16 September 2011

Woody Pines in Britain and Ireland, Apr.-May 2012

Loudon Temple, of the Brookfield Knights agency in the UK, reports that work is now in progress on assembling a tour in these islands next spring for the Woody Pines band from Asheville, North Carolina. As promoters and venues are already booking them, any who would be interested in presenting the band are requested to get in touch and indicate their preferred dates, so that the logistics of the tour can be coordinated.

The band will have a new album released in the UK in the new year, the agency will make full-colour posters and flyers available, and national, regional, and local media will be targeted in advance to stimulate maximum interest.

Due to the level of interest already expressed, the band will be in Scotland from 1 May to 13 May. They will be available for bookings in Ireland in the last week of April, and are already booked for Clonmel for 26 April. Promoters and venues should contact Loudon at the Brookfield Knights website, by 'phone (+44 (0)1505 706346; mob. 07831 878013), or e-mail.

Woody Pines have attracted a lot of favourable comment, and Maverick magazine describes them as 'an intoxicating blend of rural and urban string-band, country blues, ragtime, and jug-band music'. They can be seen on YouTube.


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