28 March 2013

A year without Earl

Jim Mills, outstanding Scruggs-style banjo-picker and historian of the prewar Gibson Mastertone, reminds us on Bluegrass Today that today is the first anniversary of the death of the Father of Bluegrass Banjo, Earl Eugene Scruggs. Read Jim's account of what this means to him; what it meant to him to have access for so many years to his hero; and what it should mean to us that we can still see, hear, and talk to so many of our bluegrass heroes.

Update 29 Mar.: Niall Toner has contributed a comment on Jim's post.

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27 March 2013

Stanley Brothers biography reviewed on Bluegrass Today

Three weeks ago the BIB noted a review by Kevin Lynch of the European Bluegrass Blog of David W. Johnson's Lonesome melodies: the lives and music of the Stanley Brothers, published a month previously by the University Press of Mississippi.

As the first full-length treatment of the Stanleys, who form a major part of the core of classic bluegrass, the book is inevitably of interest to all bluegrass enthusiasts. However, it appears to have suffered from careless editing; 'a significant number of errors, omissions, and questionable information and assertions' have been identified by Richard Thompson, whose judgments - by no means all adverse - can be read on Bluegrass Today. Richard reports that a revised paperback edition, incorporating corrections, is to be expected.

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25 March 2013

News digest #12: update

Items added since this post was first published are shown in * red.

Events in the next week (taken from the BIB calendar; please check also the 'Weekly sessions' section of the calendar) 

Thurs. 28th: The Cabin Sessions, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Dundrum, Dublin: the McGrane Family, Con Butler (bass), Gerry Fitzpatrick (dobro), Cathy McEvoy (fiddle); special guests the Hot Dots (Hawaiian), Zuppa Mista (Latin/Folk), Dave Hardy (clarinet/sax);  9.30-11.30 p.m., adm. free

Sat. 30th: Down and Out Bluegrass Band, J's Hotel, Mohill, Co. Leitrim; with draw for €300 Easter hamper and a TV. (€2 to enter); 9.00 p.m. start

Other news

The updated schedule of events up to 13 Apr. 2013 at the Seamus Ennis Cultural Centre at Naul, Co. Dublin, can be read here.

The updated schedule for the imminent tour by clawhammer banjo maestro Michael J. Miles (USA) can be read here. All dates, times, and contact details are on the BIB calendar.

Ray O'Brien's admirable 'Bluegrass in Ireland' Facebook now has its own events calendar. Ray adds:

If you have an event you would like me to publish for you, please get in contact via e-mail with all the event details and I will be happy to do this for you.

* Some times for shows were not available, but if you click into the event some events may show a time**** Please do not go by the times applied to these are just default times on Facebook and have no relevance to exact show times. Rlease contact the venue in question for more information on the relevant show.****

With reference to the Two Time Polka show on 13 Apr. in Cork, mentioned in our recent post of TTP news, Ray's Facebook page shows a message from Roger Ryan of the Country Music Association of Ireland on the event, together with striking images of the band.

NTB at Kilworth TONIGHT

From Niall Toner, who sends good wishes to all and this news - sent yesterday in good time, but the BIB has adjusted 'tomorrow night' to 'tonight':

Just a note to say that the Niall Toner Band are at the Village Arts Centre in Kilworth, Co. Cork, tonight, Monday, at 8.30 p.m.

Also, I want to apologise to anyone who was trying to access our website over the last 14-16 days. We were out-of-order, out-of-reach! Thanks to Daradh, we are now back in good fettle, and all our dates for 2013, and lots of other bits, are now up there at www.nialltonerband.com.

Lastly, I want to thank the hundreds of folks who sent me good wishes in connection with my album and my recent award from EBMA.

