29 February 2016

Old-time going strong in the Cobblestone

Dublin's Greasy Coat Stringband (l-r: Derek Copley, Aisling Keogh, and Paul Mulcahy) put on their Facebook this evocative photo from their very warmly received set at the Cobblestone in Smithfield on 18 Feb., supporting the Black Feathers.

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Belfast Bluegrass: next session Tues. 1 Mar. 2016

Belfast Bluegrass announces that the next session will be on this coming Tuesday, 1 March 2016. And there's a special treat in store for anyone who goes to the Belfast Bluegrass Facebook to look up the announcement.

Belfast Bluegrass sessions are held on the first Tuesday of each month, upstairs at the Errigle Inn, 312-320 Ormeau Rd, Belfast, starting about 9.00 p.m. All are welcome.

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26 February 2016

Bluegrass opens the Sugarloaf Festival in Greystones TONIGHT

A reminder that two young Dublin-based bluegrass bands, New Breadwinners and Pine Marten, will be playing tonight (Fri. 26 Feb.) at 9.00 p.m. in the Hot Spot Music Club in Greystones, Co. Wicklow, to open the Sugarloaf Folk & Bluegrass Festival. Tickets are €8 on the door.

The Hot Spot is above the Beach House pub in Greystones harbour. The Festival extends through the weekend with many acts taking part and a 'Jumble Rock Sale' on Saturday afternon for CDs, books, records, and magazines. More details are on the BIB for 16 Feb.

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25 February 2016

Baltimore Fiddle Fair, 5-8 May 2016

Declan McCarthy's Baltimore Fiddle Fair in west Cork this year has a very special lineup, which can be seen in summary and in detail on the Fair's website. Fiddle traditions from several different counties, countries, and continents are represented.

The closest that the 2016 lineup comes to bluegrass or old-time music, however, is Dirk Powell (which is admittedly close) and his wife's nephew Courtney Granger. Full details and online ticket purchase facilities are on the Fair's website.

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6th Ireland Sacred Harp Convention in Cork, 5-6 Mar. 2016

The Sacred Harp Singers of Cork announce that the 6th Ireland Sacred Harp Convention will be held on 5-6 March in St Marie's of the Isles primary school, Bishop St., Cork, across the road from St Finbarre’s cathedral, as in the past few years. Registration opens at 10.00 a.m., and singing starts at 10.30 a.m. on both Saturday and Sunday.

Events will spread out on both sides of these dates into 'a fine five-day extravaganza', to quote the website. The Cork Sacred Harp circle will hold its usual weekly Thursday sing (7.00-9.00 p.m.) on 3 Mar. at the Unitarian Church, Princes St., with social drinks locally to follow. On Friday 4 Mar. the Convention's singing school (6.00-8.00 p.m.) will be taught by Fynn Titford Mock at St Marie's of the Isles.

A Saturday Social will be held at the Cork Cricket Club from 7.00 p.m. (instruments welcome), and on Sunday night the circle will be featured guests at the Cork Singers Club upstairs in An Spailpín Fánach. Finally, there will be Monday brunch from 12 noon at the Woodford, Paul St., followed by some Christian Harmony singing from 3.00 p.m. in St Finbarre’s cathedral hall, Dean St.

Full details, including accommodation, are on the Sacred Harp Singers of Cork website.

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24 February 2016

DanGem Bluegrass Get-Together, Sat. 27 Feb. 2016

DanGem Bluegrass in Craigavon, Co. Armagh (with the largest range of banjos for sale on this island), announce in their latest e-newsletter that the next monthly Bluegrass Get-Together, incorporating jam session and instruction, will be held this coming Saturday, 27 Feb., at the usual place and time (the Lagan Valley Island Civic Centre, Lisburn, Co. Antrim BT27 4RL, from 9.30/10.00 a.m. to noon) and with the usual schedule:

10.00-10.30 Warm-up
10.30-11.00(ish) Break out time for beginners; rest of players, jam time
11.00(ish) to 12.00(ish) All back together

Howard Walker of the Down and Out Bluegrass Band will be there to give banjo lessons.
The DanGem Get-Together combines a jam session for those who are already active pickers, with the opportunity to learn for those who are beginners or just want to listen. DanGem add: 'Bring along your banjos, guitars, mandolins, fiddles, dobros, and bass, or just come along and enjoy. Look forward to seeing as many of you who can attend.' A location map for the Centre is on Dangem's website.

