30 November 2010

Out in the cold rain and snow

The Mercantile Hotel in Dublin reports that the show by Jeff & Vida (USA), scheduled to take place there tonight and still on the hotel website, will not do so. This is almost certainly the result of the current weather conditions, which are no doubt interfering with many other schedules.

If you're planning to attend any show on the BIB calendar during the severe weather, please check with the venue for confirmation that the show is going to take place.


'Feis & Blood' - a new series on TG4

Thanks to Orlaith de Brun of Adare Productions Ltd, Dun Laoghaire, for the news that 'Feis & Blood', a new 13-part talent show, is being prepared for TG4 (the national Irish-language TV channel, for BIB readers abroad), in which the competing acts will be made up entirely of family members - brother and sister, cousins, parents and children, uncles and aunts, etc. - and must consist of at least two people.

We can think of several established acts on the Irish bluegrass scene that would be eligible. To apply for an audition, simply log on to the TG4 website and click on 'Feis & Blood', or go direct to here (where all details are in English) and fill out the application form. Alternatively, you can call 01-284 3877 and ask for Críona or Siobhan.

Once you have applied, you will be contacted to attend your local audition. The most entertaining acts auditioned will be invited to take part in the show. If you're invited, the next stage will be to record your 'first-round show' in Dublin. These shows will be recorded on 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, and 13 January 2011. If you are selected, you will only be required to come to Dublin for just one of those dates.

Full details of the series are here.

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Mandolin II: the plot thickens

Thanks to the original Bluegrass Blog for news of a sequel to the video brought to our attention by Sid Griffin a few days ago. The mandolin theme continues, but the passions aroused come further into the open. You can watch it here, or watch both videos on the Bluegrass Blog.

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29 November 2010

The makings of a house concert circuit?

Thanks to Colin Coscoran in Kinsale, Co. Cork, who has seen the BIB's reports of house concerts with interest, because

I've been putting on house shows since July to great success, and basically wanted to make a link. We had:

July: By and By String Band (Louisiana old timey /country /bluegrass)
September: Pine Hill Haints (Alabama ghost country /skiffle /what have you /punk)
November: Niamh De Barra (Drone Loops Beats electronic - one-lady band from Dublin)
November: 10 (post rock/ electronic/ idm / noise from korea and japan)

In December we have the Oilskins from Oregon playing country and death metal. So if you know bands that wanna play in a lovely big house in Kinsale, then let'm drop a line...

We have no promotion for the gigs as such and no guest list whatsoever; bands get free food and lodging and we pass the hat around. Worked well so far! punk rock!

Contact Colin by e-mail or 'phone (087 7882364).

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New Belfast bluegrass session, 7 Dec. 2010

Thanks to Derek Lockhart of Dangem Quality Instruments for a circular about the new bluegrass session, organised by Richard Leeman, to be held on Tuesday 7 Dec. 2010 upstairs at the Errigle Inn, 312-320 Ormeau Road, Belfast, Co. Antrim, BT7 2GE (028 9064 1410), starting at 8.30 p.m. More about the session can be seen here. Derek adds:

Hopefully as many as possible can come along; it would be great to kick it off with a full house. If you can pass this on to as many people as you know, we would appreciate it. If you have a printer, please print off a few copies and post them in your local shop or post office.


28 November 2010

An evening of music at Mount Merrion, 12 Dec. 2010

Thanks to Patrick Simpson of the Bluestack Mountain Boys, who writes:

Wishing you a Merry Christmas! It's that time of year again when we gather together to celebrate 'Tradition and Talent' in the Mount Merrion Community Centre, Co. Dublin, for a noble and charitable cause. This year we hope to showcase a host of singers and dancers, and musicians and friends alike, with all proceeds going to the Alzheimer Society of Ireland. So if you can, please tell a few friends and come along and help us provide for a great evening of craic and excitement! It is greatly appreciated and we would love to see you there! A light supper and refreshments will be provided and served up with a warm helping of Music, Song and Dance!

You can see a report and photos of a very pleasant Christmas get-together in the same location on the BIB here. The Centre is on South Avenue, Mount Merrion, adjoining the car park of the Church of St Thérèse.

What is a mandolin?

Thanks to Sid Griffin of the Coal Porters band (UK) for this link to a brief YouTube video explaining what a mandolin is, and what bluegrass is, and how the two are connected.

If you play bluegrass on the mandolin, and have sometimes wondered what this instrument is, and what this music is, wonder no more. The more you already know about both, the more you're likely to enjoy the video.

Sid is also co-author of Bluegrass guitar: know the players, play the music, which can be warmly recommended.

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27 November 2010

Southern Tenant Folk Union in Ireland, 9-19 Feb. 2011 - and a good deal in Armagh

The Edinburgh-based Southern Tenant Folk Union (right), who were on tour in Ireland in early September, will be back in February 2011 with shows in all four provinces. The full schedule, as it stands at present on their MySpace site (where you can also find links for booking tickets), is as follows:

Wed. 9th Feb.: Strule Arts Centre, Omagh, Co. Tyrone; 7.30 p.m.
Thurs. 10th: Flowerfield Arts Centre, Portstewart, Co. Antrim; 7.30 p.m.
Fri. 11th: Balor Arts Centre, 12 Corstorphine Bank Terrace, Donegal, Co. Donegal; 7.30 p.m.
Sat. 12th: The Glens Centre, Manorhamilton, Co. Leitrim; 7.30 p.m.
Sun. 13th: Sirius Arts Centre, Cobh, Co. Cork; 7.30 p.m.
Mon. 14th: Kilworth Village Arts Centre, Kilworth (near Fermoy), Co. Cork; 7.30 p.m.
Tues. 15th: Mercantile Hotel, Dame St., Dublin 2; 8.00 p.m.
Thurs. 17th: St John's Theatre, Listowel, Co. Kerry; 7.30 p.m.
Fri. 18th: Ards Arts Centre, Newtownards, Co. Down; 7.30 p.m.
Sat. 19th: Market Place Theatre, Armagh city; 7.30 p.m.

