New album from the Bluestack Mountain Boys
The BIB editor writes:
Thanks to Patrick Simpson for news of the latest album (released in mid December) by the Bluestack Mountain Boys. A good brief description is in the Dublin Bluegrass Collective's announcement:
Happy Crimbles Bluegrass Lovers!!! If any of you want our latest album it's free, just PM your e-mail address to us and we will send you a copy from our Google drive. It's a great mixture of many regular attendees to the weekly jam session in Sin É Dublin every Tuesday. So yes, there are five songs/tunes from the Dublin Bluegrass Collective Band, then there are also members from the brilliant Dublin-based bluegrass bands Well Enough Alone, Pine Marten, and the New Breadwinners, plus a couple of friends, girlfriends, and a daughter for good measure! So for a lovely mixture of real music, just let us know where to send it to and we hope you love it...
A year ago the BIB carried a note on the first BMB album and the new generation of Dublin bluegrass pickers who meet at the Sin É session. This album, like the first, conveys the intensity and conviction of the session, rather than the polish of a studio recording; it could, without injustice, be called 'rough and ready'. But if a choice has to be made between intensity and conviction plus inspiration on one hand, and groomed polish on the other, I'll go along with the BMB.
Labels: Bands, Recordings, Sessions, Venues