31 December 2015

New album from the Bluestack Mountain Boys

The BIB editor writes:

Thanks to Patrick Simpson for news of the latest album (released in mid December) by the Bluestack Mountain Boys. A good brief description is in the Dublin Bluegrass Collective's announcement:

Happy Crimbles Bluegrass Lovers!!! If any of you want our latest album it's free, just PM your e-mail address to us and we will send you a copy from our Google drive. It's a great mixture of many regular attendees to the weekly jam session in Sin É Dublin every Tuesday. So yes, there are five songs/tunes from the Dublin Bluegrass Collective Band, then there are also members from the brilliant Dublin-based bluegrass bands Well Enough Alone, Pine Marten, and the New Breadwinners, plus a couple of friends, girlfriends, and a daughter for good measure! So for a lovely mixture of real music, just let us know where to send it to and we hope you love it...

A year ago the BIB carried a note on the first BMB album and the new generation of Dublin bluegrass pickers who meet at the Sin É session. This album, like the first, conveys the intensity and conviction of the session, rather than the polish of a studio recording; it could, without injustice, be called 'rough and ready'. But if a choice has to be made between intensity and conviction plus inspiration on one hand, and groomed polish on the other, I'll go along with the BMB.

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County Records, County Sales, and the Irish connection

Many of us use County Sales, based in Floyd, VA, as an essential source of supply for bluegrass and old-time records, DVDs, books, and other goodies; or even simply as a reference resource for finding out what's now available on the market from the immense County catalogue.

The fifty-year history of the remarkable institution that Dave Freeman built can now be read in a feature by Richard Thompson on Bluegrass Today - and there's a hint in it of the connection between Floyd, VA, and Omagh, Co. Tyrone. A 2008 interview with Dave Freeman is quoted to show that County Sales became a full-time business 'by taking over supplying American country LPs to European customers for a British country music magazine (Country News & Views) that had such a service but then lost its USA supplier...'

One of the editors of Country News & Views at that time was Rodney McElrea of Omagh, who should be considered a national treasure by enthusiasts of bluegrass, old-time, and country music generally in this island. Rodney's unique collection of recordings, documents, and other memorabilia, and his equally unique and encyclopaedic personal knowledge of the music's history and the people connected with it, have put his contributions to the Tony McAuley Lectures series among the most memorable features of annual festivals at the Ulster American Folk Park for many years now. His encouragement to Dave Freeman was, we believe, a factor in County's subsequent rise.

County Records are now marking the half-century with a four-CD set, Legends of old-time music (County 6001) with 113 tracks, many previously unissued. Full details are on the County Sales website.

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30 December 2015

Lindsay Lou & the Flatbellys in Ulster, 3-7 Feb. 2016

Lindsay Lou & the Flatbellys (USA), who toured Ireland in early August this year, will be returning five weeks from now for a brief tour in the North, followed by three shows in Britain. The Michigan band will be playing their 'eclectic Americana from the heart of America's Third Coast' in the following venues:

Wed. 3rd Feb.: Space Theatre, SERC, Bangor, Co. Down

Thurs. 4th: Holywood Yacht Club, Holywood, Co. Down

Fri. 5th: The Brown Trout Inn, Aghadowey, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry

Sat. 6th: The Arcadia, East Strand, Portrush, Co. Antrim

Sun. 7th: The Tap Room, Hilden Brewery, Lisburn, Co. Antrim

Links to venue websites and online booking facilities are on the band's tour schedule.

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News of friends in Europe

Dublin-born Eugene O'Brien (left; photo by Ann Janssen), banjo-player for the award-winning Belgian band the Sons of Navarone, has announced on the band's Facebook that he will be leaving the Sons after nearly fourteen years - but not for any bad reasons. He will remain active on the scene, most conspicuously as chairman of the EBMA.

Eugene's place in the Sons will be taken by one of the most respected European bluegrass musicians - Dutch multi-instrumental maestro Paul van Vlodrop, whom BIB readers will remember as banjo-player with 4 Wheel Drive (NL/D/B) on their first visit to Ireland.

