31 July 2015

Bluegrass at the Maiden City Festival, Derry, 1-2 Aug. 2015

The bluegrass part of the Maiden City Festival at Derry city begins tomorrow (Saturday 1 Aug.) at 1.00 p.m. with the long established Bluegrass on the Walls programme, in which bands perform on or near locations on the circuit of the city walls. This event was first organised in 2000 by award-winning Donegal writer and broadcaster (and doyen of Irish bluegrass MCs) Frank Galligan. The 2015 programme features KingBlue, SAY WHAT, Cat & the Lilies, the Down and Out Bluegrass Band, The White Mansions, and the Cool Hand String Band.

Bluegrass on the Walls (1.00-4.00 p.m.) will be followed at 8.30-11.30 p.m. by an Oldtime Bluegrass Concert in the Memorial Hall (the 'Mem'), Society St. The following day (Sunday 2 Aug.) the Bluegrass Brunch will take place in the Craft Village Square off Shipquay St. from 1.00 to 6.00 p.m.

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30 July 2015

Belfast Bluegrass: next session Tues. 4 Aug. 2015

Richard Leeman, organiser of the monthly Belfast Bluegrass sessions (and also guitar player and lead singer of the Down and Out Bluegrass Band), announces that the next session will be on this coming Tuesday, 4 August 2015.

The Belfast Bluegrass session is held on the first Tuesday of each month, upstairs at the Errigle Inn, 312-320 Ormeau Rd, Belfast, starting about 9.00 p.m. All are welcome.

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29 July 2015

Claire Lynch Band tour schedule, 30 Aug.-6 Sept. 2015

The Claire Lynch Band: (l-r) Bryan McDowell, Claire Lynch, Mark Schatz, Jarrod Walker

On Monday the BIB wrote of 'talent by the ton' at the forthcoming Omagh festival. Thanks to Pat Tynan Media for a press release as reminder that the Claire Lynch Band (USA), no small part of that tonnage, will be in Ireland for four out of the five shows they'll be giving on this side of the Atlantic a month from now. The tour begins on Friday 28 August at the Buxton Opera House in Derbyshire, England. The band's schedule in Ireland is as follows:

Sun. 30th: Guinness International Bluegrass Festival, Dunmore East, Co. Waterford, €15.00; tel. +353 (051) 878832. Time is shown as 2.00 p.m.

Wed. 2nd Sept.: DC Music Club, 20 Camden Row, Dublin 2, €16.00/ €14.00; 8.30 p.m.; tel. +353 (0)87 682 5306

Sat. 5th and Sun. 6th: Bluegrass Music Festival, Ulster American Folk Park, 2 Mellon Rd, Castletown, Omagh, Co. Tyrone, BT78 5QU; tel. +44 (0)28 8224 3292. Tickets £15.00 Saturday, £12.00 Sunday (these are 'Party in the Park' tickets, giving access to all acts at the Festival)

Claire Lynch's many awards include IBMA Female Vocalist of the Year for 1997, 2010, and 2013, and her vocals contributed to the award-winning Special Consensus album Country boy. She has led her own band since 2005; its current lineup includes the multi-talented bassist, clawhammer-banjo player, dancer, and 'hambone' percussionist Mark Schatz.

Listening to Claire Lynch sing is not something to be undertaken casually. Her songs and stage presence demand the listener's rapt attention. She's an intensely soulful singer, whose distinctive voice resonates with power and strength, yet retains an engaging innocence and crystalline purity. She's also a songwriter of extraordinary ability who can bring listeners to their feet with her buoyant rhythms or to their knees with her sometimes almost unbearably poignant and insightful lyrics.
(Dave Higgs, WPLN Nashville, WAMU Washington DC)

For further information, contact Pat Tynan Media, who are on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.

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28 July 2015

JigJam with Kruger Brothers at Eagle Music Shop, 7 Nov. 2015

Congratulations to JigJam (above: photo by Michael Quinn Photography), who on Saturday 7 November will be taking part in the annual Banjo Event at the Eagle Music Shop, Armitage Bridge, Huddersfield, West Yorks., England, along with the phenomenal Kruger Brothers.

Steve Noon's Eagle Music Shop is the world no. 1 dealer for Deering banjos, and Greg and Janet Deering will be at the Event, which is also celebrating forty years of the Deering company. Tickets can be booked online, where full details of the Event can also be found.

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Demolition String Band (USA) in Ireland, 28 Aug.-6 Sept. 2015

Demolition String Band: Boo Reiners, Elena Skye

The Demolition String Band (USA) have toured here for the last two autumns (2013, 2014) and are returning a little earlier this year with a tour anchored on the Dunmore East and Omagh festivals, together with at least four other gigs. The schedule as at present listed on their website is:

Fri. 28th Aug.: Levi’s, Corner House, Main St., Ballinacurra, Midleton, Co. Cork, 9.00 p.m.