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21 March 2013

Fiddle matters - in spades

Thanks to Declan McCarthy for this press release on the year's major fiddle music event in Ireland:

One of Ireland's best small music festivals, the Baltimore Fiddle Fair takes place from 9th to 12th May. From humble beginnings in 1992 this remarkable festival has grown a little in size and a lot in stature, and is now a key fixture on Irish and international music calendars. Its reputation is built on its consistent ability to present world-class acts in intimate settings in the beautiful seaside village of Baltimore in West Cork and once again they have come up with a programme that is simply astonishing.

International acts include legendary Scottish band Capercaille (the only Irish appearance of their 30th anniversary tour), American genius Casey Driessen performing the Irish premiere of 'The Casey Driessen Singularity'; one of the world's leading old-time fiddlers, Bruce Molsky from New York; young Creole/Cajun sensation from Louisiana Cedric Watson & Bijou Creole; exciting Scandinavian trio The Nordic Fiddlers Bloc; and Cork native Una Palliser with Slovenian accordionist Marco Hatlak... These intimate concerts will be held in unique venues across Baltimore, from garden amphitheatres to ancient castles to cosy marquees, and all in one of the most stunning festival settings on the planet.

The Baltimore Fiddle Fair will also include a host of additional events including top class workshops, art exhibitions, and a plethora of great sessions in and around the village. For many musicians and music lovers, the annual pilgrimage to the Baltimore Fiddle Fair is the musical highlight of the year and this year's festival promises to be one of the best yet!

Tickets for the 21st anniversary Baltimore Fiddle Fair are on sale now. For full lineup, schedule, and ticket information, log on to the Fiddle Fair website.
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And more news, thanks to the European Bluegrass Blog, of a fiddle-based cyclone of a band merging bluegrass, Appalachian, and Canadian traditions, due to be on this side of the Atlantic more than once this year:

The April Verch Band from Canada, who have recently played eight shows in Belgium (28 Feb.-8 Mar. 2013), are planning their return to Europe in the late summer and autumn of this year.

Their tour schedule includes shows in Sweden in the period 25 July-8 August, and on 3 October they will begin a tour in the British Isles lasting for the whole of the rest of that month. On both trips they would welcome an opportunity to play in Ireland around those dates. They are also booked for the Shetland Folk Festival in Scotland (1-8 May).

The band, spearheaded by April's award-winning fiddling and her equally dynamic dancing, consists of Cody Walters (bass, clawhammer banjo) and Hayes Griffin (guitar). All members contribute original compositions to April's ninth and latest album, Bright like gold, which includes such guests as Mac Wiseman, Bruce Molsky, and Sammy Shelor.

Thanks to Frank Hoorn of Near North Music, April's agent, for this link to the band's brand new music video, and for a bio giving full details of the new album, which can be read here. Contact Frank for bookings by
• fax/phone: (250) 847 5228
• postal: 9854 Adams Rd, Smithers, BC V0J 2N7, Canada

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News digest #11

Events in the next week (taken from the BIB calendar; please check also the 'Weekly sessions' section of the calendar) 

Fri. 22nd-Sun. 24th: Springtime Bluegrass Festival, Spells Bar, Ballaghaderreen, Co. Roscommon: Colonel Bullshot Rides Again (Fri.), Woodbine (Sat.), Banjaxed Bluegrass Band (Sun.); no cover charges

Thurs. 28th: The Cabin Sessions, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Dundrum, Dublin: the McGrane Family, Con Butler (bass), Gerry Fitzpatrick (dobro), Cathy McEvoy (fiddle); special guests the Hot Dots (Hawaiian), Zuppa Mista (Latin/Folk), Dave Hardy (clarinet/sax);  9.30-11.30 p.m., adm. free

Other news

See the separate 'Fiddle matters' post which will be published later today.

And thanks to Ray O'Brien's 'Bluegrass in Ireland' Facebook page for news from Tom Hanway:

(1) RTE will soon air a nationwide commercial for Molson Canadian Beer, featuring a rolling bluegrass banjo with Irish and Canadian overtones. Tom played along to the TV ad, working closely with the composer and producer in Dublin, and sends big thanks to Niall Toner for recommending him for the session.