Thanks to Sharon Loughrin for -

an interesting update on the Special C. gig in Armagh on Fri. 14 Jan. - I received the latest theatre brochure in the post today and see that the Southern Tenant Folk Union are playing there on Sat. 19 Feb. The deal is that there is a 20% discount on the concert ticket prices if both gigs are booked at the same time. As usual with these nights, an excellent Cajun-style meal can be enjoyed before the shows. Fair play to the Market Place Theatre for regularly featuring these nights; we always have a great time when we go.

We're especially looking forward to Southern Tenant Folk Union: they sounded very good at Omagh this year, but there was so much to catch we didn't spend enough time listening to them.

An e-mail from the Out To Lunch Festival also shows the Fox Hunt/Henry Girls collaboration playing in the Black Box, Belfast, on Sun. 23 Jan. at 2.00 p.m. There should be more dates to be added to the Fox Hunt tour, I hope! They're one of our favourite old-timey bands.

The Special Consensus shows in Belfast on 19 Jan. also form part of the Out to Lunch Arts Festival, which is the 'little sister' of the Belfast Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival.

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26 November 2010

New schedule for Rural TV

Sarah Chase of Rural TV announces that on Monday 22 November the station was informed by Horse & Country TV (Sky 280) that their programming hours would be reduced from six to three hours a day. The new hours for RURAL TV will be:

Monday-Friday & weekends
3.00 p.m.-5.00 p.m.
11.00 p.m.-midnight

Here is the revised schedule, which begins Monday 29 November. The programmes that will continue to be aired throughout December include (in the area of country music and entertainment):

The Marty Stuart Show
Happy Trails Theatre (Roy Rogers) - debuts Christmas Day @ 3pm!
Crook & Chase
Country's Family Reunion
Ralph Emery LIVE
The Porter Wagoner Show
Cumberland Highlanders
Larry's Country Diner
Ronnie Reno's Old Time Music Festival
Presley's Country Jubilee


25 November 2010

Why Old Time? and other delights

Thanks again to Sharon Loughrin, who writes:

I thought I'd draw your attention to a great new DVD we're enjoying: Why Old Time? You may already have it; if not, I highly recommend you put it on your Santa list and behave yourself for the next few weeks! It explores the popularity of Old Time music in the present day and has great footage of various old time festivals along with interviews with David Holt, the Carolina Chocolate Drops, Mike Seeger among others. I got my copy from Elderly Instruments, but I've since discovered that the Why Old Time? website has a good price deal on it. This website also has a lot of info about the DVD - the production notes link is especially interesting.

This may be of interest to fellow blog readers; it would be great to see some feedback on the blog about what other readers think of this DVD, or what others have enjoyed watching or listening to.

BIB editor's note: We look forward to receiving any similar feedback. By the way, if you're getting Why Old Time? from the makers, they have an even better deal on it with The Henry Reed legacy; the offer is open till 1 December.

And we personally recommend
Awake, my soul: the story of the Sacred Harp, which the BIB mentioned six months ago. Unfortunately, the website no longer allows you to buy it direct, but your favourite supplier should be able to get it. As the movie amply demonstrates, this is life-changing music.

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Seven weeks to the Special C.

At present Jeff and Vida (USA), New Orleans's gift to bluegrass music, are in the middle of their current tour; and we can look forward to the new year opening with a bang, with another welcome tour from the Special Consensus (shown here in the current lineup: left to right, Ryan Roberts, David Thomas, Greg Cahill, Rick Faris).

The Special C. tour these islands, beginning on Wed. 12 January with eight dates in Ireland. On 20 January they cross to Britain for five shows, returning to Ireland for a further three between 26 January and the end of the month. The tour takes in two annual events here: the Shannonside Winter Music Weekend at Sixmilebridge, Co. Clare, and Colfer's Bluegrass and Americana Weekend at Carrig-on-Bannow, Co. Wexford. All the dates are on the BIB calendar, with further details and comments on the band's own tour schedule.

The current (Nov. 2010) issue of Bluegrass Unlimited magazine has the band on the cover, with a major 3,000-word article inside by award-winning writer (and songwriter, and bandleader) Chris Stuart on the Special C.'s founder and leader, Greg Cahill. Read it in full here.

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24 November 2010

Eternal vigilance needed

The BIB editor reports:

Eternal vigilance is the price not only of liberty, but of catching a whiff of our music on the mass media. Switching to BBC2 TV tonight, I was confronted for all too short a time by the solid, driving music and the genial faces of the Broken String Band. Checking the current Radio Times, I found I had only myself to blame for not seeing more: there it was as clear as day on p. 102. The blurb for tonight's episode in the Ulster Scots series 'Santer' read: '... Geordie McAdam plays a Hugh Gordon fiddle and Mark Wilson is in Tennessee.' You can see more about the programme, including some still images and a taster clip, on the BBC2 website.

Hugh Gordon (1794-1854) of Ballymacward, Stoneyford, Co. Antrim, and his two sons, Hugh and James, all made fiddles. Their story is told in the recently published book The Gordons of Stoneyford, Co. Antrim: violin makers, by Michael Costello, and the photo above of a Hugh Gordon fiddle is reproduced from Michael Costello's website.

