists around the park all afternoon standing out in all weathers, but the night-time concerts took place on a stage the front of which was exposed to the elements and the audience crammed together, on their own seating, under an overhead covering with all sides also exposed. Pat and myself sat on our own chairs in very cramped conditions wearing very heavy winter jackets zipped up to the neck.

The Claire Lynch Band, who were top billing for the Saturday night concert, had Claire herself performing in a hooded overcoat, albeit with the hood down, throughout her set. Is it any wonder I overheard comments from members of the audience on leaving the park that it was a weak performance from her and her band? The organisers in Omagh should realise that this festival takes place in autumn in Northern Ireland, not summer in the Carolinas. After sixteen years attending the Omagh festival I think we may draw a line under future attendance - and I haven't even mentioned the electric band that appeared to play some form of rock music, not a bluegrass note or chord in their head.

[BIB editor's note: The BIB has also received separate reports from musicians who performed at Omagh this year and appear to have enjoyed it more than ever. Other views are welcome; note the comment on this post by Colin Henry, and Des's response, below]

The New Breadwinners
However, on to better things. I returned from Bunratty Bluegrass Festival on Monday. What a great weekend of bluegrass and old-time music we all experienced over the entire weekend. The Friday night concert comprised almost entirely of some first-class old-timey music performed by the Corn Potato String Band, Maple Tree Circus, and Leonard Pollock & Mat Gordon. The Saturday night concert we were treated to some excellent solid bluegrass from the Grove Band and the New Breadwinners. The Sunday night concert, which was free, we enjoyed Oldtown Rounders and JigJam.


Old Town Rounders

Bluegrass was being played throughout the weekend with sessions at bar venues in the early and late afternoons also, with John Nyhan and Pat & Ricky Kelleher leading the fray, not forgetting Blueridge Review and the bands performing at the night-time concerts taking part as well. All kudos and gratitude to Brendan Walsh and John Nyhan for what was an extremely well organised, atmospheric, and thoroughly enjoyable weekend of music taking place in very suitable venues from the open-air performances in Bunratty Folk Park to the function rooms of various hostelries.

I would urge all bluegrass fans to support this fledgling festival, you won't be disappointed.
The Grove Band with Bill Forster (banjo): inside...

We had to ask Des to identify the band in these two photos, as Bill Forster on banjo was the only person we recognised. They are the Grove Band from Leeds in northern England, taking the name from 'The Grove' pub there, where their lead singer (the grey-haired guitarist, who also plays dobro) formed a bluegrass music club forty years ago, the landlord being very supportive of them and the club.

The two guitar players are father and son. All members are from Leeds; though as their regular mandolin player was indisposed, the mandolinist at Bunratty was from Newcastle. Des adds:

They don't seem to have cut a CD, none on sale anyway, as I would have certainly bought one as they gave great performances throughout the festival with great vocal harmonies and a solid, driving bluegrass sound. The guitar the lead singer is playing he claims he bought forty years ago, and he reckons it was at least twenty years old when he bought it. They are an excellent bluegrass band - one I would put among the best-sounding I've heard in the British Isles, with Bill Forster adding greatly to their performance. For what it's worth, I would recommend this band to any festival organiser; they are a winner.

... and out

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A lion roams in Fairview

Bill Stephens
... and we don't mean Bill Whelan from Fairview, Dublin, doyen of old-time banjo in this island. Bill, however, is the co-producer (with Lorraine Kennedy and director Joe Lee) of the 76-minute colour documentary film Fortune's wheel, which began showing at the Irish Film Institute in Dublin in June, won the Dublin Film Critics Circle Award for Best Irish Documentary at the Jameson Dublin Film Festival this year, and will be shown at the Cork Film Festival on 11 November.

The film tells the story of another Fairview man, Bill Stephens (photo), who made his name as a lion tamer. One of his lions escaped in Fairview in November 1951, causing great public excitement, and had to be shot when Stephens was bitten while trying to recover it. Fourteen months later, he was killed by another lion. Many Fairview residents share their memories on film; and Bill Whelan can be seen in the trailer on YouTube. More details of the film (which has its own Facebook) are on the Irish Film Institute website.

