Jim Hurst on 'Song of the Mountains' concert, 3 Apr. 2021
Thanks to Tim White for the news that on Saturday 3 April at 7.00 p.m. Song of the Mountains, the organisation holding monthly concerts in the historic Lincoln Theatre at Marion, VA, will present a concert featuring guitar wizard Jim Hurst (photo) and two North Carolina bluegrass bands, Nick Chandler & Delivered and Deeper Shade of Blue. As with other Song of the Mountains concerts, the show will be taped for broadcasting across the USA on public TV, and can also be watched on live stream.
Jim Hurst has toured several times in Ireland, most recently in autumn 2019 when he gave (as always) an astounding display of mastery of the guitar, flat- as well as finger-picked, and an equal mastery of sound enhancement to bring out the full qualities of the instrument. He is also, when he gets a chance to show it, a very individual and original banjo player.
© Richard Hawkins
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