28 December 2013


... to Martin McWhorter, mandolinist of Dublin band Well Enough Alone; to his wife Kasia, who has a birthday today; and to their daughter Olivia Aoife, who also has a birthday today, having arrived at 8.40 this morning, weighing 8 lb 1 oz (3.66 kg).

Martin says: 'Both mother and daughter are happy and healthy' - and we hope the same can be said of him, and that a photo or two may soon become available.


27 December 2013

Elephant Revival to play two dates in Ireland, 28-9 Jan. 2014

Thanks to Loudon Temple of the UK Brookfield Knights agency for the news that two of the acts on their artists roster, Elephant Revival (USA; above) and Pharis & Jason Romero (CAN), are included in a very prestigious Top Ten list of Best Folk & Americana Albums of 2013. The Romeros, unfortunately, will not be in these islands in 2014, but in late January Elephant Revival will take part in the big Celtic Connections festival in Glasgow. They will then play two dates in Ireland and three in England before going home.

The Top Ten list cited above says of Elephant Revival: 'This troupe of remarkably dexterous multi-instrumentalists delivered some of the most creative and lyrically beautiful string band music this year.' They consist of Sage Cook (banjo, guitar, mandolin, tenor banjo, bass, fiddle); Bridget Law (fiddle, octave fiddle); Bonnie Paine (washboard, djembe, musical saw, stompbox); Daniel Rodriguez (guitar, banjo, bass); and Dango Rose (double-bass, mandolin, banjo). All sing and write songs. Elephant Revival's dates in Ireland are:

Tues. 28th: Clonmel World Music, Raheen House Hotel, Co. Tipperary

Wed. 29th: Garter Lane Arts Centre, Waterford city

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26 December 2013

Talking turkey about banjos with Dangem

Thanks to Dangem Bluegrass for their latest e-newsletter with news of goodies for any bluegrass enthusiast - ranging from Rough terrain, the new CD by Cup o' Joe, and Lowering the tone, the debut CD by the Down and Out Bluegrass Band, through picks, instructional books and DVDs, all the way up to (of course) banjos and everything else that Dangem stock for the musician.

Go to the e-newsletter, and with a click on the mouse you can browse, order, or buy. Dangem's website also carries the news that the first Dangem Bluegrass Get-Together of the new year will be on Saturday 25 January, at the usual place and time.

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24 December 2013

Christmas greetings from the BIB

The Bluegrass Ireland Blog sends good wishes for a happy and peaceful Christmas and a joyful and prosperous New Year to all its readers, to all lovers of bluegrass and kindred musics, and to all people of goodwill everywhere.

Update, Christmas Day: A treat for Christmas, and not just (we hope) for banjo players: a feature from Bluegrass Today, with a video of Mike Munford, current IBMA Banjo Player of the Year, playing a medley of Christmas songs.


... and from Vincent Cross

Thanks to singer/ songwriter and bandleader Vincent Cross, now resident in New York, who sends his Christmas e-newsletter:

Dear Friends,

The end of the year is approaching, and I wanted to reach out with a hearty 'thank you'.

Your support over the years has kept me open to sharing the music that I hold so dear to my existence, and with the release of A town called Normal I've felt that I'm getting closer to creating the music that I've always wanted to hear.

Thanks for listening, and have a wonderful new year!

Download or order the CD from CDbaby or iTunes. 

Vincent Cross:Live on The Song
Check out this solo version of "Childish things' from my appearance on The Song this year. The full 30 minute show includes chatter about the songwriting process.

Contact Vincent by e-mail.

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What goes around, comes around

Thanks to John Goad on Bluegrass Today for a feature on a band newly formed from bluegrass veterans and bearing (legitimately) a name from an earlier generation of bluegrass pioneers: Reno & Harrell. Dale Reno and Don Wayne Reno, well known to audiences in Ireland as members of Hayseed Dixie, have teamed up with Mitch Harrell and produced their first album together, Reno bound.

The album includes a song which is featured in their first music video: 'A dollar down and a dollar a week', which their fathers recorded in 1967 - and which had been recorded a generation earlier (1931) by Luther Ossenbrink, the Arkansas Woodchopper. The New Lost City Ramblers released in 1968 their own recording, based on Ossenbrink's, and eight or nine years later the Sackville String Band were playing the NLCR's version to Dublin audiences. Small world...

