31 October 2013

Moniaive festival website: a new look

C. Paul 'Dobroman' Lyttle, organiser of the annual Moniaive Michaelmas Bluegrass Festival in Scotland, announces that the festival has a new home page, with the Broken Strings Band from east Ulster in the banner photograph (above).

The Moniaive bluegrass festival is also known as 'The Wee European World of Bluegrass Festival'. This year (27-29 Sept. 2013) it featured two bands from Scotland, three from Ireland, and one (Stringcaster) from the Netherlands. Videos of all six bands in performance can be seen on the festival website, including a blistering instrumental by Cup o' Joe.

Paul also sends a reminder that festival attenders who complete and send in their reply to a survey by 30 November may win two tickets to next year's event.

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The First Lady of Old-Time Banjo: born 31 Oct. 1878

The BIB editor writes:

This year Ireland had the pleasure of a visit from Roni Stoneman, First Lady of Banjo - a title Roni earned by being the first woman player of bluegrass banjo to be recorded, on the first bluegrass LP ever released.

Today (31 October) is the 135th anniversary of the birth of Samantha Bumgarner (née Biddix) of Jackson County, North Carolina, who at the age of 45 went with her friend Eva Davis to the Columbia studios in New York in April 1924 and recorded twelve or fourteen songs and tunes with fiddle and banjo, four of which were not released. They thus became the first female American rural musicians to make commercial recordings, and 'Aunt' Samantha has been reckoned as the first Appalachian musician of either sex* to record with a 5-string banjo ('classical' and ragtime 5-string players had, of course, been doing it for decades). Several of the Columbia recordings can be heard on YouTube; none of them, however, appeared on the historic Harry Smith anthology or the recent Smithsonian CD Classic banjo. She performed at Bascom Lamar Lunsford's Mountain Dance and Folk Festival in Asheville, NC, for thirty years from its foundation in 1929, and in the 1930s made a further mark on banjo history when her playing impressed the teenaged Pete Seeger. She continued to play till shortly before her death in 1960.

Several photos of Samantha Bumgarner are on the internet; one I particularly like, from the Southern Folklife Collection, can be seen here.

Other useful sources are 'A banjo on her knee — Part I: Appalachian women and America’s first instrument', by Susan A. Eacker and Geoff Eacker, published in Old Time Herald magazine; a 2009 article by Wayne Bledsoe in the Knoxville News; 'Samantha Bumgarner records the first banjo record ever', posted by Dave Tabler earlier this year on the Appalachian History website; biographies of Samantha Bumgarner and Eva Davis on the Bluegrass Messengers website; and a well illustrated article by Eric Brightwell on his Amoeblog.

Update: an article by Richard Thompson - featuring a YouTube video of one of the 1924 recordings, 'Shout Lou', an instrumental complete with dance calls - is on Bluegrass Today.

*Update 31 Dec. 2016: According to Bob Carlin (p. 144 of his Banjo: an illustrated history), Land Norris of Georgia recorded some weeks before Samantha Bumgarner.

*Update 24 Aug. 2017: See Jody Stecher's detailed criticism of the Eackers' 'A banjo on her knee' in Old Time Herald, viii, no. 4 (summer 2002), pp 3-6, in which he points out that Fiddlin' John Carson and the Virginia Reelers recorded with banjo in March 1924, and argues that Eva Davis should be considered coequal with Samantha Bumgarner.

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30 October 2013

For folkies - and others

Paul Lee of the Musiclee.ie agency reports that his Folk the Recession package will be at the Mermaid Arts Centre, Bray, Co. Wicklow, on Thursday 31 October, beginning at 8.00 p.m.; tickets €18/€16; 'phone 01 2724304.

The lineup comprises five well-known folk artists, Eleanor Shanley, Frankie Lane, Paul Kelly, Brendan Begley, and Mike Hanrahan, who can be seen on YouTube; the repertoire includes songs by writers ranging from Marty Robbins, Tom Paxton, Jesse Winchester, Tommy Scott, and Joni Mitchell to Johnny Cash, Stephen Foster, Chuck Berry, Stockton's Wing, and Woody Guthrie, together with original arrangements of traditional tunes.


Veteran acoustic-music promoter Tom Stapleton is delighted to announce the following dates two weeks from now with the legendary Sweeney's Men

Fri. 15th: Town Hall, Galway, 8.00 p.m. Tel. 091 569777
Sat. 16th: The Set, Kilkenny, 8.00 p.m. Tel. 056 7721728

Tickets can be booked at the venues, or by texting or phoning Tom at 087 2238040. The BIB editor notes:

Andy Irvine, Johnny Moynihan, and Terry Woods were the first people in Ireland that I heard singing and playing American traditional and old-time music.

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High Plains Tradition visit - and more

Thanks to Ray O'Brien for this news from Steve Gilmore, guitarist of the magnificent Colorado band High Plains Tradition, who will be back in Ireland for the third time in January 2014 (see the BIB post for 23 September 2013).