Update 11 Jan.: Bluegrass in Belgium reports that the Sons of Navarone's farewell concert for Eugene on 5 Feb. in Brussels has been sold out, so a second concert will be held the following night (Sat. 6 Feb.).
Meanwhile, our friends in another front-rank band from the Continent, Red Wine (I), have received a highly enthusiastic review of their latest album Pickin' friends, written for Bluegrass Today by John Curtis Goad. Read the whole review here. Red Wine will be among the headline acts at the coming year's Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival in Westport, Co. Mayo.

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29 December 2015

Jeff Scroggins & Colorado: Irish tour, 23 Jan.- 4 Feb. 2016

Following on from the BIB post of 10 December, thanks to John Nyhan for a complete tour schedule for the award-winning bluegrass band from Colorado, USA, Jeff Scroggins & Colorado (above), who will be touring in Ireland from 23 January to 4 February 2016, with support on several gigs from the bluegrass/ country duo of their fellow Coloradans Martin Gilmore & Nick Amodeo.

John describes the band in detail: Jeff himself (banjo; far right above), a US National Banjo Champion; Greg Blake (guitar/ vocals; centre), 'an incredible singer and award-winning guitarist'; 21-year-old Tristan Scroggins, Jeff"s son (mandolin/ vocals; second from right) 'a fantastic mandolin player, with a great stage presence'; Ellie Hakanson (fiddle/ vocals; second from left), 'a great fiddle player and singer'; and Isaac Callender (bass/ vocals; far left) 'also an award-winning musician'.

Jan. 2016

23rd & 24th - Shannonside Winter Music Festival, Sixmilebridge and Bunratty, Co. Clare.
Sat. 23rd: Folk Park, Bunratty, 2.00 p.m., 4.00 p.m.; Creamery Bar, Bunratty, 9.30 p.m.
Sun. 24th: Durty Nelly's, Bunratty (main bluegrass concert), 3.00 p.m., tel. 086 8464509; support act: Martin Gilmore & Nick Amodeo

Mon. 25th: Village Arts Centre, Kilworth, Co. Cork, 8.15 p.m., tel. 087 7921771; support act: Martin Gilmore & Nick Amodeo

Tues. 26th: Radio Special, live at 8.30 p.m.; tune in online

Wed. 27th: Schoolyard Theatre, Charleville, Co. Cork, 8.15 p.m., tel. 087 1804870; support act: Martin Gilmore & Nick Amodeo

Thurs. 28th: St John's Theatre, Listowel, Co. Kerry, 8.00 p.m., tel. 068 22566

Fri. 29th: Séamus Ennis Arts Centre, Naul, Co. Dublin, 8.30 p.m.; box office 01 8020898; online booking

Sat. 30th: Pikers Lodge Hotel, Lough Gowna, Co. Cavan, 9.00 p.m., tel. 086 2628567

Sun. 31st: Beehive Bar, Ardara, Co. Donegal, 8.30 p.m., tel. 087 6900714

Feb. 2016

Tues. 2nd: The Main Guard, Sarsfield St., Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, 8.00 p.m., tel. 085 8502289 (a Clonmel Folk Club presentation)

Wed. 3rd: The Sunflower Pub, 65 Union St., Belfast; doors 8.00 p.m., tel. 07779 721643 (Belfast Bluegrass)

Thurs. 4th: Colfers Pub, Carrig-on-Bannow, Co. Wexford, 9.00 p.m., tel. 051 561159

For further details on any of the above, tel. 087 792 1771 or e-mail John.

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Wookalily: a good 2015 and more to come

Thanks to Wookalily, who send Christmas greetings to the world after a year that's been a very good one for them. See an even nicer image on their Facebook, where you can also sign up for their e-newsletter, with loads more information. 'Kick out the jams', a 25-minute session they recorded for Northern Vision TV, can be seen on Vimeo.

