29 February 2008

Bluegrass session at Rotterdam Bar, 5 March

Thanks to Nigel Martyn and Tony Curran for the news that the programme of events at the Rotterdam Bar, Belfast, includes a bluegrass session on Wednesday 5 March. No other details are available.

The Rotterdam Bar is at 54 Pilot Street, Belfast; 'phone 028-90-746021; e-mail. There is also a MySpace site.


New acoustic music shop in Dublin area: update

Gerry Fitzpatrick reports:

It may be of interest to the bluegrass community to know of the new music shop - The Acoustic Room - which has just opened at 4 Pembroke Cottages, Main Street, Dundrum, Dublin 14. They stock a nice range of guitars, banjos, mandolins, fiddles, accessories, etc.

BIB editor's note: Pembroke Cottages form a one-storey red-brick terrace in central Dundrum, opposite the catholic church. The Acoustic Room is at the end next to the Credit Union building, about 100 yards from the new Town Centre and 200 yards from Dundrum Luas station.

The stock at present includes an interesting range of used instruments, and will include the Ozark and Gold Tone lines. The Acoustic Room website will be active shortly; meanwhile there is a web page at this address with contact data and an outline of what the shop provides.


28 February 2008

Irish band headlines Welsh festival

Going to the West Fest, Pembrokeshire's first old-time music festival, will be held on 13-15 June in Angle. The lineup:

Moonshine (Galway): Frank Hall, originally from Indiana and formerly of the Monks; Lena Ullman, originally from Sweden and formerly of the Higglers Jug Band; and Johnny Moynihan of De Danann, Sweeney's Men, and Planxty
Sara Grey and Ben Paley
Jock Tyldesley and Vera van Heeringen
The Kittyhawks
The Grumpy Bush String Band (who also organise the festival)

There will be a concert on Friday night followed by a square dance; instrumental and dance workshops in the daytime on Saturday; a concert on Saturday night followed by a square dance; and a workshop or singing group and an open stage on Sunday, plus (of course) jamming. The organisers add:

Angle is a spectacular location right on the end of the southern Pembrokeshire peninsula in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park. Both West Angle Bay (which holds a Green Coast Award) and the nearby Freshwater West beach and sand dunes have been designated SSSIs. The estuary of the River Cleddau is known for its interesting and abundant bird life. The village has two pubs and a shop.

Castle Farm, around the corner from the village hall, provides camping at £3 per person per night. The farm also has a few caravans and a five-bedroom bungalow – contact 01646 641220 for more details.

Weekend ticket £27.50 (£21); one-night concert and dance ticket £8.50 (£6); family £20. Contact by e-mail.

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27 February 2008

Monroe-style Mandolin Camp in Kentucky, 12-14 Sept.

You can now register for the International Bluegrass Music Museum's 2008 Monroe-Style Mandolin Camp. The third edition of this successful event, held annually around the anniversary of Bill Monroe's birth (he would have been 97 on September 13), will be on 12-14 September 2008. Most events will be at the Museum itself by the side of the Ohio river in Owensboro, KY, but there will also be an outing to pick at Bill Monroe's birthplace, Rosine, KY.

The 2008 Faculty includes mandolinists Richie Brown, Mike Compton, Bobby Osborne, Frank Wakefield, and Butch Waller - Butch can be heard in Ireland in July when he appears at the 18th Athy Bluegrass Festival as leader of High Country. Mike Compton was here at last year's Johnny Keenan Banjo Festival with the Nashville Bluegrass Band.

Full details are on the IBMM's Mandolin Camp page.

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Firhouse session: UPDATE and more

A bluegrass session is reported to be held on Thursday nights in Delany's pub at Firhouse, Dublin 24. Niall Toner specifies: 'It's the big pink pub which is now almost surrounded by the M50.' At present, that's all the information we have about it. Further details from anyone who attends the session will be very welcome. Niall adds:

By the way, NTB are recording our third all-original CD this week at my studio here in Coolasnaughta, in the Campbell Bodels Room. We are also filming a documentary of the proceedings which will probably be included as a DVD on the album, and also on YouTube, Facebook, etc... The first part was shot at the 2007 Athy Bluegrass Festival by Kate Bradbury, and the initial cut looks great.

