Foundation for Bluegrass Music grants to honour Earl Scruggs and Warren Hellman - deadline 15 Aug. 2012

In remembrance of these two highly creative individuals who have left huge footprints in the history of American music in the areas of performance and event production, we will allocate funds to foster innovation in the world of bluegrass music. We are very pleased to honour the memory of these brilliant men in this way.
A fund of $8000 has been earmarked to support public projects that foster innovative development in the world of bluegrass music. Individual grants ranging from $2000 to $4000 will be given in memory of Earl Scruggs and Warren Hellman. Of special interest are bluegrass music-related projects and programs that involve education or youth.
This is a competitive application process, and candidates must meet the Foundation’s Grant Application Guidelines. The deadline for applications is 15 Aug. 2012; grants awarded will be announced no later than 28 Sept. 2012, with funds available after 1 Jan. 2013. More information and a downloadable application form are on the Foundation website.
Labels: Awards, Education, International organisations
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