Steve reports that his son Martin Gilmore will be coming over with HPT. Martin is lead singer and guitarist for another Colorado band, Long Road Home. which features many top-class musicians including Pete Wernick ('Dr Banjo'); Gene Libbea of the Nashville Bluegrass Band played bass for them till about a year ago, and still does whenever they are near where he is. In this YouTube video of Long Road Home playing 'Ninety-nine years', Pete Wernick is on banjo, his Hot Rize colleague Nick Forster is on bass, and Martin is singing the demanding lead vocal.

The band's tour schedule in Ireland is on their website tour page, on the BIB post for 23 September, and on the BIB calendar.

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29 October 2013

News digest #36

Events in the coming week (from the BIB calendar; please check the 'Weekly sessions' section of the calendar as well)

Thurs. 31st: The Cabin Sessions, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Dundrum, Dublin 14: the Cabin House Band - Spats Davenport (gtr), Con Butler (bs), Gerry Fitzpatrick (dob), Cathy McEvoy (f), and Christian Volkmann (hca) - with special guests the Sacre Blues Band (French swing), Cathal Cusack, Pat Killalea, and Kevin Cray (folk), and Marion McEvoy (contemporary folk); 9.30-11.30 p.m., adm. free

Fri. 1st: Knotty Pine String Band, Down Arts Centre, Downpatrick, Co. Down, 8.00 p.m.

Tues. 5th: Belfast Bluegrass Session, the Errigle Inn, 312-320 Ormeau Rd, Belfast BT7 2GE; begins 8.30 p.m.; 028 9064 1410; e-mail

NB: towards the end of next week, tours in Ireland by Southern Tenant Folk Union (GB) and The Tillers (USA) begin; see the BIB calendar for full details.

Other news

Thanks to Loudon Temple of the UK agency Brookfield Knights for the news that Hillfolk Noir (USA; see image, left), who were on tour here this summer, plan to be back in these islands between 11 July and 3 August 2014, inclusive. Brookfield Knights will be glad to hear from promoters and event organisers who would be interested in putting the band on in that time-frame. Loudon adds:

... we've had quite a week here at Brookfield-Knights / Bloodygreatpr HQ with terrific radio exposure for Rayna Gellert's fabulous new release [...] and tracks by Woody Pines, the Abramson Singers, the Harmed Brothers, Raina Rose and Cam Penner all winning attention from radio too. With the Locust Honey String Band on tour over here for the first time, it was superb to receive a glowing report from artistic director Conor Malone at Balor Arts Centre in Co. Donegal after they kicked things off there in fine style...

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28 October 2013

Niall at Grey Fox showcase, WOB 2013

Thanks to Niall Toner, to the photographer Darwin Davidson, and to Mary Burdette, assistant director of the renowned Grey Fox Bluegrass Festival in the US, for this photo of Niall and Friends making a showcase performance in the Grey Fox Bluegrass Festival suite at IBMA's World of Bluegrass 2013 in Raleigh, NC, a month ago.

Shown in action are (l-r) Richie Foley (slightly hidden) of Lands End on mandolin; Niall, guitar; Dan Mahoney, dobro; and multi-award-winning Missy Raines, bass. At the door, Niall's wife Moira; on the couch, Martino Coppo, member of the EBMA board and mandolinist/ lead singer of Red Wine.

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25 October 2013

Country music history portrayed during Ireland Immersion Weekend in Tennessee

Thanks to GoodStuff PR for the news that Ireland Immersion Weekend (15-17 Nov. 2013), presented by the Irish Gift organisation in Brentwood, Tennessee, will feature 'a full spectrum of Irish culture for those interested in immersing themselves in what Ireland has to offer', including

music, dance, Gaelic language instruction, authentic food and drink flown in from Ireland, along with demonstrations on how to prepare the meals yourself, lessons on how to play traditional Irish instruments and dance, Conamara ponies...

And there will be a production of The mockingbird sings, 'a play with music about the birth of country music', portraying historic and fictional characters in the setting of the Bristol Sessions of 1927. Read the full details here.

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24 October 2013

And the news keeps coming...

Thanks to Geraint and Deb Jones of G Promo PR for the confirmed schedule of a two-week tour in these islands (2-15 Nov.) by neo-old-time band The Tillers from Cincinnati, OH, who are getting very favourable reviews. The tour, which supports their new CD Hand on the plow, includes six dates with Pokey LaFarge (USA) - none of which, however, are in Ireland. The Irish dates in the tour, as shown on the BIB calendar, are:

Fri. 8th Nov.: The Red Room, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone
Sat. 9th: The Spirit Store, Dundalk, Co. Louth
Sun. 10th: Crane Lane Theatre, Cork city

Everyone who enjoyed the Curtis Blackwell Bluegrass Band (led by Curtis, a former member of Bill Monroe's Blue Grass Boys), who toured here in June 2012, will be glad of the news from bassist Susan Nation that multi-instrumentalist Chuck Nation has won the 2013 Georgia State Fiddle Championship. Congratulations! More details and photos are on the Nation & Blackwell band's website, which also has 44 photos taken on last year's tour in Ireland.