Update 25 Nov.: Sharon Loughrin reports on the series - 'Geordie McAdam presents some of the items and they've covered subjects like the wagon trail, the Carter Family Fold, the roots of bluegrass music, and even music from the Hillbilly Gypsies...' Episode 4 can be watched on BBC iPlayer now and for the next six days, but may not be available in all areas - for instance, apparently not in Dublin.

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23 November 2010

Now showing on UKBluegrass.com

At present our respected contemporary, UKBluegrass.com, is showing on the site's front page two videos that may have a special interest for BIB readers.

One is a thirteen-minute feature filmed at last month's Sore Fingers weekend in England. The BIB editor found it very evocative, and can assure viewers that the atmosphere shown is the same as at the main course in spring (allowing for more people being at the week-long spring event). You may even see faces that you recognise.

The other, half as long, is a 'Minnesota Originals' feature on Tom Nechville, banjo maker and innovator, who has made appearances at the Johnny Keenan Banjo Festival in Longford as well as many other locations in Europe. It shows Tom demonstrating the Heli-Mount system and other aspects of his revolutionary rethinking of banjo structure.

The Sore Fingers feature can be seen here on UKBluegrass.com, and the Nechville feature here. Both can be seen on the UKBluegrass YouTube channel.

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22 November 2010

Fretboard Journal's first five years

The marvellous quarterly Fretboard Journal, based in Seattle, is completing its fifth year of publication, and issue #20 is already in the post to subscribers. Bela Fleck is among the artists featured; more about the new issue can be read here.

Issue #19 (see photo left) was pretty staggering, the main feature being a 'conversation' between Sam Bush and Tim O'Brien which, for bluegrass people, is worth the price of the issue all by itself. The FJ video gallery includes this footage of Bush and O'Brien playing 'Soldier's joy' together.

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19 November 2010

After the tour

Thanks to Bradley Meinerding, mandolin player for Steve Bonafel & One Iota, who were on tour in Ireland a month ago. Bradley writes:

On behalf of Steve Bonafel and One Iota we would just like to give a huge thank you to John Nyhan and all those who made our recent tour of Ireland such a successful and memorable trip. Thanks to all the wonderful new friends who came out to the shows and to those who provided the generosity and kindness that made this trip's success possible. Again, special thanks to John Nyhan; you are truly one of the finest ambassadors of bluegrass music!

This message appears as a comment on the original post that was published on the BIB on 14 October, but it deserves more prominence. The full personnel of the band on the tour were Steve Bonafel (guitar, lead vocals); Brad Meinerding (mandolin, vocals); Bob Bentle (fiddle, Chet Atkins-style guitar); and John Billerman (bass, vocals).

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18 November 2010

New goodies at Kilkenny Vintage Guitars

Thanks to Tom Peterson of Kilkenny Vintage Guitars, who writes:

I just got in a nice 1929 Dobro [left], and I have a couple of nice old Gibson mandolins right now as well. If you know anyone who's looking, please direct them to my site.

I should also let you know that since the beginning of the year I've been operating as an internet-only site. It's going very well. I won't catch everyone on their way to Dunmore, though! Still if there's ever anything that you or anyone wants to see, they just need to give me a call to arrange a meeting.

Contact Tom through the phone or e-mail links shown on his website.

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News from Nashville

Thanks to Roger Ryan of the Country Music Association of Ireland, for a report on Kathy Chiavola's celebration of thirty years in Nashville, held on 13 Nov. at the world-famous Station Inn (see this notice on the European Bluegrass Blog for details). Roger writes:

I was at the show and it was a fantastic night of music, food, and fun. Sharon Cort and Gail Davies also performed as well as Buddy Spicher. It started at 9.00 p.m. and ended at 12.30 a.m. Cedar Hill are planning to launch their new album also at the Station Inn on 12 Feb. Daniel O'Donnell will record an album at the Ryman on 12 Feb. and I am planning to attend both. SPBGMA will be on from 3 to 6 Feb. at the Sheraton in Nashville, so February is going to be a great time to be in Nashville.

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The IBMM on video

Thanks to Kevin Lynch for this news on the European Bluegrass Blog of a Public Broadcasting System (PBS) TV video about the International Bluegrass Music Museum (IBMM) in Owensboro, KY, which is also a fine brief introduction to bluegrass. Kevin says:

If you ever have an opportunity to visit Owensboro, KY, and the museum, you will be amazed at the bluegrass music history inside this building. You will also learn about the many public events and school programs the IBMM executive director Gabrielle Gray has developed. Keep in mind that Owensboro is only 40 minutes from Bill Monroe's birthplace in Rosine, KY, where you can visit the original and restored Monroe Home Place...

You can watch the five-and-a-half-minute video on the European Bluegrass Blog, on the IBMM website, or on YouTube.

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17 November 2010

New book on bluegrass band performance

Thanks to Enda Donnelly of Fair City Grass for news of a new book - Stage performance guide for your bluegrass band by Mark Johnson, published in Kansas and available from the author for $15. Details can be seen on the Mandolin Cafe website. From the extract there, we'll quote a couple of lines:

If you want your band to be successful, here’s one of the most important questions you should ask yourself... Why should someone buy a ticket and come to our live show?

As Enda says, 'I wish there was something like this when I got into bluegrass.' For anyone who has or knows the Pete Wernick book, How to make a band work, it would be interesting to make comparisons.

