27 February 2008

Firhouse session: UPDATE and more

A bluegrass session is reported to be held on Thursday nights in Delany's pub at Firhouse, Dublin 24. Niall Toner specifies: 'It's the big pink pub which is now almost surrounded by the M50.' At present, that's all the information we have about it. Further details from anyone who attends the session will be very welcome. Niall adds:

By the way, NTB are recording our third all-original CD this week at my studio here in Coolasnaughta, in the Campbell Bodels Room. We are also filming a documentary of the proceedings which will probably be included as a DVD on the album, and also on YouTube, Facebook, etc... The first part was shot at the 2007 Athy Bluegrass Festival by Kate Bradbury, and the initial cut looks great.

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