Current merchandise offers include discounts on downloads of instructional DVDs from Homespun Tapes; specials on acclaimed bluegrass instrumental albums on Pinecastle; and a series of weekly specials on instruments, strings, books, etc., from PlayBetterBluegrass.com.

Thanks to Roger Ryan of the Country Music Association of Ireland for the latest issue of his 'Country Cuts' column, with advance news of Brendan Kehoe's record recital on the Grand Ole Opry in Cork City Library on 1 Nov. at 11.00 a.m., Dolly Parton's tour in Europe next summer, and other coming events. Find it all here.

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Win Lowering the tone with 'Bluegrass in Ireland'!

Thanks to Ray O'Brien for this news of a prize competition Ray is running on his Bluegrass in Ireland Facebook: some lucky reader can win Lowering the tone, the new debut CD by the Down and Out Bluegrass Band.

The CD has just been released, and is available from the band at live shows; there are plans to release it online soon on the DOBB website. ONE signed copy can be won in the next few days - and to enter, all you have to do is to LIKE and SHARE Ray's post about the competition. The winner will be announced on Monday evening (28 October).

Update 28 Oct.: Ray announces the winner - Kathleen Doran.

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23 October 2013

'Bluegrass Comes to Town' at Cookstown, 25 Oct. 2013

Thanks to Declan O'Kane of the Knotty Pine String Band (left) for this news:

After a great show in the Island Arts Centre on Friday 11th, the 'Bluegrass Comes to Town' show moves on to the Burnavon Theatre, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, this Friday (25 October). The show features the Knotty Pine String Band and the Down and Out Bluegrass Band in an evening of great bluegrass and Americana.

The show starts at 8.00 p.m. There are still some tickets at £10 available at the box office. Contact 028 86766949.

Friday 1 November sees the Knotty Pine String Band in concert at the Downpatrick Arts Centre at 8.00 p.m.

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22 October 2013

News extra!

Niall Toner Band for Merlefest 2014
    *European Bluegrass Personality of the Year 2012
    *Most downloaded folk/bluegrass CD to worldwide radio on AirPlay Direct
    *His song 'Lonely souls and broken hearts' featured in ABC drama 'Nashville' and in 'Haven', TV drama based on Stephen King's novel The Colorado Kid
    *His instrumental 'A real reel' featured in Grand Theft Auto IV
    *His songs recorded by Bill Wyman, Albert Lee, Nashville Bluegrass Band, Special Consensus, etc....
Now see Niall and his band - five performances at MerleFest 2014!

Saturday 26 April, 10.45 a.m. Creekside Stage
Saturday 26 April, 11.45 a.m. Mayes-Pit Cohn Auditorium
Saturday 26 April, 1.45 p.m. Cabin Stage
Saturday 26 April, 8.30 p.m. Autograph A

Sunday 27 April, 11.45 a.m. Americana Stage

Further information: Make Welcome Entertainment; Niall Toner Band

Thanks to Roger Ryan of the Country Music Association of Ireland for the news that multi-award-winning steel-guitar player Jay Dee Maness (USA) will perform at a special concert in the City Library, Cork, TOMORROW (Wed. 24 Oct.) at 1.00 p.m., following his appearance as featured star at the Irish Steel Guitar Festival in the Green Isle Hotel, Dublin, last weekend. Ray Barron of Two Time Polka will also be there on mandolin. Roger apologises for the short notice, but being able to arrange the Cork show was a unique opportunity.

Maness has worked with many artists, among whom those most likely to be known to BIB readers include Earl Scruggs, Rose Maddox, Chris Hillman, and the Desert Rose Band.

The updated schedule of forthcoming events at the Seamus Ennis Cultural Centre in Naul, Co. Dublin (including the Southern Tenant Folk Union concert on Sat. 9 Nov.) can be seen here. Other shows in the STFU tour are listed on the BIB calendar.

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21 October 2013

Dangem Bluegrass Get-Together at Lisburn, 26 Oct. 2013 - and more

Thanks to Derek Lockhart for the latest e-newsletter from Dangem Bluegrass, announcing that the monthly Bluegrass Get-Together at Lisburn Island Arts Centre will be held this coming Saturday (26 October), from 10.00 a.m. to noon. As usual, players of all the bluegrass instruments, or those who just want to listen, are welcome. The usual schedule will be followed. Full details are on the e-newsletter and the Dangem website.

Derek also sends a reminder that the next Belfast Bluegrass Session will be held on Tuesday 5 Nov., from 8.30 p.m. to 'who knows', at the Errigle Inn, 312-320 Ormeau Road, Belfast BT7 2GE; 028 9064 1410; e-mail.

