23 February 2008

The Lourdes of Twang

Photo by Tim Shaffer for the New York Times

Thanks to Liz Meyer for drawing our attention to Peter Gerzenstang's article 'A journey shaped by a guitar' in yesterday's New York Times, which can be read here. Gerzenstang describes his visit to the Martin guitar factory at Nazareth, PA, which he labels 'the Lourdes of Twang'.

Banjo people: don't feel left out. A week ago the Bluegrass Blog featured a video clip from the US TV Science Channel, showing what goes into the making of a Mastertone-style 5-string Sullivan banjo at First Quality Music of Louisville, KY.

The BB also featured two days ago the completion of 'Throw down your heart', a documentary film on a trip by Béla Fleck to Africa in search of the banjo's relatives and the music made on these instruments. The film will be premiered next month in Austin, TX; a clip can be seen here.

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