02 January 2021

The IBMA's Tony Rice tribute reader

The International Bluegrass Music Association (IBMA) has issued a special e-newsletter, 'Recollections of Tony Rice', compiling tributes, memories, and other contributions by a wide range of distinguished musicians in bluegrass and country music, in memory of Tony Rice, supreme master of bluegrass guitar, who died on Christmas day.

The IBMA release has an appendix of links to ten other obituaries or appreciations published in newspapers, journals, or online media. These, like the newsletter itself, include photos and videos from Tony Rice's long career as soloist and member of a string of musical combinations.

BIB editor's note: Geoffrey Himes writes in Paste magazine that when Tony Rice joined J.D. Crowe & the New South, '[h]ere, for the first time, was a traditional bluegrass line-up where the guitarist was taking solos that held their own with those of the banjo, mandolin and dobro.' This is not quite fair to Dan Crary, Tony Rice's predecessor as guitarist of Bluegrass Alliance. No one who heard Crary's powerful solos on the first Bluegrass Alliance album (1969) is likely to have forgotten them. NB: the sound of this LP on YouTube is not great.

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