Finally, announcing with great regret the sad news of the passing of Sam Todd in the last few weeks, Derek adds:

We will miss you Sam and your smiling face and friendly chat and banter. We will play one for you this Saturday.

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20 October 2013

New weekly bluegrass session in Waterford

Thanks to Ray O'Brien for the news: there is now a new weekly bluegrass session in Waterford city.

Southern Welfare (the photo shows the band in a 2009 configuration and venue) and Hugh Taggart (right) from Dublin are in residence at Nicky's Bar, Mayors Walk, Waterford city, every Tuesday from 9.00 p.m. All bluegrass musicians/singers are welcome to join in.

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19 October 2013

Events in the next week

From the BIB calendar (please check also the 'Weekly sessions' section of the calendar, and note the Two Time Polka gigs in the separate post below):

Sat. 19th-Sun. 20th: Irish Steel Guitar Association Festival, Green Isle Hotel, Dublin

Wed. 23rd: Locust Honey String Band (USA), Balor Theatre, Ballybofey, Co. Donegal

Thurs. 24th: Locust Honey String Band (USA), Sligo Live Festival, Sligo town

Fri. 25th: 'Bluegrass goes to town': concert with Down and Out Bluegrass BandKnotty Pine String Band, Burnavon Theatre, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone
Locust Honey String Band (USA), Sligo Live Festival, Sligo town

Fri. 25th-Mon. 28th: 5th Balla Bluegrass Festival, Mannion's and Olde Woods, Main St., Balla, Co. Mayo: Banjaxed Bluegrass Band, Bending the Strings, Colonel Bullshot Rides Again, Howling Crimes, Rocky Top String Band, Woodbine

Sat. 26th: Locust Honey String Band (USA), Sligo Live Festival, Sligo town

Sun. 27th: Locust Honey String Band (USA), The John Hewitt, Donegall St., Belfast (afternoon)
Locust Honey String Band (USA), The Red Room, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone (evening)

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17 October 2013

Locust Honey in the Open House Folk Club

The Open House Festival team in Belfast announce that the Open House Folk Club will present the Locust Honey String Band from North Carolina, 'all-girl old-time folk music with... heart breakin' country harmonies and raging old-time fiddle tunes', with doors opening at 2.00 p.m. on Sunday 27 October 2013 at the John Hewitt, 51 Donegall St., Belfast BT1 2FH. Tel. 028 9023 3768; Tickets £5, available online. All ages and families are welcome. Bio and other details are on the Open House e-newsletter.

This is the penultimate show in a brief tour beginning on Wednesday next week at Ballybofey, Co. Donegal, with the intervening three dates forming part of the Sligo Live Festival. The Open House Folk Club show is an early-afternoon one so that the Locust Honey String Band can travel for their evening performance to the Red Room, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone - a good way to end (or begin) any tour.

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Guest review: Greg Deering Signature banjo bridge

Thanks to Dublin banjoist Conor Daly, who writes:

I just got this bridge this morning and thought I'd write up a review. I sold my Stelling a few weeks ago and have been fixing up a Deering Goodtime Special that I've had lying around. Still not particularly happy with the sound, I decided to order this Greg Deering Signature bridge which is available from Eagle Music in the UK.

I don't think I've ever come across such a great-sounding bridge before. He uses only the densest maple to craft these ebony-topped bridges. The sound can only be described as full, powerful, and punchy but not overly so. There is enough sweetness amongst the overall sound to make it pleasant to listen to for even the most discerning ears. As someone who obsesses over good banjo setup, this has really brought it alive and is one of a number of high-quality bridges being marketed at the moment that can really bring out the full potential of virtually any banjo.

I've tried a few down through the years and this one really stands out. At £30 a go they are not cheap but worth every penny. If your banjo is suffering from a distinct lack of tone, volume, and overall gutsiness, this could be just what it needs.

The picture shows the bridge as it appears on the Eagle online catalogue, which offers it in 5/8" height; it is also made in 11/16".

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Deadline for EWOB 2014 application: 1 Dec. 2013

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-jCEmZhxK5hQ/Ul78NxxolZI/AAAAAAAABHM/JtrB64X7o48/s1600/ewob-logo-763061.jpgThe 17th European World of Bluegrass Festival (EWOB) will be held on 29-31 May 2014 at 't Trefpunt, Voorthuizen, in the central Netherlands. Starting from the very first EWOB festival, bands from Ireland have played there - Carmel Sheerin & the Ravens won the #1 European Bluegrass Band award in 2005. If your band wants to take part in the coming event, the absolute deadline for applications is 1 Dec.

Full details for application are on the EWOB website; the Festival is also on Facebook.

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16 October 2013

Detached notes

Another of the true pioneers of bluegrass music has gone, with the death a week ago (10 Oct.) of Jim Shumate of North Carolina, who was almost 92 but kept fire and grace in his playing into his nineties. An announcement appeared on Bluegrass Today, which subsequently published a major feature on him by Richard Thompson. The Prescription Bluegrass Blog reports his funeral on Sunday 13 Oct.

