30 June 2011

Ferguson, Holmes, & Henry tour, July 2011: further update

At this late stage, Ferguson, Holmes, & Henry (USA/NI) have had a gig cancelled in their July tour schedule, announced three days ago. This means that Monday 18 July is now a free date for them. If you can offer or suggest a performance opportunity for this date, please contact Gary by e-mail or at ReverbNation.

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29 June 2011

Wish I was in the Western Country...

The editor reports:

On Sunday evening, Fiddling Tim Hawkins and I returned to Dublin from Mayo and the 5th Westport Folk & Bluegrass Festival, where we had had a whale of a time.

The BIB doesn't write its own event reports, and this is not intended as one: we can't mention everyone, and could not do justice to the acts we didn't see. But we met no one who wasn't having as good a time as ourselves (the weather mattered little, as Westport has many hospitable interiors). Some high points, for us:

1 the bluegrass session on Friday evening, hosted by the Bluestack Mountain Boys and joined by other pickers, including all the members of A Band Like Alice - one of those times when it was possible to feel the energy coming up through the soles of one's feet;

2 the old-time fiddle workshop given by Tim Rogers after Saturday lunch, followed by a good old-time bash inside McGing's while the main bluegrass session went on in the beer garden;

3 the main concert, with the Dust Busters recreating the string-band sounds of the 1920s and 1930s with more combined fidelity and vitality than I've heard since the New Lost City Ramblers in the late 1960s; and

4 meeting everyone - including Dave Stacey from England, who not only makes outstanding old-time banjos (his 'Sodbuster' model is the latest in the range, and he had brought a dismountable short-scale travelling banjo with him) but makes fine old-time music with them. Meeting Dave and his wife Megan was among the many pleasures for which we have the Festival, its organiser Uri Kohen, and Westport to thank.

PS: Uri sends this link to a Flickr album of fifty-six photos from the weekend. More are expected, including video footage.

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Goin' back to old Kentucky

A reminder for everyone who is seriously thinking of going on the prospective package tour to bluegrass celebrations in Kentucky this autumn: you should notify Brian Ingarfield of the award-winning travel agency Tour America in Middle Abbey Street, Dublin 1, not later than this coming Friday (1 July). The trip is planned to include all six days of the Jerusalem Ridge Bluegrass Celebration festival (27 Sept.-2 Oct. 2011; see poster image). Full details are on the BIB for 23 June.

If you intend to go, please let Brian know by e-mail or 'phone (+353 1 8173526). Faxes can be sent to Tour America at +353 1 878 0269.

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28 June 2011

Pokey LaFarge & the South City Three in Dublin, 3 July 2011

Paul Foley of the Ubangi Stomp Club in Dame Court, Dublin 2, sends this news:

On Sunday 3 July Ubangi Stomp Club, in association with 103.2 Dublin City FM, proudly present Pokey LaFarge & the South City Three. From St Louis, Missouri, Pokey LaFarge delivers a creative mix of early jazz, string ragtime, country blues, and western swing. It’s wonderfully infectious, and all laid down in front of a big, big swingin’ beat. His sounds are truly original and modern, yet LaFarge’s influences are apparent, as tinges of Blind Boy Fuller, Bob Wills, and Jimmie Rodgers are easily recognisable.

Pokey is accompanied by fellow St Louis musicians the South City Three: Joey Glynn on upright bass, Adam Hoskinson on guitar, and Ryan Koenig on harmonica and washboard.

'... could be the birth of the next Bill Monroe; creating such a fine mix of ragtime, jugband, blues, folk and country, he has found his own genre' (Terry Nolan of No Depression

Special guests on the night will be Dublin's own versatile folk/roots outfit, Gary Fitzpatrick's Dead Zoo. Admission €15 on the door, 8.00 p.m. start.

See the band on YouTube: 1 and 2. Pokey LaFarge & the South City Three will be on tour in Ireland for the following week; dates are on the BIB calendar.

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'Bluegrass on the Walls' in Derry, 6 Aug. 2011

Colin Henry and Janet Holmes in Bluegrass on the Walls 2010

'Bluegrass on the Walls', a welcome feature of the Maiden City Festival in Derry since 2000, will be held this year on Saturday 6 August, from 1.00 to 4.00 p.m. at various points in the historic centre of the city and the circuit of the walls. Bands taking part will be announced shortly.

Following on from the successful 'Maiden Grass' evening concert last year, featuring all-female bands, this year's evening concert will be on the 'Freshly Mown Grass' theme, drawn from a new cut of younger artists.

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27 June 2011

Ferguson, Holmes, & Henry tour, July 2011: update

A reminder of the coming tour by singer/songwriter Gary Ferguson (USA), together with fellow singer/ songwriter Janet Holmes and multi-instrumentalist Colin Henry, both of Belfast, which begins less than three weeks from now. The trio have performed together with great success on Gary's recent annual tours, and bio details, songs, and pictures are on their ReverbNation page.