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13 October 2015

Bluegrass at the Country Roots Festival by Lough Erne (15-18 Oct. 2015)

Thanks to Jonathan Toman of Northern Exposure for this news of the imminent Country Roots Festival of live country, bluegrass, and traditional music which will be held this week (Thurs. 15-Sun. 18 Oct.) at the Share Discovery Village on Lough Erne, near Lisnaskea, Co. Fermanagh. The Festival blurb says:

This October sees an exciting new event for all you live-music lovers. Country roots celebrates the music and sounds that have grown from stories of rural life and have been shaped by the landscape of their origin. A hybrid of many influences and traditions, string instruments, harmonies and melodies that guarantee you’ll be swinging your partner and stamping your feet.

Swinging and stamping begins at 9.00 p.m. on Thursday 15 Oct., with a Country Dance evening featuring many big local names in country music.

The bluegrass section of the Festival comes the following evening (Fri. 16 Oct.), again at Share Arena at 9.00 p.m., with two bands who both performed at the Omagh Festival a month ago:

Northern Exposure on stage at Omagh 2015: (l-r) Brendan Hendry, Patsy Toman, Jonathan Toman, Pete Toman (photo: Chris Brennan)
Northern Exposure embrace both modern and traditional forms of bluegrass music. Also featured in their show are new pieces from the upcoming Appalachian and traditional Irish banjo/ fiddle album by Brendan and Jonathan, due for release early in 2016.

Harpers Hollow Bluegrass Band from Moira: (l-r) Derek Lockhart (bass, vocals), Derek Norwood (guitar, vocals), William Duddy (mandolin, clawhammer banjo, vocals), and Colin Allen (banjo, vocals). The band is dedicated to honouring the heritage of Bill Monroe with traditional hard-driving, three-part harmony and a touch of Appalachian old-timey 'high lonesome'. Colin is originally from Lisnaskea.

The festival will finish with 'Trad on the Lough' (Sun. 18 Oct., 2.00-4.00 p.m., with a live trio playing traditional music aboard the Innishcruiser cruising along Lough Erne. Tickets can be purchased online or directly from Share Discovery Village. Group rates are available. For more information, contact Share on 028 677 22122 or e-mail.

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12 October 2015

O'Carolan on the 5-string - new book by Tom Hanway

Thanks to Bluegrass Today for the news that Tom Hanway's book 20 O'Carolan Irish classics for 5-string banjo and all instruments has been published by Mel Bay. The book costs $19.99 with online audio - $5.00 less if you choose the e-book format.

Tom has been resident in Ireland for over ten years now, but long before taking up residence he had pioneered the setting of Celtic music for the 5-string banjo, and this is his fourth book in the field to be published by Mel Bay. As John Lawless observes on Bluegrass Today:

Modern grassers may appreciate the fact that O’Carolan himself generated much dispute during his life from early aficionados of Irish folk music for his expanding the style to include new sounds and harmony.

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Special Americana night at the Cabin Sessions, 29 Oct. 2015

Thanks to Gerry Fitzpatrick for this news of the next in the Cabin Sessions series, 'Acoustic Music at its Finest', at Uncle Tom's Cabin in Dundrum, south Dublin (not far from Dundrum Luas station in the city direction):

This month we're doing a special gig with our friends Spirit Riders (Alan Begley, Mick O'Doherty, Joe Ryan); here's the details!

The Cabin Crew with Spats Davenport (vocals, guitar), Christian Volkmann (harmonica), Cathy McEvoy (fiddle) Dave Hardy (sax), Aisling Davenport (vocals), Richard Hawkins (banjo), Enda O'Connor (persussion), Con Butler (bass), Gerry Fitzpatrick (dobro) and our featured guests Spirit Riders! 9.30-11.30 p.m. and admission is FREE. Hope to see you there!

If you or someone you know would like to perform at the Cabin Sessions, let Gerry know by e-mail. The Sessions are particularly interested in featuring local musicians and singers.

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Gorse Fire lights up!