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16 November 2010

Another successful house concert

Sharon and Arnie Loughrin in Co. Tyrone have pioneered the 'house concert' in Ireland, hosting shows by visiting and home-grown bluegrass-related bands and performers. Their concert last Saturday night, though not strictly bluegrass, involved members of the bluegrass scene in Ireland, and illustrates how successful these events can be - especially in such a venue. Sharon writes:

We hosted Oonagh Derby, accompanied by Colin Henry on dobro, Gerdy Thompson on guitar, and Gino Lupari on bodhran (and strange cactus stick/didgeridoo thing!). Oonagh will be releasing a CD in the near future, and we were treated to some beautiful original songs from that, as well as a wide mix including Alison Krauss, Ricky Skaggs, and The Band. Most BIB readers will already know how talented these musicians are, and those who know Gino will also not be surprised when I say the craic was as first-class as the music! It's a great way to spend a Saturday night. Some video clips of our house concerts are on my Facebook site for anyone interested.


NTB at the Mercantile Hotel, Dublin 2, TONIGHT

The BIB editor reflects:

Though I believe everyone should sing, I'm not a singer; nevertheless, I attended Brendan Taaffe's harmony-singing workshop in Dublin last Sunday, partly because shape-note style was on the menu (it's an important influence on bluegrass harmony, and anyway I love it) and partly to see whether any unfamiliar bluegrass enthusiasts turned up.

Brendan Taaffe's talents as a singer, musician, and teacher are impressive, and the workshop was well worth while: the first song used as an exercise was 'Let's go to that land' as recorded by the Stanley Brothers, and the class wanted to do it again at the end of the afternoon. The workshop was well attended: the twenty-four people who took part were as many as the CREATE centre in Earl St. could comfortably hold. Only Marie O'Flynn and I were bluegrassers.

The overall turnout was a great deal better than Steve Bonafel & One Iota from Kentucky got on the first night of their tour last month. At the Mercantile Hotel on Dame Street, in the centre of the capital of Ireland, the audience - counting John Nyhan, Enda & Geraldine Donnelly, and Carol & myself - may not have reached double figures.

We're delighted to hear from John Nyhan that the band drew good houses for most of the tour - John says:

It amazes me that a bluegrass band can go to a rural area (e.g. Burncourt in south Tipperary, population a couple of hundred), and a crowd turn up, money guaranteed for the band, plus food and accommodation... What more can I say?

It would be easy to say (though hard to understand) that most bluegrass people in Dublin don't seem interested in visiting bands from the US or in harmony singing. As a series of bluegrass concerts (listed here) is planned for the same venue, one has to hope that the coming shows on the schedule will be better attended.

The first is on tonight, when the Niall Toner Band (above), with all the bluegrass talent Ireland can put into three people, will be playing at the Mercantile. I feel I should warn anyone who might be thinking of coming - there could be harmony singing.

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15 November 2010

Westport - latest musical news

Thanks to Uri Kohen of Electric Cave Production for these three reports from Westport, Co. Mayo:

After Geraghty's pub opened its doors to a variety of musical genres, last Saturday (13.11.2010) saw the return of bluegrass music to the pub. This time the task was on the shoulders of Well Enough Alone [above]. The band are part of the new young blood in the veins of the Irish bluegrass scene, making sure that the spirit of the music is alive and kicking. They gave great performance in front of a packed pub. Their last visit to the town was during the 2010 bluegrass festival, and this time they had the opportunity to play in front of the red flag of the Electric Cave Production.

Continuing with the bluegrass vibes, Jeff & Vida will revisit Westport on Saturday 27.11.2010.


A new band is about to be introduced to the Irish acoustic folk world. Una McCann, formally of Wookalily, joined forces with Lorna McLaughlin of the Henry Girls and Ciara Butcher of Wookalily. Currently the girls are recording new music and hoping to start touring around both sides of the Irish border. This is a sample of what is in store from this trio:

Una McCann & Friends
Having shared stages with the likes of Steve Harley, the Henry Girls, and Cara Robinson, Una McCann is now joined by the skilled talents of North-West native Ciara Butcher on lead guitar and Lorna McLaughlin from Donegal's Henry Girls. Una draws on her years of experience playing in bands such as Wookalily, the Samsonelles and Harmonique, and is taking to the stage to perform her own evocative material, merging haunting folk, colourful blues, and lyrical country into a unique and delightful mix.

For more info and gigs booking, please contact Uri of the Electric Cave Production by e-mail.


Lloyd Phillips and the Oilskins are an Americana/ folk /roots band from Portland, Oregon, USA. They will tour Ireland during the third week of December, playing high-quality folk music with a variety of instruments and multiple harmonies. Thanks to Phil from Cork-based punk band Los Langeros, who helped to put the tour together. Tour dates:

14/12 - Busking in Dublin
15/12 - Similarly in Cork
16/12 - Crane Lane Theatre, Cork
17/12 - Geraghty’s Pub, Westport
18/12 - McGirl's bar, Ballinamore
19/12 - TBA Pub session, Cork

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Winter Music Weekend: new plans, new programme - and a concert (20 Nov.)

Thanks to Brendan Walsh, director of the annual Winter Music Weekend in Sixmilebridge, Co. Clare, who reports on major developments in the festival:

A very positive 'Development & Analysis' report on the Winter Music Weekend has been completed by May Day Marketing. This report was funded by Clare Local Development Company and the Winter Music Weekend festival committee.

The document lays out a way forward for the future, drawing on all the strengths of the festival. The report suggests a restructuring of the festival organisational machine, which would encourage participation of all people within the community.