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For mandolinists (and a dobro titbit)

Thanks to Nick DiSebastian in Nashville for news of his new Built To Last Music Notes (BTL) publication, The mandolin style of Jesse Brock. Jesse, who has twice been IBMA Mandolin Player of the Year, has played in Ireland several times with Dale Ann Bradley and Michael Cleveland & Flamekeeper and is now with the Gibson Brothers, so he has admirers here already.

The mandolin style of Jesse Brock takes an in-depth look at Jesse's playing, with fifteen transcriptions of recordings from different eras of his career, together with short anecdotes from Jesse and musical descriptions of each piece. The transcriptions include standard notation, tablature, chords, and form indications, providing a medium from which players of all levels can effectively learn. The work is available as a soft-cover book ($30) or digital download ($25); both can be bought through the BTL catalogue, and the book is also available from Jesse at live shows. A brief promotional video can be seen here.

BTL also publishes a similar body of transcriptions from Adam Steffey's New Primitive album. The contents lists of both works can be seen on the BTL catalogue.
Dobroists, don't feel neglected: Ivan Rosenberg is preparing a new album, The littlest dobro, which will appear with ten original tunes and a tab book. A neat little video about it can be seen on his website and in this Bluegrass Today article.

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Bluegrass kick-starts the Belfast Nashville Festival, 2 Mar. 2016

A reminder that on Wednesday 2 March the 12th United Airlines Belfast Nashville Festival and Convention will begin with a 'Bluegrass Songwriters' concert at the Olympic Concert Room, Clayton Hotel, Ormeau Avenue, Belfast.

The concert lineup consists of GorseFire from the Belfast area and Cup O' Joe from Co. Armagh — to put it another way, some of Ulster's most experienced bluegrass musicians, and some of the most talented representatives of a younger generation. Doors open at 9.00 p.m., and the show runs from 9.30 to 11.30. Tickets (£5) can be bought online.
Bluegrass songwriting as a theme? On 12 Feb. Bluegrass Today published a feature on Kim Williams of east Tennessee, who died the previous day, having written many hit songs in both country and bluegrass music. His friend Tim Stafford, guitarist and singer for Blue Highway, is quoted:

... in his later years, Kim decided he wanted to write more bluegrass because he considered it one of the last places you could get ‘real’ songs recorded. By that I mean songs about topics like death, life, religion, murder, abuse, inspiration — topics that sometimes (usually?) are too scary or controversial for mainstream music. I wish he was here to tell you — he was very passionate about it.

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23 February 2016

Band news

Dublin's I Draw Slow are in the midst of their winter tour of the USA - eight shows in ten days, four being in North Carolina and the others in New York, Washington DC, Tennessee, and West Virginia. Full details are on their online tour schedule. The above photo, posted very recently on their Facebook, shows them about to go on at WNCW. The BIB has no information on the small bear in left foreground.
Tullamore's JigJam (above) are now officially a four-piece band: Jamie McKeogh, Daithí Melia, and Cathal Guinan have been joined by Gavin Strappe from Drangan, Co. Tipperary. Like the original three members, Gavin is a multi-instrumentalist; his role in JigJam will be as mandolin player.

Update 1 Mar.: JigJam's first video with Gavin Strappe on mandolin can be seen on their Facebook; it's a bluegrassed version of the folk song 'The mermaid'. The band are now in Florida.

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Good advice

Good advice both for bands and for would-be promoters, from Sharon Loughrin of the Red Room, Ireland's premier house-concert venue:

We had a busy bluegrassy weekend: a private gig in a friend's garden shed with the Tennessee Hennessees and Mons Wheeler on Saturday night, and a visit to St George's Market to hear the Down and Outs on Sunday [photo by Sharon]. They had an appreciative audience, and I've always thought gigs like this should be chased up more; bluegrass and old-time music suit markets/ vintage shows/ garden and craft shows, seem to be all like-minded people.

Sharon adds that their friend with the commodious garden shed

... did this on the same lines as our gigs: collected a tenner from everyone and gave this to the band. It really is simple if more people would just do it!

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20 February 2016

Brendan Taaffe in Ireland, 4-15 Mar. 2016

The Ulster American Folk Park Facebook announced last Tuesday this coming event:

Brendan Taaffe [right] comes to us all the way from Brattleboro, Vermont, with his distinctive blend of bluegrass, gospel, Appalachian and shape-note songs.