The BIB yesterday mentioned Ulster dobroist Colin Henry, who will be touring with Gary Ferguson (USA) in July 2016. Today, thanks to Colin, the BIB is among

... the first to know of our new bluegrass band, Gorse Fire. Just launched today [Sun. 11 Oct.]: Ian McAllister on mandolin, Ivan Muirhead on guitar, Michael Ashe on banjo, Philip Steele on bass, and myself on dobro. We are just launched, so we need to get the website up and running and promo photos, etc., but we do have a Facebook page.

We look forward to seeing and hearing more of Gorse Fire, comprising some of the North's most powerful and experienced players.

UPDATE: Gorse Fire shares some of its personnel with the long established Broken String Band, but does not replace it. Colin emphasises that:

While as a bluegrass band Gorse Fire will do some standard bluegrass tunes that Broken Strings cover, we are doing different material and also original tunes of our own, and we have a different sound with dobro and no fiddle; so we decided that both could coexist happily.

Latest news: Gorse Fire's launch gig will be at the Red Room, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, on Saturday 5 December 2015.

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11 October 2015

Ferguson & Ferguson CD out - plus Gary to tour in July 2016

Thanks to singer/songwriter Gary Gene Ferguson (USA), who made his tenth consecutive annual tour in Ireland last year, fot this news of his musical partnership with master guitarist Gary Alan Ferguson:

The new Gary Ferguson and Gary Ferguson CD, Some bridges, is out. Now available on CD Baby and iTunes. Also, I will be doing a reunion tour with Ireland's premier dobro player, Colin Henry, in July. Thanks!

All the best,
Gary Ferguson

The list of top-ranking bluegrass artists who have recorded Gary's songs includes Blue Highway, the Seldom Scene, Larry Sparks, IIIrd Tyme Out, and many more.

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08 October 2015

Bunratty Bluegrass Festival - schedule updates

Thanks to Brendan Walsh, director of the First Bunratty Bluegrass Festival, which begins tomorrow (Friday 9 Oct.) and continues over the full weekend, for this news:

Rugby is disturbing some Sunday gigs! Please find new schedule for Bunratty Bluegrass Festival attached [click on image on left to enlarge].

Sunday times have altered slightly, and you'll notice we have added Leonard Pollock and Mat Gordan to our [Friday night concert] lineup.


07 October 2015

Apply now for EWOB 2016

The European World Of Bluegrass Festival (EWOB) Facebook announced on 3 Oct.:

Dear Bluegrass Bands of the World.....

This is the time to apply for the European World of Bluegrass festival, May 5-7, 2016 in the Netherlands!
Grab your chance to perform at EWOB 2016 and send in your application before December 1st, 2015!
For details and downloadable application form visit http://www.ewob.nl/Files/HTML/apply.html.

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Special C. in Bluegrass Unlimited

Following the BIB's post of 30 September, the October 2015 issue of Bluegrass Unlimited has the current lineup of the Special Consensus on the cover, a full-page ad for Peterson tuners featuring the band, and a major feature by Nancy Cardwell, former IBMA executive director, commemorating the forty years of its existence.

A list of all the regular members of the Special C. since 1975 is given: sixteen guitar players, fifteen mandolin players, twelve bass players, two fiddlers, and one banjo player. The list includes Clem O'Brien, who was guitarist and lead singer with the band during 1997. The full text of the article can be read here.
The same issue of BU contains a three-page article by Steve Chilcott on Flats & Sharps, the high-powered young British band who headlined the Saturday night concert at this year's Westport Folk & Bluegrass Festival.

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06 October 2015

Next Arklow Roots Music gig, 14 Oct. 2015

Brendan O'Regan announces that the next show at Arklow Roots Music presents singer/ songwriter Krista Detor from Indiana, who is touring her new (sixth) album, Barely. Brendan adds:

Krista plays piano and accordion and will be accompanied by Dave Weber on guitar and Mike Lindaur on bass. Venue is The Breffni, Main St., Arklow on Wed. 14 Oct. at 8.00 p.m. She is a regular visitor to Ireland and gives a wonderful live show. The Allmusic Guide calls her 'an artist of rare ability with a deep poetic gift', and Rolling Stone 'a small miracle'.