You can see the Reno & Harrell 'Dollar down' on their website, or on YouTube. Also in the band on the video are Robbie Wells (fiddle) and Ron Spears (bass) - Ron will be remembered by many over here as mandolinist and lead singer with the Special Consensus some years back. And just to close a further circle: the photo image above, which was used back in August in advance publicity for the First Bunratty Banjo Pickers Festival, is also on the Reno & Harrell website, which suggests that the hands belong to Don Wayne Reno, and that the banjo may be his father's RB-75 'Nellie', previously owned by Earl Scruggs, and thus arguably the second most important banjo in bluegrass history.

BIB editor's note, 26 Dec.: I really need to get a grip. The banjo in the photo has an inlay pattern which is not the same as that on 'Nellie' - quite apart from the fact that it has been fitted with a pickup.

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23 December 2013

Events over the holiday season

From the BIB calendar:

Fri. 27th: Dr Tim Sharp's 'Come Away to the Skies: A High Lonesome Bluegrass Mass', rehearsal at Christ Church cathedral, Dublin 8, 3.00-4.30 p.m. (cathedral open to public)

Sat. 28th: Dr Tim Sharp's 'Come Away to the Skies: A High Lonesome Bluegrass Mass': two sets in the Guinness Storehouse, Dublin 8, 1.00-1.30 p.m. and 2.00-2.30 p.m.
Two Time Polka, the Old Oratory, West Main St., Caherciveen, Co. Kerry. Tel. 087 7473409; 8.15 p.m. (with supports). Tickets (€15) from Camos Restaurant, the Anchor Bar in Caherciveen, and Ritchie at 087 1715949

Sun. 29th: Dr Tim Sharp's 'Come Away to the Skies: A High Lonesome Bluegrass Mass', Taney Church of Ireland church, Dundrum, Dublin 14, 11.00 a.m.
Two Time Polka, South County Bar, West Village, Douglas, Cork. Start 9.00 p.m. Adm. free. Tel. 021 4891574.

Mon. 30th: Two Time Polka, Boyle's Bar, Main St., Slane, Co. Meath. Start 10.00 p.m. Adm. free. Tel. 041 9884747.

Tues. 31st: Two Time Polka, Masterson's Steakhouse, Main St., Swords, Co. Dublin; 10.30 p.m. Adm. €20, or €60 with 3-course meal, mulled wine on arrival, and glass of champagne at midnight


Wed. 1st: Two Time Polka, O'Flaherty's Bar, Dingle, Co. Kerry. Start 4.00 p.m. Adm. free. Tel. 066 9151983

21 December 2013

'Come Away to the Skies: A High Lonesome Bluegrass Mass' in Dublin, 27-9 Dec. 2013

A reminder that Dr Tim Sharp, a highly regarded executive director of the American Choral Directors Association who is also a banjo-picker, is bringing his choral composition 'Come Away to the Skies: A High Lonesome Bluegrass Mass' to Dublin at the end of Christmas week.

Dr Sharp, who is also artistic director of the Tulsa Oratorio Chorus of Oklahoma, is known for generating performances of 'stunning power' and 'great passion and precision'. In 'Come Away to the Skies' the movements of the Ordinary of the Mass are set to bluegrass music with Southern Harmony tunes. This work has, in the past, been recorded and performed with some of Nashville's finest pickers.

'Come Away to the Skies' will be rehearsed in Christ Church cathedral on Friday 27 December from 3.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m., with the cathedral open to the public. Two sets (1.00-1.30 p.m. and 2.00-2.30 p.m.) will be performed in the Guinness Storehouse on Saturday 28 December; and there will be a performance in Taney Church of Ireland church, Dundrum, at 11.00 a.m. on Sunday 29 December. The instrumental work (apart from banjo) will be provided by musicians from the Dublin bluegrass scene: Hugh Taggart (guitar), John Denby (mandolin), Niall Hughes (bass), Luke Coffey (brush drums), and Paul Kelly (fiddle).

A foretaste of the music in this unique and historic event is in the YouTube links given on the BIB for 5 December. The following comments were added to this post by Dr Sharp and his team, and are greatly appreciated.

Tim Sharp: Looking forward to singing and playing in Dublin. Hope to meet new friends to start the New Year!
Anastasia Howard: So excited to sing the Mass in Dublin!!
James Finley: Great fun to perform. Don't miss it.
Mark Woeppel: Love this piece!
Kendall Carpenter: What could be better than singing 'Come Away to the Skies' in Dublin, Ireland? Hope to see you at one of the performances!

