Festivals on the Continent
The Kito Events Foundation, organisers of the big Rotterdam Bluegrass Festival in the Netherlands, announce that they have been obliged to postpone the tenth festival to 24-26 June 2022. Guido de Groot, head of the team, says:
Last year we had to postpone the 10-year anniversary to this year. We had hoped until the very last minute that we could celebrate this momentous occasion in 2021, but circumstances dictated otherwise. Considering these circumstances, we cannot guarantee our visitors the same quality and experience that we are accustomed to delivering. We will, however, not give up that easily! The ‘Oude Noorden’ will try and substitute the experience to the best of its ability and it will feature as the stage for the Bluegrass Festival 2021 from the 25th to the 27th of June!
The Kito Events Foundation will accordingly provide on those dates a programme of online events, and will issue a limited edition CD/LP of the best recordings from the past nine years at Rotterdam, which will only be available during that weekend.
Meanwhile, the organisers of Banjo Jamboree at Čáslav in the Czech Republic - the oldest bluegrass festival in Europe - announce:
Dear bluegrass friends,
We still hope the Banjo Jamboree festival WILL take place on June 18-19, 2021. We are working on it, but the covid-19 situation in the Czech Republic is bad at the moment, it keeps changing though. Please check this website for updates. Stay safe, looking forward to seeing you in the summer!
© Richard Hawkins
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