31 May 2016

Discounts on IBMA WOB 2016 extended to 15 June

The International Bluegrass Music Association moved into new offices in Nashville last week, and in consequence early-bird prices for this year's IBMA World of Bluegrass in Raleigh, NC, have been extended to 15 June. This applies only to IBMA members and others attending the World of Bluegrass for the first time.

You can see full details in the IBMA's e-newsletter. And, of course, the image isn't an Early Bird: it's Ramble the Lonesome Squirrel, drawn by Raleigh artist Tim Lee.

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No Belfast Bluegrass session on 7 June 2016

Richard Leeman, organiser of the monthly Belfast Bluegrass sessions, announces that there will be no Belfast Bluegrass session on Tuesday 7 June.

There will however be plenty of bluegrass happening elsewhere in the city that night - the 'Belfast Bluegrass Bash' with the Kentucky Cow Tippers and Cup O'Joe, held at the Sunflower Public House, 65 Union St., Belfast, at 8.00 p.m. Richard hopes that bluegrass enthusiasts in Belfast will support the 'Bash', and adds:

We will be back to normal with our next session on 5 July.

Belfast Bluegrass sessions are held on the first Tuesday of each month, upstairs at the Errigle Inn, 312-320 Ormeau Rd, Belfast, starting about 9.00 p.m. All are welcome.

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30 May 2016

Two Time Polka: June bank holiday gigs

Ray Barron of Two Time Polka announces the band's gigs over the June bank holiday weekend:

Strings & Things Festival:
Fri. 3rd: Old School House, Clashmore, Co. Waterford. Adm E15. Doors 8.00 p.m. Tel. 087 4148651

The Clancy Brothers Music and Arts Festival:
Sun. 5th: Sean Healy Park, Carrick on Suir, Co. Tipperary. Adm. free. Start 12.45-1.30 p.m. Tel. 054 640921

Ireland Bike Fest:
Sun. 5th: The Harley Bar, Gleneagle Hotel, Killarney, Co. Kerry. Adm free. Start 10.00 p.m. Tel. 064 6671554

Regards & thanks,
Ray & TTP

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Hamilton County Ramblers: updated tour schedule, 8-23 July 2016

Thanks to Jim Pankey, banjo player for the Hamilton County Ramblers from Chattanooga, TN, for these confirmed dates of the tour the band will be making in Ireland in July.

The highlights of the tour will include their appearances on three succesive weekends at the Woodbine Bluegrass Jamboree, at the Ardara Bluegrass Festival, and as instructors at the first Bluegrass Camp Ireland. Note for old-time enthusiasts: Jim is also a fine player of clawhammer banjo, as shown by the video of 'New railroad' (aka 'Hang me, O hang me', 'Been all round this world') on his website.

Fri. 8th: Parish Hall, Ashbourne, Co. Meath
Sat. 9th: Woodbine Bluegrass Jamboree, GAA Centre, Athy, Co. Kildare
Sun. 10th: Tigh an Cheoil, Ring, Co. Waterford
Mon. 11th: Village Arts Centre, Kilworth, Co. Cork
Tues. 12th: An Spailpin Fanach, Cork city
Wed. 13th: Schoolyard Theatre, Charleville, Co. Cork
Thurs. 14th: Durty Nelly's, Bunratty, Co. Clare
Fri. 15th-Sun. 17th: Ardara Bluegrass Festival, Ardara, Co. Donegal
Tues. 19th: Clonmel Folk Club, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary
Wed. 20th: Sunflower Bar, 65 Union St., Belfast BT1 2JG
Thurs. 21st: The Red Room, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone
Fri. 22nd: Bluegrass Camp Ireland, Headfort School, Kells, Co. Meath
Sat. 23rd: Phil Murphy Weekend, Colfer's, Carrig-on-Bannow, Co. Wexford

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28 May 2016

Pine Marten launch debut EP, 23 June 2016

Further illustrating the theme of yesterday's post on the Dublin bluegrass scene, thanks to 5-string wizard Paddy Kiernan for this news:

Just dropping you a line to let you know that myself and the guys in Pine Marten [above] have just finished up recording our debut EP, which will be released in the middle of next month.

We have just released the first track off the EP; it is a funky little tune I wrote for the band called 'Doggone'.

We are having the launch night for the CD in the Cobblestone on Thursday 23 June at 8.30 p.m. Gig is €10 in or €12 with a CD.

Paddy will be a member of the teaching faculty at Bluegrass Camp Ireland (also on Facebook) on 22-4 July.

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Roni on the road in Ireland

Thanks to Dave Hardy, leader of the Blue Clavon Orchestra. Being also a member of the Cabin Crew house band at Dublin's Cabin Sessions, Dave was present on Thursday night (26 May) when the First Lady of Banjo, Roni Stoneman, played as a special guest at the Cabin, and he has just sent us this link to a YouTube video with a series of photos of Roni against a soundtrack of her recent recording 'The day the banjo dies'.