The band now comprises Adele Ingram (guitar, banjo, mandolin, bvs), Louise Potter (drums, percussion, bvs), Lyndsay Crothers (lead vocals, guitar, electric bass, percussion, djembe), Sharon Morgan (lead guitar, banjo, mandolin, double bass), and the newest member, Clair McGreevey (lead guitar, mandolin, flute, fiddle, concertina, bass, bouzouki, and probably more). Their music can now be put in the 'Folk-Noir, Pop-Grass, Americana, Alt-Country, Roots' pigeonholes.

Wookalily's gigs in the coming month are on Friday 15 Jan. at the Limelight in Belfast, and on Saturday 30 Jan. at the Market Place Theatre & Arts Centre, Armagh city.

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Cabin Sessions holiday special, 1 Jan. 2016

Gerry Fitzpatrick, organiser of the Cabin Sessions series, 'Acoustic Music at its Finest', announces:

It is that time of the year when all of us at the Cabin Sessions wish you and yours a Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year. To bring in 2016 in style we are hosting a special Cabin Sessions on Friday 1 January 2016 with the usual Crew and guests including Michael Lawlor and Lynda Lucas. Hope to see you there!

The special new year Session will run from 9.30 p.m. to midnight. The Sessions are normally held on the last Thursday of every month at Uncle Tom's Cabin in Dundrum, south Dublin (not far from Dundrum Luas station in the city direction). Shows run from 9.30 to 11.30 p.m. and admission is FREE. If you or someone you know would like to perform at the Cabin Sessions, let Gerry know by e-mail. The Sessions are particularly interested in featuring local musicians and singers.

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19 December 2015

More Christmas greetings

The Bluegrass Ireland Blog sends good wishes for a happy and peaceful Christmas and a joyful and prosperous New Year to all its readers, to all lovers of bluegrass and kindred musics, and to all people of goodwill everywhere.


Christmas greetings

Thanks to Tony O'Brien for this seasonal message:

Woodbine would like to wish all our friends a very Happy Christmas and a great Bluegrass New Year.

Woodbine can also be contacted through Facebook - and so can Tony.

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Editorial interlude

The BIB editor reports:

I won't be editorially active from Sunday 20 December to Monday 28 December inclusive; so by all means keep sending in news during that period, but don't expect it to appear before Tuesday 29 December at the earliest.


18 December 2015

Renew acquaintances beside the Black Forest!

The BIB editor reports:

Thanks to our good friend Walter Fuchs in Bühl, near Baden-Baden on the edge of the Black Forest in south-west Germany, for news of the 14th International Bühl Bluegrass Festival, which will be held five months from now (13-14 May 2016).

The festival was started and is fully funded by the city of Bühl; Walter was made its director (and MC) because of his position as Germany's leading historian of country music and longtime presenter of country record radio shows. His son Patrick has given essential help in running the festival for some years now; and with the approach of Walter's 80th birthday, it has been arranged that Patrick will succeed him as director - an arrangement that satisfies all parties.

Patrick (second from left) and Walter (third from right) with Bühl
city representatives at the release of the 2016 programme

And the connection with Ireland (apart from Patrick's name)? Well, the 2016 lineup is not just a great one: it offers a chance to see again several acts who've played in Ireland this year - the Claire Lynch Band (Dunmore East, Dublin, and Omagh), Flats & Sharps (Westport), and Milan Miller (Cork). Milan Miller will be performing with Thomm Jutz, a Bühl-born musician who has been making important contributions to the scene in the USA. Ruben & Matt and the Truffle Valley Boys, from Italy, were headliners at the Coastline Bluegrass Music Event in north Wales back in May; I haven't heard the Dead South from Canada, but Monroe Crossing from Minnesota have played at Bühl before, and they're one of the most entertaining bands I've seen. So if you fancy two days and nights of fine bluegrass music in a first-class auditorium in a delightful town on the edge of the Black Forest in spring...

Walter at the microphone, among his record collection

More details on the programme and the artists are on the European Bluegrass Blog.

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A very special Christmas present...