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26 February 2008

Stephen Simmons tour

Singer-songwriter Stephen Simmons, raised in Woodbury, TN, and now based in Nashville, begins a tour in Ireland on Friday 7 March at the Seamus Ennis Cultural Centre, Naul, Fingal, Co. Dublin (see post above). Other shows in the tour are:

Sun. 9 Mar.: Music Station, Cromore Halt, Station Road, Portstewart, Co. Antrim

Tues. 11 Mar.: Groucho's Music Lounge, The Square, Richhill, Co. Armagh

Thurs. 13 Mar.: Real Music Club, the Errigle Inn, Belfast

Fri. 14 Mar.: Bronte Music Club, Banbridge, Co. Down

Sat. 15 Mar.: Lismore Music Club, Rose's West End Bar, Lismore, Co. Waterford


25 February 2008

Oscar for former Niall Toner Band member

At the 80th annual Academy Awards ceremony on 24 February, the Music (Song) Award went to 'Falling slowly' from Once. The music and lyrics are by Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova, who also played the leading roles as a Dublin busker and a Czech immigrant. Their acceptance speeches can be seen here.

Glen Hansard was formerly a long-time member of the Niall Toner Band and of Niall's country-rock band, Hank Halfhead and the Rambling Turkeys. Niall and the NTB are very proud of his achievements!

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Valerie Smith & Liberty Pike at Colfer's, 26-7 July

Valerie Smith & Liberty Pike at Schloss Fachsenfeld, Germany: photo by Hans Graef

Valerie Smith & Liberty Pike, who made a big impact at the Athy Bluegrass Festival a couple of years ago, will be the headline act at the 17th Phil Murphy Weekend at Colfer's, Carrig on Bannow, Co. Wexford, the last weekend in July. Thanks to Dee Hallett of the BBMA for the news.

The Weekend will be the only appearance by VS+LP in Ireland in the course of their three-week European tour (20 July to 10 August), with all remaining shows in the UK and Germany.

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24 February 2008

Airplay on 'Roots Freeway'

Bands and solo artists who want airplay for their CDs: don't miss the opportunity to get them on to 'Roots Freeway', the premier roots music programme on Irish radio, presented by Niall Toner on RTÉ Radio 1 every Tuesday evening. CDs and other information should be addressed to Niall or the show's producer, Aidan Butler, at the RTÉ Radio Centre, Montrose, Dublin 4.

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23 February 2008

Colin Henry to tour with Gary Ferguson

Gary Ferguson reports that his musical partner on the coming July tour will be Belfast dobroist Colin Henry, following the death of Dave Miner a week ago. Janet Holmes will join them for a few selected shows. Confirmed dates are:

Fri. 18th: Seamus Ennis Centre, Naul, Co. Dublin (with Mick Hanly)

Sat. 19th: Bog Lane Theatre, Ballymahon, Co. Longford (with Charlie McGettigan)

Sun. 20th and Mon. 21st: McGrory’s, Culdaff, Co. Donegal (tbc)

Tues. 22nd: Groucho’s Music Lounge, Richhill, Co. Armagh

Wed. 23rd: The Cobblestone, Smithfield, Dublin

Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sun. (24th-27th): Phil Murphy Weekend, Colfer's, Carrig on Bannow,Co. Wexford

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The Lourdes of Twang

Photo by Tim Shaffer for the New York Times

Thanks to Liz Meyer for drawing our attention to Peter Gerzenstang's article 'A journey shaped by a guitar' in yesterday's New York Times, which can be read here. Gerzenstang describes his visit to the Martin guitar factory at Nazareth, PA, which he labels 'the Lourdes of Twang'.

Banjo people: don't feel left out. A week ago the Bluegrass Blog featured a video clip from the US TV Science Channel, showing what goes into the making of a Mastertone-style 5-string Sullivan banjo at First Quality Music of Louisville, KY.