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Denis Chanders

Tony O'Brien sends this sad news from Athy, Co. Kildare:

Denis Chanders, for many years the 'video man' and a very valued member of the organising team at the Athy Bluegrass Festival, passed away today (Saturday) at 3.00 p.m. after a long battle with illness. Denis's funeral mass is on Monday at 1.00 p.m. in St Michael's parish church, Athy, and burial afterwards in Oakvale cemetery, Stradbally, Co. Laois.

Deepest sympathy from the Athy Bluegrass Music Association and the wider bluegrass family goes out to his partner Teresa and the members of the Chanders family.

The attached photo shows Denis playing his beloved double bass, 'Berta'.

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The Cabin Sessions, 27 Dec. 2013

Gerry Fitzpatrick announces the Friday 27 December show in the Cabin Sessions series, 'Acoustic Music at its Finest', at Uncle Tom's Cabin in south Dublin (not far from Dundrum Luas station in the city direction):

Just to let you know about our Christmas Special on Friday 27 Dec. at the Cabin, with the Cabin Crew (Spats Davenport, Con Butler, Gerry Fitzpatrick, & Christian Volkmann) and special guests Paul Hennessy, Andrew Basquille, Noel McIver, and Emma Butler. 9.30 till 12.00, admission FREE.

And of course wishing you all a happy and peaceful Christmas and New Year, and thank you all for supporting the Cabin Sessions during the past year.

If you or someone you know would like to perform at the Cabin Sessions, let Gerry know by e-mail. The Sessions are particularly interested in featuring local musicians and singers.

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20 December 2013

Nation & Blackwell Bluegrass Band in Ireland, 24 Jan.-8 Feb. 2014

The Nation & Blackwell Bluegrass Band: (l-r) Gary Davis, Chuck Nation, Curtis Blackwell, Susan Nation

Well, the bluegrass enthusiast in Ireland can't complain of a lack of visiting artists or a slow start to the New Year. Even before High Plains Tradition from Colorado have left our shores, another powerful tradition-based band are coming in: the Nation & Blackwell Band from Georgia are making a welcome return visit after their tour eighteen months ago (see the BIB for 15 May 2012). This time they're staying a little longer; Gary 'Biscuit' Davis will be on banjo in place of Jim Pankey; and they will have their 2013 album On a high, high mountain.

Thanks to John Lawless of Bluegrass Today for a feature on the tour and a list of dates, which we show below. Never mind the BT title saying 'heading to the UK' - three of the fourteen dates are in the UK.

Fri. 24th Jan.: Seamus Ennis Cultural Arts Centre, Naul, Co. Dublin
Sat. 25th: Leap Castle, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary
Sun. 26th: Festival of American Country, Bluegrass and Roots, Colfer's, Carrig-on-Bannow, Co. Wexford
Mon. 27th: The Stage Inn @ Mick Murphys, Ballymore Eustace, Co. Kildare
Tues. 28th: Cunningham's Upstairs Venue, Main St., Kildare, Co. Kildare
Wed. 29th: Barry’s, Grange, Co. Sligo
Thurs. 30th: The Black Box Theatre, Belfast
Fri. 31st: Regional Cultural Arts Centre, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal

Sat. 1st Feb. Ballina Arts Centre, Ballina, Co. Mayo
Sun. 2nd: Matt Molloy's, Westport, Co. Mayo
Mon. 3rd: Village Arts Centre, Kilworth, Co. Cork
Thurs. 6th: St John’s Arts Centre, Listowel, Co. Kerry
Fri. 7th: Island Arts Centre, Lisburn, Co. Antrim
Sat. 8th: Marketplace Theatre, Armagh city, Co. Armagh

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19 December 2013

The Sackville String Band, Mk III (Special)

The BIB editor writes:

Thanks to Maeve Toner for this fine photo of the Sackville String Band, very evocative of the era and taken almost certainly in late '77. From left to right: front, Niall Toner and Colin Beggan; rear, John Caulfield, Richard Hawkins, and Imor Byrne. Imor is wearing one of the original Sackville T-shirts - how many of those survive?