Jim Shumate was one of a generation of young fiddlers influenced by the long-bow style of Fiddlin' Arthur Smith. His place in bluegrass history is assured, and not just by his personal character and the quality of his playing: he was responsible for introducing Earl Scruggs to Bill Monroe & the Blue Grass Boys in 1945, played later with the Stanley Brothers, and was the first fiddler to record with Flatt & Scruggs in 1948.

Back from the USA, Niall Toner plays solo at Treacy's Hotel, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford, on Friday 18 Oct. His performances at IBMA's World of Bluegrass 2013 form part of the latest e-newsletter from Make Welcome Entertainment.

The updated schedule of events up to 27 Oct. at the Seamus Ennis Cultural Centre, Naul, Co. Dublin, can be seen here.

On 11 Oct. Bluegrass in Ireland published a message from John Lowell (USA), whose band will be playing in Germany next April and May, and would welcome the opportunity of touring in Ireland in the week 12-19 May 2014. The band consists of Tom Murphy (mandolin), Julie Elkins (banjo), Ben Somers (bass) and John (guitar). They can be seen and heard in action on YouTube here and here.

John, whose lead guitar work is both powerful and lyrical, also plays in the (sometimes augmented) duo Growling Old Men with Ben Winship (mandolin). He can be contacted by e-mail.

A forthcoming tour in these islands next summer by the Hot Seats (USA) was mentioned on the BIB on 24 Aug. 2013. Thanks to the Brookfield Knights agency (UK) for the news that the terminal dates for the tour are now 16 July-3 August instead of those earlier announced.

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15 October 2013

Balla Bluegrass Festival, 25-28 Oct. 2013

The BIB editor reports:

The 5th Balla Bluegrass Festival, beginning on Friday week and extending over the bank holiday weekend, winds up the 2013 festival season. The attractive new website commemorates the late and much missed Vinny Baker with the above picture of Hard Station, and includes photos from earlier years, a guide to accommodation in Balla, and - most important - the full lineup and schedule.

Mayo's own Rocky Top String Band (shown below) open the proceedings at 8.00 p.m. on Friday evening at Mannion's; the Banjaxed Bluegrass Band play at the Olde Woods that night at 10.30 and the following night at 8.00; Woodbine follow the same pattern on Saturday and Sunday nights in Mannion's; Bending the Strings play the late show in the Olde Woods on Sunday, and Colonel Bullshot Rides Again play a 7.00 p.m. show in Mannion's on Monday. Added to which, there will be banjo, fiddle, and mandolin workshops on Sunday at 4.00 p.m., followed by Howling Crimes playing instruments they made themselves. AND an autoharp will be raffled during the weekend.

Woodbine always have a good time at Balla (though we work hard for it), and all bluegrass fans who can get there should go!

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13 October 2013

The Cabin Sessions, 31 Oct. 2013

Gerry Fitzpatrick announces the Thursday 31 October show in the Cabin Sessions series, 'Acoustic Music at its Finest', at Uncle Tom's Cabin in south Dublin (not far from Dundrum Luas station in the city direction).

This month features the Cabin House Band - Spats Davenport (guitar), Con Butler (bass), Gerry Fitzpatrick (dobro), Cathy McEvoy (fiddle), and Christian Volkmann (harmonica) - with special guests the Sacre Blues Band (French swing), Cathal Cusack, Pat Killalea, and Kevin Cray (folk), and Marion McEvoy (contemporary folk).

The show runs from 9.30 to 11.30 p.m., and admission is free. If you or someone you know would like to perform at the Cabin Sessions, let Gerry know by e-mail. The Sessions are particularly interested in featuring local musicians and singers.

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Gretchen Peters in Ireland, 16-26 Oct. 2013

Thanks to Nigel Martyn of the Old Flattop agency for the news that Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter Gretchen Peters (USA) will arrive in Ireland on 15 October for an eleven-day tour. Contact Nigel (+44 7545 020938; e-mail) for media opportunities or CDs for airplay.

Though not bluegrass, Peters is very highly regarded among her fellow songwriters and her guitar playing is not just an accompaniment to her voice but an essential part of a musical whole. The tour dates are as follows:

Wed. 16th: The Pavilion, Cork city; 021 427 6230
Thurs. 17th: Dolan's Warehouse, Limerick city; 061 314483
Fri. 18th: Set Theatre, Kilkenny city; 056 772 1778
Sat. 19th: Island Theatre, Lisburn, Co. Antrim; 028 92 509254
Mon. 21st: Barry's, Grange, Co. Sligo; 071 917 3111
Wed. 23rd: Town Hall Theatre, Galway city; 091 569777
Thurs. 24th: Flowerfield Arts Centre, Portstewart, Co. Londonderry; 028 70 831400
Fri. 25th: Pavilion Theatre, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin; 01 231 2929
Sat. 26th: Regional Cultural Centre, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal; 074 91 20777

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11 October 2013

It’s gonna be a BIG! [Dunmore East, that is]

Thanks to Karen Cheevers of B2B communications for this announcement:

Plans are underway for the 20th Guinness International Dunmore East Bluegrass Festival which will take place on 21, 22, 23, and 24 August 2014.

