18 April 2020

Labourers worthy of their hire

With reference to yesterday's post 'Horsenecks host 'Quarantine Happy Hour' online', thanks to Tim Rogers for his comment on it, which needs to be given greater prominence:

It's great to see this being shared. I would encourage you to remind your readers that it is important that they support these fantastic artists by leaving a tip in the tip jar. The global pandemic has resulted in a massive loss of income and summer touring is no longer possible.

Tim (right) is not exaggerating. When the BIB first touched on the plight of musicians last month, we wrote of one losing a month's income in a day. To take just one example from how things stand now: an award-winning band well known to audiences in Ireland has lost over three months' income out of the year and had two tours cancelled (one to mark a record release, one to mark a band anniversary).

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At 9:35 pm, Blogger Tim said...

Thanks so much... Your support for musicians is so much appreciated


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