The image above comes from a YouTube video of Roni playing and singing 'Goin' down the road feeling bad' ('Lonesome road blues') two years ago in Nashville. She has not slowed down since then. Tonight she tops the bill at the 4th Clarinbridge Banjo Gathering in Co. Galway, presented by the Clarinbridge Arts Group and Tom Cussen of Clareen Banjos, with Galway's Oldtown Rounders in support.

As in 2013, her trip to Ireland is a friendly visit rather than a show-a-night tour, so her next official performance will be at the Seamus Ennis Arts Centre in Naul, Co. Dublin, on Friday 3 June - the last chance for anyone to see and hear her in the Dublin area. All her dates are on the BIB calendar, including (of course) her set at the 10th Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival.

BIB editor's note: Banjo freaks will be interested in the great banjo that she has with her on this visit. It looks exactly like her 1950s archtop bowtie Mastertone 'warhorse', but the pot is apparently from the 1930s, the whole instrument is appreciably lighter than the 'warhorse', and it has a powerful sound; the Mastertone I play (considered loud by some people) sounds reticent by comparison.

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27 May 2016

Dublin Bluegrass grows and grows

A great asset for bluegrass in Dublin in the last few years has been the building-up of a weekly jam session in the city centre, which is now giving rise to an exciting development. Some of the pickers regularly attending the session are shown above; Patrick Simpson (second from right) writes:

For the last three weeks we have been lucky enough to enjoy the company of musicians from the Netherlands, Canada, Ireland, and the UK, and we have also been quietly promoting the first-of-its-kind Bluegrass Camp in Ireland, which takes place at Headfort School, 22-24 July 2016 in Kells, Co. Meath. Please contact Simon Humphries at 087 4110931 or T.J. Screene at 087 2477487 for more details.

The quality of music we have entertained in recent months has been outstanding, and we are lucky enough to have performers from the New Breadwinners, Well Enough Alone, and the Bluestack Mountain Boys. All Dublin-based bands and available for gigs, who make Dublin Bluegrass Collective for our Tuesday night residency in Sin É, 14/15 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin, every week at 9.00 p.m.

We are an open session, and bluegrass musicians are welcome to come and join us; and if you wish to book a good bluegrass band for a gig you can reach me, Patrick Simpson, at 087 6622362 or Aran Sheehan at 085 7110826.

Headfort School, Kells, Co. Meath

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TTP return to Tullamore, 21 Aug. 2016

In response to inquiry about future performances by Two Time Polka at Tullamore, Co. Offaly, thanks to Dave Jones for the news that Two Time Polka are scheduled to return to Tullamore on Sunday 21 August for Hugh Lynch's Canal Quarter Festival.

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26 May 2016

More on the new Special C. CD and 2017 tour

On 16 April, under the title 'New release from old friends', the BIB posted news of Long I ride, the latest Compass Records CD from the Special Consensus, whose leader Greg Cahill has been bringing the band to Ireland since 1995. The CD is due for release on 10 June. While we're waiting, John Lawless has published on Bluebrass Today much more detail about it, including an interview with Greg.

The album was conceived as marking 40+ years of the Special C., with present and past members contributing material. The Bluegrass Today feature includes two videos from the Compass Records YouTube channel: the title track, and a real barn-burning rendition of Josh Graves's 'Fireball', with twin banjos and twin mandolins, and with the dobro and guitar played by Rob Ickes & Trey Hensley (who will be the concert stars at the Dunmore East Guinness International Bluegrass Festival in August).

You can also see 'Fireball' on YouTube. A video trailer for the album can be seen here. The Special C. are due back in Ireland between 12 Jan. and 6 Feb. 2017 - dates are on their online tour schedule (so you can begin planning where to catch them), and will soon be on the BIB calendar.

Update 27 May: The dates - seventeen in all (as well as six dates in England and Wales) - are now on the BIB calendar; the Special C. schedule also has online booking links and location maps.

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24 May 2016

The Cabin Sessions, Dublin, 26 May 2016

Following on the BIB announcement of 10 May, Gerry Fitzpatrick, organiser of the Cabin Sessions series, 'Acoustic Music at its Finest', announces:

Just a reminder that we will have Nashville's First Lady of Banjo, Roni Stoneman, join us this Thursday at the Cabin Sessions.

Also to tell you that Seadhan McGonagle, son of Pat McGonagle (regular supporter of the Cabin Sessions) will be collecting during the interval to raise funds for an African charity, Aidlink. Seadhan and his schoolmates from St Mary's will be travelling to Ghana in June, and they hope to raise additional funds to help Aidlink.

Hope to see you there!

The Sessions are held on the last Thursday of every month at Uncle Tom's Cabin in Dundrum, south Dublin (not far from Dundrum Luas station, in the city direction). Shows run from 9.30 to 11.30 p.m. and admission is FREE.