Their new album is an eight-song EP, composed entirely of original songs written by Gary, Janet, and Colin. Special guests include Mike Auldridge, Mark Schatz, Emory Lester (legendary figures on dobro, bass, and mandolin respectively), Cormac O’Kane, Ivan Muirhead (Janet’s brother) and Gary’s sons Chris and Ryan Ferguson. Copies will be available during the tour. To order, e-mail Gary in the USA or Colin and Janet in Northern Ireland. For DJs: a song from the album is available for download on AirPlay Direct, together with a DPK (digital press kit).

The tour dates are as follows, all in July 2011. Please note the update on 18 July.

Fri. 15th: The Red Room, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone; contact 077 47120659, e-mail
Sat. 16th: Abbey Arts Centre, Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal
Sun. 17th: Loughrey’s Bar, Tullamore, Co. Offaly
Mon. 18th: Gig cancellation; if you can offer or suggest a performance opportunity for this date, please contact Gary by e-mail or at ReverbNation.
Tues. 19th: St John’s Theatre, Listowel, Co. Kerry
Wed. 20th: De Barra's, Clonakilty, Co. Cork; 023 33381
Thurs. 21st: Carnegie Arts Centre, Kenmare, Co. Kerry
Fri. 22nd: Foyle’s Hotel, Clifden, Co. Galway
Sat. 23rd: Geraghty’s, the Octagon, Westport, Co. Mayo; e-mail contact
Sun. 24th: Boyle Arts Festival, Boyle, Co. Roscommon

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23 June 2011

ChilliFest, Belfast: Cajun Cafe menu online

For anyone attending this year's Open House Festival in Belfast: the ChilliFest section of the festival is on this weekend (25-26 June), and the menu for the Cajun Cafe can be read online here.


Steve Martin joins faculty of Academy of Bluegrass

Latest development for the recently launched Academy of Bluegrass, the innovative new teaching medium for the bluegrass instruments: Steve Martin has joined the Tony Trischka School of Banjo, teaching how to play one of his compositions from the recent Rare bird alert album. Read the full story here.

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22 June 2011

Vincent Cross back in Ireland, July-Aug. 2011

Thanks to Vincent Cross for the good news that a month from now he'll be returning to Ireland for the first time in nearly four years, staying from 27 July to 18 August.

Having been based in New York for several years (he is shown here with the late Charlie Louvin), Vincent is hoping to catch up with old friends here and check up on the rumours he's heard about how things have changed. He also intends to pick! And, while he has dates lined up, he'd be keen on doing a few solo support slots or short sets (up to 1 hr) if there are any of those about. If you can suggest any openings, contact Vincent by e-mail.

Directly after his return to the USA, Vincent and his band Good Company will be playing the Long Island Bluegrass Festival. From the poster (right), you can see that he'll be sharing the stage with the Special Consensus, Buddy Merriam & Back Roads, and fiddler Nate Leath, all of whom should be fondly remembered by Irish audiences.

On 23 August he's booked to play the Rockwood, one of New York's many small, intimate venues. This may prove to be the occasion for launching his next CD, which is now in preparation. For a recent example of Vincent's work as both an expert songwriter and an intense, soulful singer, we can strongly recommend his 'Old Christmas wrapping'. More music, reviews, and a jam session video can be found on his MySpace site.

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The Dust Busters on YouTube and in Ireland

The Dust Busters (USA) old-time string band are in Ireland this week, culminating in their appearance on the main concert stage at the Westport Folk & Bluegrass Festival this coming Saturday. They will proceed next week to further dates in the UK, so we're glad to receive from FOAOTMAD a link to a YouTube video of the Dust Busters playing 'Leather breeches'.

In this instance they're using two fiddles and guitar (just one of their possible configurations), and links to further performance videos by the band are accessible - for instance, this one. If you have a chance, catch at least one of their performances while they're here; all dates are on the BIB calendar.

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Autumn bluegrass activity in North Wales

Thanks to Tom Degney (above right) for news of an autumn mini-festival in North Wales, already famous for the Coastline and Conwy festivals which are easily accessible from Ireland. All details can be seen on the poster (above left).

We were a little unsure at first about the last line. 'Excellent vocals', of course, are to be expected in Wales, but are they really 'new to bluegrass'? Then it clicked: both phrases apply to the fifth group on the bill, Shoulder to Shoulder...


The Wilders at the Red Room on YouTube

Thanks to Arnie and Sharon Loughrin, hosts of house concerts at the Red Room in Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, for this link to a video posted on YouTube by singer Janet Dowd.