This year's Dunmore East Bluegrass Festival was a huge success, but it wouldn’t have been the success it was without the fantastic and loyal support of:

Festival sponsors
Ambulance Service
Waterford County Council
Security services
The Committee
Local and regional media

We are excited about the programme we are putting together for what will be a milestone festival in 2014 celebrating 20 years of hoopin’, hollerin’, pickin’ and clawin’, in the beautiful picturesque village of Dunmore East, Co. Waterford.

All of our local hostelries - the Strand Inn, the Haven Hotel, the Spinnaker, the Ocean Hotel, Powers Bar, and Azzurro - are lined up to showcase some of the best national and international bluegrass artists and bands.

Bands / artists: If you want to be part of this fantastic bluegrass festival, get in touch by e-mail.

Sponsors: If you want your brand to be associated with one of Ireland’s best music festivals, drop a line to bluegrass@eircom.net to see the sponsorship packages that are available to suit you. For more information check out www.discoverdunmore.com.

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10 October 2013

New gigs this coming weekend

When news digest #35 appeared on the BIB two days ago, the coming weekend already looked fairly lively. Two further gigs have now been added to the post and the BIB calendar.

Prison Love (above; photo by courtesy of the Bluegrass Correctional Institution) will be back in action tomorrow night, Friday 11 October, with a free-admission show on the ground-floor stage in Sweeney’s of Dame St., Dublin 2, starting at midnight. Thanks to Mark 'Marko' O'Mahony (second from left above) for the news.

And thanks to Ray O'Brien for the welcome news that Southern Welfare will be playing on Sunday 13 October from 7.00 to 9.00 p.m. in Nicky's Bar, Mayor's Walk, Waterford city - another free-admission show.

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08 October 2013

Southern Tenant Folk Union back in Ireland, 7-16 Nov. 2013

Friends and fans of Southern Tenant Folk Union (GB), who took part in last month's Appalachian and Bluegrass Music Festival at the Ulster American Folk Park, Omagh, Co. Tyrone, will be glad to know that they will be back in Ireland next month on a ten-day tour. The dates are outlined below; the band have more details on their online tour schedule, and expect to add more in due course, so you are advised to keep checking the website.

Thurs. 7th: Town Hall, Bangor, Co. Down, 7.30 p.m., 028 9127 0371

Fri. 8th: Christchurch cathedral, Waterford city, 7.30 p.m.

Sat. 9th: Seamus Ennis Cultural Centre, Naul, Co. Dublin, €16, 7.30 p.m., +353 (0)1 802 0898

Sun. 10th: Murphy’s Bar, Low St., Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny, adm. free; 7.00 p.m., +353 56 772 4160

Mon. 11th: Crane Lane Theatre, Phoenix St., Cork city, adm. free, 11.00 p.m.; 021 427 8487

Tues. 12th: St John’s Theatre, the Square, Listowel, Co. Kerry, 7.30 p.m., 068 22566

Wed. 13th: Allihies Mining Museum, Allihies, Beara, Co. Cork, 7.30 p.m.

Thurs. 14th: De Barra's, 55 Pearse St., Clonakilty, Co. Cork, 7.30 p.m.; +353 (0)23 883 3381

Fri. 15th: Carnegie Arts Centre, Shelbourne St., Kenmare, Co. Kerry, 7.30 p.m.; 064 66 48701

Sat. 16th: Upstairs at Dolan’s, Dock Rd, Limerick city, 7.30 p.m., €12 (students €8); box office (061) 314 483 EXT1, venue (061) 314 483

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News digest #35

Events in the coming week (from the BIB calendar; please check the 'Weekly sessions' section of the calendar as well)

Fri. 11th: 'Bluegrass goes to town': concert with Down and Out Bluegrass Band, Knotty Pine String Band, Island Arts Centre, Lisburn, Co. Antrim
Stompin' Dave Allen (GB), Colfer's, Carrig-on-Bannow, Co. Wexford
Kay & Patrick Crouch (Strictly Clean and Decent), Milan Miller, Tall Paul, Kristie BobalKevin Leftwich (all USA): Sirius Arts Centre, Cobh, Co. Cork, 8.00 p.m.
Watery Hill Boys launch new album Somebody's been usin' that thing, Droichead Arts Centre, Stockwell St., Drogheda, Co. Louth; 8.30 p.m.; free CD for everyone in audience; booking online
Red Hat Acoustic Music Club: First Anniversary Celebration, Harbour Hotel, Naas, Co. Kildare; 8.30 p.m.; all welcome
Prison Love, ground floor, Sweeney’s, Dame St., Dublin 2, midnight; adm. free

