14 December 2007

The Nashville Sessions, 2007: on RTE Radio One

Niall tries out a Huber banjo, with the best possible guide

Niall Toner reports:

On 27 and 28 December, at 6.00-7.00 p.m. each evening, RTE Radio One will broadcast the first two programmes in the 'Nashville Sessions' series, featuring writers, performers, and instrument-makers interviewed by Niall Toner and producer Aidan Butler during our visit to the IBMA convention in Nashville during October last. Guests include Greg Cahill, Pete Wernick, Barry and Holly Tashian, Steve Huber, Goldheart, Broken Wire, Si Kahn, Steve Kaufmann, Keith Sewell, Wendy Buckner, and loads more. Details of further programmes featuring interviews with bluegrass people will be announced in early 2008.

Niall talks to Wendy Buckner and Keith Sewell


The NTB are currently working on CD #3, provisionally titled We believe in clean endings, featuring another baker's dozen originals. Recording should be completed before mid-January, and hopefully we will have details of a release date in early February. NTB are also delighted to announce their inclusion in the 2008 Athy Bluegrass line-up, one of the strongest ever! See details elsewhere on the BIB.

Season's greetings and kind regards to all,


Niall gets to hold a Gibson, and talk with the man who makes them: David Harvey

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