(2) Bluegrass Today, thanks to John Lawless, has run a feature article about Tom's latest book/CD set, Easy Irish and Celtic melodies for 5-string banjo: best-loved airs and session tunes, described on the BIB on 20 Dec. 2012. The article includes substantial input from Tom on how his involvement with Irish music developed.

Full details on the book/CD set itself are on the Mel Bay website. It should be readily available from all good suppliers and music stores.

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19 March 2013

Coffee and chocolate biscuit cake with Niall

Niall Toner is questioned by leading bluegrass journalist and writer Richard Thompson in the first of a new series of interviews on Bluegrass Today. Niall's favourite food, drink, song, record album, film, bluegrass memory, and much else, including the development of his musical career, can be read about in the full interview, here.


News digest #10: update

Events in the next week (taken from the BIB calendar; please check also the 'Weekly sessions' section of the calendar)

Thanks to Tony O'Brien for details of the only event currently listed this week:
Fri. 22nd-Sun. 24th: Springtime Bluegrass Festival, Spells Bar, Ballaghaderreen, Co. Roscommon: Colonel Bullshot Rides Again (Westport) (Fri.); Woodbine (Athy) (Sat.); Banjaxed Bluegrass Band (Limerick) (Sun.); no cover charges

Other news

The updated schedule of events up to 30 Mar. 2013 at the Seamus Ennis Cultural Centre at Naul, Co. Dublin, can be read here.

Dangem Bluegrass of Craigavon, Co. Armagh, explain the arresting image above: 'Yes, he is not happy, but due to the Easter holidays no banjos or bluegrass at the Spectrum or the Island Arts Centre, Lisburn, over the holidays. But keep practising and we will see you in April.' Full e-newsletter here.

As announced on Sunday, Frank Ray and Cedar Hill (USA) will be performing at this year's 22nd Appalachian & Bluegrass Music Festival (30 Aug.-1 Sept.) at the Ulster American Folk Park, Omagh, Co. Tyrone. Frank sends a further message:

We are excited about doing another tour of the beautiful Emerald Isle for the great Irish bluegrass fans. We are going to try and make it ten days. If you hear of any potential engagements, I am interested.

Anyone who can offer an engagement to this splendid band should tell the BIB or contact Frank direct by e-mail.

The Brookfield Knights agency in Britain draws attention to artists on its touring roster.

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17 March 2013

St Patrick's day greetings from the Ozarks

Hello My Fine Irish Friends,

Just wanted to wish you a Extraordinarily Happy St Paddy's Day. Look forward to seeing you in September.

God Bless and Good bluegrassin,

 yer pal, Frank Ray

On behalf of the bluegrass community in Ireland, the BIB heartily appreciates and reciprocates these good wishes. Frank, who founded Cedar Hill in 1967 and was inducted into the Old Time Country Music Hall of Fame in 2008, will be bringing the band over to this year's 22nd Appalachian & Bluegrass Music Festival (30 Aug.-1 Sept.) at the Ulster American Folk Park, Omagh, Co. Tyrone (see the BIB for 14 Feb.).
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Niall Toner and the European Bluegrass Personality award: update

Although circumstances prevented Niall Toner from attending the 5th European Bluegrass Summit in Prague this weekend to receive his award as European Bluegrass Personality of the Year 2012 from the EBMA, Niall was able to express his gratitude and make his presence felt at the award ceremony through a two-minute video presentation, which can be seen on YouTube.

The text of Niall's acceptance speech is substantially identical with his message published on Bluegrass Today on 7 March. The video, like others recently shot for Niall, was made by his grandson Kyle O'Neill. The news was released on Friday by the US Make Welcome Entertainment agency.

You can also read online the highly positive review by Art Menius of Niall's album Onwards & upwards, published in the March 2013 issue of Bluegrass Unlimited magazine.