Sat. 12th: Stompin' Dave Allen (GB) at the Cork Folk Festival: 9.30 p.m, An Spailpin Fánach, supporting I Draw Slow; 10.00 p.m.-2.00 a.m.: Festival Club at the Imperial Hotel, also featuring many other artists plus trad Irish session with Cuas (Méabh Ní Bheaglaoich, Liam Stapleton, Matt Griffin)

Sun. 13th: Stompin' Dave Allen (GB) at the Cork Folk Festival: 11.45 p.m.: Crane Lane Theatre; end-of-festival party, with Hot Guitars
Southern Welfare, Nicky's Bar, Mayor's Walk, Waterford city, 7.00-9.00 p.m., adm. free

Other news

Paul Lee of Musiclee.ie announces that Session Americana (USA) + Kate O'Callaghan will be playing on Thursday 10 October at Whelan's Upstairs, Dublin 2, 8.30 p.m. Tickets €15 at the door, €13 reserved online.

Session Americana consists of Ry Cavanaugh (guitar, mandolin), Dinty Child (pump organ, mandocello), Jim Fitting (harmonica), Billy Beard (suitcase drum kit), Kimon Kirk (bass), Laura Cortese (fiddle), and Matt Malikowski (engineer). The band will also be playing these other dates in Ireland:
Wed. 9th: The Red Room, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, 8.00 p.m.
Fri. 11th: Wexford Arts Centre, Wexford town
Sat. 12th: Monroes Live, Galway city
Sun. 13th: Dolan's, Limerick city, 9.00 p.m.

Thanks to Paul & Anne McEvoy for the news that the Red Hat Acoustic Music Club will hold its First Anniversary Celebration at the Harbour Hotel, Naas, Co. Kildare, on Friday 11 Oct. at 8.30 p.m.; all are welcome. Congratulations to the Club on passing this milestone!

The magnificent International Bluegrass Music Museum (IBMM) at Owensboro, KY (which has always taken its 'International' dimension very seriously) launches a new benefit concert series with award-winning band Town Mountain on Sun. 20 Oct. 2013 at 7.00 p.m. The price of admission ($20 each, two for $35) includes food, craft beers, and wine selections. Moreover, the first 120 ticket buyers to this concert will be automatically enrolled in the IBMM's Bluegrass Insiders Club and get 24-hour advance e-mail notice of all future concerts. Gabrielle Gray, the IBMM's director, adds:

We're getting vamped up for our move into the new and what-will-be-amazing International Bluegrass Music Center, where we'll have many concerts. Get on the Inside now, and 'stay tuned!'

Roger Ryan of the Country Music Association of Ireland announces that Two Time Polka will be back at the Rockies Club, Church Rd, Blackrock, Cork, on Sat. 26 Oct. (the bank holiday weekend). Roger adds: 'As usual at the Rockies, entry is FREE, and some excellent food will be served.'

The schedule of music events in October and November at the Seamus Ennis Cultural Centre in Naul, Co. Dublin, can be seen here. Though the show by Grandpa Banana (USA) on 11 Oct. has had to be postponed, fans of Southern Tenant Folk Union (GB) will be glad to know that they will be playing at Naul on 9 November, as part of a ten-day tour: see the separate post on this.

TonyTrishka_bannerThanks to Tanya Weliky of ArtistWorks, Inc., the leading online interactive music instruction medium, for the news that Tony Trischka just upgraded his online school with new lessons and special interviews and performances: it now features over 200 video lessons, 3,500 personal video exchanges with students, and interviews and special performances with such figures as Bill Monroe, Pete Seeger, Earl Scruggs, Steve Martin, J.D. Crowe, Jens Kruger, Snuffy Jenkins, Noam Pikelny, Bela Fleck, and many more.

ArtistWorks’ Online Banjo School with Tony Trischka combines hundreds of Tony’s high-definition video lessons with a thriving community of banjo players who can submit practice videos and get personalised video feedback from Trischka himself. These video interactions are visible to the entire community, and all members can learn from every video exchange that takes place on the site. Tony's Online Banjo School gives access to his bottomless well of banjo knowledge for $90 for three months of unlimited access, $150 for six months, and $240 for twelve months.

For a further instalment of Niall Toner's experiences in the USA, with a photo of Niall and supporting musicians on stage at one of the showcase dates he played during IBMA week, see the latest entry on Niall's own blog.

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06 October 2013

Set of picks found at Bruff: owner identified!

The BIB editor reports:

Last night (Sat. 5 Oct.) at the end of the show in Clancy's Bar, Bruff, Co. Limerick, during the second night of the 5th Bruff Bluegrass Festival, my colleagues in Woodbine found a set of picks on a windowsill where we had been playing, and told me, thinking I had left them.

However, I'm currently using a Perfect Touch thumbpick, and the well-worn picks that were found include a metal thumbpick, probably of the Jim Dunlop type shown in the photo. The last person I saw using such a thumbpick was Josh McMurray of the duo Down the Road (USA), who have been touring in Ireland this past week. Whoever these picks belong to, they have been left for safe keeping with the members of the Down and Out Bluegrass Band.