The BB also featured two days ago the completion of 'Throw down your heart', a documentary film on a trip by Béla Fleck to Africa in search of the banjo's relatives and the music made on these instruments. The film will be premiered next month in Austin, TX; a clip can be seen here.

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20 February 2008

Quote of the month

You can think of improvisations in jazz and bluegrass as being centrifugal, meaning they spin you outward from the starting point. Whereas the improvisations and variations in old-time music are centripetal, in that they are swirling and spiraling you closer to the essence of the music.

Songwriter and old-time musician Mark Simos, interviewed in the February 2008 issue of Bluegrass Now magazine. For some of Mark's thoughts on Irish music, see here.


19 February 2008

Goodbye, No Depression

After nearly thirteen years, No Depression, the magazine covering a wide range of American roots music, is to cease print publication with its next issue (May-June 2008). The publishers, Grant Alden, Peter Blackstock and Kyla Fairchild, explain in the current issue (March-April) that among other factors the crisis in the recorded music industry has cut their revenue from advertising by a third, and the drop is expected to continue.

The loss of the magazine will be offset to some extent by a bigger role for the No Depression website.


18 February 2008

Conor's Stelling on display

Anyone wishing to see and hear a really top-quality bluegrass banjo should drop in to the Fair City Grass show at Mother Reilly's, Uppercross House Hotel, Rathmines, Dublin, on Wednesday 20 February. Conor Daly's 2002 Stelling Sunflower, advertised for sale in an earlier post, will be in action, as Conor will be standing in for Paddy Kiernan on this occasion. Enda Donnelly, leader of FCG, says:

In my opinion this is a fine-sounding bluegrass banjo & a steal at the asking price. We still get together now & then for a bluegrass pick & love the sound of this banjo. It can be heard on the Fair City Grass MySpace site for anyone unable to get to see it in Dublin.

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Folk Alliance Conference at Memphis, 20-24 Feb.

The 20th International Folk Alliance Conference opens at the Marriott Hotel in Memphis, TN, on Wednesday this week and continues till Sunday. The many proceedings of interest and value to bluegrass and old-time people include Lifetime Achievement Awards to Tommy Jarrell and Rounder Records, and interviews with two living legends: singer/songwriters Hazel Dickens and Ian Tyson. Full details on the Folk Alliance website.


County Sales: the Omagh connection

As you can see from the sidebar, the original Bluegrass Blog carries a long interview with Dave Freeman, founder of County Records and County Sales, the premier supplier of bluegrass and old-time music records. Dave Freeman's recollections include the fact that County Sales were sending records to customers outside the US right from the start:

As a matter of fact, that is how we really got started into the business full time, by taking over supplying American country LPs to European customers for a British country music magazine (Country News & Views) that had such a service but then lost its USA supplier in Nashville. So we took over...

Charles Newman of Lowestoft, Suffolk, and Rodney McElrea of Omagh, Co. Tyrone, were responsible for Country News & Views at that time. Rodney - an outstanding country-music record collector and an Irish national treasure - has taken part in the McAuley Lectures series at the Omagh festival for the past few years with Prof. Jack Bernhardt, and has mentioned his connection with County Sales in those early years.


16 February 2008

Dave Miner

15 February

The sad news has just been received from Gary Ferguson that Dave Miner died last night of a massive heart attack. Dave and Gary were scheduled to tour Ireland in the coming summer (see our post of 6 February).

Dave Miner, as well as being a masterful and sensitive dobroist, was a man who was a pleasure to know, and he must have made many friends here on the two tours he had made so far with Gary. All our sympathies go to everyone who was close to him.

Dave's musical career is described on the Dave & Gary MySpace site. The tour this summer will proceed as scheduled. Further information on Gary's partner on the tour will be posted as soon as received.

16 February

Gary reports that Dave's sister has asked him to sing at the funeral, assisted by Mike Auldridge and Gail Wade. The funeral arrangements are:

Viewing: Tuesday 19 February, 2:00-4:00 p.m., 7:00-9:00 p.m., Beall Funeral Home, 6512 NW Crain Highway, Bowie, Maryland 20715. +1 301-805-5544

Funeral: Wednesday 20 February, 11:00 a.m., St Matthews United Methodist Church, 14900 Annapolis Road, Bowie, Maryland 20715. +1 301-262-8911.