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DanGem Bluegrass Get-Together at Lisburn, 28 May 2016: last before the summer break

DanGem Bluegrass in Craigavon, Co. Armagh (with the largest range of banjos for sale on this island), announce in their latest e-newsletter that Howard Walker of the Down and Out Bluegrass Band will be giving banjo lessons at this month's Bluegrass Get-Together, which will be held on this coming Saturday (28 May), at the usual place and time (the Lagan Valley Island Civic Centre, Lisburn, Co. Antrim BT27 4RL, from 9.30/10.00 a.m. to noon) and with the usual schedule:

10.00-10.30 Warm-up
10.30-11.00(ish) Break out time for beginners; rest of players, jam time
11.00(ish) to 12.00(ish) All back together

This is the last Get-Together to be held before the summer break.
The DanGem Get-Together combines a jam session for those who are already active pickers, with the opportunity to learn for those who are beginners or just want to listen. DanGem add: 'Bring along your banjos, guitars, mandolins, fiddles, dobros, and bass, or just come along and enjoy. Look forward to seeing as many of you who can attend.' A location map for the Centre is on Dangem's website.

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Kentucky Cow Tippers in Ireland, 6-12 June 2016

Thanks to the EBMA Facebook for making us aware of the full range of shows that the Kentucky Cow Tippers, from north-east England, will be playing in Ireland early next month. The Cow Tippers (Rupert Hughes, guitar; Sam Wear, banjo; Evan Davies, mandolin; Niles Krieger, fiddle; and Sam Quintana, double bass) post this schedule on their own Facebook:

Mon. 6th June: Cowboys & Heroes Country Music & Americana Festival, Drumcoura City, Ballinamore, Co. Leitrim

Tues. 7th: 'Belfast Bluegrass Bash' with Cup O'Joe, Sunflower Public House, 65 Union St., Belfast, 8.00 p.m.

Wed. 8th: The Red Room, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone

Thurs. 9th: McKenna's Bar, 62 Dublin St., Monaghan town

Fri. 10th-Sun. 12th: Westport Folk & Bluegrass Festival, Westport, Co. Mayo

Sun. 12th: Mannion's, Main St., Balla, Co. Mayo

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23 May 2016

Bluegrass Camp Ireland Facebook - a work in progress

Headfort School, Kells, Co. Meath, location
of Bluegrass Camp Ireland

The Bluegrass Camp Ireland Facebook is carrying a lot of links to interesting material on learning and practice for musicians, not to mention the occasional fun thing as well. Have a look through last week's posts (to go no further back); see if you don't agree; and give serious consideration to registering with the Camp for a weekend of total immersion in bluegrass music (22-4 July 2016). See the Camp website and the BIB for 9 May for more details.

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22 May 2016

Today at Bob's - shows at 5.00 and 8.00 p.m.

On 5 May the BIB announced that this weekend Woodbine would be playing a mini bluegrass festival in Bob's Bar, Durrow, Co. Laois (above; the river flowing attractively past the pub is unfortunately not visible in the photo).

It was also announced that today's show (Sunday 22nd) would be at 5.00 p.m., with guests Evan and Amy Lyons. If you're thinking of attending (there's no cover charge), be aware that today's programme consists of two shows, with Evan and Amy performing at 5.00 p.m., and Woodbine going on at 8.00 p.m.

Update 23 May: Just for the record - from Facebook, the poster for the weekend's event, which went very well indeed.

On Sunday night Woodbine was in augmented configuration with Martin Cooney on fiddle, and in the second half Evan and Amy joined the band on stage to great effect.

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21 May 2016

Westport - poster and programme

Thanks to Uri Kohen for these images of the main poster and both sides of the programme for the 10th Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival, which is now less than three weeks away. More details of the design are on the Festival Facebook.

Last night (Fri. 20 May) saw the festival officially launched by Mr Brendan Mulroy of Mayo county council. Uri reports that it was 'a great night with music provided by the wonderful Pine Marten'.

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Hubert Murray Band: Shorten the road tour, 2-10 June 2016

Hubert Murray
Thanks to Sharon Loughrin for passing on news of the forthcoming tour by the Hubert Murray Band in Ireland, promoting Hubert's debut EP Shorten the road, which is due for release on 26 May. The tour schedule is:

Thurs. 2nd June: The Square Box, Ranfurly House Arts and Visitor Centre, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone
Fri. 3rd: 5th on Teeling, Sligo towm
Sat. 4th: Private function, Dublin
Sun. 5th: Mannions Bar, Main St., Balla, Co. Mayo
Mon. 6th: Kenny's, Lahinch, Co. Clare
Tues. 7th: Kilkee, Co. Clare, venue TBA
Thurs. 9th: Connemara Radio Station, 11.00 a.m.-12 noon
Thurs. 9th: Mullarkeys, Clifden, Co. Galway
Fri. 10th: Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival, Westport, Co. Mayo

The next day the band begins touring in northern England, with festival and other performances till 19 June.

The Westport festival website has bio details together with SoundCloud, Facebook, and YouTube links; you can also see and hear a fine old-time 'Liza Jane'. On the tour, the Hubert Murray Band will include Paddy Kiernan, one of the finest banjo-players in Ireland, and Kieran Towers, the most recent winner of the UK old-time fiddle competition, who has performed alongside Bruce Molsky, Brittany Haas, and Rayna Gellert.