Dangem Banjos, who have the largest stock of banjos on this island, send a reminder of Tuesday's news: tomorrow (Sat. 19th, 10.00 to noon) is the last Dangem Bluegrass Get-Together of 2015 at Lisburn, and Howard Walker will be on hand to give banjo lessons! Santa hats, festive sweaters, and other proofs of Christmas spirit will all be welcome.

Dangem also announce a very special item that's available to mark the season: a Deering banjo stool (above right) standing two feet tall on chrome-plated legs, with easy-to-clean green vinyl swivel top, thickly padded for comfort and bearing the Deering name. A welcome addition to any décor, and a must-have for any Deering fan!

Assembly is required, but tools are included. The cost is £99.95 + £15.00 P&P. The stools have just arrived in stock but are not on the Dangem website yet, and only three are left. If you would like one, send an e-mail to Derek Lockhart at Dangem, or text him at 07521464125.

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Lance Leroy, 1930-2015; Jimmy Maynard, 1928-2015

We learn with regret from Bluegrass Today that Lansing B. 'Lance' Leroy, manager, agent, and one of the most widely known and respected figures in the bluegrass music world, died yesterday. He was a founder member of the IBMA in 1985, and was inducted into the Bluegrass Hall of Fame in 2000 (the same year as Doc Watson). John Lawless writes in BT:

His many friends in Nashville... say he wasn’t interested in the glory for himself, but always demanded that bluegrass entertainers be treated with the same respect that was accorded to the country music stars. It’s not too much to suggest that Lance Leroy designed the template for how business is conducted in bluegrass, with a level of professionalism that we now take for granted.
Jimmy Maynard (b. 1928) died on Tuesday this week. His long career in bluegrass included playing and recording as guitarist and lead singer in Bill Monroe's Blue Grass Boys in the early 1960s. A feature by Richard Thompson on his life and career, together with a video of Jimmy singing 'I wonder where you are tonight' (with Curly Seckler singing tenor), is on Bluegrass Today.


16 December 2015

Rob Ickes and Trey Hensley to headline Dunmore East 2016

Rob Ickes and Trey Hensley (above) have just been nominated for the 2016 Grammy awards for their album Before the sun goes down, on Alison Brown's Compass Records label. They are also expected to be in Ireland in April 2016 (see the BIB for 22 Nov. 2015).

Thanks to Mick Daly, organiser of the annual Guinness International Bluegrass Festival at Dunmore East, Co. Waterford, for a further reason why they could be smiling:

Just to let you know that Trey Hensley and Rob Ickes will be headlining the Guinness Dunmore East Bluegrass Festival 2016, with concerts on both Saturday and Sunday [27-28 Aug. 2016]. I had the good fortune to see them perform in Raleigh at the Wide Open Bluegrass Festival in October. The success of the Claire Lynch concert this year proved the demand for a sit-down concert event.

Tickets will go on sale on 14 February 2016 @ €20. In the meantime, tickets can be reserved in advance by e-mail (payment not required for advance booking). They have just been nominated for a Grammy for their current album.

As the BIB mentioned last month, Rob Ickes has already received the IBMA Dobro Player of the Year award more times than anyone else.

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15 December 2015

Fleck & Washburn on TG4 on Christmas Day

Thanks to C. Mulligan for this news, originally sent in as a comment on the BIB post of 7 Dec.:

On the subject of Béla Fleck and Abigail Washburn, they'll be appearing on 'Hup' on TG4 on Christmas Day, performing in Tom Cussen's banjo workshop in Galway.

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Two Time Polka Christmas gigs

Ray Barron of Two Time Polka announces:

Here are our gigs over Christmas.

Sat. 19th: Blackrock Hurling Club, Church Rd., Blackrock, Cork. Start 10.00 p.m. Adm. free. Tel. 021 4357377

Sun. 27th: Charlie's Bar, Union Quay, Cork. Start 9.00 p.m. Adm. free. Tel. 021 4318342

New Year's Eve, Thurs. 31st: Masterson's Steakhouse, Main St., Swords, Co. Dublin. Tel. 01 8903855

We're working on a new CD and hope to have it available early in the new year. Will keep you posted on progress.