For the instrument freak, some notes on the most prominent personality in the photo - the English-made Jedson 6006 'Symphonic' banjo, with its characteristic flush-top tension hoop. Its tunnelled 5th string has had a sliding capo added, and the original Rogers skin head and non-tip bridge have been replaced by a Remo plastic head and 'ordinary' three-footed bridge.

The keen-eyed reader will spot two items of hardware made by the Liberty Banjo Company: the almost indestructible spring-loaded capo (still in use on my clawhammer banjo - thanks again, Niall), and the 'Bear Claw' tailpiece (still in use, after being bent into a 'straight-line' configuration, on the Mastertone - thanks again, Carol). Less visible: Keith pegs on the 2nd and 3rd strings. I would not now treat an old instrument that way...

This post makes a total of eleven items on the BIB relating to the Sackville String Band; all of them can be found by a search for 'Sackville' using the slot at the top of the blog. Further on a point made earlier this week: though the founding of the band was a joint effort, it should be said that the credit for enrolling new musicians and finding places to play - whether residencies or gigs - was entirely Niall's.

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17 December 2013

A bit of history

From the BIB editor:

I'm delighted to be able to report that among the Dublin musicians providing the instrumental support for Dr Tim Sharp's 'High Lonesome Bluegrass Mass' later this month (see the BIB for 5 Dec.) will be fiddle and mandolin maestro Paul Kelly.

Paul's Wikipedia entry shows in ample detail what an asset he is to the music scene. I'll just add my comments to two passages in it:

'In the early eighties he discovered bluegrass and spent four years as fiddler with the Sackville String Band. [...] The band had been established by Niall Toner in late 1975.'

Niall and I had been previously playing together, for fun, a mixture of 'American traditional music, old-time songs and bluegrass'. In late 1975 we decided the time might have come to form a band and play this music in public. My memory (not impartial) casts me as slightly keener than Niall on taking the plunge. I just saw it as 'something that had to be done'; no doubt he, having founded the Lee Valley String Band in Cork seven years earlier, had a better idea of what we would be getting into. But neither of us, I think, would have gone ahead without the other.

Niall's other definitive contributions were (1) to bring in Mick Daly (of Cork, but at that time resident in Dublin) as guitar player to make up a viable group; and (2) to name the band. Our first few performances, in the basement of Hartigan's in Leeson Street, went under no name. I introduced us once as the Wild Turkey String Band; the others, who had not been consulted beforehand, understandably did not buy this, and Niall came up with the name 'Sackville String Band', which he had already had in mind. So from either very, very late in 1975 or very early in 1976, we were the Sackville String Band.

'... A typical line-up of the band when Kelly joined was Imor Byrne (fiddle), Colin Beggan (guitar), John Caulfield (fiddle), Niall Toner (mandolin) and Richard Hawkins (banjo).'

This is a lineup that dates from late 1976 to late 1977. For most of 1976 the original trio played on the top floor of the Stag's Head in Dame Lane. Mick then returned to Cork (where he has been not just a core member of the Lee Valley String Band but a founder member, and the original 'Dog', of Four Men and a Dog). His place on guitar was taken by Colin, and the addition of two fiddles, played by Imor and John, brought us closer to the sound of the Highwoods and Fuzzy Mountain string bands. This configuration played for most of 1977 in the Tailors' Hall, in Back Lane, Dublin, till Imor's tragic death in November that year. John (I think) left for the USA some time later.

The Sackville String Band then took a short break from performing and reorganised as a four-piece with a more bluegrassy orientation: Niall (mandolin), Colin (guitar), and myself (banjo), plus Bill Whelan (upright bass). Bill has since become the doyen of clawhammer banjo playing in Ireland, but for a long time he had a similar position in Dublin acoustic bass circles. This lineup was launched at the Tailors' Hall in the late summer of 1978 when we hosted, and opened for, guitar wizard Dan Crary.

In April 1979 I withdrew from music for a while and was replaced in the Sackvilles by Jimmy Kelly. This lineup - Niall, Colin, Bill, and Jimmy - opened for Doc Watson in his 1981 Dublin concert (see the BIB for 15 Feb. 2013). Any further contributions to Sackville String Band history will be welcome.

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16 December 2013

Monday miscellany

Tickets are now on sale for the coming 10th Belfast Nashville Songwriters Festival, which will be held from 28 February to 9 March 2014. Some details are on the poster image below; at present the chief news for BIB readers is that Jim Lauderdale will be among the hundred artists taking part (Jim was on the cover of the February 2013 issue of Bluegrass Unlimited). More details are on the Festival's e-newsletter; the news is not yet on its Facebook page.