All interested parties are invited to attend an open public meeting in the Courthouse, Sixmilebridge, next Wednesday (17 November) at 7.30 p.m. The agenda is as follows:

Doors open from 7.15 p.m. Teas & coffee served.
7.30 p.m. Review of report presented by Padraigh Cleary, May Day Marketing.
7.50 p.m. Address by Brendan Walsh, festival director.
8.00 p.m. Questions from the audience.

The meeting will finish no later than 9.00 p.m. Database skills, administration, and marketing skills are particularly short, so maybe you can help.

Brendan notes that the festival committee have made great progress in clearing the deficit from the 2010 event, and the final push to clear the remaining €2,500 takes the form of a concert next Saturday (20 Nov.) at 8.00 p.m. sharp in the Courthouse, featuring Shaskeen along with Josephine Marsh & Mick Kinsella. Shaskeen, of course, features Tom Cussen, maker of the splendid Clareen banjos. Brendan adds:

Tickets are €20 each, with family tickets only €50. Please support the concert: our artistes are playing for us FREE, so your full ticket price will go straight into reducing the debt. To book tickets, text your requirements to 086 8464509 and I will keep them at the door for collection.

Finally I would greatly appreciate it if you could pass this e-mail on to anyone you know that might be interested, particularly in the Sixmilebridge area. You can also help by adding favourable comments to our Facebook page!

WMW 2011 will be held on 13-16 January 2011. Heading the bluegrass section of the programme will be perennial favourites, the Special Consensus (USA), seen at top in their present lineup. The full programme can be seen here.

13 November 2010

Gibson Brothers - new CD, new tour

Thanks to Sharon Loughrin for this welcome news:

The Gibson Brothers (USA) are releasing a new CD, due out around Feb./Mar. time, and they plan to tour again. I think anyone who heard them at Omagh will be very happy to hear this, they were one of the highlights of the festival for us. Here's hoping they include Ireland on their tour; they would be great for the Sunday night gospel concert at Omagh.

Sharon and Arnie continue to be in the forefront of putting on house concerts in Ireland; more on that to come...

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12 November 2010

New Belfast bluegrass session, 7 Dec. 2010

And more bluegrass at the Errigle Inn, Belfast; thanks to Richard Leeman for news of a bluegrass session that he is organising:

The time and date is 8.30 p.m. on Tuesday 7 December and the venue is upstairs at the Errigle Inn, Ormeau Road, Belfast. I bemoaned the lack of a regular bluegrass session in Belfast for a while before deciding to organise one myself. This upcoming session will hopefully be the first of many; if it is well supported it will turn into a monthly event, first Tuesday of every month.

The session is open to all - I'm hoping we will get players of all different abilities along. And of course, anyone who just wants to come and listen is more than welcome too. I have attached a flyer [above] with all the relevant details - there is a contact e-mail address if anyone has any questions, and also a Facebook page where I'll post some pictures and provide details of the next session.

BIB editor's note, 16 Nov.: The Facebook link will work directly when Richard's page has 25 or more followers. Meanwhile, if you're on Facebook already you can find it by a Facebook search.

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Bluegrass at the Real Music Club in Belfast, Nov.-Dec. 2010

Thanks to Jim Heaney of the Real Music Club at the Errigle Inn, Belfast, for news of two bluegrass-related shows by artists from the USA, to be held at the Real Music Club over the next couple of weeks:

Sara Watkins (formerly of Nickel Creek)
Friday 19 November; doors open 7.30 p.m.

Jeff & Vida
Wednesday 1 December; doors open 8.00 p.m.

More info and tickets are available from the Real Music Club. Other appearances in Ireland by these artists are shown on the BIB calendar.

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11 November 2010

Bending the Strings play 'Poems & promises' concert in Lanesboro, Friday 12 Nov. 2010

Thanks to Vinny Baker of Bending the Strings for this news:

Bending the Strings play a forty-minute set at the 'Poems & promises' concert in St Mary's parish hall in Lanesboro, Co. Longford, on this coming Friday (12 November). The concert is organised by the Lanesboro Heritage Committee and features well known acts from the traditional music scene: Noel Carberry, Brendan Doyle, Jimmy Flanagan, and Johnny Duffy, who have all played with international trad band Rig the Jig. Guest singers are Siobhan Casey and Willie Kelly.

Bending the Strings are the featured bluegrass act in this cultural concert of trad, roots, and bluegrass music, but this year's concert is taking a different format than in previous years, as the usual format was for all musicians to take the stage together and join in on each set; but this year, each group of musicians do their own sets and join together at the end for a Grand Finale jam session. The musicians taking part include pipers, banjoist, harpists, accordionists, keyboardists, fiddlers, and vocalists, and this night promises to be a fabulous night of music. Doors open at 7.45 and the concert starts at 8.30 p.m.

Bending the Strings will play their most popular set list on the night, which will feature most of the tracks from their All keyed up album, plus all the bluegrass instrumentals which are most requested. The band hope you will be able to make it to this wonderful night of roots, trad, and bluegrass music at the 'Poems & promises' concert in Lanesboro, Co. Longford, this coming Friday, 12 November 2010.

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Bluestack Mountain TRIO at Tumbleweed Love Sessions, 13 Nov. 2010

Thanks to Aran Sheehan of the Bluestack Mountain Boys for the news that the band will be appearing as a trio on Saturday night (13 Nov.) when Aran (mandolin), Patrick (guitar), and Will (bass) will be playing in the Cobblestone, Smithfield, Dublin 7, as part of the Tumbleweed Love Sessions from 9.00 p.m. till closing time.