Hope you all have a pleasant Christmas and New Year. Many thanks for your support during 2015.

Ray & TTP

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Santa Hats for Lisburn on Saturday 19 Dec. 2015

DanGem Bluegrass in Craigavon, Co. Armagh (with the largest range of banjos for sale on this island), announce in their latest e-newsletter that the next monthly Bluegrass Get-Together, incorporating jam session and instruction, will be held this coming Saturday, 19 Dec., at the usual place and time (the Lagan Valley Island Civic Centre, Lisburn, Co. Antrim BT27 4RL, from 9.30/10.00 a.m. to noon) and with the usual schedule:

10.00-10.30 Warm-up
10.30-11.00(ish) Break out time for beginners; rest of players, jam time
11.00(ish) to 12.00(ish) All back together

Howard Walker of the Down and Out Bluegrass Band will be there to give banjo lessons.

And to enter all the more into the spirit of the season, Dangem suggest bringing and wearing a Santa Hat, Christmas jumper, or other suitable clothing.
The DanGem Get-Together combines a jam session for those who are already active pickers, with the opportunity to learn for those who are beginners or just want to listen. DanGem add: 'Bring along your banjos, guitars, mandolins, fiddles, dobros, and bass, or just come along and enjoy. Look forward to seeing as many of you who can attend.' A location map for the Centre is on Dangem's website.

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14 December 2015

Quote of the month

I think old-time music has changed over the years, but let me start with how it's the same. This is important. It's the same in that it's still a kind of music that prizes intimacy. And I think that's really, down deep, the base of old-time music. It's about intimate sharing of music with others. The jam is really the key thing. Concerts and CDs are fine, but finally, the jam is what defines old-time music. Because old-time music is about intimate groups of people making music together, and that seems to me to be the same as it was as I encountered it from the old-timers in the '60s.

Alan Jabbour, in a Dec. 2014 interview by Brian Lockman, published in the current issue (xiv, no. 2) of The Old-Time Herald

The BIB editor adds:

The whole interview is worth quoting. Nearly two years ago the BIB described the joint CD Southern summits by Alan Jabbour and Ken Perlman as 'an exemplary collection of fiddle-and-banjo duets on twenty-three fine tunes - a real listening pleasure'. Their following album, You can't beat the classics, with Jim Watson on guitar, was released early this year.

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12 December 2015

The mandolin: a history - now available

On 7 August the BIB relayed news that had appeared on Bluegrass Today about The mandolin: a history, a new book by Australian luthier Graham McDonald which was then being prepared for publication.

The European Bluegrass Blog (EBB) now announces that copies of the book are being shipped to the author and will be available through his website at US$44.95.  The EBB advises contacting the author for details of price and distributors in different countries, which can be done by e-mail.

The next issue of Bluegrass Europe, the quarterly EBMA magazine, will include an in-depth article and review of the new book, including photos.

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11 December 2015

Beer and bluegrass in summer - beat that combination

Thanks to the organising team of the Beer and Bluegrass Festival, in the sweet sunny south of England, for news of next year's event. It will be held on the weekend 22-23 July 2016 at St Aldhelm's Hall and Gardens, Poole Road, Branksome, Poole, Dorset BH12 1AD. The programme starts at 6.00 p.m. on Friday 22 July and noon on Saturday 23 July, and runs to 11.30 p.m. on both days, with bands from the USA, Europe, and the UK. Home-cooked food and over thirty Real Ales and ciders are also an important feature. The team announce:

We wanted to go back to a time when small festivals were fun, and we have carefully selected a lineup of great musicians who have that down-home vibe and play good-time bluegrass and Americana, all played with verve and a smile. We think you will love it!

On the 2016 lineup are Old Hannah from Sligo (photo below). Interested in following their example? - drop the team an e-mail. The festival is also on Facebook.

Tickets cost £12.00 for Friday (6.00-11.30 p.m.) and £18.00 for Saturday (noon-11.30 p.m.); a Weekendsaver ticket at £25.00 covers both sessions. Bookings can be made through BH Live by 'phone (0844 576 3000) or online, and can also be booked online through We Got Festivals.