Friday 4 March 7.30 p.m. Solo concert £5 (FREE for Saturday workshop participants).
Sat. 5 March 10.30 a.m.-4.30 p.m. Singing workshop £20
To book your place e-mail Valerie Whitworth.

BIB editor's note: I took part in a Brendan Taaffe workshop a few years ago; it was well worth attending. Brendan is also a multi-instrumentalist and member of groups who have recorded much good material. The following additional dates in March appear on his website - better check it in advance for more details on the Dunlavin workshop.

Sat. 12th: Singing workshop, Wisdom Centre, 25 Cork St., Dublin, 10.00 a.m.–4.00 p.m., €65 for the day. Contact Mary by e-mail to register.
Sun. 13th: Singing workshop, Dunlavin, Co. Wicklow, 10.00 a.m.

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19 February 2016

Bluegrass at Omagh this autumn - and in Belfast THIS SUNDAY

Thanks to Sharon Loughrin (of the Red Room, and also NI area representative of the BBMA) for some exciting news about this year's Appalachian and Bluegrass Music Festival in the Ulster American Folk Park, Omagh, Co. Tyrone - and news of live bluegrass this weekend in Belfast:

The Folk Park have advertised a few bands confirmed for the Omagh festival (2-4 September). Revealed so far are the Corn Potato String Band (USA), the Blue Grass Boogiemen (NL), Sunny Side (CZ), and Red Wine (I). Richard [Richard Hurst, festival director] is also quoted as saying: 'We are hoping to bring several of the biggest names in American bluegrass as headliners for this year's festival which marks our 25th anniversary.' It's all sounding very good already.

Also, the Down and Out Bluegrass Band [above] are playing in St George's Market, Belfast, on Sunday from 11.30 a.m. There would be worse ways of spending a wet Sunday than perusing the craft and art stalls in the lovely St George's, not to mention all the speciality foods with the added bonus of some great bluegrass music.

BIB editor's note: The Folk Park information appeared in the Thursday 18 Feb. issue of the Belfast News Letter and can be seen here.

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16 February 2016

Sugarloaf Folk & Bluegrass Festival at Greystones, Co. Wicklow, 26-8 Feb. 2016

Thanks to John Denby for this news:

The New Breadwinners and Pine Marten will be playing on Friday 26 February at the Hot Spot Music Club in Greystones [Co. Wicklow] at 9.00 p.m. It's above the Beach House pub in Greystones harbour.

It's part of an Americana weekend called the Sugarloaf Festival and the Cujo Family will play on the Saturday night. Festival poster here and on the Hot Spot Music Club Facebook page. Tickets are €8 on the door.

The Festival will present live music all weekend from the bands already mentioned and from HueGrass, Second Wind, Gabby Brady & Eileen McLane, plus members of the Dublin Bluegrass Collective. Tickets: Fri. €8, Sat. €10, Sun. free. There will also be a 'Jumble Rock Sale' on Saturday (1.00-5.00 p.m.) for CDs, books, records, and magazines. Phone 087 2917519 or PM for info.

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14 February 2016

Ticket sales open for Dunmore East concerts, 27 and 28 Aug. 2016

From today, St Valentine's day, tickets (€20) are on sale for the concerts to be given by Rob Ickes and Trey Hensley (above) on 27 and 28 August at this year's Guinness International Bluegrass Festival in Dunmore East, Co. Waterford.

Festival director Mick Daly saw them perform in Raleigh, NC, at the Wide Open Bluegrass Festival in October, after the success of the Claire Lynch concert at Dunmore East last August had proved the demand for a sit-down concert event.

Rob Ickes and Trey Hensley have been nominated for a Grammy for their current album; this year's Grammy awards will be made tomorrow (15 Feb.). Rob Ickes has already received the IBMA Dobro Player of the Year award more times than anyone else. Last year it had been hoped that the duo might also come to Ireland in April, but their online tour schedule shows dates in England and Scandinavia but not here.

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12 February 2016

Celebrating the Great Colorado Invasion

John Nyhan, Jeff Scroggins, Martin Gilmore (photo: Des Butler)

John Nyhan sends this message:

On behalf of Jeff Scroggins & Colorado and Martin Gilmore & Nick Amodeo, I would like to thank all the promoters of all the venues where they played.

