05 October 2010

A Band Called Wanda at Westport, 2 Oct. 2010

Uri Kohen of Electric Cave Production reports from Westport, Co. Mayo:

Last March I invited a Galway band to perform in Geraghty's 'Unfinished Music Series'. The band was A Band Called Wanda [above]. I was so impressed by their performance (as I wrote in the blog then), it was only a matter of time before I asked them back to Westport.

Last Saturday night (2.10.2010) they came back and once again played a superb show. As good as they were the last time, this time they were even better, with some new song a perfection of the old one. Alongside their own songs, the band perform some folk classics in a new and fresh approach.

The lads use many instruments (guitars, drums, fiddle, mandolin, and many brass instruments) and change them between themselves just as their heroes The Band used to do. For all of you that like music, go and see them; it is going to be some of the best two hours you will ever spend.

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