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16 March 2013

News digest #9: further updates

Items added since this post was first published are shown in * red.

Events in the next week (taken from the BIB calendar; please check also the 'Weekly sessions' section of the calendar)

Wed. 13th: 'Emigrant's wake', Donegal castle, Donegal town (American civil war theme), includes Alec Somerville (vocals, old-time banjo)

Thurs. 14th: Two Time Polka O'Driscoll's Bar, Douglas, Cork. Kickoff 9.30 p.m. Adm. free. Tel. 021 4369387

Fri. 15th: Janet Dowd and band, the Red Room, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, 8.30 p.m., £10

Sat. 16th: Bending the Strings (4-piece - Gerry Madden, mandolin): two different sets in Market Square, 6.00 p.m., and Fergie's ('Characters'), 9.00 p.m., both in Tullamore, Co. Offaly

Sun. 17th: Two Time Polka Centenary Stores, Charlotte St., Wexford town. Kickoff 1.00 pm. Adm. free. Tel. 053 9122303
* The Tin Box Company, Delany's, Knocklyon, Dublin, 5.00-8.00 p.m.
Two Time Polka The Blue Haven, Pearse St., Kinsale, Co. Cork. Kickoff 10.00 p.m. Adm. free. Tel. 021 4772209
* Tom Hanway (USA) and Hugh Taggart (of Well Enough Alone), McNamee's, Mullagh, Co. Cavan, 9.00 p.m.

Other news

The updated schedule of events up to 23 Mar. 2013 at the Seamus Ennis Cultural Centre at Naul, Co. Dublin, can be read here.

Thanks to Pat Kelleher, Ray O'Brien, and 'Bluegrass in Ireland' Facebook for the dates for a tour by melodic-clawhammer-banjo master Ken Perlman (USA) next month. Currently confirmed dates have now been added to the BIB calendar; look out for further dates on 'Bluegrass in Ireland'.

Nigel Martyn and his Old Flattop Agency announce a forthcoming tour by Maria Muldaur (USA), whom older readers may recall as Maria D'Amato in the Even Dozen and Jim Kweskin Jug Bands. She has built an impressive career since then. The dates are:
Mon. 25th Mar.: Roisin Dubh, Galway city
Tues. 26th: Whelan's, Dublin 2
Wed. 27th: Black Box, Belfast
Thurs. 28th: The Brewery, Monaghan town
Sat. 30th: The Pavilion, Cork city
Sun. 31st: Colfer's, Carrig-on-Bannow, Co. Wexford
Mon. 1st Apr.: Cleere's, Kilkenny city

Thanks to 'Bluegrass in Ireland' and the Tin Box Company themselves for the news that the band will provide bluegrass for the early evening of St Patrick's day (see calendar extract above) in Delany's Knocklyon House, south Dublin, scene of their weekly Thursday night gigs.

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13 March 2013

Killer back on the street

This month's issue of Acoustic Guitar magazine includes a full account by Dana Bourgeois of Bourgeois Guitars of how the 1995 Bourgeois Slope D owned by flatpicking ace Bryan Sutton, and affectionately (affectionately?) known as 'The Banjo Killer', was carefully restored after being damaged by the Nashville flood of 2010.

The whole gripping story can also be read online. In response to the news, a representative of the banjo community said: 'If it comes round here, we're ready for it.'

Read Vinny Baker's comment on this post.

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12 March 2013

Sore Fingers 2013: disruption to rail travel

John Wirtz, organiser of the Sore Fingers Summer School to be held 1-5 April 2013 at Kingham Hill School, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, England, sends this announcement:

Sore Fingers Week 2013: disruption to rail travel
We have prepared this travel brief for students who normally travel to Kingham by rail.

Network Rail are rebuilding Reading Station and as a result, no trains will be running through there on Sunday 31 March, the day many S.F. Week students will be travelling to Kingham. A special timetable will be in operation.