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10 November 2010

Events at the Cobblestone, Dublin, Nov.-Dec. 2010

Thanks to Orla Keeshan (welcome back, Orla) for news of forthcoming events in the Back Room of the Cobblestone, Smithfield, Dublin, accurately described as

a warm, intimate venue hosting folk, roots, country, & more. Also hosting small theatre productions, CD & book launch nights. Seating 60+. *Concessions/advance booking by e-mail with no. of tickets, name & band in the subject title. Also e-mail for future listings with 'mailing list' in the subject title.

The schedule of events in the Back Room from 12 November to 2 December 2010 can be seen here.

The Cobblestone hosts traditional music sessions every night of the week (Mon.-Tues. from 9.00 p.m., Wed.-Sat. from 7.00 p.m., Sun. from 2.00 p.m., plus the long-established old-time music session, led by Bill Whelan, on Sat. (4.30-7.00 p.m.)


Tin Box Company - available for bookings

Thanks to John Heeney, bassist with the Dublin-based Tin Box Company, who reports:

The Tin Box bluegrass group have been together for about six years. We have a weekly venue at Delaneys pub in Firhouse; we play here every Thursday at 9.30 p.m.

We have played at nearly all of the bluegrass festivals in Ireland and North Wales. We are based in Dublin but play countrywide, and we would like to play for you! Contact Martin (087 2504505) or John (087 2592414).

BIB readers can find many previous references to the TBC on the blog by using the search facility in the top left-hand corner.

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'A little rain' on YouTube

Thanks to Colin Henry for sending this link to a You Tube video of Janet Holmes, Ivan Muirhead, and Colin at the Maiden City Festival evening concert in August 2010, in Derry city. Colin writes:

The tune is 'A little rain', written by our good friend and touring partner Gary Ferguson. One of our favorite songs.

We look forward to hearing before too long of another tour by Ferguson, Holmes, & Henry in the coming year. Thanks to Colin also for the photo above, which shows him and Janet performing in the 'Bluegrass on the Walls' programme on the afternoon of the concert.

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09 November 2010

Marty Stuart in Dublin, 2 Feb. 2011

Marty Stuart, a devotee of bluegrass ever since his teenage tour of duty on mandolin with Lester Flatt & the Nashville Grass, is among the many US artists taking part in the Celtic Connections festival in Glasgow during January 2011.

Thanks to Rural TV for the news that he will also be touring in these islands. Note in particular the last date (news of which has just been released):

28 January: The Arches, Glasgow, Scotland
29 January: The Sage, Gateshead, England
30 January: The Glee Club, Nottingham, England
31 January: The Stables, Milton Keynes, England
1 February: The Queen Elizabeth Hall, London
2 February: The Helix, Dublin

See the Rural TV e-newsletter for how to get news of all the latest promotions, free tickets, giveaways, CDs & news about the tour. The Marty Stuart Show can be seen on Rural TV (SKY 280) every Monday at 4.00 p.m. and 10.00 p.m.; Saturdays 4.00 p.m.; Sundays 11.00 p.m. (all times GMT).

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08 November 2010

International presence at ResoSummit 2010

This year's ResoSummit (the event of the dobro year), held on 28-31 October at Nashville, TN, attracted 14% international participation, with pickers from Italy, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Scotland, Ireland, Israel, and Canada. (We don't see a familiar face in the group shot above, but...) The event is organised by Rob Ickes, twelve-time IBMA Dobro Player of the Year.

Registration for ResoSummit 2011 is likely to be fully booked very quickly, so visit the website and follow the registration advice there.

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06 November 2010

Southern Welfare slide show

Thanks to Ray O'Brien of Southern Welfare from Waterford, who sends this link to a slide show of photos from the 2010 bluegrass festivals in which the band has taken part. These include many shots of other performers taking part in these events - for instance, the nice one above of Liam Wright, taken during the lunchtime jam in Clancy's at Bruff, Co. Limerick.

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Arlington Country & Bluegrass Weekend in Dublin, 19-21 Nov. 2010

Thanks to Rob Kent of the Cotton Pickin Rodeo Clowns for forwarding news of a major new event, particularly strong in old-time-music appeal: the Arlington Hotel at O'Connell Bridge (bang in the centre of Dublin) presents a three-day Country & Bluegrass Weekend (Friday 19 November to Sunday 21 November) featuring six bands at the core of the current roots/Americana revival, with no cover charge.

Here's the programme, with band bios supplied by Stephen Tabb, the Arlington's show & entertainment manager:

Friday 19 November
Cotton Pickin Rodeo Clowns, 10.00-11.00 p.m.
Trading cotton for strings, these pie eatin’ outlaws share a fondness for homecooked suppers, open fires and old timey jibbah jabbah! Featuring an array of instruments including guitar, bass, banjo, fiddle, dobro, mandolin and cajon. The Clowns are eager to share with you their own brand of country/bluegrass and a few old favourites to boot.

Prison Love, 11.00 p.m.-1.00 a.m.
Expect the fast pace and dynamism of Dave Holden's mandolin, Paul Mulcahy's flat-picking guitar (both also make use of a banjo, when the wind is right), Adrian Hart's fiddle and Martin Gruet on the doghouse bass. Chipping in with vocal harmonies, Mark O’Mahony completes the lineup. This is a band that delivers great music and fun in equal doses.

Saturday 20 November
Prairie Dawgs, 6.00-8.00 p.m.
Prairie Dawgs are one of Dublin's most exciting up-&-coming roots bands. With their own infectious brand of rousing bluegrass ballads and clothes-line sagas, the Dawgs have gained a reputation for their highly energised live shows. This musical pack of rodents, who are house band for the Cobblestone’s now legendary Tumbleweed Love Sessions, play a range of instruments including fiddle, mandolin, banjo, guitar & harmonica around some sweet old-time harmonies!