Sat. 29th: Blackrock 'Rockies' Hurling Club, Church Rd, Blackrock, Cork city, 9.00 p.m. (with Hank Wedel and company)

Sun. 30th: 21st Guinness International Bluegrass Festival, Dunmore East, Co. Waterford, 1.00 p.m. (DSB acoustic trio)

Mon. 31st: Charlie’s Bar, 2 Union Quay, Cork city, 9.00 p.m.; 00353 21 496 5272 (Hank Wedel and friends, long-running Monday night session)

Tues. 1st Sept.: Matt Molloy’s, Bridge St., Westport, Co. Mayo, 7.00 p.m.

Fri. 4th-Sun. 6th: 24th Appalachian and Bluegrass Music Festival, Ulster American Folk Park, Mellon Rd, Castletown, Omagh, Co. Tyrone, 1.00 p.m. (DSB acoustic trio)

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27 July 2015

Festival concert arrangements - and more

The BIB editor writes:

A few times recently I've been taken aback by hearing friends say 'there will be no concerts at the Omagh festival (4-6 Sept.) this year.' I jumped to the wrong conclusion and imagined the Folk Park closing at sundown - though the festival web page clearly states that the headlining, award-winning Claire Lynch Band (USA), the Demolition String Band (USA), Bill Faster (SK), and the CC Smugglers (GB) will be playing on Friday and Saturday from 7.00 p.m. till 'late'.

These performances, however, are not separately ticketed - they count as part of the 'Party in the Park' each day - and the seating will probably be around tables, as on Friday night last year, instead of in rows. On Sunday 'Bluegrass in the Park' will last from 1.00 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.; no separate gospel concert is mentioned. So high-grade bluegrass music (and there's talent by the ton in this year's lineup) will be performed on stage at Omagh up to (probably) the times at which concerts have ended in the past; but the word 'concert' is not being used, and the ticketing and seat arrangement are different.

[Update 28 July: friends have pointed out that the change away from formal concerts at Omagh has been reflected in lower ticket prices. On the other hand, it may be advisable to follow the example of bluegrass festival-goers in the US and bring a folding chair to make sure of a seat...]

These changes make an interesting comparison with those at other festivals on the Irish bluegrass calendar. The 8th Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival (12-14 June) held two of its major concerts in Holy Trinity church and the new Town Hall Theatre, instead of (as in previous years) in a hotel ballroom with tables and bar. The results were overwhelmingly positive: in both concerts all attention focused on the music, and audience response was uniformly enthusiastic.

At the 25th Athy Bluegrass Festival (10-12 June), evening concerts were in the GAA Club main hall with seats in rows accommodating a larger audience, with the separate barroom for anyone who wanted to talk over a drink. The 'Absent friends' concert on Saturday afternoon was in the Athy Community Arts Centre, a converted methodist church with very good natural acoustics, the original pews for the audience, and no bar in the auditorium - again, results were excellent.

At the 8th Ardara Bluegrass Festival (16-19 July) the evening concert venue this year was the main room of the Heritage Centre with seats in rows, instead of the main room of the hotel with a similar capacity and tables. In spite of no bar, no tables, and a wretchedly wet evening, there was a full house and a very enthusiastic audience. And at the 21st International Guinness Bluegrass Festival in Dunmore East, Co. Waterford, a month from now (27-30 Aug.), the Claire Lynch Band (USA) will be playing in concert in a ticketed venue - a new departure for the Dunmore East festival.
Another new departure for Dunmore East will be instrument workshops, given by the US duo Whiskey Deaf (left). Annie Staninec will be teaching fiddle - an opportunity no aspiring bluegrass fiddler in Ireland should miss. The videos on her website show her as a constantly inventive, propulsive, and exciting player in classic bluegrass, cajun, gypsy swing, and old-time music, not to mention original instrumentals. A four-page interview of her by Paul Shelasky, including notation for her playing of 'North Carolina breakdown', appeared in the spring 2015 issue of Fiddler magazine. John Kael (playing guitar in the photo) will be giving mandolin and banjo workshops.

Whiskey Deaf, from the vigorous scene in Portland, OR, will be playing their mix of traditional bluegrass, old-time, and early country music at Omagh as well as Dunmore East, and the BIB hopes to publish details of their other gigs while in Ireland (25 Aug.-14 Sept.). For bookings and more information, John can be contacted by e-mail.

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Arklow Roots Music show tomorrow: change of venue

Two weeks ago the BIB published news from Brendan O’Regan, singer/songwriter and organiser of Arklow Roots Music, that Eilidh Patterson (photo), highly regarded singer/songwriter from Derry in the Americana/folk vein, will be performing in Arklow, Co. Wicklow, on Tuesday 28 July at 8.30 p.m.

Brendan sends word that date and time remain the same, but the show's venue has been moved a short distance from the Harbour Bar in Lower Main St. to upstairs at the Breffni, 49 Main St., Arklow. Brendan himself will be playing the support slot at the show.