If you have booked a ticket, you are advised to visit the First Great Western website for the latest information. The special timetables can be downloaded from this website.You can also call their Customer services: 08457 000 125 (7.00 a.m.–10.00 p.m. every day)

Please note we will not be updating this information, and please do not call Sore Fingers Summer Schools for travel information.

On Sunday 31 March, we will be meeting trains at Kingham station with a shuttle bus as normal between 14:30 and 18:30.

A summary of the changes is as follows:

1 From London:
Train Services from London to Oxford will be re-routed through Banbury. This will result in extended journey times - on average an hour longer than normal. To get to Kingham, a change of train will be required at Oxford.

2 From Heathrow Airport:
It is recommended to go to London Paddington by Heathrow Express and get a train to Oxford via Banbury. Change at Oxford for Kingham.

The Rail-Air bus service will run from Heathrow to Reading. At Reading, it will necessary to catch another bus to Didcot Parkway station, where trains will run to Oxford and Kingham. You might need to change at Oxford for Kingham.

3 From the North (Worcester, Birmingham and beyond)
Services from the North will be less affected but there will be a revised timetable in operation.

4 From the West of England (Bristol, Bath, Gloucester, Devon and Cornwall)
Trains will either terminate at Didcot Parkway or run through to Oxford. Change at Didcot or Oxford to get a connection to Kingham.

This information will also be downloadable from the Sore Fingers website.

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10 March 2013

European Bluegrass Personality of the Year award for Niall Toner

Niall Toner is delighted to be the recipient of the first ever European Bluegrass Personality of the Year award from the European Bluegrass Music Association, and sends his thanks to all who have supported him in the media.

The award is in recognition of Niall's achievements during 2012, including being signed to a major US bluegrass record label and making an outstanding impact on the US scene with the success of his recent Pinecastle album Onwards & upwards. More details of the EBMA Bluegrass Pioneers and Personalities awards project can be seen on the European Bluegrass Blog.

Onwards & upwards, which comprises ten original songs and an original instrumental, including tribute songs to Bill Monroe and Earl Scruggs, can be sampled on AirPlay Direct. Anyone needing a hard-copy CD for air play or review should approach Niall directly.

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09 March 2013

Locust Honey String Band: in Ireland 23-29 Oct. 2013: update

The Brookfield Knights agency announces that the Locust Honey String Band from North Carolina (see the BIB for 7 and 22 Jan. 2013) are scheduled to be in Ireland from 23 to 29 October inclusive, before going to Britain to continue their tour. Some dates in that time frame are already booked for them, but Brookfield Knights would be glad to hear from any other event organisers in Ireland who have a slot free to take them. You can use e-mail.

Update 10 Mar.: Brookfield Knights adds today:

Hi, folks - a quick follow-up re the Locust Honey String Band, that we thought might serve as a great exclamation mark!

The girls this weekend emerged triumphant from the prestigious Chattanooga Fiddlers’ Convention in Tennessee, winning the 'Best Band' title and sweeping the competition aside, thanks to their vibrantly earthy spirit that sparkles with feelgood freshness.

This is one of the most competitive events of its kind in USA and this result emphasises what we have been hearing from folks we know over there who know their stuff, namely that these girls are going places!!!

Once again, please let us know if you have a slot to take them in that period (October 23 to 27).

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News digest #8

Derek Copley of the Greasy Coat Stringband sends the sad news that the old-time session in Hannan's bar on James' St., Dublin, hosted by the Greasy Coats every Friday from 10.00 p.m., is no more. Derek adds: 'Thanks to all who attended and we look forward to jamming with you in the future at other sessions.'

