26 June 2023

Brian Crawford

The BIB editor writes:

Carol and I learn with great regret that Brian Crawford - singer, guitar player, trucker, central figure in innumerable music sessions, and a man with whom conversation was always a pleasure - died during the night of 25/26 June. Thanks to Sharon Loughrin of the Red Room, Cookstown, for the sad news. A moving tribute to Brian is on the Red Room's Facebook, with a video of him singing 'The rose of Allendale'. The video can also be seen in a further tribute to Brian on the Bluestack Mountain Boys Facebook. Our deepest condolences go to Brian's widow Kate and their family. Everyone who knew Brian will feel the same.
Thanks to Uri Kohen for the photo of Brian at the head of this post, and for this link to a video of Brian at the ninth Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival (June 2015), singing the John Scott Sherrill song 'Wild and blue' and backing up 'Whiskey before breakfast'.

© Richard Hawkins



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