25 May 2011

Westport's 5th Folk & Bluegrass Festival: launch party, 4 June

Uri Kohen sends the festival poster (left) and news from Westport, Co. Mayo:

Preparations for the 5th Westport Folk and Bluegrass Festival are stepping up a gear. On Thursday 2.6.2011 we will have a table quiz as a fund-raising event to the festival in the Cobblers bar at 21:30.

On Saturday 4.6.2011 we will have the official launch party of the festival. Among the guest speakers we will have:
Councillor Tereasa McGuire - current Cathaoirleach of Westport Town Council;
Brian Quinn - Product & Market Development Manager at Failte Ireland.

The music will be provided by Hubie & Sarah MacEvilly with special guest Tim Rogers. We will present the programme on the night, and the tickets will go on sale.

Looking forward to meeting you in Westport!



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