Sharon (who with her husband Arnie operates the Red Room in Cookstown, Ireland's leading house-concert venue) also draws attention to the first venue on the schedule: the Ranfurly House Arts and Visitor Centre (above) at Dungannon. Located in the former Belfast Bank and with stunning modern facilities, it is on the historic Hill of the O'Neills, with views over seven of the nine counties of Ulster. Sharon reports:

They have some great trad and modern music there, but they're very open to taking bluegrass and old-time and providing a venue for more of what we do, so we'll do all we can to help.

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20 May 2016

James King, 1958-2016: updates

The BIB learns with deep regret that James King, one of the most highly regarded figures in bluegrass music, died yesterday at the age of 57 after a long period of health problems.

The news comes to us from Bluegrass Today, where John Curtis Goad contributes an outstanding appreciation. Don't miss the tributes that are already being added to that post, which include videos of James King and his band in performance a few years ago. Many will remember the special concert which the James King Band gave in 2003 at the Ulster American Folk Park in Co. Tyrone.

Shown above is the cover image from his Grammy-nominated Rounder album Three chords and the truth - a title that sums up a great deal about his music.

Update 21 May: Bluegrass Today explains that financial aid is badly needed for James's family and carers. Donations can be made here.

See also the major feature on the Prescription Bluegrass Blog.

Update 5 July: See Richard Thompson's major feature, 'Remembering James King', on Bluegrass Today.

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19 May 2016

Guy Clark, 1941-2016: update [1 June]

The BIB editor writes:

Thanks to Des Butler for drawing attention to the death on Tuesday of Texas singer, songwriter, and luthier Guy Charles Clark at the age of 74. As well as a Wikipedia biography, a review of his career is on the New Yorker website.

A major force in 'outlaw' and 'progressive' country music, he shared with bluegrass a resistance to the increasing pop-rockification of the country music industry.  His 'Stuff that works', co-written with Rodney Crowell, is the title song of an album by Gary Ferguson (due to tour here in July).

I saw Guy Clark once in concert at Whelan's in Dublin, and decided that any bluegrass band around Dublin would do well to have a stock of his songs in their repertoire. It seems appropriate, therefore, to use the above cover image from his 1995 album Dublin blues.

Update 1 June: Bluegrass Today carries a major feature by Daniel Mullins on Guy Clark and his impact on the bluegrass world, including a long interview with Shawn Camp.

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17 May 2016

Ticket sales open through Westport's new website

Thanks to Uri Kohen and his fellow organisers of the Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival for the news that the 10th Festival now has its completely new website, with details of all performers and all venues, together with online booking facilities. On this coming Friday (20 May) the Festival will be officially launched. Sales of tickets through the website began this morning.

There are five ticket options: one for each of the main concerts; a weekend pass covering all three main gigs; and a Friday-and-Saturday combination. For the workshops and Mystery Gig, admission will be paid separately on the doors. Uri emphasises:

Tickets are limited and it is highly advisable to purchase them in advance. The website also gives all the programme information and links to see all the acts in action.

There are also links to the accommodation providers in Westport, and it is very important to arrange accommodation in advance, as it is already getting hard to book rooms for the Festival weekend.

Looking forward to seeing you in Westport in what is shaping up to be an amazing weekend of music.

More news and frequent updates are on the Festival Facebook. To see the updated Westport schedule, click on the trigram that appears in the website's upper right-hand corner.

BIB editor's note: Among the abundant good news on the website, one very pleasant surprise is the addition of Cork's Prairie Jaywalkers - Kevin and Geraldine Gill plus Dave Riordan on mandolin.

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From Nashville to Clarinbridge - Roni Stoneman, First Lady of Banjo

Thanks to ​Ann Fox of the ​Clarinbridge Arts Group in Co. Galway for this revise of the release and poster that first appeared on the BIB on 10 May. Note that the show starts at 8.30 p.m.

When you think of banjo pickers in masculine terms you instantly think of the late Earl Scruggs. If you think in female terms, there is none other comes to mind than Roni Stoneman – First Lady of Banjo (both Scruggs and Roni achieved their recognition by mastering and making the banjo a lifelong career).

Roni Stoneman comes from one of the most famous family groups in early American country music. In the 60s, as part of the family group, she starred in Hee Haw - the most successful syndicated programme and country music show in the history of American television. She pursued a musical career as a virtuoso banjo player (country music and bluegrass) and is consequently known as the First Lady of Banjo, recognised as one of the great banjo masters of our time.

On Saturday 28 May at 8.30 p.m., Clarinbridge Parish Hall, Clarinbridge Arts Group, and Clareen Banjos are delighted to host this legendary musician, supported by traditional and contemporary bluegrass musicians, the Oldtown Rounders.

For booking and further details, please text/ring 086 835 1230 or go to http://www.banjo.ie/. Find us on Facebook.

BIB editor's note: Uncle Dave Macon, the first featured star of the Grand Ole Opry, said to the young Earl Scruggs: 'You play good in a band, but you're not a bit funny, are you?' No one can ever have made that last accusation about Roni.