It shows the Wilders playing their unique arrangement of 'Driving nails in my coffin' to round off their show at the Red (or on this occasion, the Green) Room during their recent tour. We note that when the band withdrew backstage after their 'finale', the instruments remained on stage...

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New CD from Well Enough Alone

Thanks to Dublin band Well Enough Alone (above), who report in their latest e-newsletter:

Well Enough Alone are very pleased to announce that we have finished our new CD and will be releasing it to coincide with the Athy Bluegrass Festival, Ireland's oldest bluegrass festival.

We have a few CD release shows booked; we will be updating this list as we add more. Check our website for updates. Be sure to come out to one of these, help us celebrate, and pick up a CD!

* 8/7/11 Athy Bluegrass Festival, Athy, Co. Kildare
* 14/7/11 The Cobblestone, Dublin 7
* 24/7/11 Bewley's Cafe Theatre, Dublin 2
* 12/8/11 Whelan's, Dublin 2

As well as being available at these shows, our album will be available at internet retailers on 8 July.

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20 June 2011

Breda Coleman

The bluegrass community in Ireland has lost another of its valued members. Breda Coleman and her husband P.J. are well and widely known as keen attenders of all major bluegrass events - and many minor ones as well - in this island, and as friends of many band members, for whom it has been a constant pleasure to meet them at venues throughout the country.

With deep regret, we have to report that Breda passed away last Friday morning. Tony O'Brien reports that the funeral is from Massey's Funeral Home in Finglas Village in north-west Dublin on Tuesday 21 June, to arrive at St Canice's church for 5.00 p.m. The burial will take place on Wednesday 22 June after 10 o'clock mass. A location map for the funeral home and the church can be found here; both are just off the main Finglas Road.

Our sympathies go out to P.J., family, and friends in their loss.


18 June 2011

The Belfast American Folk and Roots Club presents Devon Sproule, 21 June 2011

Thanks to Adele Ingram-Magee for news of the Belfast American Folk and Roots Club (BAFRC), which will be bringing Devon Sproule (Ontario-born and Virginia-raised) and her new band the Unmarked Animals to play at the Black Box, Hill St., Belfast, on Tuesday 21 June 2011 at 8.00 p.m. The BAFRC acts in association with One-A-Chord Music Promotions and their hospitality partners La Boca Argentine Restaurant.

Released on 27 May 2011 on the UK label Tin Angel Records, I love you, go easy is the latest album by Devon Sproule and the band, who are on the summer end of their world tour. Devon Sproule has won wide critical acclaim and appeared on 'Later... with Jools Holland' on BBC TV. Listeners worldwide can stream tracks and video and buy the new album at the Tin Angel website.

Tickets for the show can be bought at Devon Sproule's website or by contacting the Black Box, Belfast (tel. 028 9024 4400).

The Belfast American Folk and Roots Club is a volunteer-run, non-profit collective of musicians that meets twice a month at two venues in Belfast - the Black Box Cafe and the Menagerie - to promote local and international acts under the broad umbrella of American folk and roots music.

The BAFRC are also associated with this year’s Coors Light 13th Open House Festival, presenting a one-off gig with Morgan O'Kane, Ferd 4 & Zeke, supported by Wookalily, at McHugh’s Basement, Belfast, on Friday 24 June 2011. Tickets for this show can be bought here.

For further details, contact:

Andrew Campey or Adele Ingram-Magee
The Belfast American Folk and Roots Club
Tel. 078 06782423 or 078 34811671
E-mail 1; e-mail 2

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17 June 2011

'Speedy' Krise, dobro pioneer

Thanks to Colin Henry, who reports:

The recent death of Speedy Krise (9 June 2011) marked the passing of a true dobro pioneer. He was a dobro player whose style was intermediate between the old-time style of Pete Kirby ('Brother Oswald') and the 'bluesy' bluegrass of Buck Graves ('Uncle Josh'). Buck Graves in fact acknowledged him as an influence. He recorded in the late 1940s with Mollie O'Day and the Cumberland Mountain Folks.

With Brother Oswald and Uncle Josh already gone, it is sad to mark the passing of yet another influential player of the resonator guitar who helped show the way along the road that leads to Jerry Douglas, Rob Ickes, and beyond.

More on Speedy Krise can be seen on and via the original Bluegrass Blog.

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New artists for Longford lineup!

Chris Keenan and Kathy Casey, organisers of the Johnny Keenan Banjo Festival, report that in addition to the already staggering lineup announced for this year's event (22-25 Sept. 2011), the bluegrass part of the programme has been reinforced by Lluís Gómez, Joan Pau Cumellas, & the Barcelona Bluegrass Band (E) and G-runs 'n Roses (CZ), who in the last couple of years have won all the major awards on the European bluegrass scene.