Beth Nielsen Chapman (USA) has written: 'Eilidh Patterson's voice is velvet and air. The richness of her sound and her songs is something beautiful to behold and she is definitely an artist to watch!' Samples of her music are here.

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New 'Americana' strings from GHS

The BIB editor writes:

Thanks to David Phillips of A&R Marketing for the news that GHS Strings have introduced a new 'Americana' range of string sets designed to suit different styles of American roots music. Using editorial privilege, I'm showing only the 5-string banjo package here; but the sets are also available for acoustic guitar, mandolin, resonator guitar, and pedal steel guitar.

All are made from cryogenically treated metals. Guitar, banjo, and mandolin sets come in light or medium gauges; resonator guitar sets in regular gauge; and steel guitar sets are made to suit either E9 or C6 tuning. More details, including exact string gauges, are on the GHS website.


26 July 2015

Greengrass in the Netherlands, 22 Aug. 2015

Thanks to the European World of Bluegrass Festival Facebook for the news that the Greengrass Music Festival, 'a place where Celtic meets Bluegrass!', will be held at Wijhe in the Netherlands on Saturday 22 August.

Wijhe is north of Apeldoorn in the central Netherlands, about 50 km east of Amsterdam. More details are on the Festival's website and (with translations from Dutch into English) on its Facebook.

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Register for Jam Camp in West Cork, 6-8 Nov. 2015!

The BIB editor writes:

Time for another reminder about the news the BIB published in February this year and again early last month: registration is open for the Bluegrass Jam Camp using the Wernick Method, taught by Larry Kernagis (photo), which will be held at the Celtic Ross Hotel, Rosscarbery, Co. Cork, on the weekend 6-8 November 2015.

This is the first Wernick Method Jam Camp to be held in Ireland (in the second half of 2015, two other Camps are scheduled in Europe: in France and the Czech Republic, with other leaders). Many of us have already felt the benefit of learning from 'Dr Banjo' Pete Wernick himself. His 'Jam Camp' system, focused on the essential skill of playing with others (which can bring about a quantum leap in one's playing), is now spreading into a worldwide network.

Larry Kernagis is a certified Wernick Method teacher for Alabama and Tennessee. In June he was leading a Jam Class at Hancock, MA; this month a Jam Camp in Effingham, IL; and in October another Jam Class in Maggie Valley, NC. He has thirty years experience of leading jam sessions, as well as teaching at the Old Town School of Folk Music in Chicago (where Greg Cahill and Michael Miles also teach). He plays in the Def Leprechaun band and the Don't Be Brothers duo.

Full details of the Roscarbery Camp are on Dr Banjo's website - where the blurb says: 'Closet pickers, this is for you! • All bluegrass instruments welcome • No jamming experience necessary • You will be jamming the first morning!' - and also on this flyer. While the Wernick Method makes it as easy as possible for pickers on any and all of the bluegrass instruments to jam together, the Jam Camp is not intended for absolute beginners, but the only requirements are as follows:

You must be able to tune your instrument (electronic tuning devices welcome) and change smoothly between G, C, D, and A. (Fiddles and basses need to know which notes work with which chords.) Fast playing is not expected, nor is the ability to solo required.

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24 July 2015

Patsy Stoneman, 1925-2015

The Stoneman sisters: (l-r) Donna, Patsy, Roni (photo from Patuxent Music website)

We learn with great regret from Bluegrass Today that Pattie Inez 'Patsy' Stoneman, daughter of Ernest Van 'Pop' Stoneman (1893-1968), has died at the age of 90.

Patsy, like her siblings, played several instruments; she led her own band for a time, and took up the autoharp in the 1960s to continue her father's tradition. After his death she rejoined the family band and fronted it on guitar, autoharp, and lead vocals. In 1965 she married John J. Murphy, jr., 'the best thing that has ever happened to me'. Her recollections are a major source for Ivan M. Tribe's The Stonemans: an Appalachian family and the music that shaped their lives (University of Illinois Press, 1993). She is survived by her sisters Donna LaVerne (b. 1934) and Veronica Loretta 'Roni' (b. 1938), with whom she recorded two recent albums for the Patuxent Music label.
About 1990 the late 'Cowboy' Jack Clement recorded a major interview with Patsy, dealing largely with her father's musical career, which can be read here. Instrument enthusiasts who have been curious about the large-body guitar shown in early photos of Ernest Stoneman should read 'Recreating Ernest Stoneman's Galiano guitar', posted by Michael John Simmons on the Fretboard Journal website. The fine photos include one of Patsy, flanked by her sisters, trying out Todd Cambio's Galiano replica.

Update 18 Aug.: An obituary by Richard Thompson can now be read on Bluegrass Today.

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22 July 2015

New Breadwinners in France, 30 July-3 Sept. 2015

Following on last Thursday's post, thanks again to John Denby for the latest news from the New Breadwinners - shown in the photo (l-r: John, mandolin/ vocals; Luke Coffey, 5-string banjo/ vocals; Niall Hughes, guitar/ vocals) two months ago at Kilworth, Co. Cork.