Loudon Temple of the Brookfield Knights agency in Britain sends word that owing to festival offers at home The Wiyos (USA) will not be touring these islands for most of 2014. They will, however, be available for bookings in the period 7-23 Nov. 2014. Anyone interested in booking them at that time should contact the agency.

The BIB editor reports:

Anyone who has seen a live Woodbine show since July 2012 may have noticed that I now use a Perfect Touch thumb pick. I'd previously seen photos of this unusual pick and couldn't imagine how it would work. However, not only is it (as the maker claims) comfortable and playable; it is also very secure, and eliminates a problem I'd had - a string getting occasionally caught under the curled end of a conventional pick.

I'm now also using Perfect Touch's equally individual finger picks - thanks largely to Bill Forster of the Banjaxed Bluegrass Band. Bill found that once fitted they are supremely comfortable, and that for a mellower tone the round-faced brass type (see photo, from the Eagle Music Shop website) are preferable to the nickel-silver/ flat-faced. I bought from Bill one of his spare sets, and they've delivered everything he said they would.

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12 December 2013

Two Time Polka: forthcoming gigs

Ray Barron of Two Time Polka reports:

Here are our dates for Christmas and the New Year:

Fri. Dec. 13th: The Reg Bar, the Mall, Waterford. Start 10.30 p.m. Adm. free.

Sat. 28th: The Old Oratory, West Main St., Caherciveen, Co. Kerry. Tel. 087 7473409. The event starts at 8.15 p.m. with supports. Tickets (€15) are available from Camos Restaurant, the Anchor Bar in Caherciveen, and from Ritchie at 087 1715949.

Sun. 29th: South County Bar, West Village, Douglas, Cork. Start 9.00 p.m. Adm. free. Tel. 021 4891574.

Mon. 30th: Boyle's Bar, Main St., Slane, Co. Meath. Start 10.00 p.m. Adm. free. Tel. 041 9884747.

New Year's Eve, Tues. 31st: Masterson's Steakhouse, Main St., Swords, Co. Dublin. Start 10.30 p.m. Admission (€60) includes 3-course meal, mulled wine on arrival, and glass of champagne at midnight. For anyone just going to the gig the cover charge is €20.

There is already a lot of bookings for the night, so if you're planning on going, phone the venue in advance at 01 8903855.

New Year's Day, Wed. Jan. 1st 2014: O'Flahertys Bar, Dingle, Co. Kerry. Start 4.00 p.m. Adm. free. Tel. 066 9151983.

Thanks to everbody for your great support during 2013.

Ray and TTP

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11 December 2013

Detached notes

Thanks to Brian McNeal of the Prescription Bluegrass Blog for a reminder that tomorrow is Bluegrass Music Appreciation Day, and the Association of Bluegrass Disc Jockeys urges its members to give the day appropriate recognition. Read the Association's full statement here.

Thanks to Tanya Weliky of ArtistWorks, Inc. for the news that ArtistWorks are launching today 'Acoustic Guitar 101' an absolutely free, comprehensive, user-friendly online acoustic guitar school for beginners, with a structured programme of over eighty-five lessons by guitarist Scott Law. More details are on an introductory YouTube video. Free membership to Acoustic Guitar 101 can be obtained at FreeAcousticGuitar101.com, starting 11 December 2013. See more here.

Thanks to Ray O'Brien for the news that Patrick Simpson (guitar, mandolin) and Luke Coffey (banjo) will be playing at Biddy's Bar, Manorhamilton, Co. Leitrim, on Saturday 21 December. See more, including a nice picture of Patrick and Luke, on Bluegrass in Ireland.

Following our post of a few days ago on supporting Tony Rice - here's the Homespun Tapes catalogue of instructional material by him on CD and DVD.

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Mark your diaries!

Thanks to Uri Kohen, mastermind of the Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival, for this announcement of next year's event:

We've got the dates! The eighth Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival will take place from Friday 13 June to Sunday 15 June 2014. Once again, the beautiful seaside town of Westport, Co. Mayo, will attract bluegrass- and folk-lovers from near and far, music will fill the bars and streets, and the whoops and hollers of appreciative audiences will bounce off the walls.