The Cujo Family, 8.00-10.00 p.m.
The Cujo Family hail from Bray and Dublin. They have been regulars in the Dublin music scene now for the past two years and have gathered up a dedicated following. Their gigs are high-energy, stomping sessions with interludes of reflective balladry. They are both raucous and wistful, with a keen sense for the air of a tune.

Sunday 21 November

The Red Star String Band, 5.00-6.00 p.m.
Bill Whelan & Co., doyen of old-time banjo playing and godfather of string-band music in this island, a must-see!

I Draw Slow, 7.00-9.00 p.m.
I Draw Slow is a five-piece outfit comprising vocals, guitar, fiddle, banjo, and double bass. Holden siblings Dave (guitar) and Louise (vocals) have been writing together for two decades, starting on Dublin’s gigging circuit with funk operation Tabularasa. Since then the pair have teamed up with violinist Adrian Hart (Yurodni, Prison Love) clawhammer banjo-player Colin Derham (Tabularasa, Choral Sex, Global Funk Orchestra), and double-bassist Konrad Liddy (Tabularasa, Prison Love). The five have created a new sound, rooted in the old-time style of the Appalachian Mountains, drawing on Irish traditional music and modern Americana. However, this is a whole new songbook of stories and melodies. These are dark tales of debauchery and trouble, swinging from the kind of well-crafted melodies that survive.

For more information, please e-mail Stephen Tabb, Show & Entertainment Manager, Arlington Hotel, Bachelors Walk, Dublin 1; telephone 01-8049100.

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05 November 2010

Athy bluegrass calendar for 2011

Something for the Christmas stocking of every bluegrass enthusiast in Ireland and many outside as well - the Athy Bluegrass Music Association (ABMA) has produced a good-looking bluegrass calendar for 2011, with many photos in full colour of bands from Ireland, the USA, and the Continent of Europe who have appeared at the Athy Bluegrass Festival in Co. Kildare since the event began in 1991 - the first bluegrass festival in this island.

As well as being a unique document of the Athy festival up to the present, the calendar includes a list of other bluegrass festivals in Ireland with their 2011 dates.

Copies of the calendar will be available from next Wednesday (10 November 2010) at €10 each, with the proceeds going to support the 21st Athy festival (7-10 July 2011). To purchase a copy, contact the festival organiser, Tony O'Brien, by phone/text (085 1656685) or e-mail.

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Bluestack Mountain Boys in Dungarvan TONIGHT (again)

Apologies to Aran Sheehan and Patrick Simpson of the Bluestack Mountain Boys, whose news and poster we were unable to publish before now - the band will go on stage in about half an hour's time in Dungarvan, but at least the show has been on the BIB calendar for several days. Patrick writes:

The Bluestack Mountain Boys are playing their second gig in Dungarvan, Co. Waterford, tonight in the Lady Belle from about 9.00 p.m. onwards. We're looking forward to trying out some new material and hopefully seeing some friendly faces. So if you're in the around, pop in for a pint and a listen!

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Well Enough Alone at Waterside Bar, Howth, TONIGHT

Thanks to Hugh Taggart, lead singer and guitarist of Well Enough Alone, who sends this reminder:

Well Enough Alone are playing in the Waterside bar in Howth tonight. We start at 10.30 and finish at 12.30. There's no door charge.

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Larry Roddy

We learn with great regret of the death of Larry Roddy, to whom very many of us are indebted for his years of work in organising shows and tours in Ireland for bluegrass, folk, and other acoustic music performers. Niall Toner sends the sad news:

Larry Roddy passed away last night, just before midnight. He had been ill for some time. He was a true friend of music and musicians, and a great supporter of bluegrass. He will be missed. R.I.P.

The above picture, taken in June this year, shows Larry (left) with Niall and Rex Foster (USA) at Ballymore Eustace, Co. Kildare, where Rex was playing. Thanks also to Colin Gillen of Sligo for his fine montage (below) of photos of Larry at the microphone.

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Next DanGem Get-Together at Lisburn, 27 Nov. 2010

Thanks to Derek Lockhart of DanGem Quality Instruments of Craigavon, Co. Armagh, for the news that the first of the new season of DanGem's monthly Bluegrass Get-Togethers, held last Saturday (30 Oct.), was very well attended. About twenty-five pickers took part, including half-a-dozen welcome new faces. Derek adds: 'We had a good old jam, taking the beginning off from 10.00 to 11.00 and all joining in on the last hour.'

The next DanGem Bluegrass Get-Together will be held on Saturday 27 Nov. 2010 from 9.30/10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon at Lagan Valley Island, Island Civic Centre, Lisburn BT27 4RL, Co. Antrim. A location map is on the DanGem website. Bring along your banjos, guitars, mandolins, fiddles, dobros, and bass, or just come along and enjoy!

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04 November 2010

Jerry Douglas & Co. in 'Transatlantic sessions' in Dublin, 29 Jan. 2011

Thanks to Gerry Fitzpatrick of the Sick & Indigent Song Society for the news that tickets are now on sale at Ticketmaster for a very special 'Transatlantic sessions' show in the new year, presented by Celtic Connections and featuring many of the artists taking part in the mammoth Glasgow festival.

The show will take place in the Grand Canal Theatre, Dublin 2, at 8.00 p.m. on Saturday 29 January 2011, with a stellar cast including Jerry Douglas, Tim O'Brien, Dirk Powell, and Russ Barenberg. Full details, with seating plan and online booking facilities, can be seen on the Grand Canal Theatre website.