Update: the owner has been identified as Luke Coffey of Well Enough Alone (below, l-r: Martin McWhorter, Luke, Hugh Taggart, in action at Derry's in Bruff on Friday night; photo by Des Butler), thanks to correspondence on Ray O'Brien's 'Bluegrass in Ireland' Facebook page.

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New CD by the Watery Hill Boys to be launched, 11 Oct. 2013

Thanks to Jim MacArdle of the Watery Hill Boys (the link is to their Facebook; see also the link below to their new website) for this good news:

After four months in studio, one month mixing/mastering, and almost three years of prickin' about, the Watery Hill Boys have produced their finest album to date!

To celebrate, we're having a big album launch, with very special guests, in the Droichead Arts Centre, Stockwell St., Drogheda, on Friday 11 October.

Show starts at 8.30 p.m. and there'll be a FREE CD FOR EVERYONE IN THE AUDIENCE! Book your seats online.

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04 October 2013

Kenny Hall, 1923-2013

Laurie Lewis's latest e-newsletter includes the sad news that Kenny Hall (left; photo reproduced from the newsletter) has died - on 18 September, just under a month short of his 90th birthday.

Kenny was a unique musician and a pillar of old-time music on the west coast of the USA, and will be remembered by many over here for his appearances in Ireland with his Sweets Mill String Band in the 1970s. An obituary can be found on the Sing Out! website, and another through a link on the Laurie Lewis newsletter, where there are also videos of Kenny in action, together with Laurie's personal memories.

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Getting into BU - especially for event organisers

The October 2013 issue of Bluegrass Unlimited magazine, with Marty Raybon on the cover (left), includes several items on contributions to the bluegrass world by bands and individuals from Europe (see the European Bluegrass Blog for details).

This issue also carries the annual BU talent directory, and among the listed artists we're glad to see the names of Niall Toner and I Draw Slow. There is also a reminder for festival organisers on p. 71 that the deadline for submitting entries for the annual festival listing, which will appear in the January 2014 issue, is 1 November 2013.

All entries should give the city, state (if in the US) and other location details, the 2014 dates, and the name and postal address of one contact person, together with one e-mail address, one phone number, and one website address. Irish festivals have put up a good showing in previous BU lists, and we hope to see this maintained.

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03 October 2013

Detached notes

The latest e-newsletter from clawhammer-banjo maestro Michael Miles (USA) announces a new play for two actors - 'Way down the road', written by Michael and Robert Myers, and performed by Michael and Shana Harvey. Subtitled 'A musical ride down Route 66', the play is set near the end of the Prohibition era and at the height of the Great Depression, and involves gangsters, the Dust Bowl, a 2,500-mile drive, a car radio playing music from the future, and much more. Read all the details, together with more news, here.

To celebrate the IBMA awards and nominations received by artists on the Compass Records Group roster, there is a 30% discount on their entire catalogue of bluegrass recordings. Read the full details here.

This year's IBMA World of Bluegrass in the new location of Raleigh, NC, seems to have been a great success and generally a very positive experience. Plenty about WOB 2013 has appeared on Bluegrass Today; for instrument freaks, we recommend this post for its video footage from a seminar on vintage instruments chaired by Tony Williamson.

Thanks to Roger Ryan of the Country Music Association of Ireland for the October/November 2013 issue of his 'Country Cuts' newsletter, which can be reached through this link.

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01 October 2013

A bluegrass legend celebrated on film

Herschel Sizemore in a hotel lobby in Nashville during IBMA's World of Bluegrass 2006 (photo: Carol Hawkins)

Thanks to Rick Bowman of Backyard Green Films, maker of the documentary film Mandolin in B, released last month on DVD as a tribute to the great mandolinist Herschel Sizemore (a brief mention of the release appeared on the BIB on 12 September). Rick sends this YouTube link to the trailer for Mandolin in B, and this introductory text:

Bluegrass legend Herschel Sizemore and his wife Joyce were both diagnosed with cancer on the same day in the fall of 2011. On the evening of 19 February 2012, bluegrass stars came out for a special benefit concert in Roanoke, Virginia, and the music community that supported the event captures the spirit of the man being feted. With interviews and performances by the Seldom Scene, David Grisman, Doyle Lawson, the Travelers, Chris Thile, and a special reunion of Del McCoury and the Dixie Pals. This is a lasting tribute to one of the greatest mandolin players of our time.

Rick also sends links to reports and reviews of the release that have appeared in the media: Bluegrass Today, Mandolin Cafe, Cybergrass, and IMDb. We particularly like this passage in the Cybergrass review:

Much of the video is in black and white which really adds to the atmosphere. It has often been said that black and white permits more emotion and in the case of this video, that is most certainly true.

Rick would also be glad to know whether there might be any interest in setting up a screening of the film in Ireland. Ideas and proposals can be sent to him by e-mail.

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