Bending the Strings to receive award for All keyed up

Bending the Strings are honoured to be taking part in the Leinster Entertainers Awards concert in Killashee House Hotel, Naas, Co. Kildare, on Monday 18 April, commencing at 8.00 p.m. sharp.
The band are due to receive an award for their very successful album All keyed up, the title track of which was which was a regular request on KFM Radio. Martin Cooney, Moyra Fraser, and Vinny Baker are very excited about receiving the award, and would like to thank KFM Radio for their support in making All keyed up such a huge success for Bending the Strings.
The band look forward to seeing all their fans and friends at the concert on Monday 18 April and in the coming months at the Athy, Longford, Bruff, Mohill, Ardara, and Dunmore East bluegrass festivals - and a big 'thank you' from the band to everyone who helped make their All keyed up album a huge success.
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