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The Mudflapps in Ireland in March

Martin McWhorter reports:

Dan Fuchs, one of the best Chicago-based bluegrass dobro players, is going to be in Dublin and Belfast in March playing with the Chicago-based Americana band, the Mudflapps. Dan has played with the Chicago Bluegrass Band and was a student of well known dobro player Rob Anderlik.

The Mudflapps play a unique blend of original and traditional Americana - blending classic Grand-Old-Opry country with working-class songs of the common man - songs about heartache and loss. Called 'a drinking band with a music problem'.

Fans of bluegrass will not want to miss hearing Dan Fuchs play - fans of authentic Americana will not want to miss the Mudflapps.

March 14th: Mother Reilly's, Rathmines, 9.00 p.m.
March 17th: Black Box, St Patrick's Festival, Belfast, 2.00 p.m. and 9.00 p.m.
March 19th: Mother Reilly's, Rathmines, 9.00 p.m.
March 19th: Thomas Read's, Dublin, 10.30 p.m.
March 20th: The Cobblestone, Dublin (Orla Keeshan's 'Pick of the Month'), 9.00 p.m.
March 22nd: The Gaiety Theatre, Dublin, 11.45 p.m.

The Mudflapps have a few days open in their Ireland trip and are still booking dates. If interested contact me by e-mail or at 086 362 0915.

BIB editor's note: Schedule updated as of 29 February.

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14 February 2008

Lester's old guitar

This news is already listed in the headlines from the Bluegrass Blog that appear further down the right-hand side of the BIB, but it is special enough to warrant having at least a link to it here. Thanks to Pieter Groenveld of Strictly Country Records in the Netherlands for drawing our attention to the news in an item from the Twangtown website.

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Songwriter summit: Green Room, Dublin, 18 Feb.

On Monday 18 February the Green Room at the Holiday Inn, Pearse Street, Dublin 2, will host a unique evening's entertainment from three leading members of the Nashville Songwriters' Association International: Don Schlitz, Pat Alger, and Ralph Murphy. Also appearing will be Ireland's own Ruth Anne Cunningham. Time: Doors 7:30 p.m.; performance 8:00 p.m.; admission €10. Phone 01-6703666 or e-mail for info. To reserve a seat, send a confirmation e-mail here.

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12 February 2008

Chancin' in Branson, MO*: update

Nancy Cardwell of IBMA reports:

An event producer friend of mine at Silver Dollar City, in Branson, Missouri, is exploring the idea of having an international bluegrass stage (where he would present bluegrass bands from outside the US) at a multi-day festival, the latter part of May 2009. If you know of any bands already planning to tour in the US in that time, please let me know and I'll pass along the info. This gig wouldn't pay enough to be the only reason for a band to fly over here, but if they're in the neighborhood anyway, it would be a great thing to pick up. Rhonda Vincent and I both played at this theme park in the 1970s - it's a nice place. (You work a lot, but the sound is good, you're treated well by management, the park is beautiful, the quality of bands is excellent, and it's definitely a chance to sell a lot of CDs - although a percentage of sales usually goes to SDC.)

* Our title for this post is an allusion to a Bill Monroe tune, 'Dancin' in Branson'. Somehow the different verb seemed appropriate... Contact Nancy by e-mail if you're interested. NOTE: the date of the proposed gig was originally shown in error as May 2008 on this post. It is definitely May 2009.

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New Janet Holmes CD launch, 20 Feb.

Colin Henry sends a reminder from Belfast that Janet Holmes is launching her new CD Wonder why on Wednesday 20 February 2008 as part of the Belfast Nashville Songwriting Festival. Wonder why has thirteen tracks, nine of which are originals by Janet.

The venue for the launch is McHugh's Bar, near the Albert Clock, Belfast. Doors open 8.30 p.m. with support. Colin reports: 'Her band will have among others Ivan Muirhead on guitar and Wilson Davies on bass (both from the band Broken Strings), Mel Corry on banjo, and myself on dobro.'