Growing on the massive success of last year's festival, the organisers have been hard at work, pulling together yet another fabulous lineup featuring the best bluegrass and the finest folk for your listening pleasure! And it's shaping up to be another fantastic three days of music, fun, and frolics, with phenomenal concerts, free gigs galore, and shed-loads of sessions…

This year, acts from the UK, mainland Europe, America, and Australia, as well as plenty of Irish acts from all over the island, will be attending the much-loved multi-venue festival. So far, the line up includes the Loose Moose String Band from the UK, the Corn Potatos from America, Battenkill Ramblers from Germany, the Down and Out Bluegrass Band from Northern Ireland, Hat Fitz and Cora Robinson from Australia, and Irish acts Miriam Donohue, the Sullivan Brothers, the Rocky Top String Band, and Tim Rogers & Friends. Expect more exciting announcements over the coming months!

Also, in a festival first, many of the acts will also be lending out their members to form 'Super Groups' especially for the festival – all in the spirit of knowledge sharing, top-class pickin' and jammin', and exciting, exclusive entertainment. All of the artists and groups in the Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival are being handpicked to reflect different movements in the bluegrass and folk genres.

For those who love to learn, there'll be workshops and lots of informal sessions where members of the public are welcome to join in and play along with the best of them. As always there'll be bucket-loads of free gigs, more sessions than you can shake a banjo at, and a high-calorie feast of bluegrass and folk – from the sublime to the stompin'. Hold on to yer hats, folks – Westport will be hoppin' again this June!

Keep an eye on westportfolkandbluegrass.com and the Westport Folk & Bluegrass Festival Facebook page for more updates.

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08 December 2013

15th Shannonside Winter Music Weekend, 16-20 Jan. 2014

A reminder - for anyone who needs reminding - of the 15th Shannonside Winter Music Weekend Festival, which next month (16-20 January 2014) features at least seventy acoustic music events at over fifteen venues in Sixmilebridge and Bunratty, Co. Clare. The full lineup is shown in the image above, but much better to go to the Weekend's very good-looking website for greater detail, bio information, links to artists' websites, and performance videos. We recommend booking accommodation soon.

Sixmilebridge Folk Club deserve great credit for putting this programme together. There must be a bluegrass mole in the Club, as whenever we open the Weekend website the first photo we see is a fine one of High Plains Tradition from Colorado. NB: this photo shows the HPT's regular banjo-player Mark Leslie, but the banjo duties on their 2014 tour (as in 2012) will be filled by Ron Lynam, a pillar of Colorado bluegrass for over thirty years. Martin Gilmore (USA), son of guitarist Steve of the HPT, will also be along, playing solo gigs as well as supporting the band. Details are on the BIB calendar.

Keep up with the latest developments on the Weekend's Facebook page - where you can also see scores of photos taken at the 1st Bunratty Banjo Pickers Festival back in September.

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07 December 2013

The Tony Rice Foundation

On 27 Sept. 2013 the BIB mentioned the 'Miracle of Raleigh' - the few minutes at this year's IBMA awards show when, in responding to his inauguration into the IBMA Hall of Fame, Tony Rice was able to recover his speaking voice, and even to hold out hope that he might be on the path back to the outstanding singer that he was twenty years ago.

However, by an irony of fate, arthritis is impairing his even more unique ability as a guitar player, and consequently his earning ability. Read John Lawless's feature on Bluegrass Today - all of it is well worth reading, but especially the news of the Tony Rice Foundation, a benefit campaign launched by Terry and Jeff Pinkham with (at present) a Facebook Page and a PayPal account. Please note also John Lawless's suggestions for benefiting Tony through buying his CDs, DVDs, or autobiography.

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Christmas gift ideas from Dangem

Thanks to Dangem Bluegrass for their updated news bulletin of Christmas gift ideas that are bound to include something for any bluegrass enthusiast - ranging from Lowering the tone, the debut CD by the Down and Out Bluegrass Band, through caps, T-shirts, and jackets with the Deering and Vega brands, all the way up to (of course) banjos and everything else that Dangem stock for the musician.

Go to the e-newsletter, and with a click on the mouse you can browse, order, or buy.