The tour of Jeff Scroggins & Colorado could not have gone better - huge crowds everywhere they played. The response they got from audiences everywhere was amazing. Martin Gilmore & Nick Amodeo also received a great response.

What a treat it was for lovers of bluegrass and country music in Ireland. Jeff & Co., Martin, and Nick had a wonderful time and cannot wait to return. Looking forward to another Colorado Invasion!

John asks for these thanks to be posted on the BIB to all concerned from himself, Jeff, Tristan, Greg, Ellie, Isaac, Martin, and Nick. We're sure that all who saw and heard these artists wish to thank them and John.

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11 February 2016

Bluegrass Tour with Niall Toner, Sept.-Oct. 2016

Niall Toner announced last Sunday on the NTB Facebook that

Things are shaping up for my Bluegrass Tour with Tour America in September and October 2016. I will be your escort on a visit to many of the iconic places associated with bluegrass music, including Jerusalem Ridge, Bill Monroe's home place, Ralph Stanley's home, and the IBMA Festival over three days in Raleigh, NC. Full details are now available at the Tour America website. [...] It will be 10 days of solid bluegrass, 24/7. It's booking out fast, so get in touch asap!

The BIB had a problem with the Facebook's link to Tour America, but this one gives all the details.

Niall also announced that on Tuesday (9 Feb.) the Niall Toner Band would record an interview and a couple of original songs for Carlow TV, which will be broadcast to over 1,000 TV stations in the USA and Canada over the following two weeks. And a photo of Niall on stage in Florida can be seen on the NTB Facebook, taken at his performance last month for the Gulf Coast Bluegrass Music Association in Pensacola.

Update 13 Feb.: Read this feature about the Tour on the Prescription Bluegrass Blog.

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Rackhouse Pilfer - keeping on the move

Rackhouse Pilfer, the 'fiery, exciting, Irish-Americana & Folk-Rock Band' from Sligo, are busy: today they start a tour of Britain, and will be taking part in the London Country2Country festival on 11 and 12 March. Before then, however, they'll be returning to Ireland for a series of shows before the end of this month:

Fri. 19th: Gilroy's, Enniscrone, Co. Sligo, 10.30 p.m.
Sat. 20th: Percy Whelan's, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim, 10.00 p.m.
Sun. 21st: Voodoo, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal, !0.30 p.m.
Fri. 26th: The Grand, Killarney, Co. Kerry, !0.30 p.m.
Sat. 27th: Campbell's, Headford, Co. Galway, 9.00 p.m.
Sun. 28th: TedFest, Inis Mor, Aran Islands, 10.00 p.m.

They have recently been recording demos for their new album at Transmission Rooms Recording Studio near Longford, and have also been nominated for this year's Hot Press Folk/Traditional award. You can vote for them here.

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Bands in Ireland for bluegrass, old-time, and related music

The Lee Valley String Band (Cork), Ireland's senior band in bluegrass and old-time music, on TV; date?

For the convenience of BIB readers, a list has been added to the right-hand column of the blog, showing (in alphabetical order) bands on a spectrum ranging from hard-core bluegrass and old-time music to 'Americana'. Links are given to their websites, Facebooks, and (in some cases) Twitter and YouTube channels.

Bands seem to be forming all the time, and occasionally some retire or dissolve; so additions and other corrections to the list are welcome. It's appropriate to illustrate this post with pictures of the Lee Valley String Band, which has been in continuous operation longer than any other bluegrass or old-time band in this island, having been founded by Niall and Colm Toner and the late Chris Twomey in the late 1960s.

The Lee Valley String Band in 2015: (l-r) Mick Daly, Brendan Butler,
Mick O'Brien, Hal O'Neill (photo: Eddie Hennessy)


The Cabin Sessions, Dundrum, 25 Feb. 2016

Gerry Fitzpatrick, organiser of the Cabin Sessions series, 'Acoustic Music at its Finest', announces:

Back again with you on Thursday 25 Feb. The usual Cabin Crew and special guests: Pat Killalea (performs the Shadows!), Jo Jo O & the Woods (contemporary), and Mary Hennesy (country/Americana). I've attached a copy of our new-look poster [left].