Also added to the lineup are Four Men & a Dog, The Unwanted (featuring Cathy Jordan, Rick Epping, and Seamie O'Dowd), Thom Moore (bandmate with Rick Epping in Pumpkinhead in the '70s), and Tupelo. And more additions are expected... Meanwhile, the full present lineup can be seen here. Chris and Kathy add:

We are really excited about our 10th year! We can tell you that this year's festival will be fully packed! 4 days and nights of great concerts, sessions, jams, workshops, exhibits, festival club, etc., etc. New this year: a BUSKING COMPETITION which will take place throughout the town all weekend long. Further details will be available shortly. We hope you will come to celebrate with us!!

Weekend concert and combination (concert + workshop) passes are now on sale, making considerable savings possible over individual concert/workshop rates. To celebrate the tenth festival, everyone who purchases a weekend pass in advance this year will receive a special goody bag including programme book, stickers, and other promotional items.

For bookings or more info, e-mail or 'phone (087-281-7825; from outside Ireland +353-87-281-7825).

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16 June 2011

Westport Folk & Bluegrass Festival coming to Dublin, 19 June 2011

Electric Cave Production of Westport, Co. Mayo, reports:

Dublin will play host to the third largest county in Ireland on Sunday 19 June, as the Mayo Alive Festival comes to the capital.

The free event is to showcase Mayo's culture, music, food, and natural beauty and will take place at six locations across Dublin city centre, with over 25,000 people expected to attend.

As part of the event, Westport Folk & Bluegrass Festival will attend the Smock Alley outdoor stage.

Uri Kohen, festival producer, will be joined on stage by Tim Rogers and the Clew Bay Critters (left); the Westport crew will present the programme of events; we'll have tickets on sale and - most important - an hour of good bluegrass music.

The band is one of three acts that will play on this year's main stage. It is a great chance to meet and greet the festival team and to enjoy great music. The band will take to the stage at 1.30 p.m., and the team will be around for a good part of the day.

A map of the stage location is on the site. Looking forward to seeing you all!

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Mills Inn Hotel Bluegrass Festival, 22-23 July 2011

Thanks to Mary Moynihan of the Mills Inn Hotel, Ballyvourney, west Cork, for the news that the Mills Inn is launching its own Blue Grass Festival, to be held on Friday 22 July and Saturday 23 July.

On Friday night (22 July) the mighty Lee Valley String Band (see photo), Ireland's senior group in bluegrass and old-time music, will be playing from 10.00 p.m. in the Museum Bar, and there is no cover charge.

On Saturday (23 July), from 6.00 to 10.00 p.m. the show will be outdoors, with Noel Shine & Mary Greene performing, an open jamming session, and a barbecue with 'Pig on a Spit'. From 10.00 p.m. the Bluegrass Brothers will be playing in the bar.

The Mills Inn (which won the 2010 Les Routiers Inn of the Year Award) is offering an accommodation package for the weekend: bed, breakfast, and dinner for two at €99 per person. Contact 026 45237 or visit the Inn's website for details. You can also follow the Inn on Facebook.

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The personal touch

A tantalising glimpse of the guitar made by Seamus McElroy of Belfast on Sam Irwin's Lagan Lutherie School course. An image of Seamus's famous hat (his invariable wear at bluegrass events) becomes a headstock inlay.

Thanks to Seamus for this and five more fine photos, which can be seen here. And see Colin Henry's comment, below.

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Cedar Hill on the Tube

The many friends and fans that Cedar Hill (USA) made here last September with several appearances (centred on the Omagh festival) will be glad to know of a three-and-a-half-minute video on YouTube made by Rebekah Long for the band's version of 'I've got a thing about doors', the title track of their latest CD.

Does it show Cedar Hill? Well, only for a few seconds. Do we see Frank Ray? For a little longer, yes. Sort of. But the point is that the sound track is very solid and satisfying bluegrass from Cedar Hill, and the video is a lot of fun. Add to that that the song was written by Tom T. Hall and Miss Dixie, published by Good Home Grown Music, and released on Blue Circle Records.

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15 June 2011

Clonmel World Music: shows in July-Nov. 2011

We're specially grateful to Gerry Lawless of Clonmel World Music for the following good news:

See below for the remaining Clonmel World Music gigs for 2011. We have also just confirmed our first band for 2012!

We have had fantastic support from people in the area for our gigs. We have sold out all gigs so far, which enables us to go after really good-quality bands to play in Clonmel.

We also have people traveling from Cork, Kilkenny, and Waterford to our gigs, and we even have people coming to the next gig from Co. Tyrone (our furthest travellers so far!)

The TMJB gig is Sold Out (our fastest selling gig), and we are ambitiously putting on two Po' Girl gigs in September.