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03 November 2010

Retired? Well, not quite...

Fiddler Les Woodie, who played on the Stanley Brothers' original recording, over sixty years ago, of the much older song 'Man of constant sorrow', has retired from his job as general manager of WKDE in Virginia, but has certainly not retired from playing music. Read the full story on the Bluegrass Blog.

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02 November 2010

Frank Vignola and Vinny Raniolo in Belfast and Dublin, 5-6 Nov. 2010

Nigel Martyn sends a reminder of the next shows in the series of guitar events announced on the BIB on 19 October:

I know that the mighty Tommy Emmanuel is due to visit these shores shortly. BUT... this weekend's gigs by New York guitarists Frank Vignola and Vinny Raniol promise to be the guitar events of the year! ... a powerful new acoustic string music experience... An evening with Frank Vignola will captivate, entertain and enthrall any audience! Acoustic guitar music like you've never heard before!

Frank Vignola and Tommy Emmanuel, who have recently released a CD of duets, can be seen playing together on YouTube. The late, great Les Paul, naming Vignola among his 'Five Most Admired Guitarists', said: 'It's not jazz as we know jazz here in America'; so it's hardly likely to be bluegrass, but guitarists may well want to see a picker of this calibre, in whatever genre.

The two shows are in the Black Box, Belfast, on 5 Nov., and in Whelan's, Dublin, on 6 Nov. Tickets for both shows are now on sale online.

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01 November 2010

Sign up to the new Bending the Strings website!

Thanks to Vinny Baker (centre, above) for the evocative photo of BTS pickin' on the front porch, for the following news, and for the kind words:

Bending the Strings 'Honky Tonk Bluegrass' band have a brand new website which is now nearing completion, and at this stage we would invite all readers of the Bluegrass Ireland Blog to visit our website, go to the guestbook, and sign up to our webpage. That way we can send you news on the band, our dates/festivals and news of our upcoming official album launch and our new video for promotion and Rural TV which is currently being shot - that is, if you want us to do so.

We would be very grateful to all festival-goers and bluegrass fans who would pay us the tremendous compliment of signing up to our website; and we take this opportunity to thank all the people who have supported us in the past and who will continue to support us in the future, and also all the promoters and bluegrass festival organisers who have had us in their festivals, and finally to the greatest supporter of all things Bluegrass... Mr Richard Hawkins who puts such tremendous time and energy into the invaluable Bluegrass Ireland Blog. From Vinny, Martin, and Moyra in Bending the Strings, thank you Richard, and we are proud to call you our friend.

You can contact Bending the Strings at the following addresses: the band's e-mail; Vinny's e-mail or VeeBee Recording Studio, Newdown, The Downs, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath; or, of course, sign in to our website.

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Brendan Taaffe: shape-note singing workshops in Ireland, 13-22 Nov. 2010

Thanks to William Duddy of the Belfast and District Set Dancing and Traditional Music Society for the news that the Society is bringing multi-instrumentalist, singer, and dancer Brendan Taaffe (USA; left) up to Belfast on Saturday 20 November during his Irish tour.

Brendan will be running a shape-note and Appalachian singing workshop during the day (10.30 a.m.-4.30 p.m.) and performing a concert in the evening (from 7.30 p.m.) - all in the newly refurbished Crescent Arts Centre in Belfast. Tickets can be booked online from the Centre. For further info, contact William Duddy (tel. 028 90701313; mob. 07803799387; e-mail).

Here's the full schedule for the Brendan Taaffe tour as it appears at present on his website. Some of the workshops are specified as being for American harmony singing, and it's likely that all of them will be.

Sat. 13th: Hollywood, Co. Wicklow - singing workshop at Ballymore Hall, 12.30-5.00 p.m.; singing session at Phil Murphy's pub at night. Contact Phil Callery by e-mail for more details.

Sun. 14th: CREATE, 10/11 Earl St. South, Dublin - singing workshop at Create (in the Liberties, off Meath St.), 11.00 a.m.-4.00 p.m.

Wed. 17th: The Pavilion, Lisdoonvarna, Co. Clare - singing workshop, 7.30-9.30 p.m. €10

Sat. 20th: Crescent Arts Centre, Belfast - singing workshop, 10.30 a.m.-4.30 p.m. Solo concert, 7.30 p.m.

Mon. 22nd: Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh - singing workshop, 7:30 p.m.

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Carmel & the Ravens at the Passion Fruit, Athlone, 11 Nov. 2010

Carmel Sheerin & the Ravens are continuing their nationwide tour and are set to play in the Passion Fruit Theatre, Northgate Street, Athlone, Co. Westmeath, on Thursday 11 November. An enjoyable night is promised as Carmel & the Boys perform songs from their recently released second album, Here with you, made with multi-Grammy Award-winning Nashville producer Bil VornDick.

'This band simply gets better and better with each performance'

Carmel & the boys have scaled new heights in the past year and performed on the international scene, at a level most bands in this country could only aspire to. In America, this band is being mentioned in the same breadth as artists such as Alison Krauss, Ricky Skaggs, Rhonda Vincent, and Tim O'Brien. This is mainly down to the unique sound of Carmel on lead vocals and the band singing clean harmonies throughout. The recently released album consists of a lot of the band's own material, and some collaborations with top American and Irish bluegrass songwriters, including Tim O'Brien (IBMA Male Vocalist of the Year & Song of the Year Winner 2006) and Charlie McGettigan.

Doors open 8.30 p.m.
Adm. €12/€10 with concession
Info: 086 3338457

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