29 June 2023

Danny Burns releases 'Come to Jesus' (update)

The Bonfire Music Group announces that Danny Burns (raised in the north-west of this island, making an active career in Americana and bluegrass in the USA, and on tour here as recently as the eve of the pandemic) has just brought out a single, 'Come to Jesus', from his forthcoming album Promised land. The single features Sam Bush, who also takes part in another track on the album, 'Dirty old town'.

Update 13 July: The official video for 'Come to Jesus' is now out; it can be seen on John Lawless's feature on Bluegrass Today and on YouTube.

The ten tracks of the album include other guest artists: Tim O’Brien, Bryan Simpson, and Aine Burns. One of the tracks is 'Danny boy' (see the BIB for 21 April 2023). The track listing on the Bonfire Music Group press release gives 'Danny boy' as '(traditional)'. That certainly applies to the tune, but Fred Weatherly of Somerset, who wrote the words, should not be forgotten - see the BIB for 15 June 2015.

© Richard Hawkins

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