On the following night Janet is support to Nanci Griffith, also as part of the festival. Tickets and info can be found on the Festival website, at Janet's MySpace site or at her website.

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Banjo Tom and Big Tom

Tom Hanway reports on the Outlaws’ shows with Big Tom:

Backstage with Big Tom (Tom Hanway and Tom McBride) at the Rhu Glenn (Photo: Denise Hanway)

Starting in February, the Outlaws, Ireland’s 'Most Wanted' acoustic country band, are playing double bills from one end of the country to the other with the legendary Big Tom and the Mainliners, who are back to their famous original line-up.

The two popular groups will play the Glencairn Hotel this Friday, 15 February and the Outlaws will play the Glencairn the following Friday, 22 February, on their own. Book early for hotel reservations or get more information at 042-974-6666.

Big Tom, known as 'The King' of Irish country music, came to prominence with his band 'The Mighty Mainliners' in the late 1960's, filling ballrooms and marquees and defining 'Country and Irish' music. The Outlaws' first show with Big Tom was on Sunday 10 February, to a thousand people at the Rhu Glenn Country Club Hotel, Slieverue, situated just outside of Waterford City.

The Outlaws are forever on the run, still blazing their own trails and packing ballrooms the length and breadth of Ireland. They are the only group on the country scene to use bluegrass and folk instruments, blending a wide range of roots-music styles into a contemporary alt-country sound - styles which include honky-tonk, bluegrass, old-time, Cajun, Irish trad and Tex-Mex.

This acoustic gang boasts a line-up that includes 'old-time' fiddle, 'Scruggsy' 5-string banjo, 'Cajun ’n’ Irish' button accordion, acoustic guitar, bass, and drums. Band members are: Sean Hughes (guitar, vocals), Diane Treanor (fiddle, vocals), Barry Lenard (button accordion), American expat. Tom Hanway (5-string banjo, vocals), Brian Walsh (drums, vocals), and Myles Watson (bass).

The Outlaws have the the following tour dates for the rest of February, including three more hoedowns with Big Tom & the Mainliners:

February 2008

Fri. 15th: The Glencairn Hotel, Castleblaney, Co. Monaghan: with Big Tom and the Mainliners
Sat. 16th: The Glenview Lodge, Goatenbridge, Co. Tipperary
Thurs. 21st: Carlton Shearwater Hotel and Spa, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway: with Big Tom and the Mainliners
Fri. 22nd: The Glencairn Hotel, Castleblaney, Monaghan (Info: 042-974-6666)
Sat. 23rd: Tullyglass House Hotel, Ballymena, Co. Antrim: with Big Tom and the Mainliners
Sun. 24th: Newtown Country Club, Newtown, Drumconrath, Co. Meath
Fri. 29th: McWilliam Park Hotel, Knock Road, Claremorris, Co. Mayo

Management for the Outlaws: Kevin McCooey, 042-974-0612 or 087-249-2495.


10 February 2008

4th Annual Bluegrass/Roots event at Colfer's: report

Tony O'Brien of the Athy Bluegrass Music Association reports on the show at Colfer's, Carrig on Bannow, Co. Wexford, on 27 January:

John Murphy's 4th Annual Bluegrass/Roots show, held the last Sunday in January, was a resounding success. A packed house heard five hours plus of music, starting at 6.15 p.m. and winding up at 11.30 p.m., with the Sullivan Brothers opening the show with a mix of Steve Earle, the Eagles, and some of their own material. Beppe Gambetta was next on stage, and what a performance from truly a guitar wizard. Frankie Lane & Moonshine gave a great performance of olde-timey material, and Woodbine (with Clem O'Brien doing a solo guest spot), who were given three encores, ended the evening. John Murphy is to be complimented for running this event in January and being able to get a full house every year.

Woodbine are now on MySpace and are booked to play the Westport Bluegrass/Folk Festival on 27-29 June with 4 Wheel Drive.

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09 February 2008

Instruments etc. for sale / wanted

If you want to sell or buy an instrument or other music-related items, drop a line to the editor. A notice will normally be carried here for three months. Please let us know if, before that time, you've sold or bought what you wanted to sell/buy.