I would like to point out that the reason the TMJB is coming to Ireland is down to the notice in the BIB on 28 January. I chased them up on foot of the BIB post which stated they were after gigs in Europe, and after extensive negotiations we secured a gig in Clonmel.

They decided to tour in Ireland instead of Scotland as a result! Chris Keenan then kindly helped arrange the other Irish gigs to make a tour viable for the band.

The moral of the story - A post in the BIB really works, and helps bring great quality bands to Ireland!!!

Clonmel World Music remaining 2011 gigs:

Wed. 20 July: Tennessee Mafia Jug Band (featuring Leroy Troy) SOLD OUT

Wed. & Thurs. 7-8 Sept.: Po' Girl (Canada)

Wed. 2 Nov.: Eilen Jewell (Boston)

The Tennessee Mafia Jug Band on the Grand Ole Opry stage, with WSM announcer Eddie Stubbs and Marty Stuart

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Bluegrass action in east Ulster, 24-6 June 2011

Thanks to Dangem Quality Instruments of Craigavon, Co. Armagh, for this news of a weekend of bluegrass activity in east Ulster:

Forget Cutting the Grass
Painting the fence
Taking the Goldfish for a walk -

Total Bluegrass

Friday 24 June

The Down and Out Bluegrass Band [photo above] will be playing in McHugh's, Custom House Square, from 4.00 to 7.00 p.m. on Friday 24 June as part of the Open House Festival. A few pints after work on a Friday and a chance to enjoy some old-time bluegrass music for free - is there a better way to start your weekend?

McHugh's, Custom House, 9-31 Queen's Square, Belfast BT1 3FG

Saturday 25 June
The Dangem Banjo Group will meet for the last time before the summer break. Running from 9.30 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. at the Lagan Valley Island, the Island, Lisburn, Co. Antrim BT27 4RL; 028 9250 9292

Sunday 26 June
Also, Belfast Bluegrass will be hosting an open bluegrass session at McHugh's (see address above) on Sunday 26 June from 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. Just like the monthly session at the Errigle, this is open to everyone and free of charge. So grab your guitar, bring your banjo, find that fiddle (not to mention the rest of the instruments), come on down and join in!

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I Draw Slow at Glor, Ennis, 18 June 2011

Thanks to Dave Holden of I Draw Slow for news of the band's continuing tour to mark the launch of their new CD, Redhills: they will travel to Ennis, Co. Clare, to play in Glor this Saturday, 18 June.

Tickets can be booked here. This is the last of the eight dates in the tour, as listed on the BIB post for 12 April 2011.

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Build your instrument at Lagan Lutherie School

Thanks to Seamus McElroy of Belfast, who sends this strong endorsement of Sam Irwin's Lagan Lutherie School. The School was originally based in the Belfast Met College of Technology, but owing to cutbacks there it is now operating as a private venture:

I can personally recommend this class as I have completed a guitar which sounds fantastic (even though I say so myself - it's been confirmed by Gerry Power!) and am in the process of making an F-shaped mandolin. I came to the course with previous skills, as woodwork is a heavy hobby for me; but I booked my daughter Catherine on the course as a Christmas present, and with absolutely no previous skills she has completed a beautiful instrument!

Sam worked with Lowden Guitars on and off for twenty-five years and has a vast amount of knowledge and experience. The course is run very casually and you can enrol for anything from a full-time basis to a couple of hours a week to suit all lifestyles... I just felt that this may be of interest to people visiting your blog - what do you think?

We agree unreservedly. Visit the Lagan Lutherie School online - the School is also on Facebook - and give some serious consideration to joining. The attractive design work is by Sanphire Design.

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14 June 2011

Southern Welfare: bluegrass weekend in Co. Galway, 17-19 June 2011

Thanks to Ray O'Brien for the news that Southern Welfare of Waterford city will play a bluegrass weekend in Raftery's Rest, Kilcolgan, Co. Galway (see photo below) this coming weekend, 17-19 June. For more info, contact Ray and the band through their website, 'phone (085 1386710), or e-mail.

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Martin Hollis - British bluegrass pioneer

The Down County Boys in the 1960s: (l-r) Mike Rodgers, Martin Hollis, Ken Harris, Mac (bass), Andy Smith (photo from DCB website)

We report with regret the death last week of Martin Hollis, a founder member of the Down County Boys band, which since 1965 has held a leading position on the bluegrass scene in Britain, reaching wider audiences and earning more awards than any other British band.

Martin Hollis came from Coventry in the English midlands, a region that has been the source of a great deal of bluegrass activity. For the past twenty years and more, he and his wife lived in Connecticut, USA. Tributes to him have been published on the European Bluegrass Blog by Kevin Lynch of Connecticut and on UKBluegrass.com by Mike Rodgers, the DCB's original mandolinist.

