31 July 2019

JigJam: busy schedule and acclaimed album

JigJam announce that after July dates in the US, Scotland, and France, their next US tour begins this coming Friday and lasts till the beginning of October. In early November they'll play an Irish tour with dates in Dublin, Dundalk, Cashel, and Mullingar.

Their latest album, Phoenix, available through their website, is on the cover of the September issue of Irish Music magazine, and last week RTÉ made it the Album of the Week.

Update 1 Aug.: Nancy Cardwell Webster's positive review of Live in Tullamore, JigJam's earlier album, appears in the August issue of Bluegrass Unlimited magazine. Nancy also contributes the cover feature of this issue, on Jeff Parker, who played at Omagh with Dailey & Vincent some years back and now leads his own band.

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