9 February 2008

Erik Kamerling, an American now resident in Kilcullen, Co. Kildare, is moving back to the States in a month or so and wishes to sell his Deering Standard banjo, serial # 3789, which corresponds to the present Sierra. The pot and tone ring are the same as on the top Deering models. Erik says:

I bought it new in Ithaca NY and have had it for 18 years. I played it heavily up until a few years ago. It's quite a nice 5-string, albeit one of Deering's more aesthetically basic instruments... Very nice tone ring, vibrant and crisp instrument, etc. It would be great for someone looking to get more seriously into bluegrass after a few years working with some cheaper models. It lasted me 18 years without ever a need to buy a different instrument.

Contact Erik by e-mail.


21 October 2007

Conor Daly, banjo-player formerly with Fair City Grass, is putting his 2002 Stelling Sunflower up for sale, as he is planning on getting a new Stelling with a Tony Pass 'Old Wood' rim. Conor gives the following basic specification:

2002 Stelling Sunflower. Custom setup with Nechville compensated bridge by Tom Nechville in 2004. All the standard Stelling features. Includes two Keith D-tuners on 2nd and 3rd strings, and original Stelling tuners.

Big sound up and down the neck. Comes with HSC, original warranty card, and receipt. In VGC, save some tarnish on plated parts and normal wear on the head. Asking price: €2,100.

Contact Conor by e-mail or mobile 'phone: 087 1335460.

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David Simpson

David Simpson, guitarist in the Dublin-based Simpsons Bluegrass Band, has recently had hospital treatment for lymphoma. The prognosis is favourable and David sounds full of beans over the 'phone, but as an after-effect of the therapy it will be a month before he is back playing lead guitar with the band. The Simpsons' weekly schedule at the Cuala GAA Club in Dalkey, Co. Dublin, remains suspended till further notice.

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08 February 2008

Uncle Earl: laurels to rest on

Uncle Earl, sweethearts of the 2006 Johnny Keenan Banjo Festival, have just won the Folk Alliance Album of the Year award with their latest CD, Waterloo, Tennessee, and are nominated for the Artist of the Year award.

After a hectic year, they intend to slow down band operations for a while and concentrate on their individual projects. Full details are in their February newsletter, which can be read on the Uncle Earl MySpace site.

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Mike Lawing of the International Bluegrass Music Museum at Owensboro, KY, reports that there will be a short interview tomorrow morning (Friday 8 February) with Niall Toner on the Museum's twenty-four-hour internet radio service, RBI (Radio Bluegrass International). The time will be 8.30 a.m. Central US time, or about 2.30 p.m. our time.

RBI has been a free service to listeners since the IBMM launched it in May 2007. As from Tuesday 8 January 2008, all Museum members have been assigned a password which allows access to the RBI stream as part of their memberships. Listeners who do not wish to join the IBMM will be able to listen to RBI by paying a monthly subscription of $4.00.

To obtain your password, send an email with PASSWORD in the Subject column to Mike Lawing or call him at +1 (270) 926-7891. There is no extra charge to existing members. All new members will receive their password when their membership purchase is complete.

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07 February 2008

John Hunter memorial benefit evening, 16 Feb.

Tony Curran reports:

Noreen returned home to Sixmilecross from hospital yesterday evening. Posters of the event are springing up in the Beragh/Sixmilecross area, and the local radio stations have been notified by e-mail.

I note the Carolina Chocolate Drops will be touring Ireland/UK at the end of this month, with several dates in Northern Ireland.

I understand from Tim Donnelly that the Rostrevor event for Mourne Stimulus raised about £1,100. Well Done the Bhoys!!!

BIB editor's note: The Carolina Chocolate Drops tour will now extend after the UK, with eight shows in France, the Netherlands, and Belgium scheduled at present. More details on the band's website.

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06 February 2008

Another town on CD Baby

For the many who will want Another town, the latest CD by Four Wheel Drive (NL/D/B), and haven't found it in a local shop: since last night the album has been available through CD Baby. All fourteen tracks can be sampled here.