The Sessions are held on the last Thursday of every month at Uncle Tom's Cabin in Dundrum, south Dublin (not far from Dundrum Luas station, in the city direction). Shows run from 9.30 to 11.30 p.m. and admission is FREE. If you or someone you know would like to perform at the Cabin Sessions, let Gerry know by e-mail. The Sessions are particularly interested in featuring local musicians and singers.

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09 February 2016

Red Hat Acoustic Music Ciub meets at Naas, 12 Feb. 2016

Thanks to Paul and Anne McEvoy, organisers of the Red Hat Acoustic Music Club, for the news that the Club's next meeting will be held this coming Friday (12 Feb.).

The Red Hat meets on the second Friday of every month at the Harbour Hotel, Naas, Co. Kildare. Music starts around 8.30 p.m.; a donation of €3.00 covers coffee/ tea and sandwiches at the interval.

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Bluegrass band wanted for K-Fest in Killorglin, Co. Kerry, 4 June 2016

Thanks to Wendy Connolly and 'Bluegrass in Ireland' for publishing news from Tim, who books music for K-Fest in Killorglin, Co. Kerry, which is to take place over the June bank holiday weekend (2-6 June 2016). Tim writes:

We are looking for a bluegrass band for Saturday 4 June. We will have a kinda barn set-up with a traditional act followed by bluegrass. If you can help get this message out, great. If anyone is interested they can e-mail with links and a quote.

Wendy adds: 'Man, I hope you jump on this one like a duck on a June bug!'

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Anniversaries in 2016 from the Bluegrass Hall of Fame

The BIB editor writes:

In September this year it will be twenty years since the death of Bill Monroe; three months later, it will be fifty years since the death of Carter Stanley. Go to the website of the International Bluegrass Music Museum: the first image you see will be of these two giant figures of bluegrass history, singing together.

A year ago the BIB drew attention to a new publication chronicling the pioneers of bluegrass music, to whom the International Bluegrass Music Association has given its highest award: The Bluegrass Hall of Fame: inductee biographies 1991-2014, by Fred Bartenstein, Gary Reid, and others. Fourteen members of the pantheon, who either were born or died one or more decades ago, are listed below. The biographies of those marked with an asterisk can be read on the International Bluegrass Music Museum website; other biographies are in process of being added. Even if you have the book, it is worth looking up the website for the different choice of photos there.

*Robert Russell 'Chubby' Wise, 6 Jan. 1996
Ann Louise Certain Scruggs, 2 Feb. 2006
*Charles Keith Wolfe, 9 Feb. 2006
*William Smith 'Bill' Monroe, 9 Sept. 1996
*Burkett Howard 'Josh'/'Buck' Graves, 30 Sept. 2006
*Don Stover, 11 Nov. 1996
*Bill Vernon, 20 Nov. 1996
*Carter Glen Stanley, 1 Dec. 1966
*John Humbird Duffey, 10 Dec. 1996

Ray Elwood Goins (Lonesome Pine Fiddlers), 3 Jan. 1936
*Donald Wesley 'Don' Reno, 21 Feb. 1926
*Nannie Omega 'Miggie' Lewis (Lewis Family), 22 May 1926
*Carl Moore Story, 29 May 1916
*Kenneth Clayton 'Kenny' Baker, 26 June 1926

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08 February 2016

To avoid confusion

Last week the BIB published a post about the Woodbine Bluegrass Jamboree (left), which will be held for the first time on 8-9 July this year to take the place of the venerable Athy Bluegrass Festival (1991-2015). The Jamboree will be hosted by Woodbine, with the Hamilton County Ramblers from Chattanooga, TN, as guests of honour at two evening concerts.

Bluegrass Today published today a feature on the Woodbine Opry (right). To avoid any confusion arising from the similarity of names, the BIB points out that the Opry is held every weekend in Woodbine, GA, with bluegrass and gospel music on Friday nights and old country music on Saturdays, raising funds for the Old Woodbine School.

The Woodbine Opry is just off US Route 17, not very far from the Florida border. The Woodbine Jamboree is just off the N78, not very far from the Laois border. If you're heading for the Jamboree and wish to avoid arriving at the Opry by mistake, take no right turns after leaving the M9.

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07 February 2016

10th Coastline Bluegrass Music Event, North Wales, 3-5 June 2016

The most accessible bluegrass festivals outside this country (unless you're in Ulster) are in Wales - so thanks to John Prytherch, organiser of the Coastline Bluegrass Music Event (CBME), for news of the 10th Event, which will be held on the weekend 3-5 June 2016 in the Pavilion at Llangollen, North Wales.