On 1 July the band announced that they will begin on 30 July a five-week tour of France, taking in Normandy, the Alps, and Alsace. For the northern leg of the tour they will be joined by Gab Faure (fiddle), who played with them in concert at the Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival last month. The tour schedule is at present as follows:

Thurs. 30th July: Morlaix 29600, Ty coz
Fri. 31st: Santec 29250, le Dossen

Sat. 1st Aug.: Gomené 22230, Pub Follette
Sun. 2nd: Guern 56310, Les Anges
Tues. 4th: Moncontour 22510, le Contretemps
Fri. 7th: Tremargat 22110, La Pépie
Sat. 8th: Douarnenez 29100, Café des Halles
Thurs. 13th: Valjouffrey 38740, L'église de Valjouffrey
Fri. 14th: Moulin Vieux 38350, L'église de Moulin Vieux
Mon. 17th-Sun. 23rd: Morzine 74110, The Dixie Bar (7-night residency)

Wed. 2nd Sept.: Rennes 35000, Le Hibou Grand Duc
Thurs. 3rd: Soulvache 44660, Le Papier Buvard

John adds: 'We may add more dates in Alsace around 25-28 August. If anyone knows any French bluegrassers out there, tell them to get in touch with us!' The band's last two gigs in Ireland before their tour are:
  • Wed. 22nd July (TONIGHT): Chancery Inn, Inns Quay, Dublin 1, 9.00 p.m. (Facebook)
  • Sat. 25th: The Little Blue Room, John Browne's Bar, Market Square, Longford town, with Vincent Cross; doors 9.45 p.m. 10.00 p.m.; €5 at the door (part of Longford Cruthu Arts Festival)
The New Breadwinners decided on Monday last week to record an album, and had finished work in the studio by lunchtime next day, so we half-expected to see reviews in Bluegrass Unlimited by now; however, it'll be something to look forward to. Photos from the session can be seen here.

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21 July 2015

Danilo Cartia interviewed

Thanks to the European Bluegrass Music Association Facebook for news of a major interview with Italian pioneer bluegrass musician Danilo Cartia. The full interview, with Danilo giving his views on the importance of roots music, can be read here.

As banjoist, guitarist, singer, bandleader, and event organiser, Danilo has been foremost in bringing bluegrass music to wider audiences in Rome and the surrounding areas of Italy. As well as playing in several different contexts and musical combinations, he organises the monthly Rome Bluegrass Jam and the annual Bluegrass Meeting at Sarzana (part of the Acoustic Guitar Meeting).

Danilo and his partner in music and life Letizia Sampaolo (guitar, autoharp, vocals) visited Ireland last month to enjoy the Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival, where they had a long Saturday evening jam in McGing's with Galway's Old Town Rounders. The photo above, from the Rounders' Facebook, shows Danilo (playing the BIB editor's banjo), and Letizia at centre rear.

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Dublin Bluegrass Collective - gearing up for Knockanstockan

The Dublin Bluegrass Collective (photo: Caroline Pim)

The Dublin Bluegrass Collective have announced on their Facebook the details for their sets in the coming weekend's Knockanstockan Festival - 2.30 a.m. to 4.30 a.m. on two successive nights. The band appear in the Performance Art section of the festival website, and are making this operation a Maximum Effort with a specially strong lineup.

Fiddler Leo Guillot is coming over from France to play with DBC at Knockanstockan. As announced yesterday, he will be taking part in the weekly bluegrass jam in Sin É on Ormond Quay tonight (Tues. 21 July) as the band flexes its muscles for the weekend.

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Viper Central in Ireland, 20 Aug.-7 Sept. 2015

The 'alternative bluegrass' band Viper Central from Vancouver, Canada, who visited Ireland in 2011 and 2012, will be back a month from now for a two-week tour. Their website bio says of their third album:

While the banjo and fiddle remain central, pedal steel can be heard on several tracks and the melodies draw on such diverse influences as Metis fiddle, klezmer, bluegrass, and rockabilly. Most importantly the songs come from Canadian landscape and experiences and the result is entirely natural, effortless, and delightfully original.

The tour schedule is still being filled out; the dates at present on their website are:

Thurs. 20th Aug.: Bronte Music Club, Rathfriland, Co. Down
Fri. 21st: Balor Arts Centre, Ballybofey, Co. Donegal
Sat. 22nd: Beehive Bar, Ardara, Co. Donegal
Sun. 23rd: Matt Molloy's, Westport, Co. Mayo

Fri. 5th-Sun. 7th Sept.: 24th Annual Appalachian and Bluegrass Music Festival, Ulster American Folk Park, Omagh, Co. Tyrone

More details will appear on the BIB as soon as we receive them. The Beehive in Ardara is the focal point for the annual Ardara Bluegrass Festival, which has just had its highly successful eighth outing.