A history of the Down County Boys in the years when Martin Hollis was a member is here. For Irish readers: the band's name derives from the birthplace of guitarist and lead singer Ken Harris of Co. Down, and Martin's wife Terry also comes from Ireland. The BIB's sympathies go out to all who knew Martin Hollis.


11 June 2011

Two hours of Westport music on the air, 12 June 2011

Uri Kohen reports from Co. Mayo:

As you can see from the picture, Westport's grass is now painted blue and the town is counting down towards the 5th Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival. The venues are shining the glasses and dishing out the beer on newly customised beer mats.

In its fifth year, the festival promises to be bigger and better with fifteen different acts and plenty of bluegrass sessions for everybody to take part.

Tomorrow (Sunday 12.6.2011) at 18:00 I will join Werner Levon of CRCfm for two hours of a bluegrass music programme. We will play some bluegrass classics alongside this year's artists, with some of the unique music that was played at the festival in the last four years. The programme can be heard at this link. Join us for these two wonderful hours and you will be able to comment online.

See you all in Westport on 24.6.2011!

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Woodbine for Stradbally Steam Rally 2011

Woodbine at last year's rally (photo: Patrick Simpson)

Ireland's leading steam-powered bluegrass band, Woodbine, are booked to play at the Stradbally Steam Rally at Stradbally, Co. Laois, for the second year in succession, performing from 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. on Sunday 31 July and Monday 1 August 2011. As an added attraction (as if such were needed), the Irish Steam Preservation Society now has its Steam Museum in operation at the Green in Stradbally.

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10 June 2011

New EP from Dublin singer/songwriter

Dublin-based singer/songwriter Aisling Kavanagh, whose previous releases have been definitely bluegrass-compatible, is launching her new EP Tracks for home in Bewleys of Grafton Street, Dublin, next Friday (17 June), and writes:

I would love it if you could come along and bring a friend or two. Doors open at 8.00 p.m. and admission is €10. I am really looking forward to it. It should be a great evening.

Aisling is also on MySpace.

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World's first online bluegrass academy launching now

The ArtistWorks Academy of Bluegrass is now being launched, offering direct online instrumental tuition from some of the biggest names in bluegrass music: Tony Trischka (banjo), Bryan Sutton (guitar), Darol Anger (fiddle), Missy Raines (bass), and Mike Marshall (mandolin). Read the launch announcement here.

The Academy presents the most comprehensive beginner, intermediate, and advanced two-way video lessons, combined with online chat, forums, and exclusive interviews accessible 24/7. Hundreds of high-quality beginner, intermediate, and advanced video lessons are available for each instrument. Every student can send their teacher a recorded video of themselves practising and receive a personal video response with individualised instruction from the teacher.

A permanent link to the Academy website is being added to the BIB's right-hand column.

Update 19 June: The Academy has had a massive response from around the world in its first week of full operation, with students registering from the USA, Canada, Scotland, India, Greece, Norway, England, Germany, Italy and Spain. The Academy's CEO and founder David Butler said:

The enthusiastic embrace of the Academy of Bluegrass online has been pure enjoyment. The students are jumping right in to the Video Exchanges and making new bluegrass friends from all over the world!

Full details are available at the Academy website. Read the Academy's latest e-newsletter here.

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09 June 2011

2nd Greystones Americana & Roots Weekend, 29 July-1 Aug. 2011

Thanks to Conor O'Donnell, organiser of the Greystones Americana & Roots Weekend, for good news of this year's event, which will be held from 29 July to 1 August 2011 at Greystones, Co. Wicklow.

The Beach House remains the focal point, and this year's Weekend brings in more venues, including the Burnaby and the Greystones Theatre. The distinguished lineup includes the Niall Toner Band, the Bluestack Mountain Boys, Phelim Drew & the Undertakers, The Big Muddy, Wayne Waits, the legendary Al O'Donnell, and Wookalily (below). Look out for further additions.

These and more details - including timetable, links and contact data, a location map, and a very full programme for kids (a feature which more festivals should consider adopting) - are on the Weekend's website.

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08 June 2011

Uproot Hootenanny and Prison Love at the Cobblestone, Dublin, TONIGHT

Uproot Hootenanny: Brian Bolen, Brian Trew, Rolando Willimann, David Welch, Billy Gilmore

Mark 'Marko' O'Mahony of Prison Love renews the news first posted on 31 May:

Late notice of tonight's gig with Uproot Hootenanny (USA) @ the Cobblestone.

It’s midweek madness at the Cobblestone on Wednesday 8 June with our friends from Florida, Uproot Hootenanny, hitting Dublin city on their 2011 Irish tour. Playing a fine blend of bluegrass, blues, and classic rock, they produce 'a sound you could work up a sweat just listening to' (Terry Turner, Florida Beach 92.7 FM).

