23 September 2010

Bluegrass concert series in central Dublin

Thanks to Nigel Martyn for some very good news for bluegrass enthusiasts in the Dublin area:

I'm arranging a series of our kinda gigs in the Mercantile Hotel, 28 Dame Street, Dublin 2. The venue has an excellent gig room, good PA and lights, and management are keen to see something develop. The musicians will stay in the hotel, so the potential for post-gig sessions goes without saying!

The lineup so far is as follows:

Wed. 20 Oct. Steve Bonafel and One Iota (USA)
Tues. 16 Nov. Niall Toner Band
Tues. 30 Nov. Jeff and Vida (USA)
Tues. 18 Jan. The Special Consensus (USA)
Tues. 8 Feb. Jim Hurst (USA)
Tues. 15 Feb. Southern Tenant Folk Union (UK)

If we have a good level of public support this series can be ongoing, and we might even run a special event in Dublin sometime in the summer. However, we will need to see a reasonable uptake of advance tickets to maintain confidence at the outset. Tickets for all these shows are already available online. I am trying to keep ticket costs as low as possible, the average being €12, though a couple of these shows will need €15.

Nigel Martyn
23 Lowwood Park
Belfast BT15 4BB
Skype name : nigelmartyn
Old Flattop website

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