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Frank Robinson keeps the music coming

Frank Robinson has been a pillar of hard-core country music, bluegrass, and jazz in the north-west for decades now. He writes:

I am doing a gig at the Danny Boy Jazz and Blues Festival in Limavady in June. (You can see me in my famed beauty on their website) [as in the photo]. I am also doing my annual gig at Dunfanaghy in September.

After that I shall confine myself to sessions with friends and I shall be doing a bit of recording (Percy has been at me for some time to finish a session I started a couple of years ago.) I have already recorded five instrumentals, one an original.

The BIB is delighted to pass on the news, and wishes Frank more decades of music-making.

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15 May 2016

Mile Twelve : final report on their tour in Ireland

Bluegrass Today published on Friday the final report from Boston's Mile Twelve at the end of their three-week tour of Ireland. The report mentions (among other things) times in Cahersiveen, Co. Kerry; in Bruff, Co. Limerick; in Cork city; and in Dublin, where they met up again with Co. Armagh's Cup O' Joe. The photo shows them with none other than John Nyhan (centre). Read more here.

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12 May 2016

Barwick & Siegfried tour: new date in Sligo, 31 May 2016

Supplementing the BIB post of 1 May, thanks to music historian Jon Hartley Fox for a new date in the tour schedule of multi-instrumentalist and singer Kathy Barwick and mandolinist/ singer Pete Siegfried (USA).

In addition to the shows already listed, Barwick & Siegfried will be playing at the Roots Room, Strand Bar, Strandhill, Co. Sligo, on 31 May. This date has been added to those shown on 1 May, and to the BIB calendar.

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11 May 2016

Michael Miles: latest news

Our good friend Michael J. Miles of Chicago - the man who showed that Bach's music can be played perfectly on clawhammer banjo - will be playing in concert at Riverwoods, Illinois, on 26 May with members of the Chicago Arts Orchestra. His first guitar CD, A-sides, featuring instrumental settings of hit songs from the middle fifty years of the 20th century, will be out on 4 July. The all-star ensemble includes Darol Anger, one of America's finest violinists/fiddle players.

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10 May 2016

The Cabin Sessions, Dundrum, 26 May 2016

Gerry Fitzpatrick, organiser of the Cabin Sessions series, 'Acoustic Music at its Finest', announces the Session for Thursday 26 May:

We have a very special treat this month and are pleased to welcome back the First Lady of the Banjo from Nashville - Roni Stoneman. In addition to the usual Cabin Crew we also welcome from Monaghan Barry Jay Hughes.

BIB editor's note: Roni is playing this brief guest spot as the first performance in her second trip to Ireland because she had so enjoyed the Cabin Sessions in 2013. Anyone in the Dublin region can enjoy a full evening of this unique musician and entertainer at the Seamus Ennis Arts Centre on Friday 3 June.

The Sessions are held on the last Thursday of every month at Uncle Tom's Cabin in Dundrum, south Dublin (not far from Dundrum Luas station, in the city direction). Shows run from 9.30 to 11.30 p.m. and admission is FREE. If you or someone you know would like to perform at the Cabin Sessions, let Gerry know by e-mail. The Sessions are particularly interested in featuring local musicians and singers.

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09 May 2016

Tribute to Mile Twelve and John Nyhan

The BIB thanks Neil O'Rahilly, who writes:

Over the last few weeks I was fortunate to see the young bluegrass band from Boston, Mile Twelve, on a number of occasions.

This stunning young band bring their own flair to the music we love but manage to retain a real traditional feel also. I feel very fortunate to hear their music and get to know these people in such intimate surroundings as libraries, sessions, and Art Centre gigs.

This young band is right up there with the best that Colorado, Kentucky, etc. can offer, and our thanks again to John Nyhan for his tireless efforts in bringing these great musicians to our shores.

The photo, from the band's Facebook, shows Mile Twelve in the stage area of Mannion's, Balla, Co. Mayo, where they played on 2 May. See also Pat Kelleher's comment below.

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First Bluegrass Camp Ireland, 22-4 July 2016!

Bluegrass instruction camps for learners at all levels are held in many countries: the UK's Sore Fingers Summer Schools are the premier example in Europe. Bluegrass festivals in other countries offer opportunities and facilities for jamming. Simon Humphries and T.J. Screen in Dublin asked themselves 'Why not in Ireland?' and set to work to make things happen. Hence this news of an exciting development for the bluegrass scene in Ireland; Simon writes:

We're delighted to present an Irish Bluegrass Camp which will take place at Headfort School, Kells, Co. Meath, the weekend of 22-24 July 2016.

It's a residential weekend - there will be accommodation and top-class food reflecting local provenance. The Hamilton County Ramblers (USA) will be our senior-level tutors: Roy Currie will offer in-depth guitar tuition, Jim Pankey 5-string banjo, James Kee mandolin, John Boulware fiddle, and Josh Hixon double bass. Luke Coffey (multi-instrumentalist) and Paddy Kiernan (5-string banjo) are our Irish-based tutors. We will announce others soon.