Fans of the Hickory Project will be familiar with the blinding playing and blinding smile of the great Billy Gilmore! This 5-piece comes tooled up with the classic stringband lineup of fiddle, banjo, mandolin, guitar and dog-house bass. All savage players and no strangers to good clean fun!

Going to be a great night for sure...

When: Wed. 8 June. Doors 8.30 p.m.; to 11.30 p.m.
Who: Prison Love on at 9.00 p.m.; Uproot Hootenanny on at 10.00 p.m.
Where: The Cobblestone, Smithfield Market, Dublin 1
How much: €10

BIB editor's note: No details of times or places are on the Uproot Hootenanny website, but they appear to be in Ireland from 31 May till 14 June at the earliest - so look out for them at any venue near you.

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Southern Welfare: new Friday session in Waterford

Thanks to Ray O'Brien for the news that Southern Welfare have a new date and location on their roster of weekly sessions - they can be seen and heard every Friday night in the bar of the Rice Guesthouse, Barrack Street, Waterford city, playing from 8.00 to 10.00 p.m.

Contact the band through their website, 'phone (085 1386710), or e-mail.

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07 June 2011

Call in to McNeill's

There are at least two good reasons to stop by the familiar old-fashioned green shopfront at 140 Capel Street, Dublin, with the sign 'J. McNeill', where years ago your editor bought his first serious Mastertone-type banjo (a c.1982 Washburn B21, since you ask).

One is that though since then the music shop has come under new management and moved upstairs, it retains its character and remains a remarkable source for interesting acoustic stringed (and other) instruments and their accessories. As 'the Traditional Music Centre', McNeill's is understandably, but by no means exclusively, oriented towards Irish music: for instance, the stock today included a left-handed Gold Tone bluegrass banjo, two long-neck 5-strings, and at least two good old open-back banjos (one with inlaid 'frets', flush with the fingerboard) which would be very suitable for old-time playing.

The second good reason is that at street level J. McNeill's is a bar, where you can refresh yourself in preparation for, or celebration of, your purchases upstairs - an adjunct that more music shops should have. Visit McNeill's online, 'phone (01-8728530) or e-mail, and call in - the shop is open from 11.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m., Tuesday to Saturday.

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Sore Fingers Week on BBC Radio 4

Thanks to Louis O'Dwyer for drawing our attention to a recent BBC broadcast on Sore Fingers Week in England. The SFW organiser, John Wirtz, reports from England:

The BBC Radio 4 programme 'Sore Fingers' is available to listen to on the BBC website until next Thursday.

This is how Chris Stuart announced the show on the IBMA list:

'BBC Radio 4 (known in my house as the World's Greatest Radio Station) recorded a 30-minute piece on the UK bluegrass camp Sore Fingers Summer School, which Tim O'Brien has described as "It looks like Hogwartz but sounds like Bean Blossom."'

It's a great piece and features Tony Trischka, Matt Flinner, many of the students, and others. One of the most moving moments is a student describing how playing bluegrass music has helped him deal with the loss of a loved one.

Well worth a listen. More information about Sore Fingers Summer Schools on their website.

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05 June 2011

Painting Westport's grass blue

Above: the festival organiser takes care of every detail. Electric Cave Production in Westport, Co. Mayo, reports:

Westport's 5th Folk and Bluegrass Festival is now truly on its way!

Last Saturday (4.6.2011) the festival launch party took place in Geraghty's bar - the home of music in Westport. The festival was officially launched by Tereasa McGuire, the cathaoirleach of the town council.

Music was provided by the specially formed group dubbed 'The Rocky Tops' (above), which included Hubie and Sarah MacEvilly, Tim Rogers, and Johnny Fadgin.

Uri Kohen, the festival producer, presented Tereasa with the first two tickets for the festival (photo, right), and - as a politician with a good sense of humour - she said it was the easiest number 1 & 2 she ever received.

A great night was had by all, and giving a good indication of what is in store for the festival at the end of the month. See you in Westport!


Viper Central at the Red Room

Thanks again to Arnie and Sharon Loughrin, presenters of house concerts at the Red Room, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, where they put on Viper Central from Canada on 1 June. We had earlier met them at the Seamus Ennis Centre for the Wilders concert on 28 May. Sharon writes:

That was a fantastic concert; we saw the Wilders three times that week, and each show was different and equally brilliant.

I'm sending you a link to Viper Central and also a wee photo [above] I hope you'll enjoy. Tyler Rudolph from Viper Central must be the most laid-back banjo player the Red Room has had the pleasure to host. Musically they were a fantastic group, but also five of the loveliest people we've had here. I'm pretty sure they'll return to Ireland, and they're very worthwhile going to hear.

More videos are on YouTube, and photos on the Red Room Facebook page if you'd like to see them.