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17 July 2015

Bluegrass at Raftery's Rest, 19 July 2015

Thanks yet again to Wendy Connolly and 'Bluegrass in Ireland' for the news that the house band will be playing at Rafterys Rest, Kilcolgan, Co. Galway (photo), on Sunday 19 July, kicking off at 11.30 a.m. Kilcolgan is about 20 km south-east of Galway city, on the main N18 road to Limerick - and not far from Tom Cussen's Clareen Banjos in Clarinbridge. A location map is on the Rafterys Rest contact page.

The following weekend (24-6 July) the celebrated German resonator guitarist Martin Gross and his band will be heading the lineup for the Kilcolgan Bluegrass Weekend (see the BIB for 13 May). Martin will also be giving tuition on the 25th. Booking for his day-long tuition is being taken at present. For schedule of tuition and costs, please contact Peter Larkin on 087 995 3555 or by e-mail.

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16 July 2015

New Breadwinners: Dublin and Longford shows before touring France

Thanks to John Denby for the latest news from the New Breadwinners - shown in the photo (l-r: John, mandolin/ vocals; Luke Coffey, 5-string banjo/ vocals; Niall Hughes, guitar/ vocals) two months ago at the Village Arts Centre, Kilworth, Co. Cork.

On 1 July the band announced that they will begin on 30 July a five-week tour of France, taking in Normandy, the Alps, and Alsace. For the northern leg of the tour they will be joined by Gab Faure (fiddle), who played with them in concert at the Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival last month.

On returning from last weekend's Athy Bluegrass Festival,* the New Breadwinners decided to record an album, and had finished work in the studio by lunchtime on Tuesday! Photos from the session can be seen here.

John now announces the band's last two gigs in Ireland before the French tour:

Wed. 22nd July: Chancery Inn, Inn's Quay, Dublin 1, 9.00 p.m. (Facebook)

Sat. 25th: The Little Blue Room at John Browne's Bar, Market Square, Longford town, support from Vincent Cross; doors 9.45 p.m. 10.00 p.m.; €5 at the door (part of Longford Cruthu Arts Festival)

* The BIB apologises for this misleading wording: the New Breadwinners, as a band, were not at the Athy festival, but a majority of their members attended it.

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Mass for Vinny Baker, 26 July 2015

Thanks to Danny Slevin of Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, for the news that mass will be celebrated on Sunday 26 July at 10.30 a.m. in St Camillus Nursing Centre, Killucan, Co. Westmeath, to mark the second anniversary of the unexpected death of the irreplaceable Vinny Baker (left).

Danny headed the organising team for the very successful tribute concert held last year in Vinny's memory, in his home town of Mullingar. The proceeds from the concert were used to develop a Garden of Tranquillity at the Nursing Centre, where Vinny had played many shows for elderly residents.

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15 July 2015

Bluegrass in Baltimore release party, 2 Aug. 2015

Following on news items on the BIB in February, March, and June, thanks to Curley Street Media for a reminder that on 2 August the Charm City Folk and Bluegrass Festival 2015 will present the book release party for Tim Newby's new book, Bluegrass in Baltimore: the hard drivin' sound and its legacy, at the Creative Alliance in Baltimore, MD, where tickets are now available online. Tim Newby will be on the Maryland Morning Radio show with Tom Hall on 88.1 WYPR at 9.00 a.m. on 29 July, two weeks from now, to discuss the book and the release party.

Newby will also be at the party, where there will be discussions and music from leading musicians on the Baltimore bluegrass scene, including Cris Jacobs & Patrick McAvinue, Caleb Stine, and Bluestone. Bluegrass in Baltimore is published by McFarland Books and can be bought from their website for $35.00. An introductory video on the book can be seen on YouTube and on the book's Facebook.

A note from a Dublin perspective: I Draw Slow are playing at the Creative Alliance in Baltimore tonight (15 July) as part of their current US tour.

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Clonmel Busking Festival, 6-9 Aug. 2015

Thanks (for the second time today) to Wendy Connolly and 'Bluegrass in Ireland' for posting news from Rita Bourke about this year's Clonmel Busking Festival, to be held in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, on 6-9 August 2015.

As Rita's announcement points out, the Festival is not just an important musical and community event, it raises large sums for worthwhile causes - last year, €20,000 for Crumlin Children's Hospital. A full schedule can be seen here as an Excel document, and there's a conspicuous contingent of bluegrass and bluegrass-related acts, marked in sky blue. Expect to see some well known figures on the streets, as in the picture below.

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Old Town Rounders at Galway Fringe Festival, 17 July 2015

Thanks to Wendy Connolly and 'Bluegrass in Ireland' for passing on the news that Galway's own Old Town Rounders (above) will be playing from 9.00 to 11.00 p.m. in the Fringe Hub at the Mechanics Institute, Middle St., Galway city, this coming Friday (17 July) as part of the Galway Fringe Festival. Admission is €10. Full details, including a location map, are on the Festival website.