Why? Personally, as a 5-string player, I found it very difficult to find others to play with here in Ireland. After years of practice on my own, I left the instrument in its case one day, and didn't open it for many years after. Everywhere else I lived seemed to have tons of opportunities to play with others - Australia, UK, US, France. Great festivals and camps which were geared to jam sessions for all levels. Why not here? Unless you were on the bill at an Irish festival, there were few or no opportunities to play. Why not? How else do you progress? Bluegrass is all about playing with others. That's what this weekend will be all about. We have got some interest from abroad, and have picked a venue accessible from the North.

We are pitching it to cater for all levels - from beginners to red-hot players. So, come learn from some of the best bluegrass practioners in the world, play your heart out, have a few beers in a gorgeous place with a load of like-minded individuals. It's going to be a lot of fun! Spread the word.

Headfort School, Kells, Co. Meath

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07 May 2016

World Fiddle Day, 21 May 2016 - the Skip Gorman connection

World Fiddle Day will be held this year in two weeks' time, on Saturday 21 May 2016  - with the notable anticipatory exception mentioned below.

World Fiddle Day was set up four years ago by Donegal fiddler and music scholar Caoimhín Mac Aoidh to embrace and celebrate all the instruments of the violin and fiddle families, all who play them, and all the music that can come out of them. The project has the close support of Fiddler Magazine. Much more information is on the World Fiddle Day website and Facebook.

Those who are convinced that Co. Kerry is several steps ahead of the rest of the world are proved right: the Sliabh Luachra Music Trail website reports that this year Scartaglin will celebrate World Fiddle Day the previous Monday, 16 May. The organisers announce:

This will be our third festival having started in 2013. Our first event attracted seventeen fiddle players including an American bluegrass musician who was touring Ireland that month. His name was Skip Gorman and to celebrate his birthday we visited Scartaglin where he gave a workshop on American fiddle styles and tunings.

This of course is the Skip Gorman who will be playing at Athy, Co. Kildare* (see the BIB for 5 May), on the day the fun starts at Scartaglin. Skip's credentials in bluegrass are indicated by the photo above from several decades back, in which he is playing mandolin under the eyes of the Father of Bluegrass and the legendary promoter Carlton Haney. He has similar credentials in old-time music as a founder member of the Deseret String Band.

* The BIB awaits news of possible other appearances by Skip in Ireland.

Update I: Thanks to P.J. Teahan, who writes: 'You will find Skip Gorman and singer Connie Dover in Scartaglin, Co. Kerry, on May 21 2016. As part of World Fiddle Day celebrations they will play in concert at 3 p.m. in Scartaglin Heritage Centre. Later that evening at 7.30 Skip Gorman will be one of 35 fiddle players being recorded by RTE radio from our World Fiddle Day concert.' The BIB apologises to P.J. for publishing a shorter text, lacking details of the evening concert, as a comment to this post.

Update II: Thanks to Sharon Loughrin, who writes: 'I was given some leaflets this week for a show [Skip]'s playing along with Connie in The Gables, Carland, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, on Sun. 29 May at 8.00 p.m. (free admission). I'm also told there is a show in Ardara.'

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06 May 2016

A new weekly bluegrass event is founded in Dublin

Following up the BIB post of just over a week ago, we're delighted to learn that the early-evening bluegrass set played last Sunday in the Leeson Lounge by John Denby, Luke Coffey, and Lily Sheehan (photo), was so successful that they will be playing there every Sunday from now on, starting at 6.00 p.m., as on the first occasion.

The Leeson Lounge (148 Leeson St. Upper, Dublin 4, just south of the Grand Canal) is a recognised music venue, so congratulations to the trio on bringing bluegrass music to yet another location in the city.

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05 May 2016

Woodbine support stellar visitors, 16 May; head mini bluegrass festival 21-2 May 2016

Thanks to Tony O'Brien for this news, including a show with two outstanding US artists:

Following a very successful weekend playing the Kilkenny Roots Festival, Woodbine will host an evening of bluegrass/country and cowboy songs from round the campfire with special guests Skip Gorman and Connie Dover on Monday 16 May at 9.00 p.m. in the GAA Centre, Athy, Co. Kildare. Admission €5, with spot prizes on the night.

Acclaimed by the Boston Globe as 'the finest folk ballad singer America has produced since Joan Baez', Connie Dover finds her inspiration in the landscapes and culture of the American West.

'Skip Gorman is one of the most savvy and authentic cowboy folk artists in the country' - Boston Globe. Gorman has performed on Garrison Keillor’s 'A Prairie Home Companion', and filmmaker Ken Burns has featured Skip’s music in his PBS documentaries 'Lewis and Clark' and 'Baseball'. Gorman has several award-winning CDs on his own Old West label, as well as the Rounder and Folk Legacy record labels.

[BIB editor's note: Any other performances in Ireland by Skip Gorman and Connie Dover will be mentioned on the BIB as we find out about them. Their recent shows have been under the title: 'Celtic roots of the American West'.]

The following weekend Woodbine will play a mini bluegrass festival in Bob's Bar (below), Durrow, Co. Laois, on Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 May, with guests Evan and Amy Lyons appearing on the 22nd. The show on the 21st is at 8.00 p.m. and on the 22nd at 5.00 p.m. No cover charge.

