BanjoTuneWeekly - pickers are invited
The BIB editor writes:
THANKS to Bluegrass Today for news of BanjoTune Weekly, a new online project launched last week (2 June) by award-winning Tennessee-based banjo-player Tray Wellington, with a 3-minute video of two of his original compositions on the project's YouTube channel.
The series is dedicated to showcasing great banjo talents in all styles of music, and Tray invites contributions from banjo-players all over the world. This week's guest video (also on the Bluegrass Today feature) shows Gina Furtado, playing the old fiddle standard 'Back up and push'. (Gina toured Ireland twice with Chris Jones & the Night Drivers before leaving to lead her own band.)
There are several 5-string players in Ireland who would be well qualified to light up the screen, and we hope to see them as Tray's guests before long. If you would like to take part in BanjoTuneWeekly, contact him at
Labels: Banjo, Video, Visiting players
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