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13 July 2015

Pine Marten

Pine Marten: (l-r) Niall Hughes, Simon Guy, Paddy Kiernan

New young bands are springing up vigorously enough for keeping track of them to become a full-time job; so the BIB is grateful to the Dublin bluegrass grapevine for news of Pine Marten, a Dublin-based acoustic trio consisting of Simon Guy (guitar, mandolin, vocals), Paddy Kiernan (banjo, vocals), and Niall Hughes (double bass, vocals).

Pine Marten play a wide range of music, taking in bluegrass instrumentals, Scandinavian and Irish folk music, the Beatles, and more, including original compositions. They have been on Facebook (where videos from their performances at music venues around Dublin can be seen) since the start of April.

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Eilidh Patterson at Arklow, 28 July 2015

Thanks to Brendan O’Regan, singer/songwriter and organiser of Arklow Roots Music, for this news:

Eilidh Patterson, talented and highly regarded singer/songwriter from Derry (Americana/folk vein) is performing in the Upper Room at the Harbour Bar, Lr Main St., Arklow, Co. Wicklow, on Tuesday 28 July at 8.30 p.m. 'Eilidh Patterson's voice is velvet and air. The richness of her sound and her songs is something beautiful to behold and she is definitely an artist to watch!' (Beth Nielsen Chapman)

Samples of her music are here. Brendan himself will be playing the support slot at the show.

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The Cabin Sessions - next on 30 July 2015

Gerry Fitzpatrick announces the next show in the Cabin Sessions series, 'Acoustic Music at its Finest', at Uncle Tom's Cabin in Dundrum, south Dublin (not far from Dundrum Luas station in the city direction):

We're back in the Cabin on Thursday 30 July with The Cabin Crew featuring Christian Volkmann (harmonica), Cathy McEvoy (fiddle), Dave Hardy (sax/clarinet), and Richard Hawkins (banjo). Special guests are Alice Jago, Michael Lawlor, and from Florida Anne & Tony Preston. 9.30-11.30 p.m., and admission is FREE. Hope to see you there!

If you or someone you know would like to perform at the Cabin Sessions, let Gerry know by e-mail. The Sessions are particularly interested in featuring local musicians and singers.

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10 July 2015

The Plough (AUS) in Ireland, 6-13 July 2015

The BIB apologises for not having sought out earlier this information on gigs in Ireland by The Plough, from Australia - we should have guessed they wouldn't be over here just for the honour of playing at the 25th Athy Bluegrass Festival (which begins this evening). Details of their performances at Athy are on the festival website.

As can be seen from the above image, they were playing last weekend at the big Torsåker Bluegrass Festival in Sweden - a growth centre of top-quality bluegrass in Europe. This week they played in Dublin, on Monday at Sin É and on Tuesday at Whelan's; last night they were at Raftery's Rest in Kilcolgan, Co. Galway. On Monday next (13 July) they are scheduled to play at the Blind Piper, Caherdaniel, Co. Kerry.

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Making the most of it

The BIB strongly recommends an article by Brance Gillihan, co-founder of the original Bluegrass Blog, which appeared yesterday on the Bluegrass Blog's successor, Bluegrass Today. The article is entitled '4 ways to make the most of free exposure', and it's full of good advice for bands who want to improve to the point where people are prepared to pay them for performing.

We particularly appreciated a link to an article on the Sonicbids blog: ''How to get the most out of your band rehearsal in 3 hours (or less)'. This comes in the first of Gillihan's sections, which are:
  • Play good music
  • Become an entertainer
  • Run it like a business
  • E-mail is the key
There's a bonus in the 'Become an entertainer' section in the form of a video of the Johnson Mountain Boys in 1988 playing the Stanley Brothers song 'Unwanted love'; the performance is presented as 'a historical example of great showmanship'. 'Showmanship' here doesn't mean gimmicks, antics, or anything phoney; the JMBs are simply sharing their excitement with the listener through the music.

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No connection with bluegrass (2)

Sgt S.L. 'Mac' Bain, pilot
Sgt G.C.G. 'Todd' Hawkins, observer*
Sgt G.A. 'Geoff' Allison, wireless operator/ air gunner

Crew of Blenheim IV R3606 of 107 Squadron, 2 Group, RAF Bomber Command
Shot down and taken prisoner in northern France, on 10 July 1940 (first day of the 'Battle of Britain')
107 sent six aircraft on this operation against airfields, and lost five

* = navigator/ bomb aimer


09 July 2015

Claire Lynch to top the Dunmore East bill!

The Claire Lynch Band: (l-r) Bryan McDowell, Claire Lynch, Mark Schatz, Jarrod Walker

Thanks to Karen Cheever of B2B Communications for this release:

Bluegrass in Dunmore East – 21 years and going strong!
Guinness International Bluegrass Festival returns to its roots for 2015!

