12 February 2008

Chancin' in Branson, MO*: update

Nancy Cardwell of IBMA reports:

An event producer friend of mine at Silver Dollar City, in Branson, Missouri, is exploring the idea of having an international bluegrass stage (where he would present bluegrass bands from outside the US) at a multi-day festival, the latter part of May 2009. If you know of any bands already planning to tour in the US in that time, please let me know and I'll pass along the info. This gig wouldn't pay enough to be the only reason for a band to fly over here, but if they're in the neighborhood anyway, it would be a great thing to pick up. Rhonda Vincent and I both played at this theme park in the 1970s - it's a nice place. (You work a lot, but the sound is good, you're treated well by management, the park is beautiful, the quality of bands is excellent, and it's definitely a chance to sell a lot of CDs - although a percentage of sales usually goes to SDC.)

* Our title for this post is an allusion to a Bill Monroe tune, 'Dancin' in Branson'. Somehow the different verb seemed appropriate... Contact Nancy by e-mail if you're interested. NOTE: the date of the proposed gig was originally shown in error as May 2008 on this post. It is definitely May 2009.

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