The complete lineup for this year's CBME is now on the website, with bio details. Topping the bill are Sunnyside from the Czech Republic, with Cup O' Joe from Co. Armagh; and from Britain Flats & Sharps (who headed the Saturday concert at Westport 2015), Tilter Wheel, The Rip Roaring Success, Biggin Hillbillies, Stompin' Dave Allen, and the Appalachian dance teams Feet First and Leap to your Feet.

A definite plus, announced on the CBME Facebook, is that the MC will be Dublin-born Eugene O'Brien, current chairman of the EBMA and former banjo-player with the Sons of Navarone (B). Eugene's MC work is masterly, as anyone who's seen him at it can testify.

The CBME ranks high on the 'best festivals' choices of journals in Britain, including both the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph - two papers that rarely agree on anything else... Tickets can also be booked online, with special provision for campers and BBMA members.

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05 February 2016

Old-time news from the Greasy Coat Stringband

Thanks to Derek Copley of the Greasy Coat Stringband for this news and poster for an upcoming gig in the Back Room of the Cobblestone in Dublin on Thursday 18 February. Derek writes:

The Black Feathers, a duo based in England (though Ray Hughes is from Dublin) will be performing and have asked the Greasy Coat Stringband along for support on the night.

It's a welcome opportunity for the Greasys as we are currently working with a new member and exciting new setlist, as ever deeply rooted in the nuances of traditional old-time fiddle-and-banjo music. We'd love to see some familiar faces - and new ones too - on the night. Doors 9.00 p.m. and tickets €8.

In other old-time news, the Thomas House old-time jam on Monday nights is thriving the past few months, since we decided to convene a little earlier, at 8.00 p.m. All old-time enthusiasts always welcome. There's going to be some drinks promos coming along in early spring too.

That is good news! Look out for some more exciting old-time news in the near future from the Greasy Coats. Meanwhile, the Black Feathers will be playing the following shows in Ireland this month; location data and links to venue websites are on their online tour schedule.

Sat. 13th: Market Place Theatre, Armagh city
Sun. 14th: Lyric Theatre, Belfast
Tues. 16th: The Ruby Sessions, Doyle's, 9 College St., Dublin 2
Thurs. 18th: The Cobblestone, Smithfield, Dublin 7
Fri. 19th: Theatre Royal, Waterford city
Sat. 20th: Glor Theatre, Ennis, Co. Clare

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04 February 2016

Baker's dozen: a new mandolin album by Gerry Madden

Gerry Madden
Thanks to Danny Slevin of Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, for this news of a new recording featuring some of the most talented musicians on the scene here. A particular treat for admirers of Gerry Madden's mandolin playing, it also serves as a memorial to the much missed Vinny Baker, who died in July 2013. Danny, who organised the very successful tribute concert in Vinny's memory at Mullingar in June 2014, writes:

There is a brilliant new album out by Gerry Madden. It was recorded in Vinny's studio and was almost certainly the last album he produced.

The album features some amazing mando playing by Gerry. It also features Charlie Arkins on fiddle, Moyra Fraser on keyboards and accordion, Johnny Gleeson on dobro, and Vinny on guitar. For good measure, there is even a bit of clawhammer banjo by Ger McGrath.

On the last track on the album, you can hear Vinny's voice saying 'Take it from the top.' The words had been edited out but Gerry had a copy of the track on his phone, so they were able to put it back in. Very emotional.

Gerry, who was Vinny's colleague in the successful band Bending the Strings along with Moyra Fraser and Martin Cooney, now plays mandolin with the Waterford-based group Strange Fruit. The BIB will be posting further information on getting hold of the new album.

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03 February 2016

Bands wanted for Fourth of July weekend at Durty Nelly's

The BIB editor reports:

Wendy Connolly's 'Bluegrass in Ireland' Facebook carries an appeal from Paul Clover, manager of the celebrated Durty Nelly's bar (above) at Bunratty, Co. Clare. He is looking for 'American-style bands' to play over the American Independence Day weekend (Sat. 2-Mon. 4 July), and adds:

C'mon, folks! Don't let 4th July go by without some real bluegrass and Americana at this fine establishment! It'd be as unthinkable as going the day without fried chicken and corn-on-the-cob! Oil up those fingers and get pickin'!

