26 August 2022

Danny Roberts - a lament for small towns

The BIB doesn't often draw attention to record releases by bands that aren't already familiar (or about to be familiar) to audiences in Ireland; but the latest recording by Danny Roberts, mandolinist with the Grascals, is on a theme that may strike a chord with listeners here. His 'Small town America', released today on the Mountain Home Music Company label, mourns the towns that have had their life sucked away by the out-of-town shopping centre. John Lawless writes about it on Bluegrass Today.

More details, together with a link to streaming and purchase, are on the Mountain Home press release. Oh, and there is a link with Ireland: Danny's wife Andrea, who plays bass and sings harmony on the record, was over here as bass player with the Special Consensus in 1998.

© Richard Hawkins

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