Fans of bluegrass, honky-tonk, blues, country, rhythm ‘n’ roots are in for a musical treat as the Guinness International Bluegrass Festival returns for the twenty-first year to the South-East this summer. Taking place in Dunmore East, the picturesque Co. Waterford seaside village, from Thursday 27 August to Sunday 30 August, the 2015 lineup is as impressive as ever.

Making a much anticipated debut is Claire Lynch, a bluegrass artist credited by Dolly Parton as being 'one of the sweetest, purest, and best lead voices in the music business today'. Having won a host of music awards, along with two Grammy nominations, Claire developed her love of country music and bluegrass, when she moved from New York to Alabama at the age of 12.

In the 1970s Claire fronted the Front Porch String Band until forming her own Claire Lynch Band in 2005. Since then Claire and her band have consistently been in demand with festival audiences across the US.

Festival founder and organiser Mick Daly is looking forward to Claire’s appearance. 'Claire is a pioneer of bluegrass and country music and we are delighted that she will be playing at the International Bluegrass Festival in Dunmore East. Not only has she a couple of Grammy nominations, Digital Journal placed her in the Top Ten of "Most angelic voices of our time", putting her on an equal footing with music legends such as Dolly Parton, Sarah McLachlan, Emmylou Harris, and Alison Krauss.'

Mick added: 'This year is particularly special for the Dunmore East Bluegrass Festival. Now in its twenty-first year, the line-up features a fantastic mix of pure bluegrass, country, Cajun, newgrass, and blues. Not only have we some of the hottest names on the international bluegrass scene coming to the village in August, we have some great home-grown talent which is making big impressions on the bluegrass music landscape.

'Whilst the Claire Lynch Band will play a ticketed intimate gig on Sunday 30 August, all the other events throughout the village are free.'

Big-name Irish, European, and American bluegrass acts playing free gigs include the Demolition String Band (USA), New Section (CZ), Cup O' Joe (Northern Ireland), the Mons Wheeler Band (NI), the Down and Out Bluegrass Band (NI), Land’s End (UK/Ire), and Irish bands JigJam and Barefoot.

Another American band making their debut at Dunmore East is Whiskey Deaf, made up by Annie Staninec and John Kael. Born and bred on bluegrass music, Staninec has toured the world, featured on countless albums with renowned country, Cajun, and blues artists. Kael, an established songwriter, has been playing bluegrass guitar, mandolin, banjo, and bass for over twenty years. His award winning song 'Handmade cross' features on the Grammy-nominated album Hard love by Doyle Lawson.

The 21st Dunmore East Bluegrass Festival kicks off on Thursday 27 August and heralds the start of three days of dozens of bands, playing over fifty gigs in the village's pubs, restaurants, and hotels.

For more information about the 21st Guinness International Dunmore East Bluegrass Festival lineup in Co. Waterford visit www.discoverdunmore.com; for ticket information and bookings for the Claire Lynch band, e-mail or Discover Dunmore on Facebook and Twitter.

Quotes about Claire Lynch:

'She is a rare talent indeed. She has a beautiful, effervescent voice which can handle both contemporary and traditional music with complete authenticity. I love to listen to her and I love to sing with her.' (Linda Ronstadt)

'Claire has complemented many of my records with her beautiful harmonies, but she has one of the sweetest, purest, and best lead voices in the music business today. I'm so happy to see and hear her shine on her own. I love this CD and I love Claire. She's a great gal.' (Dolly Parton)

'I've always thought Claire Lynch has the voice of an angel. I'm a fan!' (Emmylou Harris)

'… one of my very favorite singers in all of acoustic, country, and bluegrass music. She is a jewel.' (Mary Chapin Carpenter)

BIB editor's note: the Festival web page includes photos with some familiar faces, and adds the news that Annie Staninec and John Kael will be giving workshops in fiddle, mandolin, and banjo.

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08 July 2015

Mohill Bluegrass Festival, Co. Leitrim, 7-9 Aug. 2015

Thanks to Tommy Kelleher at Mohill, Co. Leitrim, for the programme for this year's Mohill Bluegrass Festival, which will be held on the weekend 7-9 August. Click on the images below for an enlarged view:

The Festival starts on Friday 7 August in Planxty Maguire's, Hill St., with the Down & Out Bluegrass Band playing from 10.00 p.m. till late. On Saturday and Sunday the Down and Outs, The Cat's Meow, and JigJam will be playing from 2.00 p.m. onwards at successive sessions in Planxty's; at O'Brien's Tavern, Glebe St.; and at Aras Carolan. Gospel services will be held at 8.00 p.m. in St Patrick's church on Saturday, and at 11.00 a.m. in St Mary's on Sunday.

The Grand Concert will be held on Saturday night in Planxty's from 10.00 p.m, with the Down & Outs and JigJam both performing - admission only €10. The Festival finale will be held at 9.30 p.m. on Sunday in O'Brien's, with music by The Cat's Meow.

More info is on the Festival's Facebook page, where you can also see a video of JigJam performing at last month's Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival.

