29 January 2022

Fresh bluegrass music from Europe wanted for broadcasting

Ronnie Norton (right) of Dublin, ace bluegrass photographer, critic, reporter, radio presenter, and co-founder of Lonesome Highway, has taken up a major role in promoting the cause of bluegrass in Europe (see the BIB for 1 June 2020). Ronnie now reports:

As you may know, I’m doing five hours of bluegrass radio each week:

On www.cmrnashville.com
Two hours of 'Bluegrass and Beyond' on Saturday at 2.00 p.m., with repeats during the week;
One hour 'European Bluegrass Roundup' on Monday at 6.00 p.m. GMT, also with repeats; then:

On www.bluegrasscountry.org in Washington DC
Two hours 'Bluegrass and Beyond' on Monday at 3.00 p.m. GMT

What Ronnie most needs, now that he is now into his third year with the Euro show, is fresh music from European bands and artists (including, of course, Irish bands and artists) for the show's archive. Any bluegrass band or performer from any part of Europe with new material for airplay should contact him by e-mail.

© Richard Hawkins

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