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10 December 2015

US visitors early in the new year

L-r: Greg Blake, Jeff Scroggins, Tristan Scroggins

Following on from the BIB post of 24 Nov., John Nyhan sends an interim report on the tour by Jeff Scroggins & Colorado (above) in Ireland after they appear as headliners of the bluegrass section of January's Shannonside Winter Music Festival in Sixmilebridge and Bunratty, Co. Clare. Dates for the tour are now finalised, and full details will be released very soon. John adds:

I got their new CD - it is wonderful. I also got Greg Blake's solo CD. It is also fabulous... what a singer. They are eagerly awaited by those who saw them last May. Martin Gilmore and Nick Amodeo [below] will also be great. Nick, as well as a great mandolin player, is a superb Telecaster player. It was a highlight the last time. Martin sang some great classic country and swing.

The two American groups will appear together in the main bluegrass concert of the festival, at 3.00 p.m. on Sunday 24 Jan. 2016 in Durty Nelly's, Bunratty.

The Martin Gilmore Trio that toured here in May: (l-r) Ian Haegele (bass, vocals), Martin Gilmore (guitar, banjo, vocals), Nick Amodeo (mandolin, guitar, vocals)

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09 December 2015

This Friday - the last Red Hat of 2015

Thanks to Paul and Anne McEvoy, organisers of the Red Hat Acoustic Music Club, for the news that the Club's next meeting - the last one of 2015 - will be held this coming Friday (11 December). They're already looking forward to 2016!

The Red Hat meets every second Friday of the month at the Harbour Hotel, Naas, Co. Kildare. Music starts around 8.30 p.m.; a donation of €3.00 covers coffee/ tea and sandwiches at the interval.

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07 December 2015

For banjo players (and others)

The BIB editor writes:

Nearly three weeks ago now, Béla Fleck and Abigail Washburn (see the BIB for 4 Nov. 2015) played in Dublin, and - quite apart from the guest appearances by Paul Brady and Maura O'Connell - it was a heady night for banjo freaks, who saw and heard not only the Missing Link but the TB-75 conversion. After seeing what can be done with a banjo-ukulele, I knew it had been a mistake to trade-in mine in 1958. 'Banjo-picking girl' was the closest to a straight bluegrass number, but more bluegrass feeling (and licks) than I'd expected could be heard in Béla's playing throughout the show. A night of amazing musicianship by all parties.

Not long afterwards Bluegrass Today announced The song of the banjo, a new album by Alison Brown on her Compass Records label, designed to appeal to listeners who might not otherwise think of buying a banjo album. As a sample, a video of 'Feels so good', with ukulele ace Jake Shimabukuro, can be seen on the Compass website, on the Bluegrass Today post, and on YouTube.

Getting even further from bluegrass, but into a very satisfying genre of banjo music: thanks to Frank Coyne for passing on news from the Classic Banjo website (to which Jody Stecher contributes). The site has a section devoted to the great English player and composer Joe Morley (1867-1937), where you can find scores of audio files and copies of corresponding sheet music, and this section is being further developed and expanded. Frank himself was a pupil of the distinguished Dublin 5-string performer Eddie Tobin.

Anyone who feels uneasy at coming so far from bluegrass can be comforted by two releases from Tom Mindte's Patuxent Music record label. Tom Neal's album Banjoland has an introduction by Mike Munford, IBMA Banjo Player of the Year 2013, beginning 'I've been waiting for this album for a very long time.' Neal's playing is solidly based on Scruggs style, tastefully and effortlessly embellished with melodic and single-string work, and is very good listening. There's one fine fiddle-and-banjo duet; the other thirteen tracks (four of them vocals) are full-band numbers, including such musicians as Michael Cleveland, Marshall Wilborn, and Frank Solivan, all sounding as if they'd played together for years. Highly recommended.