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Band news

Harpers Hollow Bluegrass Band played at the Red Room in Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, last Friday night (29 Apr.) to raise funds for the new church hall in Sandholes village. John Watson captured some of the evening on videos, which are well worth watching on the band's Facebook.
I Draw Slow will be playing on Friday 27 May in the Purty Loft, Old Dunleary Rd, Monkstown, Co. Dublin as part of an auction night in aid of Cancer Research, together with Eileen Gogan and the Larkfield 4 a cappella quartet. Spot prizes, raffles, and many exciting auction prizes are on offer - check the event Facebook.
JigJam from Tullamore will be back in the USA for another tour later this month, and meanwhile are inviting funding for their next recording project. Old Hannah from Sligo will also be in the USA later this month, playing in New York with the indie pop rock band Walking on Cars from Dingle.
In the next two-and-a half months, Sligo's Rackhouse Pilfer have twenty-eight dates in Ireland (phew!), and then they go on tour on the Continent. Details are on the 'Tour' section of their Facebook, and dates are on the BIB calendar.

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04 May 2016

Murder Murder (CAN) in Ireland, 12-15 May 2016

Thanks to the UK agency G Promo PR for the news that the six-piece Canadian bluegrass and 'outlaw country' band Murder Murder (above) will be touring in Ireland and Britain from 12 May to 5 June in support of their second and latest album From the stillhouse, which is due for release on 24 June.

Murder Murder (also on Facebook and Twitter) consists of Jon Danyliw (vocals, guitar, mandolin), Sam Cassio (vocals, guitar, mandolin), Geoff McCausland (fiddle), Barry Miles (vocals, banjo, dobro), Kris Dickson (upright bass), and Steph Duchesne (percussion). Their repertoire is based on murder ballads, influenced by the dark, lawless and violent frontier period in Northern Ontario.

Lonesome Highway says: 'Think along the lines of punk-infused old-time music, Springsteen’s Seeger sessions, and a touch of the Pogues, and you might have an approximate idea of what this six-piece band sound like.' Judge for yourself: From the stillhouse can be heard on Bandcamp, and G Promo PR provide two sample videos, ‘Where the water runs black’ and ‘The last gunfighter ballad’, a Guy Clark cover. Their shows here in May are:

Thurs. 12th: Colfer's, Carrig-on-Bannow, Co. Wexford
Fri. 13th: Whelan’s, Dublin 2
Sat. 14th: JJ Harlow's, Roscommon town
Sun. 15th: Brontë Music Club, Rathfriland, Co. Down

They then cross to Britain for a further fifteen dates (17 May-5 June). For more information, interview, session, or guest list requests, contact Geraint or Deb Jones at G Promo PR; phone +44 (0) 1584 873211; mobile + 44 (0) 7855 724798; e-mail.

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Omagh delivers the goods with Band of Ruhks

On 19 February the BIB shared advance news of this year's Appalachian and Bluegrass Music Festival (2-4 Sept.) in the Ulster American Folk Park, Omagh, Co. Tyrone. The Belfast News Letter quoted Richard Hurst, the festival director, as saying: 'We are hoping to bring several of the biggest names in American bluegrass as headliners for this year's festival which marks our 25th anniversary.'

Thanks again to Sharon Loughrin for forwarding a News Letter report with the stunning news that the Band of Ruhks (also on Facebook) will be at the top of the Omagh bill. The band formed in 2012 with three giants of today's bluegrass at its core: Ronnie Bowman (bass, vocals), Kenny Smith (guitar, vocals), and Don Rigsby (mandolin, vocals), all of them veterans of the Lonesome River Band. More bio details are here. County Sales in Virginia, one of the most consistent arbiters of bluegrass taste for fifty years, wrote of their first album:

It’s always exciting to see and hear a new bluegrass band that you almost know will be one of the forces in the music in the immediate future. [...] We could go on, but let’s just say that this is an outstanding and landmark disc that we HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

In addition to the Band of Ruhks and the other artists mentioned on 19 Feb., the lineup will include Betse & Clarke (USA; see the BIB for 16 Mar.), Dr Bluegrass & the Illbilly 8 (UK), Two Time Polka, Erdini, the Broken String Band, the Knotty Pine String Band, and Northern Exposure, together with the iconic Geordie McAdam (who has played at all Omagh festivals to date). Watch this space for further additions.

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03 May 2016

Bluegrass at Bealtaine Festival in Cork

Mile Twelve at the Village Arts Centre, Kilworth, Co. Cork, 25 Apr.

Thanks to John Nyhan, indefatigable tour organiser, for this release on how one visiting band is contributing to cultural activity in Ireland. In addition to the library performances shown below, Mile Twelve's evening concerts are listed in the BIB calendar.

As part of the Bealtaine Festival - 'Ireland's Celebration of Creativity as we Age'; 'A Chance to Communicate Traditions Between the Generations' - Mile Twelve, the young bluegrass band from Boston, Massachusetts, who are currently on an Irish tour, will be performing in the following libraries:

Wed. 4th: Mallow Library, 3.30 p.m.
Thurs. 5th: Mitchelstown Library (11.00 a.m.) and Millstreet Library (3.00 p.m.)
Fri. 6th: Charleville Library (11.00 a.m.) and Kanturk Library (3.00 p.m.)
Sat. 7th: Rory Gallagher Music Library, Grand Parade, Cork city, 1.00 p.m.

