Long Way Home gigs in Mallow, Co. Cork, 24 and 29 Oct. 2021- AND new EP

We have a few more in-person indoor gigs coming up with our duo Long Way Home. Both gigs came together fairly last-minute; apologies for the late heads-up, that now seems to be the 'new normal' in regards to scheduling.
- Sun. 24th Oct. Albert Lynch's Pub, Mallow, Co. Cork, 8.00 p.m.
- Fri. 29th: Insomnia Coffee Company, Mallow, 5.00 p.m. (As part of the Mallow Arts Festival, 27-31 Oct. The completed lineup will be announced in the near future over Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mallowartsfest/)
We're also very thankful that some of the songs from the EP have been played by Ellen Cranitch on her program Vespertine on RTÉ lyric fm.
Long Way Home: Owen Schinkel and Kylie Kay Anderson
© Richard Hawkins
Labels: Bands, Festivals, Recordings
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