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Josh Williams joins Larry Stephenson Band

Josh Williams and Larry Stephenson with their SPBGMA awards

Many in Ireland will have vivid memories of Josh Williams as the lanky young mandolin wizard who toured with the Special Consensus earlier this decade. Josh left the Special C. (not that anyone ever really leaves) a few years ago to play guitar with Rhonda Vincent & the Rage. After leaving Rhonda last October, Josh has been building the career of his own band, and will now also be playing guitar with the Larry Stephenson Band. The above photo shows Josh and Larry at the SPBGMA awards show with their trophies as Guitar Player of the Year (Josh's fourth time) and Contemporary Male Vocalist of the Year (Larry's fifth time).


John Hunter Memorial Evening / Noreen Hunter

31 January Tony Curran sends the news that Noreen Hunter of Sixmilecross, Co. Tyrone, whose husband John died three months ago, is seriously ill, and may need a liver transplant.


3 February Tony reports:

I visited with Noreen at the Royal Victoria Hospital last evening. She was in good spirits, and in much better form than last week. She is due to take further tests, but is hopeful that she will be discharged home to Sixmilecross on Thursday/Friday of this week. More long term, she will have to travel to London in 4-6 weeks time to assess her suitability for a transplant.

In the meantime, she has expressed a wish that the benefit (for the NI Chest, Heart & Stroke Association) in John’s memory should take place as scheduled on 16 February.

A poster for the show appears above; please note that it will be held at the Flax Mill Centre, Drumduff, Co. Tyrone (not Fermanagh; editorial error), starting at 8.30 p.m. Tony sends this link to a location map.

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Gary Ferguson & Dave Miner tour, July

Out sitting in their field: Dave Miner and Gary Ferguson

Gary Ferguson and David Miner will be touring Ireland again in July; see our earlier post. This will be Gary's fourth consecutive year and David's third. They still have open dates (see below). You can contact them for concerts and workshops here or here, or at their MySpace page. Gary reports:

Of special interest is the date at the Seamus Ennis Centre. Mick Hanly and I will be doing a songwriter workshop in the afternoon, and then in the evening there will be a concert with Mick, Dave, and me.

Tues. 15 July:
Wed. 16 July:
Thurs. 17 July:
Fri. 18 July: Seamus Ennis Centre, Naul, Co. Dublin (with Mick Hanly)
Sat. 19 July: Bog Lane Theatre, Ballymahon, Co. Longford (with Charlie McGettigan)
Sun. 20 July:
Mon. 21 July:
Tues. 22 July: Groucho’s Music Lounge, Richill, Co. Armagh
Wed. 23 July: The Cobblestone, Dublin
Thurs. 24 July: Phil Murphy Weekend, Carrig on Bannow, Co. Wexford
Fri. 25 : Phil Murphy Weekend, Carrig on Bannow, Co. Wexford
Sat. 26 July: Phil Murphy Weekend, Carrig on Bannow, Co. Wexford
Sun. 27 July: Phil Murphy Weekend, Carrig on Bannow, Co. Wexford
Mon. 28 July:
Tues. 29 July:


Bluegrass wins in BBC TV talent show

Katherine Selby of UKBluegrass.com reports that the Carrivick Sisters from Devon have won their round of a new BBC talent show, 'Upstaged'. To do so, they had to perform for six hours inside a glass box at the Millennium Square in central Bristol on two successive days, and will be continuing today. Anyone within reach has been able to join them for a jam inside the box.

Charlotte and Laura Carrivick are only 18 but play mandolin, guitar, fiddle, and dobro with technique, knowledge, and soul. They made a great impression at last year's European World of Bluegrass Festival in the Netherlands. Thanks to UKBluegrass.com for the news, and to Jan Michielsen of Four Wheel Drive for bringing it to our attention.

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05 February 2008

For guitarists - and others

For everyone who owns an acoustic guitar and wants to know how to get it sounding its best and keep it that way, Acutab Publications have published a new DVD, Get to know your acoustic guitar, by Marty Lanham, master luthier and Nashville's first choice for instrument maintenance, repair, and restoration. Among many topics covered are buying your first guitar and moving up to better ones. The two-hour DVD costs $35.00. Acutab have a high reputation for instructional material, and this looks like being useful to very many musicians.