Tony O'Brien reports the following new dates on Woodbine's schedule:
Sat. 23 Mar., Spells Bar, Ballaghaderreen, Co. Roscommon
Sun. 21 Apr., Peig's Bar, Portlaoise, Co. Laois, 6.00-8.00 p.m.
Fri. 7 June, GAA Centre, Dublin Rd, Athy, Co. Kildare, with Tumbling Bones (USA)
NB: all other dates in the Tumbling Bones tour are on the BIB calendar

From Bluegrass in Ireland: Hugh Taggart reports that he and Martin McWhorter, both of Well Enough Alone, will be playing a thirty-minute set at the RDS in Dublin on Sun. 10 Mar. at 1.00 p.m., as part of the Festival Of World Cultures. Hugh adds: 'It's 6 euro in for the day and there's bound to be a lot of great music.' Hugh and Martin will then play their weekly gig in the food hall of the Kilkenny Shop on Nassau St. (2.15-4.15 p.m.), with Derek Duff (Tin Box Company) on banjo.

The Open House Folk Club in Belfast announces that Cahalen Morrison & Eli West (USA) will be playing there on 25 Apr.; details are on this e-poster. Other dates in the tour are on the BIB calendar.

Gerry Fitzpatrick announces the lineup for the 28 Mar. edition of the Cabin Sessions at Uncle Tom's Cabin, Dundrum, Dublin: the McGrane Family with Con Butler (bass), Gerry Fitzpatrick (dobro), and featuring Cathy McEvoy (fiddle); special guests the Hot Dots (Hawaiian), Zuppa Mista (Latin/folk), and Dave Hardy (clarinet/sax). Guests at the Cabin the following month (25 Apr.) will include the old-time trio of Cathal Cusack and Tim & Richard Hawkins.

Niall Toner has received the European Bluegrass Personality of 2012 award from the European Bluegrass Music Association; more details are on Bluegrass Today.

Finally, a treat.

05 March 2013

News digest #7

Events in the next week (taken from the BIB calendar; please check also the 'Weekly sessions' section of the calendar)

Tues. 5th: Rose's Pawn Shop (USA), the Weigh Inn, Omagh, Co. Tyrone

Wed. 6th: Rose's Pawn Shop (USA), Whelan’s, Dublin 2

Thurs. 7th: Rose's Pawn Shop (USA), the Spirit Store, Dundalk, Co. Louth

Fri. 8th: Bluegrass Slow Jam, Walton's New School of Music, George's St., Dublin 2, 6.30-8.00 p.m.
Rose's Pawn Shop (USA), Conary Community Hall, Avoca, nr Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow

Sat. 9th: Rose's Pawn Shop (USA), Lynhams Hotel, Laragh, Co. Wicklow
Knotty Pine String Band, Market Place Theatre, Armagh city, 8.00 p.m.

Sun. 10th: Rose's Pawn Shop (USA), Crane Lane Theatre, Cork city

Mon. 11th: Frankie Lane, Mick Murphy's, Ballymore Eustace, Co. Kildare; 9.00 p.m., €12 (€10 booked in advance, 086 327 0780)

Wed. 13th: 'Emigrant's wake', Donegal castle, Donegal town (American civil war theme), includes Alec Somerville (vocals, old-time banjo)

Other news

The updated schedule of events up to 16 Mar. 2013 at the Seamus Ennis Cultural Centre at Naul, Co. Dublin, can be read here.

The European Bluegrass Blog, in a substantial review by Kevin Lynch, announces the publication of David W. Johnson's Lonesome melodies: the lives and music of the Stanley Brothers a month ago by the University Press of Mississippi.This is the first full-length treatment of the Stanleys, who form a major part of the core of classic bluegrass. The book is also available on Kindle, and can be sampled on Amazon.

Paul Lee's Musiclee.ie agency continues to add dates that may interest BIB readers; see the Musiclee.ie website.