03 June 2011

Audie Blaylock & Redline: I'm going back to old Kentucky

The BIB normally leaves major news of bluegrass outside this country to our distinguished contemporaries whose headlines appear in the right-hand column - not forgetting the European Bluegrass Blog. However, we now exercise editorial prerogative to mention the latest CD by Audie Blaylock & Redline for two reasons: (a) this is the Bill Monroe centennial year, and the album is I'm going back to old Kentucky: a Bill Monroe celebration, and (b) AB&R are high up among your editor's favourite bands whatever year it may be.

The album was released last month, and full details (including the roster of A-list guest artists) are on the band's website. Irish festival-goers will note the band's regular fiddler, Patrick McAvinue, who has played at Athy as a member of Tom Mindte's Patuxent Partners.

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Belfast Bluegrass, 7 June 2011

DanGem Quality Instruments of Craigavon, Co. Armagh, report:

Sun's out - Bluegrass music - Perfect summer!

The Belfast Bluegrass Sessions

This Tuesday (7 June 2011) 8.00 p.m.

The Errigle Inn, 312-320 Ormeau Road, Belfast, Co. Antrim BT7 2GE; 028 9064 1410

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02 June 2011

Bending the Strings in Balla, Co. Mayo, 6 June 2011

Bending the Strings report that they

... are looking forward to a great night of bluegrass next Monday night (6 June) in Mannion's bar, Balla, Co. Mayo. This is the group's first gig in Mannion's, and as they are due to play the Balla Bluegrass Festival later this year, they are looking forward to this first gig, particularly as they have heard such great reports of Mannion's.

There is also another reason for Bending the Strings to look forward to the gig... They are being joined for this gig by mandolin picker supreme Gerry Madden [on right in photo, right] from Waterford. The band and Gerry have been having some great picking session together in the last few months, and this gig will be a chance to play some of the tunes they have been getting together.

Bending the Strings with Gerry Madden will be looking forward to meeting all their friends next Monday night; hope to see you all there!

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Dust Busters in Ireland and Britain, 20 June-4 July

Thanks to Craig Judelman of the Dust Busters (USA; above), who reports that the Dust Busters, a Brooklyn-based old-timey string band, will be touring Ireland and England from 20 June until 4 July, promoting their new album Prohibition is a failure, recorded with John Cohen (of the original New Lost City Ramblers). They will be playing in the west and south of Ireland (including the Westport festival) and southern England.

The full list of dates in Ireland appears below, together with a one-sheet press release (click on the image for an enlarged view). Radio presenters: contact Craig by e-mail for a digital copy of the album. Visit the band's website and MySpace for more information. The Dust Busters are scheduled to play eight shows in England.

Mon. 20th: Kenny's Bar, Main St., Lahinch, Co. Clare, 10.00 p.m.

Tues. 21st: The Old Oak, 113 Oliver Plunkett St., Cork city, 9.00 p.m.

Wed. 22nd: Cleere's Pub, 28 Parliament St., Kilkenny city

Thurs. 23rd: The Crane Bar, 2 Sea Road, Galway city

Fri. 24th: J.J. Harlow's, the Square, Roscommon town, 10.00 p.m.

Sat. 25th: Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival: Wyatt Hotel, Westport, Co. Mayo, 9.00 p.m.

Sun. 26th: Mannion’s Pub, Balla, Co. Mayo, 7.30 p.m.

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Pokey LaFarge & the South City Three in Ireland, 3-10 July 2011

Photo: Bill Streeter

Pokey LaFarge & the South City Three (USA), the 'ragtime blues' stringband-plus-percussion based in St Louis, MO, are currently in the Netherlands on the first leg of a tour which will bring them to Britain on 14 June and to Ireland on 3 July. They come strongly recommended by many people, notably the Wilders, whose latest tour here ended last Saturday. The tour schedule shown on their website is:

Sun. 3rd: Odessa Club, Dame Court, Dublin 2; 8.30 p.m. €10

Mon. 4th: Spectrum Centre, Shankill Road, Belfast; 8.00 p.m. Tickets £4 from Welcome Centre or Spectrum Centre

Tues. 5th: Private function, 8.00 p.m.

Wed. 6th: Cleere's, Kilkenny city, 8.00 p.m. Tickets: TBA

Thurs. 7th: Wexford Arts Centre, Wexford town, 8.30 p.m. Tickets: TBA

Fri. 8th: Seamus Ennis Cultural Centre, Naul, Co. Dublin, 8.30 p.m. Tickets: TBA

Sat. 9th: Earagall Arts Festival Hunger Hoedown, Town Park, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal, 9.00 p.m. Tickets: TBA

Sun. 10th: McGrory's, Culdaff, Co. Donegal, 8.00 p.m. Tickets: TBA

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