Krista Detor’s solo albums have reached national and international prominence. She's shared stages with Victor Wooten, Loudon Wainwright, the Neville Bros, and Suzanne Vega, among many others.

Not by any stretch of the imagination bluegrass, but 'roots' music whose roots may be found tangled up with those of bluegrass if one digs deep enough. It could be fun to work out an instrumental setting for 'Middle of a breakdown'...

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Red Hat Acoustic Music Club at Naas, 9 Oct. 2015: update

Thanks to Paul and Anne McEvoy, curators of the Red Hat Acoustic Music Club, meeting every month at the Harbour Hotel, Naas, Co. Kildare, for the news that the next Red Hat meeting of 2015 will be held this coming Friday (9 October). Music is expected to start around 8.30 p.m., and a donation of €3.00 covers coffee/tea and sandwiches at the interval.

Update 6 Oct.: This will be the Red Hat Club's third birthday, so it should be an especially memorable night.

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Milan Miller: a songwriter's progress

Following the BIB post on Sunday about the forthcoming visit by bluegrass singer/ songwriter Milan Miller (left), thanks to Richard Thompson for this link to his interview of Milan Miller, published fourteen months ago on Bluegrass Today. It's a detailed account of the development of a songwriter from an early age - when

... my initial reason for trying to write songs was probably out of necessity. I couldn’t play guitar well enough to play the songs that my favorite singers were doing, so I just made up my own

- through college years in Boone, NC, when Doc Watson and Tony Rice were strong influences, to the present, when his songs are nominated for IBMA Song of the Year awards and recorded by such award-winning bands as Russell Moore & IIIrd Tyme Out and Balsam Range. The interview includes IIIrd Tyme Out's video of Miller's song 'Pretty little girl from Galax', which can also be seen on YouTube.
Thanks also to Melanie Miller for more news of the week-long visit:

We arrive Cobh on Monday 26 October so that will be a night of craic at the Roaring Donkey for sure (as will every night). Wednesdays are usually trad nights at the Roaring Donkey so everyone will be sitting in.

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05 October 2015

Accommodation for Bunratty Bluegrass Festival

Thanks to Brendan Walsh, director of the First Bunratty Bluegrass Festival, which takes place this coming weekend (9-11 Oct. 2015), for some vital information.

Bunratty is usually seen as a well equipped area for accommodating visitors, but the added draw of the Festival has meant that people are experiencing difficulty getting places to stay next weekend. Brendan therefore draws attention to the following contacts:

8 km from Bunratty: Shannon Court Hotel* 061 364588
8 km from Bunratty: Oak Wood Arms Hotel 061 361500
1 km from Bunratty: Caravan, campers, and B&B - Ann Linane 086 1792653

*Brendan adds: 'All our bands are staying at the Shannon Court.'

Full details of the lineup, the schedule, and bands taking part can be found on the events page of the Bunratty website. Brendan Walsh is also director of the annual Shannonside Winter Music Weekend and leader of the Sixmilebridge Folk Club, and has been for many years a good friend to bluegrass (and many other genres of music) west of the Shannon.


Strong contingent from Ireland at Eagle Music event, 7 Nov. 2015

The BIB reported on 28 July that JigJam (above: photo by Michael Quinn Photography) will be taking part on Saturday 7 November in the annual Banjo Event at the Eagle Music Shop, Armitage Bridge, Huddersfield, West Yorks., England, along with the phenomenal Kruger Brothers. Thanks to the European Bluegrass Blog for making us aware that the Event will have an even stronger contingent of musicians from the scene in Ireland than we'd thought.

The programme, as shown on the EBB, includes two banjo workshops: Pat Kelleher of Dripsey, Co. Cork, is giving one on the long-neck banjo; and Bill Forster, who plays with the Banjaxed Bluegrass Band and Gone to Grass, is giving an intermediate-to-advanced bluegrass banjo workshop.

Steve Noon's Eagle Music Shop is the world no. 1 dealer for Deering banjos, and Greg and Janet Deering will be at the Event, which is also celebrating forty years of the Deering company. Tickets can be booked online, where full details of the Event can be found.