Thanks to Roger Ryan for the March 2013 edition of the Country Music Association of Ireland newsletter, which can be seen here. Roger is also an alumnus of the IBMA Leadership Bluegrass programme.
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02 March 2013

Old-time music commemorates a Donegal hero of Gettysburg

Old-time banjoist and singer Alec Somerville will be taking part in 'The emigrant's wake' in Donegal castle, Donegal town, on 13 March 2013. The event, which has been previously staged there, is a concert commemorating James McKay Rorty (1837-63) from the town, killed in command of a Union artillery unit at the battle of Gettysburg. Alec says:

It's a sort of sound-and-light, speech-and-song thingy, it is very enjoyable, and my part was/is to sing four songs, which will be 'Hard times', 'Hill of Shiloh'; 'Rebel soldier-boy', and 'James Rorty's lament'. The last two are my own work. So - US civil war stuff, bummer cap and all...

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News digest #6

Events in the next week (taken from the BIB calendar; please check also the 'Weekly sessions' section of the calendar)

Fri. 1st: Red Hat Acoustic Music Club, Harbour View Hotel, Naas, Co. Kildare: Anna & Orla Greaves, Ray McGee, Mick Dunne, Paul McEvoy, guests; musicians and listeners welcome; €3 donation

Tues. 5th: Rose's Pawn Shop (USA), the Weigh Inn, Omagh, Co. Tyrone
Belfast Bluegrass monthly session, upstairs at the Errigle Inn, Belfast, 8.30 p.m.

Wed. 6th: Rose's Pawn Shop (USA), Whelan’s, Dublin 2

Thurs. 7th: Rose's Pawn Shop (USA), the Spirit Store, Dundalk, Co. Louth

Fri. 8th: Bluegrass Slow Jam, Walton's New School of Music, George's St., Dublin 2, 6.30-8.00 p.m.
Rose's Pawn Shop (USA), Conary Community Hall, Avoca, nr Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow

The Rose's Pawn Shop tour continues to Sunday; see the BIB calendar.

Other news

Onwards & upwards, the latest album from Niall Toner, is number #1 on the Top 50 AirPlay Direct Bluegrass/Folk Albums - All Time downloads chart.

Chris Keenan reports that American banjo master Michael J. Miles makes a special trip to Ireland next month to present his celebrated 'From Senegal to Seeger'. This special one-man show (during which he plays numerous banjos) traces the history of the banjo from its origins to modern times in America and beyond.
'...this is enough to make me want to learn the banjo all over again.' Pete Seeger

Sat. 6th Apr.: TBC
Sun. 7th: TBC
Mon. 8th: Kilworth Arts Centre, Kilworth, Co. Cork (double bill with Ken Perlman (USA))
Tues. 9th: Sixmilebridge, Co. Clare
Wed. 10th: TBC
Thurs. 11th: St John's Theatre, Listowel, Co. Kerry
Fri. 12th: Market Theatre, Miltown Malbay, Co. Clare
Sat. 13th: Banjo Weekend in Clarinbridge, Co. Galway
Sun. 14th: Banjo Weekend in Clarinbridge, Co. Galway
More details to follow.

Old-time banjoist, singer, and songwriter Alec Somerville has composed his own comment on the horse-meat crisis, which can be seen and heard on YouTube.

Aran Sheehan reports that the inaugural Dubin Bluegrass jam on Tuesday was a great success, with no less than three amazing fiddlers including Aoife Kelly, who is expected back next week (5 Mar.)

Paul Lee's Musiclee.ie agency announces several shows in the 'Folk the Recession' series with Eleanor Shanley, Frankie Lane, and Paul Kelly (30 Mar., 4, 5 Apr., 8 June), and shows by Cahalen Morrison & Eli West (USA) (26 Apr.) and Tumbling Bones (USA) (5 June). Full details are on the Musiclee.ie website.

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01 March 2013

5th Bruff Bluegrass Music Festival, 4-6 Oct. 2013

Thanks to the organisers for the news that the 5th Bruff Bluegrass Music Festival, will be held in Bruff, Co. Limerick, on the weekend Fri. 4-Sun. 6 Oct. 2013. Details TBA - if there are any US bands planning to be in Ireland around that time, please 'phone Jack Clancy, +353 (0)61 382488.

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