Build your instrument at Lagan Lutherie School

Thanks to Seamus McElroy of Belfast, who sends this strong endorsement of Sam Irwin's Lagan Lutherie School. The School was originally based in the Belfast Met College of Technology, but owing to cutbacks there it is now operating as a private venture:
I can personally recommend this class as I have completed a guitar which sounds fantastic (even though I say so myself - it's been confirmed by Gerry Power!) and am in the process of making an F-shaped mandolin. I came to the course with previous skills, as woodwork is a heavy hobby for me; but I booked my daughter Catherine on the course as a Christmas present, and with absolutely no previous skills she has completed a beautiful instrument!
Sam worked with Lowden Guitars on and off for twenty-five years and has a vast amount of knowledge and experience. The course is run very casually and you can enrol for anything from a full-time basis to a couple of hours a week to suit all lifestyles... I just felt that this may be of interest to people visiting your blog - what do you think?
We agree unreservedly. Visit the Lagan Lutherie School online - the School is also on Facebook - and give some serious consideration to joining. The attractive design work is by Sanphire Design.
Labels: Guitar, Instruction, Instruments, Workshops
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