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A welcome message from Bluedust (I)

The BIB announced earlier this year that the headliners for the Moniaive Michaelmas Bluegrass Festival (25-7 Sept.) in Scotland would be Bluedust from Milan, Italy. Your editor greatly enjoyed seeing and hearing them at the European World of Bluegrass Festival (EWOB) in the Netherlands two years ago. We're glad, therefore, to hear from Josh Villa, Bluedust's mandolinist, who writes:

The festival of Moniaive in Scotland was a very positive event for us, musically and humanly. We found we had a great feeling with the people of Scotland and everyone enjoyed our show. Sorry! we didn't come in Ireland, but we hope to do so soon. Playing in Ireland is our next dream.

I personally have made my honeymoon in Ireland and since that day I have always thought of returning with Bluedust. If anyone is interested in one of our tours or our participation in some Irish festivals and can help us to organise it or report our band to some organiser, contact us through our website or by e-mail. I think that the meeting with the people of Ireland will be a blast.

Josh adds that the band has grown since EWOB 2013:

We did more than 70 concerts in Italy and around Europe (Switzerland, Germany, Holland, France, Scotland...) We hope to see you soon in Ireland! A warm greeting to all the friends of the blog and the many Irish who came to listen to Bluedust in Moniaive.

The BIB cordially reciprocates! Bluedust consists of Perry Meroni (guitar, lead vocals), Dino Barbè (banjo), Josh Villa (mandolin, vocals), Tony Spezzano (guitar, vocals), and Marco 'Fisherman' Centemeri (double bass, vocals), and they're a solid, driving band whose music comes from Flatt & Scruggs, Bill Monroe, Jim & Jesse, Jimmy Martin, and others of the founding generation of bluegrass. Plenty of videos from their shows are on their website.

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04 October 2015

Milan Miller + Kay & Patrick Crouch (USA) in Cobh, 29 Oct. 2015

Thanks to Melanie Miller for the news that she and her husband, Nashville-based bluegrass singer/songwriter Milan Miller (above), will be back in Ireland in a few weeks on holiday with their musician friends Kay & Patrick Crouch (below) of Strictly Clean and Decent from Lenoir, NC, who have been to Ireland many times.

Milan, Kay, and Patrick will be playing a formal concert (see also here) in the Sirius Arts Centre at the Old Yacht Club, Cobh, Co. Cork, on Thursday 29 October at 8.00 p.m. (doors 7.45 p.m.) Tickets (€12.00) can be booked online or through the Centre's office (021 4813790; e-mail).

As the trip is basically a holiday, they are not actively looking for other gigs but will be playing informal and impromptu sessions with friends in the Roaring Donkey (also on Facebook) and seeing what's up in other Cobh bars.

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This could have been you or me...

On a chilly Dublin autumn evening, the BIB particularly welcomes this photo from Fiddlin' Tim Hawkins, showing a sunset session at the Old-Time American Music Week which has just ended, in the idyllic surroundings of La Fuente de Musica, Andalusia, Spain. Note the set table in the foreground. Tim says he had a fantastic time, and we're inclined to believe it.

Old-time country music workshop holidays are held at La Fuente in spring and autumn each year. Fiddle, banjo, guitar, song, dance, and beginners’ instrumental are taught by some of the best old-time teachers in the world. Tutors last week, for example, included Beverly Smith and John Grimm (USA) and Kate Lissauer and other members of her Buffalo Gals band. Kate wrote earlier this year:

This wonderful week takes place on a beautiful remote oasis in south-eastern Spain, where all of your needs are taken care of so you can play music, learn, explore, eat great food, swim, hike, visit the beach, or relax all day and night. It’s a non-profit project and so your costs are very low! Contact us through the website or via e-mail for information and enrolment.

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03 October 2015

Bluegrass at the Errigle, 6 Oct. 2015

Richard Leeman, organiser of the monthly Belfast Bluegrass sessions (and also guitar player and lead singer of the Down and Out Bluegrass Band), announces that the next session will be on this coming Tuesday, 6 October 2015.

The Belfast Bluegrass session is held on the first Tuesday of each month, upstairs at the Errigle Inn, 312-320 Ormeau Rd, Belfast, starting about 9.00 p.m. All are welcome.

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