Banjoland has been out for some time, but due to appear this week is another Patuxent production that needs no recommendation from me to lovers of solid traditional bluegrass: the new album Weary river by Danny Paisley & the Southern Grass. Expect to see a fuller report by Richard Thompson on this release on Bluegrass Today.* (Just to bring things full circle, you can see a photo of Béla Fleck in a quartet led by Danny Paisley on the latter's website.)

Update: Béla Fleck and Abigail Washburn are among those nominated for Best Folk Album, and are also nominated for Best American Roots Performance (for 'And am I born to die'), in the coming Grammy awards.

*Additional update, 10 Dec.: This can now be read here.

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Gorse Fire - hot night at the Red Room!

Gorse Fire on stage at the Red Room: (l-r) Philip Steele, Ian
McAllister, Ivan Muirhead, Michael Ashe, Colin Henry
(photo: Katie Loughrin)

Thanks to Colin Henry for this news:

Gorse Fire had a great debut concert at the Red Room, Cookstown, on Saturday night. Full house and a very appreciative audience. Thanks as always to Sharon and Arnie. The concert was videoed by John Watson, who often records the Red Room concerts. Samples are on John's YouTube channel. Here is his recording of Gorse Fire playing 'Angeline', an original tune written by mandolinist Ian McAllister.

On the band's Facebook you can also see and hear John Watson's video of the band's 'Wild Bill Jones', and on the Red Room's Facebook John provides a link to his video of their 'Still haven't found', with the comment: 'Gorsefire - as good as it's possible to get - IMO!!!'. And the Red Room, with more photos by Katie Loughrin, adds: 'A truly superb night, great feedback from the Red Room regulars who attended, we hope to hear much more from this newly formed band!' The show included numbers from Gorse Fire's new album, The whins of change.

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04 December 2015

A petition to keep bluegrass on the air

The satellite radio station Sirius XM, which has been an important resource for bluegrass listeners, has announced that its 'Bluegrass Junction' will be suspended for nine days from this coming Sunday to make way for programming for the religious festival of Hanukkah.

Read David Morris's article on Bluegrass Today, and give some consideration to joining the online petition organised by singer/songwriter Donna Hughes.

Update 9 Dec.: See the comment below, with an important message from the IBMA's executive director.


03 December 2015

How it was

The passage of time takes us further and further away from what life was like for the first generation of bluegrass musicians. All the more important that we should know their stories; and here are the stories of two of the most distinguished of that generation, both of whom are still with us.

Thanks to the Prescription Bluegrass Blog for the news that Penny Parsons' Foggy Mountain troubadour: the life and music of Curly Seckler - 272 pages with forty-nine monochrome photos - is scheduled to appear in June 2016 from the University of Illinois Press in their invaluable Music in American Life series. Mac Wiseman: All my memories fit for print, as told to Walt Trott, was released by Nova Books of Nashville this autumn, and reviewed by Dick Bowden on Bluegrass Today.

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01 December 2015

IBMA World of Bluegrass goodies - and a 2016 reminder

Thanks to the International Bluegrass Music Association (IBMA) for the news that T-shirts from this year's World of Bluegrass in Raleigh, NC, two months ago, can now be bought online, and two of the designs available are shown on the left. Everyone knows that

Molly said to Tenbrooks: 'You're looking mighty squirrel'

- and you can now do the same, displaying the Mighty Squirrel himself on your person: Ramble, the Lonesome Banjo-Picking Squirrel shown in the logo for World of Bluegrass publicity.

On the right, Ramble appears in a reminder for the dates of next year's WOB.The IBMA store has other items, including a nice T-shirt design featuring the Father of Bluegrass.

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Roots Freeway back on Sat. 5 Dec. 2015

Niall Toner reports on the NTB Facebook that a new season of his radio show 'Roots Freeway' on RTÉ Radio 1 will begin this coming Saturday, 5 December, at 11.00 p.m., and says:

I'll have ganzy-loads of new roots music, with a very generous helping of great new stuff from the home scene. Hope you can tune in then.

Niall also reports that the shooting of the New Decade TV documentary on his life in music is back on schedule and going full speed ahead.

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