Andy McKee in Ireland, March 2011
Thanks to Nigel Martyn, the BIB mentioned in October 2010 a series of coming tours by outstanding acoustic guitar players. Thanks again to Nigel for more detail of the latest of the series, comprising four dates in Ireland a month from now, by Andy McKee.
Wed. 2 Mar. The Black Box, Belfast. Tel. 02890 244400
Thurs. 3 Mar. The Radisson Live Lounge, Galway city. Tel. 091 538300
Fri. 4 Mar. Cyprus Avenue, Cork city. Tel. 021 427 6165
Sat. 5 Mar. The Helix (Mahony Hall), Dublin. Tel. 01 700 7000
Any connection between McKee's music and bluegrass is negligible; but his remarkable musicianship and formidably inventive technique can be sampled on his own website and especially on YouTube, where he has made an enormous impact. For more information, jpegs, media interviews, etc., please contact
Nigel Martyn
23 Lowwood Park
BT15 4BB
Tel.: +44 (0)28 90 580 793
Mobile: +44 (0)7545 020938
Skype name : nigelmartyn