In our experience, Durty Nelly's is a very welcoming place, which has hosted some fine music during successive events at Bunratty. Bands wishing to play there should 'phone Paul at 061 364861.

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2 Stroke String Sessions resume in Ranelagh, 6 Feb. 2016

Dublin's 2 Stroke String Sessions announce with pleasure that they have found a new home at the Mountpleasant Inn, Ranelagh. The Sessions will be recommencing this coming Saturday (6 Feb.) from 10.30 p.m. till late, and will then continue on the first Saturday of each month thereafter. Admission is free - so you're advised to

Come on down and get an earful of old-time fiddle and banjo tunes and the occasional murder ballad or two.

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Athy's phoenix rises from the ashes

The Athy Bluegrass Festival, Ireland's first and longest-running annual bluegrass music event, has officially come to an end (see its Facebook for 28 Nov. 2015 and the BIB for the same date). The good news is that its place is being taken by the Woodbine Bluegrass Jamboree - and Tony O'Brien is starting the new event (8-9 July 2016) with a bigger bang than we'd expected.

The 'support band' mentioned in November turns out to be the Hamilton County Ramblers, based in Chattanooga, TN, and including Jim Pankey on banjo. Many will remember Jim from four years ago with Chuck and Susan Nation in the band led by former Blue Grass Boy Curtis Blackwell (see the BIB for 9 Mar. 2012). Banjo players are likely to be familiar with the wealth of instructional material he has on YouTube, both in three-finger and clawhammer styles. The video of the Ramblers which Tony posted yesterday as a foretaste of July is also from Jim's YouTube channel.

The Hamilton County Ramblers: (l-r) Josh Hixson, Roy Curry,
James Kee, Jim Pankey, John Boulware

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02 February 2016

A hot two nights in Belfast: tonight and tomorrow

Tonight and tomorrow night should be a very satisfying time for bluegrass enthusiasts in Belfast and the surrounding area: tonight (Tues. 2 Feb.) there's the usual Belfast Bluegrass monthly session, upstairs at Errigle Inn, 312-320 Ormeau Rd, Belfast, from 9.00 p.m., to which all are welcome.

Tomorrow night (Wed. 3 Feb.) the powerful and exciting band Jeff Scroggins & Colorado (USA) will be providing high altitude bluegrass from the Rocky Mountains in the Sunflower Pub, 65 Union St., Belfast. Doors open at 8.00 p.m., and admission is £10.00. This is a Belfast Bluegrass production. For further information, 'phone 07779 721643 or e-mail.

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01 February 2016

John Denby teaches mandolin in the Dublin area

For anyone wanting to learn mandolin in the Dublin region: John Denby, one of the most dynamic mandolinists to have appeared on the scene here in the last few years, is available to give mandolin lessons in bluegrass, folk, country, rock 'n' roll, bluesy styles, and basic trad - he also plays tenor banjo.

Since early 2012 John has been a full member of the Down and Out Bluegrass Band; the photo shows him in full-dress Down and Out uniform. His playing in field jams during the 24th North Wales Bluegrass Festival in July 2012 earned him a special spot on the main concert stage. In 2013 he and Hugh Taggart accompanied Roni Stoneman during her visit to Ireland. In 2014 John became a founder member of the New Breadwinners, and with both bands he has played all over Ireland and toured in Europe.

Contact John by mobile (085 185 9287) or e-mail.

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Your banjo (and you) can be part of history

As the BIB announced three weeks ago (11 Jan.), Roni Stoneman (left), First Lady of the 5-String Banjo, will return to Ireland this summer, combining a friendly visit with select performances, including (as in 2013) a show at the Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival in June.

As any banjo-player knows, travelling with a professional bluegrass banjo in a hard-shell case can be hard on one's hands, arms, and back; and Roni would be glad to leave her bow-tie Mastertone 'warhorse' (see photo) at home if she could count on being able to use a decent banjo in Ireland for about a month - from late May to late June.

Hiring instruments is not as common here as in the US but isn't unknown, and that option will be explored. Meanwhile - if you have a good banjo that you keep as a reserve, or are otherwise not constantly using, give some thought to the idea of being able to say that it has been played by a historic figure in bluegrass: the first woman to be recorded playing Scruggs-style banjo, one of the stars of a long-running TV series, and daughter of one of the first major American old-time recording artists. Drop the BIB editor an e-mail if the idea appeals.

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