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06 December 2013

Events in the next week - and more

Fri. 6th: Sacred Harp Singers of Dublin, regular weekly sing (7.00-9.00 p.m.) held this week in Franciscan Friary, Merchant's Quay, Dublin 8; all welcome

Sat. 7th: Sacred Harp Singers of Dublin All-Day Singing (10.00 a.m.-4.00 p.m.), Franciscan Friary, Merchant's Quay, Dublin 8; all welcome
New series of Niall Toner's RTÉ Radio 1 show 'Roots Freeway' begins

Thurs. 12th: Bluegrass Music Appreciation Day

Fri. 13th: Red Hat Acoustic Music Club, Harbour Hotel, Naas, Co. Kildare; 8.30 p.m.; all welcome

The updated schedule of events at the Seamus Ennis Cultural Centre, Naul, Co. Dublin, up to 20 December 2013 can be seen here.

Thanks to Anna Schwaber for the latest update on the DVD and merchandise of the film The Porchlight sessions (featured on the BIB in the past). Compass Records are taking part in distributing the film, and further changes are being made from the director's cut at Compass's request. More aspects of the history of Bill Monroe and several other new elements will be added; and while overall running time is being cut, bonus content is being considered for the DVD. So: a little more patience is needed, but (as we already knew) it'll be worth waiting for.

The Porchlight sessions was financed using a KickStarter campaign, and earlier this week the BIB mentioned Nick DiSebastian, who is also using KickStarter to finance his solo album. The photo below shows Nick on bass with another band that he's in: Rebecca Frazier and Hit & Run. See more about the band in this feature on Bluegrass Today.

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05 December 2013

'Come Away to the Skies: A High Lonesome Bluegrass Mass' - in Dublin, 27-9 Dec. 2013

Dr Tim Sharp, executive director of the American Choral Directors Association and artistic director of the Tulsa Oratorio Chorus of Oklahoma, is known for generating performances of 'stunning power' and 'great passion and precision'. His publications, choral compositions, and arrangements include 'Come Away to the Skies: A High Lonesome Bluegrass Mass', in which the movements of the Ordinary of the Mass are set to bluegrass music with Southern Harmony tunes. This has been recorded and performed with some of Nashville's finest pickers.

Dr Sharp (himself a banjo-picker) is bringing 'Come Away to the Skies' to Dublin at the end of this month, with performances in Christ Church cathedral on Friday 27 December; two sets in the Guinness Storehouse on the afternoon of Saturday 28 December; and in Taney Church of Ireland church, Dundrum, on the morning of Sunday 29 December. And the instrumental work - requiring guitar, mandolin, bass, banjo, fiddle, and drum played with brushes - is being provided by musicians from the Dublin bluegrass scene.

For a foretaste of the music in this unique and historic event, use the following YouTube links:

Introit (a cappella)
Agnus Dei

Dates are being entered on the Bluegrass Ireland Blog calendar, and further details will be published when available.

Update 9 Dec.: The comments added to this post are appreciated.

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Dublin Sacred Harp - All-Day Singing, 7 Dec. 2013

Thanks to Sacred Harp Singers of Dublin for this news:

We will be hosting an All-Day Singing in the Franciscan Friary on Merchant's Quay, Dublin 8, this Saturday (7 December). Registration will be at 10.00 a.m. and we will sing until 4.00 p.m., breaking in the afternoon for a pot-luck lunch. We will be joined for the weekend by visiting singers from Cork and the UK, so will all be heading to Chaplin's pub on Hawkins Street that evening. Our regular singing (Friday 7.00-9.00) will also be held in the Friary this week, to accommodate the extra numbers.

It would be lovely to see lots of you there for what promises to be a great weekend of singing. As always, everyone is welcome and no experience is necessary.

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03 December 2013

Nick DiSebastian opens a KickStarter campaign

'Fan funding' is becoming increasingly popular with independent musicians and other artists, and the BIB in the past has drawn attention to several projects using this method of financing, notably the films 'Give me the banjo' and 'The Porchlight Sessions'.

Among the musicians adopting 'fan funding' is a young Nashville multi-instrumentalist and composer, Nick DiSebastian from Nora Jane Struthers & the Party Line. The campaign to fund his debut album can be reached through this link. There is a scale of rewards for different sizes of donation, and Nick sends this musical holiday treat for anyone considering helping the project.

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02 December 2013

Highlights from UKBluegrass.com

Thanks to UKBluegrass.com for posting an anthology of interviews and other features that have appeared on the website over the past few years. The list comprises:

The logo (above) was designed by Charlotte Carrivick of the Carrivick Sisters.

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