Live bluegrass on stage in Kinvara and Dublin, Sat. 7 Mar. 2015
Thanks to Wendy Connolly and 'Bluegrass in Ireland' for the news that this coming Saturday (7 March) two home-grown four-piece traditional bluegrass bands with three-part harmony will be playing at opposite ends of the country.
The Old Town Rounders of Galway (above; Cian Mulligan, banjo; Chris 'Kentucky' White, mandolin; Seán Óg McKiernan, guitar; Fergus 'Stonewall' Packman, double bass) will be playing in the Gig Room, Community Centre, Kinvara, Co. Galway, at 8.30 p.m.; tickets €10/€8 at door. More details are on the Kinvara Area Music Collective Facebook. The Rounders, who are keen to make their debut on the bluegrass festival circuit, can be heard on SoundCloud. They will be on Galway Bay FM radio tomorrow evening to plug themselves and the Saturday show.
And in Dublin, Well Enough Alone (Luke Coffey, banjo; John Denby, mandolin; Niall Hughes, double bass; Hugh Taggart, guitar) will be playing 'Unplugged by the fire' at Arthurs, 28 Thomas St., Dublin, from 4.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. The acoustic duo Carron will be on before them (3.00-4.00 p.m.). More details, and a location map, are here. Well Enough Alone are shown in the photo below with Martin McWhorter on mandolin.
Labels: Associations, Bands, concerts, Media, Venues
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