Old-time news from FOAOTMAD

FOAOTMAD, however, gives no info on their dates in Ireland, and their online tour schedule shows only what it has for a long time: Baltimore, Co. Cork, on 22 May (a fortnight after the Fiddle Fair), and then other shows TBA from 23 to 26 May. To quote again from the original FOAOTMAD press release of months ago, 'If anyone can offer a gig please contact Peta Webb [e-mail].'

FOAOTMAD now announces, for fiddlers who may be interested in exploring this further, a new website, 'Bowing down home: Prince Edward Island fiddling traditions', with sections on people, tunes, styles, traditions, and events.
Labels: Books, Fiddle, Media, Old-time, Visiting players
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