10 June 2023

'Life of a musician' nominated for an Emmy award

On 12 Nov. last year the BIB carried a report by Dave Byrne jr of the mygrassisblue.com agency, on the launch of 'The life of a musician', a TV interview series featuring some leading figures in bluegrass and country music. The series, hosted by guitar wizard Brandon Lee Adams (right; his tour of Ireland with mandolinist Johnny Staats in the autumn of 2019 was organised by mygrassisblue.com), has now been nominated for an Emmy award.

More details are in John Lawless's feature on Bluegrass Today, where you can see a 27-minute interview with Sammy Shelor of the Lonesome River Band (past Omagh headliners). Adams and Shelor play three traditional tunes, 'Soldier's joy', 'Salt Creek', and 'Angelina Baker'. Sammy Shelor talks about the source of his sense of timing, his banjo, his use of different tunings, and more, including: 'The whole key of being a musician is to be able to play what you hear. And if you don't hear a lot, you won't play a lot.' Congratulations on the nomination to everyone concerned with the series.

© Richard Hawkins

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