Cathal Cusack reports:

As you probably know importing tortoiseshell is now illegal and lots of guys in the US are using picks called 'Tortis', made from animal protein. They are supposed to sound as close to real tortoiseshell as makes no difference. They are not cheap but they don't wear out either. The bluegrass connection can be seen here - Mike Compton and a couple of Winfield winners must know something. They are available in Europe here.

I've no financial interest, etc., etc.!

Cathal also sends news from Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer, including the new Marcy Marxer Cello Banjo by Gold Tone. Marcy demonstrates the new instrument with three tunes on YouTube, including this clip of 'Angeline the baker'. Your editor's first thought was: 'Wow! What a great sound!' His second thought was that Irish music now has the atom bomb.

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Buried treasure uncovered

Thanks to Gerry Fitzpatrick for the first album review to appear on the BIB:

What have Al Perkins, Chris Hillman, and Bernie Leadon got in common? Well, for one, they were all involved in the genesis of the country-rock scene which sprung out of southern California in the late 60s and early 70s, and variously played with the Byrds, Flying Burritto Brothers, Gram Parsons, the Eagles, Crosby Stills and Nash, Manassass, Linda Ronstadt, Emmylou... the list goes on.

The other thing these three master musicians share is a love for bluegrass and roots music. In 1985, along with David Mansfield and Jerry Scheff, they recorded an album called Ever call ready, which was barely noticed at the time but has now been afforded a timely re-release by Sierra Records.

Ever call ready is a collection of bluegrass and old-time songs and tunes with a Christian/Gospel theme. The album is marked by strong male vocal harmonies and excellent tempered use of solo instruments. Mandolin (Hillman), banjo (Leadon), Dobro (Perkins), and fiddle (Mansfield) are used tastefully, both to augment the rhythm and to complement the melodies. These guys are masters of their instruments and a pleasure to listen to.

The music includes traditional pieces such as 'I’ll be no stranger there' and 'Panhandle Rag' and songs by writers such as Don Reno and Flatt & Scruggs. The version of the the Flatt & Scruggs song 'God loves his children' is as good as it gets in terms of driving bluegrass music. In contrast there is the tender ballad 'Rule over my soul', which would be equally at home on one of Gram Parson’s solo albums. Throughout the album the four-part male vocal harmonies consistently impress. Spanning the full range of the human male voice, they have a very natural sound and there is no attempt at the over-production which has spoiled many a potentially good bluegrass album.

In short, this album is a treasure both for pure listening enjoyment and as a master class in bluegrass harmonies and instrumentation. Unfortunately the distribution this side of the Atlantic is scanty, but the album can be purchased online from Smart Choice Music, the UK-based roots and Americana record store.

Gerry Fitzpatrick


NTB go west: update

The Bard's Den (NTB not in shot)

The Niall Toner Band played amid the spectacular scenery of Connemara last Saturday night (2 February) at the Bard's Den, Letterfrack, Co. Galway. Niall reports:

The photo you posted must have been taken on a sunny summer's day, but on Saturday night it was being blasted by an Atlantic storm! We got soaked twice, once on the way in, and again on the way out! Anyway, to cut to the chase, the place was stuffed, the crowd were just magic, and we played our hearts out. Letterfrack is a long way out West for us to travel, but well worth the journey...

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02 February 2008

A Nobel Peace Prize for Pete Seeger?

From a painting by Keri Rosebraugh: Pete Seeger's fight against pollution

Pete Seeger, directly or indirectly, is the reason a lot of us first got into old-time music and bluegrass; so thanks to Uri Kohen (organiser of the Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival at the end of June) for the news that there is a campaign to nominate him for a Nobel Peace Prize. The campaign was launched by Eleanor Walden, a cultural activist in the San Francisco Bay Area. You can sign the petition either here or here.

Among other honours, Pete Seeger was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1996, a year before Bill Monroe.