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06 July 2015

Bunratty Bluegrass Festival, 9-10-11 Oct. 2015

Thanks to Brendan Walsh, director of the annual Shannonside Winter Music Weekend and leader of the Sixmilebridge Folk Club in Co. Clare, for this welcome news:

The former Bunratty Banjo Festival has evolved in its third year into a full-blown Bluegrass Festival. With intimate venues, great food, and easy access just off the N18, this event is well worth a visit. For the true bluegrass followers there are two concerts and a further two plugged-in concert/gigs. Friday night’s concert features a Swiss group called Maple Tree Circus and the Corn Potato String Band from the States. Saturday’s concert features The Grove Bluegrass Band (UK) and the New Breadwinners. Concerts are in the newly refurbished upstairs venue in Durty Nelly's.

The casual visitor can avail themselves of any of the twenty or more FREE 'fleadh-style' sessions in all the pubs over the weekend. These sessions will be a Mecca for visiting musicians who want to pick with the best! Sunday in Bunratty Folk Park features a 'Trad. meets Bluegrass' day, with eight scheduled sessions between noon and 5.00 p.m. These will be in venues in the Folk Park or in the open, weather permitting.

The weekend finishes upstairs in Nelly’s with a concert/gig featuring last year’s banjo festival favourites JigJam and the Galway-based Oldtown Rounders. Concert tickets only €10, payable at the door. General inquiries to Brendan at 086 8464509.

Thanks also to Brendan for a spreadsheet timetable; unfortunately the BIB can't reproduce it, but it shows a total of thirty-three events, six of them on the first evening beginning at 8.00 p.m. All events listed as sessions are unplugged and welcome support from visiting musicians.

NEWSFLASH: the Corn Potato String Band (USA) will be touring these islands in Sept.-Oct. 2015, and will be playing shows in Ireland from 6 Oct. to 14 Oct. Dates for those at present on the band's schedule are now on the BIB calendar, and we'll be publishing more information later.

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05 July 2015

Raising the flag at Durty Nelly's

Thanks to Wendy Connolly and 'Bluegrass in Ireland' for sharing this poster image giving the 4 July weekend lineup at Durty Nelly's in Bunratty, Co. Clare. There's still time to catch the last day of the schedule, as the Green Grass Hooley Boys (their spelling) will be playing at this celebrated venue from 6.00 p.m. till 9.00 p.m. tonight (not from 10.00 p.m., as previously stated on the BIB).

Durty Nelly's Facebook indicates that good times have been had so far. We'll be glad to receive news of similar bluegrassy events that have taken place this weekend.

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04 July 2015

Bouquets for US friends

Among our most welcome friends from the US are the Special Consensus in the field of bluegrass and the Foghorn Stringband in that of old-time music. Both groups were touring here earlier this year, and both have recently been paid some worthwhile compliments in the bluegrass media.

Daniel Mullins has been covering the 49th Annual Bill Monroe Bean Blossom Bluegrass Festival for Bluegrass Today, and in his article on Day 6, published on 30 June, he writes:

Special Consensus completed their two-day run at Bean Blossom on Day 6. Their live show is full of contagious energy, and I consider it a real treat to get to see 'Special C.' If you haven’t seen Greg Cahill & Co. in a few years, you need to amend that void in your life ASAP; you won’t be disappointed.

He also takes excellent photos, including two of Greg. Meanwhile, the Foghorns have had their latest and eighth CD, Devil in the seat, reviewed in the July issue of Bluegrass Unlimited by Steve Goldfield, who gives it a Highlight review and says the band 'just gets better and better'. Read the whole review here.

The Foghorns have also posted an extensive account of their recent tour in Ireland on the front page of their website.

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Belfast Bluegrass: next session Tuesday 7 July 2015

Richard Leeman, organiser of the monthly Belfast Bluegrass sessions (and also guitar player and lead singer of the Down and Out Bluegrass Band), announces that there are no plans for Belfast Bluegrass to take a summer break. Consequently, the next session should be on this coming Tuesday, 7 July 2015.

The Belfast Bluegrass session, as always, will be upstairs at the Errigle Inn, 312-320 Ormeau Rd, Belfast, starting about 9.00 p.m. All are welcome.

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02 July 2015

Why are these people smiling?

The BIB editor explains:

Because they're the Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival committee (l-r: Uri Kohen, Sarah McEvilly, Fergus Kelly, Tim Rogers), the work and anxieties of the 2015 festival are over, and it's been an outstandingly successful event.

The new evening concert arrangements, in particular, made all the difference in the world. Not only were Holy Trinity Church and the brand new Town Hall Theatre splendid venues - it's exhilarating to be in an audience where everyone is enthusiastic about the music. The concert on Saturday night (13 June) was the first major event to be held in the Town Hall Theatre; and it was good to hear appropriate tributes being paid to the Festival in general, and Uri in particular, for what they have done for the town.

The above photo is now the cover photo for the Festival Facebook, where videos from the concerts and many other photos can be seen.
