05 July 2019

Sideline look forward to the tour

The debut tour by the dynamic Sideline, 'the embodiment of the North Carolina bluegrass sound', begins this coming Tuesday (9 July); so thanks to Dave Byrne jr of mygrassisblue.com for the link to this video (also on the mygrassisblue.com website, Facebook, and YouTube), in which all the members of the band take turns to announce the shows they will be playing. Dave adds (see the BIB for 27 June):

The pre-tour interviews with Steve have been going well. His last chat before arriving in Ireland on Monday morning is just after 11.00 am tomorrow, Saturday, with Charlie McGettigan on Northern Sound FM (https://www.northernsound.ie/). And we're particularly looking forward to having the band in the Highland Radio (http://www.highlandradio.com/on-air/listen-live/) studio from 13:30 on Tuesday next ahead of the first gig that evening.

As a BIB bonus, here's the official video of the band's 'Thunder Dan', which headed the airplay charts last year. In it, Steve Dilling can be seen playing his Prucha banjo. Get out and hear this great band!

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