25 June 2020

The mountain minor: latest news

WRITER/ director Dale Farmer, heading the team responsible for The mountain minor, the film drama of Appalachian migration and old-time music, sends the project's latest newsletter. Dale reflects on having completed the film only to have the whole programme of screenings cancelled, leaving no prospect of recouping the investment. Releasing the film free on Amazon Prime came about this way:

In our first meeting with our publicist, Fred Anderson, he asked Susan and me what we wanted most: to make the most money or to have the most people see the film. We pretty much answered in unison that we wanted the most people to see it. That became our mission for the film and has informed our decisions going forward.

The decision has its own rewards, as explained in the newsletter. Meanwhile a soundtrack album is being prepared with thirty-seven songs and tunes from the film, five bonus tracks including a 1980 field recording, plus a twelve-page booklet.

The mountain minor had its broadcast premiere on the Heartland TV network on Sat. 6 June and subsequent showings with the last still to come this Saturday (27 June). It will also be shown on educational stations, beginning with Kentucky Educational Television. Much more information is on the newsletter, together with a reminder that the full-time musicians who took part have lost their income during the lockdown.

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