Anyone who has heard (or not heard) bluegrass music played live, is in for a real treat if they attend any of Mile Twelve's performances in one of the above mentioned libraries.

Enquiries: tel. 087 7921771

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Hamilton County Ramblers (USA): Irish tour 9-23 July 2016

The Hamilton County Ramblers from Chattanooga, TN, have already been mentioned on the BIB as the guests of honour at this July's Woodbine Bluegrass Jamboree. We guessed, however, that the Ramblers would most likely be playing other dates in Ireland; and on their online tour schedule, the following dates appear. NB: the Ramblers say 'More Dates TBA', so note that more chances to see and hear this fine band may be coming on 12, 14, 17, and 21 July.

Fri. 8th: Ashbourne, Co. Meath, venue TBA
Sat. 9th: Woodbine Bluegrass Jamboree, GAA Centre, Athy, Co. Kildare
Sun. 10th: Tigh an Cheoil, Ring, Co. Waterford
Mon. 11th: Village Arts Centre, Kilworth, Co. Cork
Wed. 13th: Schoolyard Theatre, Charleville, Co. Cork
Fri. 15th-Sat. 16th: Ardara Bluegrass Festival, Ardara, Co. Donegal
Mon. 18th: Sixmilebridge Folk Club, Sixmilebridge, Co. Clare
Tues. 19th: Clonmel Folk Club, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary
Wed. 20th: Sunflower Bar, 65 Union St., Belfast BT1 2JG
Fri. 22nd: Bluegrass Camp Ireland, Headfort School, Kells, Co. Meath
Sat. 23rd: Phil Murphy Weekend, Carrig-on-Bannow, Co. Wexford

Please note the entry for the Bluegrass Camp Ireland. This has the hallmarks of being an important new event on the Irish bluegrass calendar; and the BIB hopes to give full details, with website address, by the end of this week.

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01 May 2016

Second tour of Ireland by Barwick & Siegfried (USA), 26 May-4 June 2016

Multi-instrumentalist and singer Kathy Barwick and mandolinist/ singer Pete Siegfried made an all-too-brief tour here two years ago (see the BIB for 4 Feb. 2014); so thanks to music historian Jon Hartley Fox for this press release on their return visit later this month:

The acclaimed acoustic Americana roots duo of Barwick & Siegfried, hailed by Bluegrass Unlimited as 'two like-minded lovers of song who’ve found musical gold in their pairing', returns to Ireland for a series of concerts between 26 May and 4 June that will have the California duo playing in music clubs, theatres, and local pubs across the country. This tour coincides with the release of Long time gone, the second CD by Barwick & Siegfried for FGM Music.

The dates on this Irish tour by Barwick & Siegfried include appearances at:

Thurs. 26 May: Sunflower Folk Club, 65 Union St., Belfast
Sat. 28 May: The Red Room, Cookstown, Co, Tyrone
Tues. 31 May: The Roots Room, Strand Bar, Strandhill, Co. Sligo
Thurs. 2 June: Monroe’s Live, Dominick St., Galway city
Fri. 3 June: Tutty’s Pub, Hollywood, Co. Wicklow
Sat. 4 June: Mill Theatre, Dundrum, Dublin 14

From the stage of the Strawberry Music Festival in California to pubs and concert halls throughout Ireland and Northern Ireland, the acoustic duo of Kathy Barwick & Pete Siegfried has delighted and enchanted audiences with a distinctive blend of bluegrass, old-time country, traditional Irish and folk into an engaging Americana fusion showcasing Pete’s exceptional lead vocals, Kathy’s amazing guitar work, and sterling duet harmonies. The two musicians combine years of experience into a compelling, highly entertaining duet sound that extends from the Monroe Brothers and other 'brother duets' of the 1930s to such iconic modern partnerships as Buddy and Julie Miller.

This Irish tour by Barwick & Siegfried celebrates the release of Long time gone, the duo’s tuneful and wide-ranging second CD. With material ranging from Leadbelly and the Carter Family to Bill Monroe and the Everly Brothers, Long time gone gives Barwick & Siegfried plenty of room to stretch out and cover several musical bases. The album also introduces several new songs, including 'Heartbroke bound', a bluegrass-y scorcher written by Pete Siegfried.

The duo’s first album, The trestle, released in 2015 by FGM Music, has received international radio airplay and been met with widespread critical acclaim. Bluegrass Unlimited magazine called the album a 'sublime blend of two voices and two instruments creating a greater whole' and 'an excellent debut release'.

More information is on the Barwick & Siegfried website. Media and radio interview requests can be sent to Kathy by e-mail.

Jon Hartley Fox's writings on music history include
King of the Queen City: the story of King Records (2009). He has twice won the IBMA award for Best Liner Notes for a Recorded Project.

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