04 October 2020

Sacred Harp Singers of Dublin: COVID precautions

Sacred Harp Singers of Dublin have issued a COVID-19 attendance form which can be downloaded and should be completed by anyone intending to attend a singing session. The Dublin group add this warning:

If you answer Yes to any of the questions below, please do not attend. We strongly recommend you self-isolate at home and contact your GP promptly for further advice.

There may be a problem with the link for opening this form if you have received the news in an e-mail from Sacred Harp Singers of Dublin; however, the link shown above seems OK. This news follows upon the group's report in June:

During Phase 2, some of our regular members have been trialing outdoor gatherings of fewer than 15 people, maintaining distance and wearing face masks. Our experience with this is that we can sing successfully and safely but due to weather and other people in the area we are not able to guarantee that singings will go ahead. For that reason, we will not publish times and dates of planned singings. If you are interested in attending, please get in touch with me or one of the other singers and we can discuss when and how we can sing together. As always, we are delighted to welcome beginners and newcomers (and old friends!).

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